I'm seeing it too

Feb 16 16:44:36.065 GMT: BGP: x.x.x.x Bad attributes
Feb 16 16:45:43.389 GMT: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 6461 1299 29113 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868 47868
47868 47868 47868 47868 received from x.x.x.x: Has more than 255 AS
Feb 16 16:45:43.389 GMT: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor x.x.x.x Down BGP
Notification sent
Feb 16 16:45:43.389 GMT: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor x.x.x.x 3/11
(invalid or corrupt AS path) 516 bytes 50020200 02FF193D 051371B9 BAFCBAFC
Feb 16 16:45:43.389 GMT: BGP: x.x.x.x Bad attributes

On 16/02/2009 16:55, "Matt Liotta" <mlio...@r337.com> wrote:

> I am seeing them from 39625 and 47868.
> -Matt

James Ponter
UK Operations Manager
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+44 (0) 798 938 1039 (Cell)
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