Dear bzs et el.:

1) I was made aware of the referenced "New IP" efforts about two years ago. After watching the below online discussion video recording, in particular, Andrew Sullivan's comments near the end (starting at time marker 00:53:42) that reminded us about thefull architecture versus building block approaches, the super importance of incremental deployability and the main issue of IPv6 being formally incompatible with IPv4, etc., I posted a feedback there.

2) Essentially, I offered our EzIP RAN (Regional Area Network) configuration as the "New IP" test bed. So that they could have a real life demonstration setup going within the existing Internet environment, yet independent of the current operations. It could avoid spending a lot of efforts on conceptually convincing others by theoretical analysis and reasoning. We had some follow-up exchanges. But, they continued on with their original way.


Abe (2022-08-12 17:08 EDT)

On 2022-08-11 18:33, wrote:
This has been going around for at least two years, makes for some
great scary, click-bait headlines ("they propose an internet kill
switch! For China!", and so forth.)

Besides the obvious question, "by what authority will they move this
forward?" many of us looked at the proposals and they're, in a word,

(it's only 25 pages and you probably can skip to section 6, maybe look
at section 5, the rest is mostly "what a network is" padding.)

I don't mean I don't like it or just want to criticize it, I mean
rambling, sophomoric idiocy.

But you have to give some credit to their coming up with:

   "Holographic Avatar Centric Communications"

as a core idea.

I'd say, like we said with ISO/OSI, etc etc etc: Implement a test bed
and we'll have a look!

On August 11, 2022 at  (Nanog News) wrote:
  > Proposals at ITU-T for Internet Evolution Raise Serious Concerns; According 
  > ISOC
  > Huawei, Chinese Carriers, and China want to Redesign a Prominent Part of the
  > Internet via a set of “New IP” Proposals
  > Any new initiative has pros and cons, but according to ISOC (Internet 
  > the “New IP” proposals are threatening and should be discussed further.
  > We caught up with Hosein Badran to give us the good, bad, and ugly of the 
  > IP” proposals. Badran is a senior director for ISOC and leads the 
  > policy, and advocacy initiatives in Internet access, infrastructure, and 
  > domains.

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