Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Joseph Bento

On Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:06:59 PM UTC-7, Bill v wrote:

 Most of us still use tube 
> equipped appliances. I do not yet see a practical semiconductor 
> replacement 
> for the magnetron in our microwave ovens! 

Or guitar amplifiers!  :-)

Joe, N6DGY

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Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Michel van der Meij
Hi Bill,
I agree with David on this that it is a bit of a strange approach to realize your pendulum routine. The velocity on the outer left and right hand side is 0 so that would result in a very large timer value. However, if you say your numbers based on adding something * 50 gives you a reasonable result, you can use the "int" numbers from the table as attached. I based on on 100 rather than 50, in theory it should be 107 I reckon, but I thought that might cause problems with the rest of your interrupt routines, so 100 should be alright I think.
on Feb 23, 2014, Bill van Dijk  wrote:
The PIC actually has a really cool feature I am using for the LED patterns.First of all, everything is timed through interrupts, every time a timer 2interrupt occurs, LEDs need to be moved. Depending on the active pattern, ituses a number of lookup tables, some for the position, another for thetiming of the next move.Timer 2 overflows once it content matches a particular readable and writablevariable (same function used in its PWM). This is the value I am trying tofind. One swing of the pendulum (let's say left to right) takes 3852interrupts. In this time it completes 36 steps of 107 interrupts, which alsohappens to be 1 second real time. The trick is now to adjust the steps from36 107 interrupts to 36 steps of varying values that still add up to therequired 3852 interrupts, but in steps that approximate the true pendulumdynamic.I have now made a table that goes something like this (off-sets from thebasic 107):..-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 | ..-50 -40 -30-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50It actually looks not bad.Bill-Original Message-From: [] OnBehalf Of David ForbesSent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 2:02 PMTo: neonixie-l@googlegroups.comSubject: Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzardsBill,This problem is not hard to solve when writing new code for a clock, but theconstraint you have offered makes it hard to solve.A faster loop would make it easy.If it were my design, I would make the clock software use a main loop of afew milliseconds (for example 200 loops per second), triggered by a softwaretimer based on the CPU clock crystal. Each cycle through the loop would doany necessary timekeeping tasks, time-setting button reading, etc. Therewould be only one constraint on that code's timing, that it complete beforethe next timer trigger event.Then I would add a short routine to look up which LED to light with a lookuptable based on a cosine wave, calculated in Excel as integers, as wassuggested earlier. The input to the lookup table would be a counter thatincrements once per timing loop and is reset once per pendulum cycle, whenit reaches 200.However, since your code is not structured in this general-purpose manner,you will need to build the cosine into your timing code. A spreadsheet willhelp to calculate the position of each LED based on the cosine of the timeslice.On 2/22/14 8:31 AM, Bill van Dijk wrote:> Hello,>>>> I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre.> Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a > number of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum > pattern which uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, thechallenge is this:>>>> A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at > the ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the > software I currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a > half period of> 107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left orright).>>>> Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program > steps of> 107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains > 3852, but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such > as to approximate the equation of one pendulum swing (left or right).>>>> Anyone willing to take a stab at this?>>>> Bill van Dijk>--David Forbes, Tucson AZ--You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups"neonixie-l" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send anemail to post to this group, send an email to view this discussion on the web, visit more options, visit You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "neonixie-l" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to post to this group, send an email to view this discussion on the web, visit

Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Matthew Smith
Regarding my previous mention of the LM3914, I was incorrect in stating 
that you can only have a growing/shrinking stack of LEDs - there is a 
Dot Mode that would provide the motion of a pendulum bob quite nicely, I 

Matthew Smith


ABN 16 391 203 815

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Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Matthew Smith

More thinking aloud, than a practical solution:

One of the reasons that I'm in the throes of building an analogue 
computer is that, in the analogue domain, maths can be done very simply, 
in hardware.

What if you were to get your cosine function as a voltage? Then take 
said voltage and feed it into a bargraph driver (LM3914 is basically a 
set of comparators.) OK, that doesn't give you a sequence of one LED 
illuminating after another, but the growing stack of LEDs would still 
have the same effective motion - no calculations involved.

This is all assuming that there's some way of persuading op amps to get 
a cosine function out of a square wave - which could be provided by the 
microcontroller. Not yet well-enough versed with op amp circuits, but 
sure it must be possible - would start out with an integrator?


Matthew Smith


ABN 16 391 203 815

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Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread David Forbes


Thanks for providing a description of the software architecture.

Since you're already using timers, it should be easy to set one up for a 
periodic interrupt, and have that interrupt turn off the LED that's on 
and turn on the next LED in the lookup table.

Often, the LED that it turns on is the same one that it just turned off, 
so the pendulum doesn't move during that interval. That's OK.

The point is that if the timer interrupt occurs at the same interval 
every time, the code is a lot easier to write. You don't have to keep 
changing the interval every time, and no fancy math is required, just a 
cosine lookup table that maps the fractional pendulum time into the LED 

On 2/22/14 12:54 PM, Bill van Dijk wrote:

The PIC actually has a really cool feature I am using for the LED patterns.
First of all, everything is timed through interrupts, every time a timer 2
interrupt occurs, LEDs need to be moved. Depending on the active pattern, it
uses a number of lookup tables, some for the position, another for the
timing of the next move.

Timer 2 overflows once it content matches a particular readable and writable
variable (same function used in its PWM). This is the value I am trying to
find. One swing of the pendulum (let's say left to right) takes 3852
interrupts. In this time it completes 36 steps of 107 interrupts, which also
happens to be 1 second real time. The trick is now to adjust the steps from
36 107 interrupts to 36 steps of varying values that still add up to the
required 3852 interrupts, but in steps that approximate the true pendulum

I have now made a table that goes something like this (off-sets from the
basic 107):

..-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 | ..-50 -40 -30
-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

It actually looks not bad.


David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Bill van Dijk
The PIC actually has a really cool feature I am using for the LED patterns.
First of all, everything is timed through interrupts, every time a timer 2
interrupt occurs, LEDs need to be moved. Depending on the active pattern, it
uses a number of lookup tables, some for the position, another for the
timing of the next move.

Timer 2 overflows once it content matches a particular readable and writable
variable (same function used in its PWM). This is the value I am trying to
find. One swing of the pendulum (let's say left to right) takes 3852
interrupts. In this time it completes 36 steps of 107 interrupts, which also
happens to be 1 second real time. The trick is now to adjust the steps from
36 107 interrupts to 36 steps of varying values that still add up to the
required 3852 interrupts, but in steps that approximate the true pendulum

I have now made a table that goes something like this (off-sets from the
basic 107):

..-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 | ..-50 -40 -30
-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

It actually looks not bad.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of David Forbes
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


This problem is not hard to solve when writing new code for a clock, but the
constraint you have offered makes it hard to solve.

A faster loop would make it easy.

If it were my design, I would make the clock software use a main loop of a
few milliseconds (for example 200 loops per second), triggered by a software
timer based on the CPU clock crystal. Each cycle through the loop would do
any necessary timekeeping tasks, time-setting button reading, etc. There
would be only one constraint on that code's timing, that it complete before
the next timer trigger event.

Then I would add a short routine to look up which LED to light with a lookup
table based on a cosine wave, calculated in Excel as integers, as was
suggested earlier. The input to the lookup table would be a counter that
increments once per timing loop and is reset once per pendulum cycle, when
it reaches 200.

However, since your code is not structured in this general-purpose manner,
you will need to build the cosine into your timing code. A spreadsheet will
help to calculate the position of each LED based on the cosine of the time

On 2/22/14 8:31 AM, Bill van Dijk wrote:
> Hello,
> I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre.
> Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a 
> number of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum 
> pattern which uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the
challenge is this:
> A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at 
> the ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the 
> software I currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a 
> half period of
> 107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or
> Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program 
> steps of
> 107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 
> 3852, but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such 
> as to approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right).
> Anyone willing to take a stab at this?
> Bill van Dijk

David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread chuck richards
It's the instantaneous velocity at your points that
you're after.

That's the first derivative as I recall.
Once you know these instantaneous velocities, then the
problem becomes arriving at the timing between shutting
one LED off, and turning the next one on.

In this way, the LEDS will fool the eye into
"seeing" the prescribed instantaneous velocity
during each interval.

To show yourself how this works, you could simply
start out with an intuitive guess at some values, plug
them in, and watch it go for a while.

At first it may not look much like a real pendulum
if the numbers are way off.  But then you can make another
iteration and try it again, speeding things up some
here, maybe slowing it down a little there, etc.

After a while, you should be able to get your values
pretty much lined up with the real math, but you really
don't need to sweat that much at first just to get
something going to see it and to try it.

Usually, these sorts of things will help you along
if you give them a chance, simply by rigging up
a crude first approximation enough to watch it work.

Then, later on, make it agree with the math.


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 14:06:59 -0500

>Hi Chuck,
>It appears you and I have different definitions of fun! :-)
>I do still have the books btw, and I did look it up, found the
>formulas, and
>realized I don't know what to do with them anymore (It is a function
>of age
>I suppose; according to the sidebar notes I did know 40+ years ago.
>thunk). It would be something like giving me a sonic screwdriver;
>have no idea what to do with that either!
>At the risk of fully exposing myself, I distinctly remember a
>professor announcing that they recently invented something they
>called a
>transistor. He warned us not to be distracted by these things,
>nothing could
>ever be invented that would replace the thermionic valve! As funny as
>is today, he was not as far off as some may think. Most of us still
>use tube
>equipped appliances. I do not yet see a practical semiconductor
>for the magnetron in our microwave ovens!
>-Original Message-
>[] On
>Behalf Of chuck richards
>Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 1:50 PM
>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>That should be easy enough to do.  I don't have the equations
>memorized for
>this.  If it was me attempting to do it, I'd start by grabbing any
>and all
>math and physics books, and looking up pendulums and periods and
>stuff like
>that.  Sooner or later if you do that, you'll find the equation which
>describes the velocity at any given point in the swing.
>Once you know that, then you can go back to your time slices and your
>and then assign them so that they come the closest possible at each
>that you have defined.
>Grab all the books, blow the dust off, and have fun!!
>This is a good one, and congratulations for doing it!
>Let us know how it turns out.
>> Original Message 
>>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:43:44 -0500
>>>Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that
>>knowledge to
>>>work, and find the correct numbers.
>>>Cheers, Bill
>>[] On
>>>Behalf Of Tidak Ada
>>>Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
>>>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>>Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest
>>speed is in
>>>the zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing
>>with a
>>>speed zero.
>>>  _
>>[] On
>>>Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
>>>Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
>>>Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>>I have built a clo

RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Bill van Dijk
Hi Chuck,

It appears you and I have different definitions of fun! :-)

I do still have the books btw, and I did look it up, found the formulas, and
realized I don't know what to do with them anymore (It is a function of age
I suppose; according to the sidebar notes I did know 40+ years ago. Who'da
thunk). It would be something like giving me a sonic screwdriver; I'd
have no idea what to do with that either!

At the risk of fully exposing myself, I distinctly remember a university
professor announcing that they recently invented something they called a
transistor. He warned us not to be distracted by these things, nothing could
ever be invented that would replace the thermionic valve! As funny as that
is today, he was not as far off as some may think. Most of us still use tube
equipped appliances. I do not yet see a practical semiconductor replacement
for the magnetron in our microwave ovens!


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of chuck richards
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards

That should be easy enough to do.  I don't have the equations memorized for
this.  If it was me attempting to do it, I'd start by grabbing any and all
math and physics books, and looking up pendulums and periods and stuff like
that.  Sooner or later if you do that, you'll find the equation which
describes the velocity at any given point in the swing.

Once you know that, then you can go back to your time slices and your bits,
and then assign them so that they come the closest possible at each point
that you have defined.

Grab all the books, blow the dust off, and have fun!!
This is a good one, and congratulations for doing it!
Let us know how it turns out.


> Original Message 
>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:43:44 -0500
>>Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that
>knowledge to
>>work, and find the correct numbers.
>>Cheers, Bill
>[] On
>>Behalf Of Tidak Ada
>>Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
>>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest
>speed is in
>>the zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing
>with a
>>speed zero.
>>  _
>[] On
>>Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
>>Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
>>Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the
>>Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a
>>of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern
>>uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is
>>A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0
>at the
>>ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the
>software I
>>currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half
>period of
>>107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or
>>Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program
>steps of
>>107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains
>>but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as
>>approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 
>>Anyone willing to take a stab at this?
>>Bill van Dijk
>>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>"neonixie-l" group.
>>To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>send an
>>email to
>>To post to this group, send an email to
>>To view this discussion on the web, visit
>>For more options, visit

Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread David Forbes


This problem is not hard to solve when writing new code for a clock, but 
the constraint you have offered makes it hard to solve.

A faster loop would make it easy.

If it were my design, I would make the clock software use a main loop of 
a few milliseconds (for example 200 loops per second), triggered by a 
software timer based on the CPU clock crystal. Each cycle through the 
loop would do any necessary timekeeping tasks, time-setting button 
reading, etc. There would be only one constraint on that code's timing, 
that it complete before the next timer trigger event.

Then I would add a short routine to look up which LED to light with a 
lookup table based on a cosine wave, calculated in Excel as integers, as 
was suggested earlier. The input to the lookup table would be a counter 
that increments once per timing loop and is reset once per pendulum 
cycle, when it reaches 200.

However, since your code is not structured in this general-purpose 
manner, you will need to build the cosine into your timing code. A 
spreadsheet will help to calculate the position of each LED based on the 
cosine of the time slice.

On 2/22/14 8:31 AM, Bill van Dijk wrote:


I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre.
Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a number
of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern which
uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is this:

A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at the
ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the software I
currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half period of
107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or right).

Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program steps of
107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 3852,
but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as to
approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right).

Anyone willing to take a stab at this?

Bill van Dijk

David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Bill van Dijk
Hi Frank.


Yes, that is indeed about the way it works, I currently have a lookup table 
with 36 entries containing the value 0x6B, each time the PIC shifts the LEDs, 
it looks up the required step time, resulting in a nice linear pendulum. I did 
fiddle with a spreadsheet, but after 40+ years of not using any advanced math, 
I don't know how to set up a formula. I suppose my only other option is to just 
take a stab at it, add some here, subtract the same somewhere else and 
approximate something. I figured that there could be someone on this list who'd 
say: oh, that's easy, you just do. or even better: here are your 
numbers.. :-)


Thanks, Bill.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Frank Bemelman
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


Hi Bill,


I’d go for a table driven approach.


The table has 30 values (or perhaps 15, for one quadrant of your clock face) 
and the function

is called 3852 times with a parameter 0-3852 and compared against the table to 
decide which

led is to be activated.


The table can be calculated with a spreadsheet. Just do some experiments with a 

until you get that eureka feeling. Then transfer the values to your PIC code, 
putting them in a 

nested if-then-else scheme to compare against the 30 or 15 values. It does not 
take more than

6  compares (maximum) to find the answer.


I would not use the PIC to do time consuming floating point math. A 
precalculated table makes

more sense here.


Cheers, Frank



From: Bill van Dijk <>  

Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 5:43 PM


Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that knowledge to 
work, and find the correct numbers.


Cheers, Bill


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tidak Ada
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest speed is in the 
zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing with a speed 





From: [] On 
Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards



I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre. Around 
them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a number of 
different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern which uses the 
lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is this:


A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at the 
ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the software I 
currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half period of 107 
clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or right). 


Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program steps of 107 
clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 3852, but the 
actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as to approximate the 
equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 


Anyone willing to take a stab at this?


Bill van Dijk

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread chuck richards
That should be easy enough to do.  I don't have the
equations memorized for this.  If it was me attempting
to do it, I'd start by grabbing any and all math and
physics books, and looking up pendulums and periods
and stuff like that.  Sooner or later if you do that,
you'll find the equation which describes the velocity
at any given point in the swing.

Once you know that, then you can go back to your
time slices and your bits, and then assign them so that
they come the closest possible at each point that you
have defined.

Grab all the books, blow the dust off, and have fun!!
This is a good one, and congratulations for doing it!
Let us know how it turns out.


> Original Message 
>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:43:44 -0500
>>Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that
>knowledge to
>>work, and find the correct numbers.
>>Cheers, Bill
>[] On
>>Behalf Of Tidak Ada
>>Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
>>Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest
>speed is in
>>the zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing
>with a
>>speed zero.
>>  _  
>[] On
>>Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
>>Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
>>Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards
>>I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the
>>Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a
>>of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern
>>uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is
>>A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0
>at the
>>ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the
>software I
>>currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half
>period of
>>107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or
>>Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program
>steps of
>>107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains
>>but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as
>>approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 
>>Anyone willing to take a stab at this?
>>Bill van Dijk
>>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>"neonixie-l" group.
>>To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>send an
>>email to
>>To post to this group, send an email to
>>To view this discussion on the web, visit
>>For more options, visit
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Re: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Frank Bemelman
Hi Bill,

I’d go for a table driven approach.

The table has 30 values (or perhaps 15, for one quadrant of your clock face) 
and the function
is called 3852 times with a parameter 0-3852 and compared against the table to 
decide which
led is to be activated.

The table can be calculated with a spreadsheet. Just do some experiments with a 
until you get that eureka feeling. Then transfer the values to your PIC code, 
putting them in a 
nested if-then-else scheme to compare against the 30 or 15 values. It does not 
take more than
6  compares (maximum) to find the answer.

I would not use the PIC to do time consuming floating point math. A 
precalculated table makes
more sense here.

Cheers, Frank

From: Bill van Dijk 
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards

Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that knowledge to 
work, and find the correct numbers.


Cheers, Bill


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tidak Ada
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest speed is in the 
zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing with a speed 




From: [] On 
Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards



I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre. Around 
them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a number of 
different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern which uses the 
lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is this:


A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at the 
ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the software I 
currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half period of 107 
clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or right). 


Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program steps of 107 
clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 3852, but the 
actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as to approximate the 
equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 


Anyone willing to take a stab at this?


Bill van Dijk

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Bill van Dijk
Yes, I am with you so far. My challenge is to actually put that knowledge to
work, and find the correct numbers.


Cheers, Bill


From: [] On
Behalf Of Tidak Ada
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards


Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest speed is in
the zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing with a
speed zero.





From: [] On
Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards



I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre.
Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a number
of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern which
uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is this:


A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at the
ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the software I
currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half period of
107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or right). 


Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program steps of
107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 3852,
but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as to
approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 


Anyone willing to take a stab at this?


Bill van Dijk

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RE: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards....

2014-02-22 Thread Tidak Ada
Remember the swing velocity is a (co)sine function. The highest speed is in
the zero crossing the tops are the left and right ends of the swing with a
speed zero.


From: [] On
Behalf Of Bill van Dijk
Sent: zaterdag 22 februari 2014 16:31
Subject: [neonixie-l] Math wizzards



I have built a clock controlled by a PIC with 6 numitrons in the centre.
Around them is a circle of 60LEDs which are programmed to display a number
of different patterns. I am currently working on a pendulum pattern which
uses the lower 30 LEDs. I have the software done, the challenge is this:


A pendulum has a period and an angular velocity that changes from 0 at the
ends, and maximum in the center, following an equation. In the software I
currently have 36 time slices (program steps, 0 to 35) in a half period of
107 clock cycles, for a total of 3852 cycles for one swing (left or right). 


Looking at one swing, my challenge now is to divide the 36 program steps of
107 clock cycles such that the total number of clock cycles remains 3852,
but the actual number of clock cycles per step are divided such as to
approximate the equation of one pendulum swing  (left or right). 


Anyone willing to take a stab at this?


Bill van Dijk

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