RE: COVID-19 vs. peering wars

2020-03-20 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
In Canada the CRTC really needs to get on Canadian ISPs about peering very 
liberally at IXs in each province. I know of one major institution right now 
that would have a major work from home issue resolved if one big ISP would peer 
with one big tier 1 in the IX they are both located at in the same province. 
Instead traffic needs to flow across the country or to the USA to get back to 
the same city.

From: NANOG  On Behalf Of Matthew Petach
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 4:15 PM
To: Mike Bolitho 
Subject: COVID-19 vs. peering wars

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On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 10:27 AM Mike Bolitho>> wrote:

The repair or returning to service of one or more telecommunications services 
that have experienced a service outage or are unusable for any reason, 
including a damaged or impaired telecommunications facility. Such repair or 
returning to service may be done by patching, rerouting, substitution of 
component parts or pathways, and other means, as determined necessary by a 
service vendor.

My understanding, and what we did while I worked for a Tier I ISP, was that 
even for degraded circuits we had to do everything in our power to restore to 
full operations. If capacity is an issue and causes TSP coded DIA circuits to 
be unusable then that falls under the "any reason" clause of that line.

- Mike Bolitho

If you're going to bang that drum, the place you're going to get the most 
buck-for-your-bang is using it to force better cooperation between ISPs.

It appears that baking cakes was not sufficient to get recalcitrant players to 
work together.

Perhaps a global pandemic may be sufficient to have government begin to 
*compel* networks to interconnect at locations at which they share common 
peering infrastructure?

If you're worried about congestion and performance, that would be the place to 
start pushing.

staying safely at home away from the flame-fest that may ensue from this.   ^_^;

RE: COVID-19 vs. our Networks

2020-03-19 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
Noticing a few major ISPs not peering with other major networks at their local 
IXs, instead taking cross country trips. I am sure this isn't helping 
congestion right now and I have heard from some people it is really affecting 
their remote users. People in the same city with 80ms-100ms latencies. Some 
companies with restrictive policies should review their peering policies and 
start really utilizing IXs for some quick capacity.

Maybe afterwards regulators can look at peering policies and how it affects 
their nation. 

RE: QoS for Office365

2019-07-09 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
Even if QoS on the Internet was possible it would be destroyed by everyone 
marking all their traffic with the highest priority to get the best 
performance. Tragedy of the commons. 

-Original Message-
From: NANOG  On Behalf Of Mark Tinka
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: QoS for Office365

On 2/Jul/19 23:18, Joe Yabuki wrote:

> Hi all,
> How do you deal with QoS for Office365, since the IPs are subject to 
> changes ?
> How can we mark the trafic while keeping the security (I fear the 
> marking based on TCP/UDP Ports since they are not without an 
> additional risk coming from worms/virus using those ports for example, 
> and doing that directly on the PCs doesn't seem to be the best solution) ?

Funny, I was just answering an internal question about this, last week.

As with all things Internet, my stance is if you don't have end-to-end control, 
trying to do QoS is pointless.

That said, I believe it should be possible to apply some kind of meaningful, 
end-to-end QoS together with Microsoft if you took up one of their Express 
Route services, given that is considered a private, premium service.
