It seems that many participants of the Equinix Miami Exchange (formerly
Nap of the Americas NOTA) are unaware of the required IP renumbering.
Init7 AS13030 sees at least 50% of the new BGP sessions still down.

While the usefulness of the replacement of the peering mesh /23 with
another /23 could be discussed, the process itself hasn't been
announced, at least we didn't became aware of it until recently, and
only because some peers asked for new sessions.

Equinix provided a website with the necessary information, but it seems
that they failed to announce it. Interestingly the schedule is already

I would propose that some IXP operators should write a BCOP to avoid
future renumbering pain.

Fredy Künzler

Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur

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