Re: Is there another NANOG somewhere?

2007-02-15 Thread Randy Bush is
about volume.

for me, it's not the volume, per se.  it is the shameless and (should
be) embarrassing self-promotion, the copying and reposting of others'
ideas and work, ...  and it's not only gadi, but he makes such a good


Re: Is there another NANOG somewhere?

2007-02-15 Thread Etaoin Shrdlu

Martin Hannigan wrote:

there's Full Disclosure (another place where I have Gadi kill filed),

Are you sure this isn't your own personal issue?


It actually preserves some sanity. FD is so full of noise that I just 
read it via gmail. I long ago quit having it arrive here, where I'd pay 
attention to it right away. Some of what arrives there is useful, while 
most of it is just noise. I'd hate to have to filter that real time.

The usual sycophants are going to start another off topic
thread on the usefulness of this on the IETF list, so let's be
clear, I'm referencing, not trying to start an IETF discussion.

I'm on another list where there's something similar, except that it 
notes original content vs quoted, html/rich text vs plaintext, and other 
amusing choices. Nothing wrong with a public, generic, announcement of 
s/n ratios.

It's always the same people. Always. The balance 
should shift to the hammer for a few months to bring back some


Any commercial institution that is serious about protecting their
customers from phishing will stop sending mail marked up with HTML.

Re: Is there another NANOG somewhere?

2007-02-15 Thread william(at)

On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Martin Hannigan wrote: is
about volume.

for me, it's not the volume, per se.  it is the shameless and (should
be) embarrassing self-promotion, the copying and reposting of others'
ideas and work, ...  and it's not only gadi, but he makes such a good

Lack of reference and cite would be something I would support the
AUP discussing.

The reason I addressed the volume component is that it seems
to go hand in hand i.e. it's always the same poster(s).

Overzealous mail list administration would make things only worse
(we already experienced it once, remember?). I'd rather we all
move one - as has already been made quite clear those who want to
block Gadi's messages have already done so and others of us find
his posts at times useful and at other times worth no more then
delete key that most other messages on the list also experience.

As to his lock of modesty and style when referencing other people's
work I suggest you take it up with him privately if you think its
worth your time. Otherwise I really don't see what nanog-l can do
about it as its not a academic paper submissions list and should
not become one...

William Leibzon
Elan Networks