I decided to try, followed all the instructions.
First impression is very positive, it was easy. I commited my latest 
changes into hg, so now both repos are in sync.
I will try to maintain both for a while and see how it goes and will 
import all the modules one by one.

Stephen Deasey wrote:
> I updated the naviserver mercurial repo with the latest changes from
> cvs put it on sourceforge:
>   http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/hg/
> To check it out:
>   hg clone http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/hg/naviserver  ~/in/naviserver-hg
> Or, if you've already cloned from the freehg.org repo, you can simply
> update with the differences:
>   hg -R ~/in/navserver-hg pull -u
> The -u at the end means 'and update the working directory'. pull and
> update are 2 separate things.
> The -R saves you from CD'ing into the repo directory.
> If you are updating instead of cloning, you might want to change the
> default pull location in the repo config file:
>   ~/in/naviserver-hg/.hg/hgrc
>   [paths]
>   default = http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/hg/naviserver
> Now you don't have to specify where to pull from each time. cd into
> the repo directory and 'hg pull -u'. Same for other commands which
> work with two repos: incoming, outgoing etc.
> I guess that's how most people would grab a copy of the latest source.
> For people who expect to commit to the public repo themselves you
> might want to clone via ssh. A couple of prerequisites:
> Add something like the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:
>   Host sf shell.sf.net
>     Hostname  shell.sf.net
>     User          yoursfusername
> log into sf and do the following:
>   ssh sf
>   ln -s /home/groups/n/na/naviserver ~/ns
>   echo "source /home/groups/n/na/naviserver/bashc" >> ~/.bashrc
> bashrc just sets the umask correctly and adds the 'hg' command to the PATH.
> Now you can clone via ssh:
>   hg clone ssh://sf/ns/hg/naviserver ~/in/naviserver-hg
> That's also where you push to make your commits public.
>   hg clone ~/in/naviserver-hg ~/ns-work
>   cd ~/work
>   ... hack hack hack ...
>   hg commit
>   hg push ssh://sf/ns/hg/naviserver
> For people who don't have direct commit access, and with mercurial
> that's really no disadvantage, perhaps a good way to work is to use
> the 'patchbomb' extension.  Add the following to your ~/.hgrc file:
>   [extensions]
>   patchbomb=
>   [email]
>   from = Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   [smtp]
>   host = smtp.gmail.com
>   port = 587
>   tls = 1
>   username = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   password = ****
> (or whatever)
> btw. you'll also want to make sure that the following is present --
> it's what your name appears as in the commit message:
>   [ui]
>   username = Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Now, to publish your last commit (the tip, aka HEAD) you could do:
>   hg email -r tip --to naviserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>   ('hg help email' for more)
> The patch is created as an attachment such that it can exactly
> reproduce the commit when imported to another repo, including the
> committer name, date etc., so full credit is always given.  At this
> point some one with commit access would import the patch, check it,
> and if OK push it:
>   hg import ~/saved-email
>   hg push
> Commit Messages:
> Format them like an email. A single like subject of about ~70 chars,
> followed by a blank like, followed by the body, word wrapped to ~80
> chars.  Keyword stuff the subject so that folks can get the gist of it
> by skimming. Prefix with a module name such as nsperm: if you think it
> makes sense. Say 'Add ...' instead of 'Added ...'.
> The commit messages should be working, and so is cia.vc. Here's an example:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=hg.1883a10a6e0c.1210791169.-2015825136%40sc8-pr-shella-b.sourceforge.net
> Does this all look OK?
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Vlad Seryakov

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