Is TDM going the way of dial-up?

2010-03-26 Thread Rick Ernst
I've noticed over the last 3 years or so that TDM, specifically T-1, access
and transport has been in a steady decline.  Customers are moving to FTTH
and cable, or going WiMAX and Metro-Ethernet.  Ethernet seems to have taken
an even bigger bite out of DS-3.  The bigger pipes seem to favor ethernet. A
recent upgrade from OC-3 to GigE transport actually saved us a large chunk
of money.

I'm wondering if others are seeing the same behavior, if it's
market-dependant, or if I'm just imagining things.  I'm working on building
new infrastructure and my current thoughts are to minimize my TDM
footprint.  It would be useful to get a better feel if this is an overall
trend or something local.



Re: IPv6, multihoming, and customer allocations

2010-03-16 Thread Rick Ernst
Regurgitating the original e-mail for context and follow-up.

General responses (some that didn't make it to the list):
  - There really is that much space, don't worry about it.
  - /48s for those that ask for it is fine, ARIN won't ask unless it's a
bigger assignment
  - /52 (or /56) on smaller assignments for conservation if it makes you
feel better
  - Open question on whether byte/octet-boundary assignment (/56 vs /52) is
better for some reason

I haven't seen anything on the general feel for prefix filtering.  I've seen
discussions from /48 down to /54.  Any feel for what the standard (widely
deployed) IPv6 prefix filter size will be?


On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Rick Ernst wrote:

 A couple of different incantations searching the archive didn't enlighten
 me, and I find it hard to believe this hasn't been discussed.  Apologies and
 a request for pointers if I'm rehashing an old question.

 As a small/regional ISP, we got our /32 assigned and it's time to start
 moving forward (customers are asking for it).  New hardware, updated IOS,
 etc. are in the pipe.  Discussions are beginning with our upstream providers
 for peering.  Now, what do we do?

 A /48 seems to be the standard end-user/multi-homed customer allocation and
 is the minimum allocation size from ARIN.  A /32 provides 65K /48s so, in
 theory, we could give each of our customers a /48 and still have room for
 growth.  A /48 also appears to be generally accepted as the the longest
 prefix allowed through filters (although /49 through /54 are also
 discussed).  Most customers, however, won't be multi-homed.

 Partly from an IPv4 scarcity perspective, and partly from general
 efficiency and thrift, it seems awfully silly to hand out /48s to somebody
 that may have a handful of servers or a couple of home machines, especially
 with special addressing like link-local if the hosts are not expected to be
 internet reachable (back-end servervs, etc).

 Based on the above, I'm looking to establish some initial policies to save
 grief in the future:
 - /52 allocations to end-users (residential, soho, etc.)
 - /48 allocations to those that request it
 - If you are going to multi-home, get your own space

 This is obviously a very broad brush and takes an insanely large addressing
 model and makes it even larger (assigning /52s instead of /48s) but, to me
 at least, it seems reasonable for a first-pass.

  For context/scope, we currently have the equivalent of a bit more than the
 equivalent of a  /16 (IPv4) in use.


IPv6, multihoming, and customer allocations

2010-03-13 Thread Rick Ernst
A couple of different incantations searching the archive didn't enlighten
me, and I find it hard to believe this hasn't been discussed.  Apologies and
a request for pointers if I'm rehashing an old question.

As a small/regional ISP, we got our /32 assigned and it's time to start
moving forward (customers are asking for it).  New hardware, updated IOS,
etc. are in the pipe.  Discussions are beginning with our upstream providers
for peering.  Now, what do we do?

A /48 seems to be the standard end-user/multi-homed customer allocation and
is the minimum allocation size from ARIN.  A /32 provides 65K /48s so, in
theory, we could give each of our customers a /48 and still have room for
growth.  A /48 also appears to be generally accepted as the the longest
prefix allowed through filters (although /49 through /54 are also
discussed).  Most customers, however, won't be multi-homed.

Partly from an IPv4 scarcity perspective, and partly from general efficiency
and thrift, it seems awfully silly to hand out /48s to somebody that may
have a handful of servers or a couple of home machines, especially with
special addressing like link-local if the hosts are not expected to be
internet reachable (back-end servervs, etc).

Based on the above, I'm looking to establish some initial policies to save
grief in the future:
- /52 allocations to end-users (residential, soho, etc.)
- /48 allocations to those that request it
- If you are going to multi-home, get your own space

This is obviously a very broad brush and takes an insanely large addressing
model and makes it even larger (assigning /52s instead of /48s) but, to me
at least, it seems reasonable for a first-pass.

 For context/scope, we currently have the equivalent of a bit more than the
equivalent of a  /16 (IPv4) in use.


Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Ernst
I thought I had mentioned outsourcing earlier, but I don't see it in the

The two mechanisms I've seen for outsources D/DoS are DNS manipulation, or
essentially remote BGP peering with an tunnel back to the local presence.

Even if we are purely hosting, DNS manipulation doesn't do anything for
attacks against an IP.
For remote BGP peering/tunneling, you are are adding additional complexity
and moving control outside your network.

As a service-provider/data-center, it seems like outsourcing would be either
ineffective and/or removes the big red button in case of trouble.

Am I missing something, overly paranoid, or are there other mechanisms for
outsourced protection?


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Stefan Fouant wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Christopher Morrow []
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:05 AM
  On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:26 AM, jul wrote:
   Martin Hannigan wrote on 05/01/10 16:50:
   Outsourced services have higher cost than Arbor but can handled more.
  Do they? VerizonBusiness's solution was $3250US/month so ~$90USk over
  2yrs. Arbor, I think, for a TMS + collectors was +100k.

 Don't forget to factor in OpEx.  This can often tilt the scales in favor of
 one vs. the other.

 Stefan Fouant, CISSP, JNCIE-M/T
 GPG Key ID: 0xB5E3803D

Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Ernst
Right. Some providers allow you to BGP community trigger RTBH.  There was a
separate mention of D/DoS-mitigation-providers using DNS and BGP tunneling.


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Stefan Fouant wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Rick Ernst []
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:39 AM
  Subject: Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.
  As a service-provider/data-center, it seems like outsourcing would be
  ineffective and/or removes the big red button in case of trouble.
  Am I missing something, overly paranoid, or are there other mechanisms
  outsourced protection?

 In fact, quite the opposite.  Those providers who do offer DDoS mitigation
 services usually allow the customer to trigger the redirect in a manner
 similar to RTBHs by substituting the blackhole community for some type of
 mitigation community.  This causes the Provider's edge router (or Route
 Server) to advertise the affected route within the Service Provider's
 network with a next-hop of the scrubbers.

 There are some providers who do auto-mitigation on behalf of the customer,
 but IMO this approach is asking for trouble.

 Stefan Fouant, CISSP, JNCIE-M/T
 GPG Key ID: 0xB5E3803D

Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-05 Thread Rick Ernst
I looked at one of the suggested out-sourced providers.  Based on a sample
size of 1, the mitigating mechanisms are DNS redirection and BGP/tunneling.

While both of these solutions may be useful for an end-user (even large
ones), I don't see them fitting in an SP environment.
If something goes wrong, I want my own, local, big-red button.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Martin Hannigan mar...@theicelandguy.comwrote:

 On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Rick Ernst wrote:

 Looking for D/DoS mitigation solutions.  I've seen Arbor Networks
 several times but they haven't been responsive to literature requests
 if anybody from Arbor is looking...).  Our current upstream is 3x GigE
 3 different providers, each landing on their own BGP endpoint feeding a
 route-reflector core.

 I see two possible solutions:
 - Netflow/sFlow/***Flow  feeding a BGP RTBH
 - Inline device

  - Outsource to service provider

 Netflow can lag a bit in detection.  I'd be concerned that inline devices
 add an additional point of failure.  I'm worried about both failing-open
 (e.g. network outage) and false-positives.

 How often are you getting DDoS'd?

 The financials of using a managed service provider vs.
 buy-all-your-own-grrovy-stuff can be fairly compelling especially if the
 amount of DDoS you experience is almost nil.

 Re: Arbor. I don't have any recent experience, but they've been around for
 a long time, have a very experienced team that understands ISP and
 enterprise and the product is mature. Hard to go wrong if you can justify
 the costs. YMMV.



 Martin Hannigan
 p: +16178216079
 Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants

D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Ernst
Looking for D/DoS mitigation solutions.  I've seen Arbor Networks mentioned
several times but they haven't been responsive to literature requests (hint,
if anybody from Arbor is looking...).  Our current upstream is 3x GigE from
3 different providers, each landing on their own BGP endpoint feeding a
route-reflector core.

I see two possible solutions:
- Netflow/sFlow/***Flow  feeding a BGP RTBH
- Inline device

Netflow can lag a bit in detection.  I'd be concerned that inline devices
add an additional point of failure.  I'm worried about both failing-open
(e.g. network outage) and false-positives.

My current system is a home-grown NetFlow parser that spits out syslog to
our NOC to investigate potential attacks and manually enter them into our

Any suggestions other than Arbor?  Any other mechanisms being used?  My idea
is to quash the immediate problem and work additional mitigation with
upstreams if needed.

I could probably add some automation to my NetFlow/RTBH setup, but I still
need to worry about false-positives. I'd rather somebody else do the hard
work of finding the various edge-cases.


Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Ernst
Several responses already, and Arbor has poked their head up.

I'm going to start there and keep the other suggestions at-hand.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Rick Ernst wrote:

 Looking for D/DoS mitigation solutions.  I've seen Arbor Networks mentioned
 several times but they haven't been responsive to literature requests (hint,
 if anybody from Arbor is looking...).  Our current upstream is 3x GigE from
 3 different providers, each landing on their own BGP endpoint feeding a
 route-reflector core.

 I see two possible solutions:
 - Netflow/sFlow/***Flow  feeding a BGP RTBH
 - Inline device

 Netflow can lag a bit in detection.  I'd be concerned that inline devices
 add an additional point of failure.  I'm worried about both failing-open
 (e.g. network outage) and false-positives.

 My current system is a home-grown NetFlow parser that spits out syslog to
 our NOC to investigate potential attacks and manually enter them into our

 Any suggestions other than Arbor?  Any other mechanisms being used?  My
 idea is to quash the immediate problem and work additional mitigation with
 upstreams if needed.

 I could probably add some automation to my NetFlow/RTBH setup, but I still
 need to worry about false-positives. I'd rather somebody else do the hard
 work of finding the various edge-cases.


Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Ernst
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Dobbins, Roland wrote:

 On Jan 5, 2010, at 12:05 PM, Rick Ernst wrote:

  A solution preferably that integrates with NetFlow and RTBH.  An in-line
 solution obviously requires an appliance, or at least special/additional

 The key is to not be inline all the time, but only inline *when needed*.
  This removes operational complexity, provides the ability to oversubscribe,
 and simplifies the routine troubleshooting matrix.

I'd argue just the opposite.  If your monitoring/mitigation system changes
dependent on the situation (normal vs under attack), you are adding
complexity to the system.  What mode is the system in right now? Is this
customer having connectivity issues because of a state change in the
network? etc.

  I'm looking at taking the first whack at immediate mitigation at the
 border/edge (upstream) via uRPF and RTBH.

 Good plan.

  Additional mitigation would be  via manual or automatic RTBH or
 security/abuse@ involvement with upstreams.

 Automagic is generally bad, as it can be gamed.

I know you said generally, but if I'm seeing 200Kpps from a.b.c.d, I don't
care if a.b.c.d is spoofed. I want the traffic blocked from the guts of my

Note that my original question was in the context of a D/DoS composed of
lots of itty-bitty packets.  Other attack mechanisms do not necessarily
lend themselves to chop 'em off at the knees.

Re: D/DoS mitigation hardware/software needed.

2010-01-04 Thread Rick Ernst
I think you, Roland, and I are all agreeing on the same argument.

The (my) confusion entered with the statement of, The key is to not be
inline all the time, but only inline *when needed*.
I inferred a topological or physical path change from that.

Redirecting traffic (which is really just an extension of RTBH; a scrubber
destination rather than Null0) is an understandable state.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Stefan Fouant

  -Original Message-
  From: Rick Ernst []
  Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 12:19 AM
  I'd argue just the opposite.  If your monitoring/mitigation system
  dependent on the situation (normal vs under attack), you are adding
  complexity to the system.  What mode is the system in right now? Is
  customer having connectivity issues because of a state change in the
  network? etc.

 Almost all of the scalable DDoS mitigation architectures deployed in
 carriers or other large enterprises employ the use of an offramp method.
 These devices perform a lot better when you can forward just the subset of
 the traffic through as opposed to all.  It just a simple matter of using
 static routing / RTBH techniques / etc. to automate the offramp.

 Stefan Fouant, CISSP, JNCIE-M/T
 GPG Key ID: 0xB5E3803D

Re: Consistent asymetric latency on monitoring?

2009-10-22 Thread Rick Ernst
Lots of good info, and a nice mind-dump that gives me a whole host of other
things that need to be looked at... Umm. thanks :)

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Perry Lorier wrote:

 Rick Ernst wrote:

 Resent, since I responded from the wrong address:
 The basic operation of IP SLA is as surmised; payload with timestamps
 and other telemetry data is sent to a 'responder' which manipulates
 the payload, including adding its own timestamps, and returns the
 altered payload.

 Yup :) It's the obvious way to do it :)

  I had to do a mental walk-through, but I think I see how drift can
 cause this. I'm going to generate some artificial data, graph it, and
 see if it matches the general waveshape I'm seeing.

 I purposefully have the traffic generators ntp syncing against the
 responders. I thought that would keep the clocks more closely in sync.
 I don't necessarily care if the time is 'right', just that it's the

 This causes major problems.  What you're actually measuring here is how
 well ntp can keep the clock sync'd under assymetric latency.  ntp is trying
 to do it's own measurements of one way delay, without the help of clocks to
 measure clock drift as well.   As you can see from your graphs ntp is not

 You are far better to have each end sync to a local stratum 1 or stratum 2
 ntp source, preferably one over a different link to the one under test.  If
 you don't have a local stratum 1/2 time source at each end,  you might be
 able find one over a local exchange or other less congested link.  If this
 is very important to you then you should consider looking at running your
 own stratum 1 clocks at each end syncronised off something like GPS, CDMA or
 a T1 clock.

  What kind of difference should I expect if I sync both
 generators and responders against the same source, or not sync the
 responder? I'm thinking that having one source with constant drift may
 be better than both devices trying to walk/correct the time.

 Most hardware clocks in PC's/routers/switches etc have pretty atrocious
 amounts of drift if left to free run[2], sometimes in the order of seconds
 or occasionally minutes per week.  To get useful numbers you really do need
 to syncronise them to /something/.  Synchronising them to each other causes
 problems as ntp I think (I could be wrong) assumes mostly symmetrical
 latency, and if the latency isn't symmetric assumes it's because one clock
 is running fast/slow and will alter the clock's speed to account for it.
  The great thing about ntp stratum 1 servers is that by definition they have
 more or less the same time no matter where they are, so synchronising each
 against a local ntp server will be a much much better solution.  If possible
 you should consider peering with at least 3 upstreams, preferably 4(!)[3]
 other ntp servers.

 [1]: To be fair it's a hard problem.  Anything that involves time just gets
 more and more complicated the more you look at it, ntp is extremely clever
 and probably knows more about time than I'd ever want to know, but you're
 making it's job hard.

 [2]: /


Consistent asymetric latency on monitoring?

2009-10-21 Thread Rick Ernst
Although the implementation is Cisco-specific, this feels more appropriate
for NANOG.

We've started rolling out a state-wide monitoring system based on Cisco's
IP SLA feature set.  Out of 5 sites deployed so far (different locations,
different providers), we are consistently seeing one-way latency mirror the
opposite direction. As source-destination latency goes up,
destination-source latency goes down and vice versa.

Myself and the monitoring team have ripped apart the OIDs, IP SLA
configuration, and monitoring system.  We've also built an ad-hoc system to
compare the results.  It's still consistent behavior.  It's not a true
mirror; there is definitely variation between the data collection, but at
the 10,000 foot level, there is an obvious and consistent mirror to the

The network topology is independant service providers all providing backhaul
to a local ethernet exchange.

Has anybody seen this type of behavior? We are solidly convinced that we are
using the proper OIDs and making the proper transformations of the data.
The two remaining causes appear to be either natural behavior of the links
and/or artifact in the IP SLA mechanism.

Any ideas?


Re: Consistent asymetric latency on monitoring?

2009-10-21 Thread Rick Ernst
Resent, since I responded from the wrong address:
The basic operation of IP SLA is as surmised; payload with timestamps
and other telemetry data is sent to a 'responder' which manipulates
the payload, including adding its own timestamps, and returns the
altered payload.

I had to do a mental walk-through, but I think I see how drift can
cause this. I'm going to generate some artificial data, graph it, and
see if it matches the general waveshape I'm seeing.

I purposefully have the traffic generators ntp syncing against the
responders. I thought that would keep the clocks more closely in sync.
I don't necessarily care if the time is 'right', just that it's the
same. What kind of difference should I expect if I sync both
generators and responders against the same source, or not sync the
responder? I'm thinking that having one source with constant drift may
be better than both devices trying to walk/correct the time.

Thanks for the input!

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Rick Ernst wrote:

 Resent, since I responded from the wrong address:
 The basic operation of IP SLA is as surmised; payload with timestamps
 and other telemetry data is sent to a 'responder' which manipulates
 the payload, including adding its own timestamps, and returns the
 altered payload.

 I had to do a mental walk-through, but I think I see how drift can
 cause this. I'm going to generate some artificial data, graph it, and
 see if it matches the general waveshape I'm seeing.

 I purposefully have the traffic generators ntp syncing against the
 responders. I thought that would keep the clocks more closely in sync.
 I don't necessarily care if the time is 'right', just that it's the
 same. What kind of difference should I expect if I sync both
 generators and responders against the same source, or not sync the
 responder? I'm thinking that having one source with constant drift may
 be better than both devices trying to walk/correct the time.

 Thanks for the input!

 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Rick Ernst er...@shreddedmail.comwrote:

 The basic operation of IP SLA is as surmised; payload with timestamps
 and other telemetry data is sent to a 'responder' which manipulates
 the payload, including adding its own timestamps, and returns the
 altered payload.

 I had to do a mental walk-through, but I think I see how drift can
 cause this. I'm going to generate some artificial data, graph it, and
 see if it matches the general waveshape I'm seeing.

 I purposefully have the traffic generators ntp syncing against the
 responders. I thought that would keep the clocks more closely in sync.
 I don't necessarily care if the time is 'right', just that it's the
 same. What kind of difference should I expect if I sync both
 generators and responders against the same source, or not sync the
 responder? I'm thinking that having one source with constant drift may
 be better than both devices trying to walk/correct the time.

 Thanks for the input!

 On Wednesday, October 21, 2009, Nathan Ward wrote:
  On 22/10/2009, at 2:31 PM, Perry Lorier wrote:
  I assume this product works by having a packet with a timestamp sent
 from the source to the destination where it is timestamped again and either
 sent back, or another packet is sent in the other direction.  The difference
 between the two timestamps gives you the latency in that direction.
  I believe a packet is sent, and the target router responds with a
  But yeah, timestamps are being compared.
  I'm with Perry though - sounds like your clocks are drifting.
  Nathan Ward

Need help with performance troubleshooting

2009-07-28 Thread Rick Ernst
Starting about a week ago, I've had sporadic reports of slow uploads
(hundreds of kbs, has been 10s of mbs) born out by multiple speed test sites
and application results and also duplicated internally.  Downloads are 
50Mbs as expected (OC-3 and GigE uplinks to ATT/UUNET/Level3/Sprint/Qwest,

It feels like the commonality is Seattle, but I haven't been able to find
anything conclusive. I'm also not seeing anything interesting in my network
as far as CPU, utiliation, interface errors, etc.

Hopefully not DoSing myself; I'd like to get some external visibility from
the other direction; can I get results against our speedtest server ( along with traceroute results and
geographic origin of the test? Note that traceroute won't make it all the
way through due to some RFC addressing and firewall rules.


Re: Public/testing 4to6 gateway?

2009-07-14 Thread Rick Ernst
Pedantry is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when the student doesn't
know the right questions to ask. :)

6in4 is what I was looking for.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Nathan Ward wrote:

 On 14/07/2009, at 4:23 AM, Rick Ernst wrote:

  Either they don't exist, or my Google-fu is particularly bad this morning.

 I'm trying to get my toes wet with IPv6.  I've established an internal
 6to4/4to6 tunnel.  I'd also like to have a testbed for access to public v6
 sites.  I'm also trying to find some clue at my upstreams, but figured I'd
 ask here as well.  Are there any 4to6 gateway available?  I have assigned

 Because I'm pedantic, 6to4 and 6in4 are two different things. It sounds
 like you want 6in4.
 They use the same encapsulation, but 6to4 has specific magic in how the
 outer IPv4 destination is built, taken from the inner IPv6 destination
 6over4 is different again.

 I think someone wrote a draft explaining this a while back.. not sure where
 or what it was called.

 Nathan Ward

Public/testing 4to6 gateway?

2009-07-13 Thread Rick Ernst
Either they don't exist, or my Google-fu is particularly bad this morning.

I'm trying to get my toes wet with IPv6.  I've established an internal
6to4/4to6 tunnel.  I'd also like to have a testbed for access to public v6
sites.  I'm also trying to find some clue at my upstreams, but figured I'd
ask here as well.  Are there any 4to6 gateway available?  I have assigned v6


Re: Public/testing 4to6 gateway?

2009-07-13 Thread Rick Ernst
Multiple responses of   Couldn't have been any easier to
setup and get going.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Chad Burnham wrote:


 I use this one:



 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Ernst []
 Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:24 AM
 Subject: Public/testing 4to6 gateway?

 Either they don't exist, or my Google-fu is particularly bad this morning.

 I'm trying to get my toes wet with IPv6.  I've established an internal
 6to4/4to6 tunnel.  I'd also like to have a testbed for access to public v6
 sites.  I'm also trying to find some clue at my upstreams, but figured I'd
 ask here as well.  Are there any 4to6 gateway available?  I have assigned


Re: Gigabit speed test anybody?

2009-03-26 Thread Rick Ernst

Thanks to multiple private/public responses.

I was able to get an iperf test and also a close mirror for a DVD iso.

Time to put live traffic on it and see what happens.

On Wed, March 25, 2009 11:05, Rick Ernst wrote:

 Resent from my subscribed address. Hopefully this isn't a dupe to anybody.

 I'm working on turning up our first GigE connection (400mbs CIR) and the
 various online speedtests I'm aware of choke after about 100Mbs or so.

 Does anybody know of testing sites that can handle higher bandwidth, or
 have an ftp host or similar to test against?

 I'm connected to Level3, backhauled to Seattle, WA.


Gigabit speed test anybody?

2009-03-25 Thread Rick Ernst

Resent from my subscribed address. Hopefully this isn't a dupe to anybody.

I'm working on turning up our first GigE connection (400mbs CIR) and the
various online speedtests I'm aware of choke after about 100Mbs or so.

Does anybody know of testing sites that can handle higher bandwidth, or
have an ftp host or similar to test against?

I'm connected to Level3, backhauled to Seattle, WA.


Re: Gigabit speed test anybody?

2009-03-25 Thread Rick Ernst


Thanks for the link.  I don't currently have a Linux box I can stick on
the network, but I'm trying to get one built.

I'm also working with somebody in Seattle for file transfer testing.


On Wed, March 25, 2009 12:10, Azher Mughal wrote:
 You can try:


 Rick Ernst wrote:
 Resent from my subscribed address. Hopefully this isn't a dupe to

 I'm working on turning up our first GigE connection (400mbs CIR) and the
 various online speedtests I'm aware of choke after about 100Mbs or so.

 Does anybody know of testing sites that can handle higher bandwidth, or
 have an ftp host or similar to test against?

 I'm connected to Level3, backhauled to Seattle, WA.


RE: Gigabit speed test anybody?

2009-03-25 Thread Rick Ernst

Yup.  I use iperf for point-to-point testing, but this is an access
connection which is why I'm looking more for some kind of test host on
Level3 in Seattle rather than a speed test site per se.


On Wed, March 25, 2009 12:35, Bill Blackford wrote:
 Rick. The speedtests are only as good as the hosts they're hosted on and
 the path by which you reach them.

 I use iperf on each end of a link that I'm turning up. I put Linux hosts
 at both endpoints, but I believe iperf comes in a windows flavor too.

 From: Rick Ernst []
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 11:05 AM
 Subject: Gigabit speed test anybody?

 Resent from my subscribed address. Hopefully this isn't a dupe to anybody.

 I'm working on turning up our first GigE connection (400mbs CIR) and the
 various online speedtests I'm aware of choke after about 100Mbs or so.

 Does anybody know of testing sites that can handle higher bandwidth, or
 have an ftp host or similar to test against?

 I'm connected to Level3, backhauled to Seattle, WA.


UDP DoS mitigation?

2008-12-12 Thread Rick Ernst

We've had an increasing rate of DoS attacks that spew tens-of-thousands of
small UDP packets to a destination on our network.  We are getting roughly
2x our entire normal pps across all providers through one interface, or
about 4x normal through the individual interface.  The Cisco
7206VXR/NPE-G1 CPU melts (95% load vs 15% average, 20% normal peak) when
this hits.

I'm using CEF and ip-route-cache flow on the outside interface.  Unicast
RPF is also enabled on the interface.  Unicast RPF in conjunction with a
BGP black-hole generator handles TCP attacks fairly well.

Two questions:
- Are there any knobs I should be turning in the Cisco config to help with
mitigate this?
- Are there any platforms that deal with high PPS/small packet more

We are looking at a network refresh and aren't locked into Cisco as a
vendor (although our current IP network consists entirely of Cisco gear). 
Our current aggregate (all providers, in- plus out-bound) bandwidth is
~500Mbs, but projected growth is 1Gbs within the year.


Re: UDP DoS mitigation?

2008-12-12 Thread Rick Ernst

Replying to my own since there are currently about a dozen responses.

- Hardware/ASIC routers are a consistent response.  We are currently
  evaluating Juniper for other reasons, but I'll add DoS mitigation to
- Upstream involvement: We get transit from 701, 1239, etc.  I've had
  mixed results getting timely responses from our upstreams.  It's useful
  for long-term issues, but I need as much local and timely  control as I
  can get.
- I'm not having a problem with pipe bandwidth, but high pps.
- uRPF and RTBH helped internally, but anything passing through that
  upstream connection was impacted.
- This instance was a DoS, not DDoS.  Single source and destination, but
  the source (assuming no spoofing) was in Italy.  Turning off netflow
  seemed to help, but the attack itself stopped at about the same time.

Also, thanks for the offers of individual help in mitigation, although I'd
be concerned that Hey, can somebody block traffic {from} or {to}? would
be an interesting experiment in a socially-engineered DoS.

Finally, there were some suggestions S/RTBH.  RTBH I get, but my
Google-fu is weak on S/RTBH.  Details?


On Fri, December 12, 2008 10:15, Rick Ernst wrote:

 We've had an increasing rate of DoS attacks that spew tens-of-thousands of
 small UDP packets to a destination on our network.  We are getting roughly
 2x our entire normal pps across all providers through one interface, or
 about 4x normal through the individual interface.  The Cisco
 7206VXR/NPE-G1 CPU melts (95% load vs 15% average, 20% normal peak) when
 this hits.

 I'm using CEF and ip-route-cache flow on the outside interface.  Unicast
 RPF is also enabled on the interface.  Unicast RPF in conjunction with a
 BGP black-hole generator handles TCP attacks fairly well.

 Two questions:
 - Are there any knobs I should be turning in the Cisco config to help with
 mitigate this?
 - Are there any platforms that deal with high PPS/small packet more

 We are looking at a network refresh and aren't locked into Cisco as a
 vendor (although our current IP network consists entirely of Cisco gear).
 Our current aggregate (all providers, in- plus out-bound) bandwidth is
 ~500Mbs, but projected growth is 1Gbs within the year.
