As we continue our final preparations in support of NANOG 64, June 1-3, 2015
<> in San Francisco, let me
share the following highlights and reminders:

   - The NANOG 64 Agenda <> is
   posted, and updates will continue to be provided.
   - Be sure to note the Registration
   <> Fee Schedule
   -  Standard Registration starting April 1, 2015
      - (non-member $525, member $500, student $100)
      -  Late Registration starting May 23, 2015
      - (non-member $600, member $575, student $100)
      -  On-Site Registration starting May 31, 2015
      - (non-member $675, member $650, student $100)
      - Cancellation Fee: $50.00, 2 weeks before meeting cancellation fee
      is $100.00 - May 18, 2015
      - *No refund will be offered after May 31, 2015.
   - Also, take a moment to join NANOG,  or be sure to renew your existing
   Membership <>.

   - The hotel room blocks are becoming stressed.  Do make your hotel room
   reservation <>

   - We welcome those 503 attendees
   <> and conference
   sponsors <> already
   planning to join us for NANOG 64.

   - You will find a new Peering Personals
   <>activity on
   Monday, and will be treated to Sponsor Socials on Sunday, Monday, and
   Tuesday evenings.  The ever famous, must attend event, BnG will be on
   Tuesday at the close of NANOG programming.

We encourage those not yet registered to do so, and join us for what will
be another large and exciting June NANOG meeting!

Should you have any questions, contact us at

See you soon!

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