Den 17-03-2014 12:54, Pentasuglia, Corey skrev:
> Is there anything I’m missing here? This app is in c++, so the callback
> is the only method that is declared with extern “C”. If this is
> incorrect please let me know. I am not setting the void*, because I
> don’t need to send any data to the callback. As a starting point I have
> a debug point on the callback method that doesn’t get hit. The
> snmp_async_send does not show any errors being sent.

What is there looks OK, but I am missing the select loop that detects 
that responses have been received and calls snmp_read to handle them?

Have you checked with tcpdump/wireshark that the packets are flowing?


Niels Baggesen - @home - Århus - Denmark -
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers   ---   R W Hamming

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