I'm perfectly OK with not necessarily codifying this in the bylaws; you're right in that the bylaws doesn't spell out admission specifically today.

I guess a meta question is - should it? And if it shouldn't, is this just a topic to bring up at the community meeting and then ask the board to move on there?


On 9/2/11 2:30 PM, Steve Gibbard wrote:
Speaking only for myself, and not in any official capacity...

I think Dave's idea has merit. There is precedent for it -- we give free conference admission to speakers -- so to me the question here is not whether any contribution should merit free admission, but where the line should be drawn.

That said, is there a reason to put this in the bylaws? The bylaws are currently silent on the subject of conference fees, meaning the board can set them however it wants. If the board were to enact something like this, it would have a lot of flexibility to vary the discounts and elligibility, based on what sorts of incentives were needed and how much money was available. If this went in as a bylaw ammendment, changing it later would be cumbersome.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 10:30 AM, David Temkin <d...@temk.in> wrote:


I would like to propose an amendment to the bylaws for the coming election 

The various committees put in many tireless hours of effort to bring a content rich, well attended, well sponsored meeting to our attendees. In return they generally get a free lunch and a brief thank you. I propose that any committee member who attends six or more committee meetings between NANOG meetings is entitled to a free registration for the upcoming meeting. Attendance would be gauged by the chair of the committee and this would only be available as a benefit to sanctioned committees.

I'll keep this short and sweet, however I feel that this is the least that we can do for our hard working committee members. I would ask that the Board sponsor this for the upcoming election, however if they choose not to I think we can put this out to petition.


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