We have a build script that has been crashing on us lately.  It causes an application exception to be thrown (see screenshot) and an internal error (see below).  It seems to be happening when running through the unit tests, however when using NUnit directly, there are no problems.  Only when using NUnit through NAnt.  This problem has actually caused our build process to be broken 50% of the time.  We were using the release candidate of 0.85, but upgraded to the nightly build with the same problem. Any help would be appreciated.  I realize that you will probably need more info.  If it requires compiled binaries, we can supply those.


Best Regards,

Bill Bither




System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an obj


   at System.AppDomain.Unload(AppDomain domain)

   at NAnt.NUnit2.Tasks.NUnit2TestDomain.Unload() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T193

930Z\src\NAnt.NUnit\NUnit2\NUnit2TestDomain.cs:line 98

   at NAnt.NUnit2.Tasks.NUnit2Task.ExecuteTask() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T1939

30Z\src\NAnt.NUnit\NUnit2\NUnit2Task.cs:line 238

   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T193930Z\src\NAnt.Core\

Task.cs:line 177

   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T193930Z\src\NAnt.Cor

e\Target.cs:line 249

   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies) in

 d:\Source\nant-20050127T193930Z\src\NAnt.Core\Project.cs:line 887

   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T193930Z\src\NAnt.Co

re\Project.cs:line 839

   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run() in d:\Source\nant-20050127T193930Z\src\NAnt.Core\P

roject.cs:line 924


Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Total time: 98 seconds.



<<attachment: error.png>>

Attachment: DotImage.build
Description: DotImage.build

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