
I'm trying to keep the competent engineer count at the Boutilliers NAP from decrementing to zero in the very proximal future. One of several problems being worked by several groups of people.

Specifically, I want to get the paperwork done so that Dominique Theodore Guerrier, wife of Reynold Guerrier, Karl Nikolas Guerrier, age 3 and Hann Aurelie Guerrier, age 1, may exit Haiti and travel to Deerfield Beach, Florida, where Reynold's sister lives. If the wife and kids are safe, Reynold will stay on site until relieved.

Dominique holds a valid passport, the young children do not.

I want some of the NANOG list to do something -- a "write your congress critter" exercise. See below for instructions.


There are three avenues to take: tourist visa from State, humanitarian parole from Homeland Security, and a private request by a member of Congress. Of these, the third is the most successful, so that is what I'm asking NANOG contributors to do.

Here are the three primary targets:

1. Representative Ron Klein (D-FL), who represents the district in which Reynold's sister lives (Deerfield Beach)

2. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who's staff agreed to "look into" the situation.

3. Senators Cantwell and Murray (D-WA) were both forwarded the information on Reynold, but have yet to commit.

Ordered by effectiveness, there is calling the member's district office, calling the member's Washington office (particularly if you provide service in or near the Congressional District or State), followed by fax, followed by email (or ugly webform).

When communicating with the staffers of members of Congress, please make the point that this is a key human technical resource for the basic function of government. There's not a lot of point in entertaining legislation to certify operators if we are indifferent to whether there is anyone technically competent left to run what remains after a network compromising event of the first magnitude.

Feel free to use Reynold's mail to NANOG of the 19th:

To any of you who wants to help:

We would like to provide to the haitian government a UC systems with several 

    * President office:                                                10 
    * PM office:                                                         10 
    * 12 mayor city hall offices:   3 for each :               36 endpoints
    * Ministries    (9 differents locations 3 for each)       27
    * Communications Center                                     20
    * emergency Clusters                                          14

Total                                                                       117 

Redundant communications.

So if someone can provide recommendations, equipment, skilled technician for 
that it would be fine.


If, after your message across to the initial contact, usually a staffer simply doing phones, you get to an immigration interest, either in the initial staffer, or better, the staffer who handles either immigration requests or technology (see below), and you want me to follow-up, send me email with the contact details and either I or a Cornell Law student will follow-up on the wonk details.

In addition to the its-the-right-thing reason, there is a self-interest motivation I want you all to be aware of. The three members (above) and one more, Rep. Chellie Pingree of Maine's 1st CD, are targets because they responded to the Cornell Law effort on MLK Day and yesterday. There is another, larger class of Members to be informed -- the Members who currently sit on the House Committee on Science and Technology and the House Committee on Commerce and Energy.

Our collective self-interest in informing these Members is that we, as operators, big and small, are capable of issue advocacy. They already know that our employers, particularly the big ones, are capable of issue advocacy ;-)

Committee on Science and Technology:

Commerce and Energy:

Having completed this exercise, please drop me a line at so I can keep count of how many inputs went into the system, and where, and possibly infer a causal relation between outputs, if any, and inputs, and routing within the system.

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