* Private Sender <nob...@snovc.com>:
> On 11/3/2013 8:39 AM, rw...@ropeguru.com wrote:
> > I am looking for some info on current practice for an email server 
> > and SMTP delivery. It has been a while since I have had to setup an
> > email server and I have been tasked with setting up a small one for
> > a friend. My question centers around the server sending outgoing
> > email and the current practices requirements for other servers to
> > accept email Things like rDNS, SPF records, etc...
> MX, PTR, and SPF are really all you need. I would recommend you go a
> step further and use DKIM, ADSP, and DMARC. It will help keep asshat
> spammers from flaming your domain all over the internet.

And while you are at it - why not implement DNSSEC for the domain in
question and publish some DANE TLSA records?


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