adam, stop muck raking. in general, I'd advocate spending less time on
mailing lists and focusing more on delivering great product.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Adam Rothschild
<> wrote:
> I've been trying to avoid this topic, though as one of few
> participants familiar with MediaMelon's account of what happened
> (we've been looking at their product, independently of this all), I
> feel obligated to offer my two cents...
> The underlying facts are not in dispute -- Kumar from MediaMelon *did*
> meet Bill Norton for lunch in San Francisco.  Following Bill's advice,
> Kumar entered the plenary, in search of some Netflix staffers to pitch
> his product to.  In hindsight, Kumar regrets deeply having done this.
> As a relative newcomer to the community, he looked to Bill for
> leadership, and was unfortunately offered bad advice on acceptable
> standards of conduct and engagment.
> The sliver lining in this incident is that I've gotten a commitment
> from Kumar and crew to donate to NewNog.  I get the feeling they'd
> compensate Merit for a lost registration in San Francisco, too, if
> requested.  The important thing to keep in mind is that we're dealing
> with a fundamentally good bunch of folk, though newcomers, who had
> fallen victim to bad advice.
> With that said, and given what transpired, I think the responsible
> course of action is for us to all pressure Bill for the funds, falling
> back to MediaMelon's generous offer as a last resort.  He's obviously
> trying to downplay the importance of this, though with some
> polite-but-persistent reminders (in response to posted diatribes, in
> person, ...), he's sure to cave eventually.
> I'll be sure to keep the community apprised of any movement on this
> front.
> -a
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