Re: building or on net-bsd gives undefined reference errors for

2014-08-18 Thread Niels Baggesen
Den 16-08-2014 kl. 16:20 skrev
> Hello,
> I am trying to build net-snmp on netbsd-6.1_RC4 and have tried both
> net-snmp- and net-snmp- and am getting the same error from
> make in both: undefined references to netbsd_read_ip_stat,
> netbsd_read_icmp_stat, netbsd_read_tcp_stat, and netbsd_read_udp_stat in
> I have just been doing the normal ./configure and make. I
> also did a nm -u on and got a long list of undefined
> references.

Do you really mean 6.1.RC4? It is more than a year old. 6.1.4 is the 
current release and has been out for 4 months!

I just downloaded the tarball to my 6.1.4 test system, and after 
./configure --with-defaults it compiled without problems.

And yes, the .so has a large number of undefined references, but that is 
to be expected. Those are references to libc, openssl, et c.


Niels Baggesen -- @home -- Århus -- Denmark --
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers  --  R W Hamming

Net-snmp-coders mailing list

How to add a enterprise MIB into tree

2014-08-18 Thread Miguel Angel Torres Santos
Hi all,
I've been looking around about how to add a enterprise MIB into the tree MIB of 
a linux server, but I don't know if I'm asking with the adequate question or 
might it is not possible what I want. 
I have developed with perl an agent which is working well and also I have 
defined a MIB in SMI v1, so I can query for elements names also. The agent 
manage the OID  iso. (It's an example), an enterprises branch.   

What I want is when I query for all the tree MIB starting from "enterprises" 
(. all the tree of my enterprise MIB appear. Now when I launch: 

snmpwalk -On -v2c -c public localhost enterprises
I get:

. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: 
. = STRING: 

. = STRING: ip

 = INTEGER: active(1)
So ¿where is my the MIB branch of my company (34567)? it would be after 8072 
¿wouldn't be?
¿It's posible to do what I want?

 I have added the next line to the snmp.conf
so the MIB is loaded by the tools, so when I ask for an element of 
MY-ENTERPRISE-MIB  I have the correct answer.
Thanks in advance,Miguel  --
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