NANOGers -

  There are a particularly large number of proposed changes to Internet number
  resource policy that will be discussed next week at the ARIN 33 meeting in
  Chicago, and for those who will _not_ be attending, there are still two good
  options for providing input on these potential changes:

    1) Express your support or opposition (and reasoning if possible) on any of
        the proposed changes on the ARIN Public Policy Mailing List (ppml)

    2) Participate remotely in the discussion at the ARIN 33 meeting (remote
        participants can view the real-time feed, make statements, ask 
        and participate in polls on proposals just as those on-site)  
        must register to participate on-site or remotely in the meeting.

  You can find information on the proposals and posting comments to arin-ppml 
here -

  For information on being a remote participant in the ARIN 33 meeting -

  There is also an ARIN 33 discussion guide with all of the proposals, their 
  staff/legal reviews, and the current policy manual and policy development 
process -

  ARIN administers the number resources in the region in accordance with policy
  developed by community; participation is open to everyone and improves the
  quality of the resulting policy that we must follow.


John Curran
President and CEO

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