Time Warner Telecom problems

2011-11-07 Thread Peter Pauly
Gizmodo is reporting problems at Time Warner Telecom  we're suffering
from it too and calls to the NOC have not been answered so far...  does
anyone have any further information?


Re: Update Spamhaus DROP list from Cisco CLI (TCL)

2011-01-25 Thread Peter Pauly
I made a version of Mr. Magill's script to read the dshield.org's
block list and create null routes for it. He deserves all of the
credit, but none of the blame in case it doesn't work for you. I'm not
a TCL programmer - use at your own risk.
Anyone else have any nifty TCL for Cisco scripts they can share? I'm
curious to know what's possible and what people have done.

# updatedshield.tcl                                        #
#                                                          #
# Peter Pauly                                              #
#                                                          #
# based on the updatedrop.tcl script by:                   #
# Thomas Magill                                            #
#                                                          #
# Reads Dshield.org block list and null routes it.         #
#                                                          #
# alias exec updatedshield tclsh updatedshield.tcl         #
# Untested in YOUR environment - use at your own risk      #

proc convertmask {args} {
set mask [expr {~ 0 << ( 32 - $args )}]
format "%d.%d.%d.%d" [expr {$mask >> 24 & 255}] [expr {$mask >> 16 &
255}] [expr {$mask >> 8 & 255}] [expr {$mask & 255}]
proc getfile {url} {
        global http
        if {![regexp -nocase {^(http://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9])+)?(/.*)} \
                        $url x protocol server y port path]} {
                error "bogus URL: $url"
        if {[string length $port] == 0} {
                set port 80
        set sock [socket $server $port]
        puts $sock "GET $path HTTP/1.0"
        puts $sock "Accept: */*"
        puts $sock "Accept-Language: en-us"
        puts $sock "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
        puts $sock "Host: www.dshield.org"
        puts $sock "Connection: Keep-Alive"
        puts $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache"
        puts $sock ""
    flush $sock
        return $sock
#REMOVE OLD Null Routes
set oldline [ exec "show run | inc Dshield_block" ]
foreach line [split $oldline "\n"] {
if {$line != ""} {
  ios_config "no $line"} {}
#UPDATE Blocklist
set newline [getfile www.dshield.org/block.txt]
while { [gets $newline line] >= 0 } {
  if {[regexp {(?x)(\S+)\t(\S+)\t(\S+) } $line ignore ipaddr endip cidr]} {
if {$ipaddr == "Start"} continue
set mask [convertmask $cidr]
ios_config "ip route $ipaddr $mask null0 name Dshield_block"

slightly OT: wall mount UPS for demarc

2009-02-25 Thread Peter Pauly
I'm looking to buy several small wall mounted UPS's to power a telco's
metro ethernet switches. (Yes, they should have provided some kind of
protection, but won't).

The closest suitable UPS I've found is this:


Can anyone suggest a better alternative?

I want something sturdy, preferably metal, that can screw to a wall
and be worry free for years at a time.

Level 3 / Time Warner problem in Columbus OH?

2008-06-19 Thread Peter Pauly
Time Warner is reporting to me that their provider, Level 3 is having
problems in Columbus OH that is affecting several large midwest
cities. Anyone have more details?