snmpwalk on vacm tables returns error after agent restart due to sighup

2006-02-07 Thread T R, Yogeeta (Yogeeta)

I am running the net-snmp on Redhat Linux. 
created a few user and vacm directives in the snmpd.conf file. After starting 
the agent I executed a couple of snmpwalks on SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityToGroupTable and 
the  SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmAccessTable to see the vacm 
configurations in the mib tables.  I was able to see the corresponding 
When I 
restart the agent by sending the HUP signal as: kill -s HUP ,  snmpwalk to the same tables returns error, but the access control 
still works denying/allowing access to the mibs as configured in the 
snmpd.conf file.
message I get is: 
SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmSecurityToGroupTable = No more variables 
left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)
I need to stop and start the agent again for it to 
am I doing wrong?

books, info requested

2006-02-07 Thread jillala srinivas
Im very new to SNMP.can any one suggest the good books or the links that a give a good idea for beginner to SNMP.       Ur inputs are highly appreciated..   

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Re: snmptrap - I don't understand how SNMPv3 traps are sent by thesnmptrap utility.

2006-02-07 Thread Dave Shield
On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 21:57 -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:19:27 +, Dave Shield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > said:
> >> (which clearly shows that VACM Authorization is required for
> >> applications generating notification)
> Dave> You are quite correct - the agent doesn't not conform to this
> Dave> particular aspect of RFC 3415.
> Hmm...  thought 3.5 did...  Robert?

I would be *very* surprised if 3.5 supported any such filtering :-)
Release 5.3 seems to include support for the snmpNotifyFilterTable,
but that's not quite the same thing.

A strict application of RFC 3415 should check all outgoing traps
against vacmAccessNotifyViewName - as well as any additional
(optional) filtering.

Now I haven't examined the new code in great detail, but it
doesn't seem to do this.



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Re: trapsess SNMPv3, authoritative engine, wrong engineId

2006-02-07 Thread Birgit Arkesteijn
Hi Wes,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I beg to differ that the missing data is not useful. It might not matter
so much with the lowest security level (-l noAuthNoPriv), but I've moved
on to authenticated traps, and it fails.

There is profound difference in SNMPv3 in sending a trap 
to (!) a user (what net-snmp is doing) or 
as (!) a user (what it should do).

I hope the following makes sense:

I added a new user 'authUser' via 'createUser' to 
(createUser authUser MD5 AuthPassword)

Sending a Get Request works fine:
snmpget -v 3 -u authUser -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A AuthPassword sysContact.0
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING: Tim Panton, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

However, net-snmp (on ) isn't able to send an authentication
failure trap to  as user 'authUser', because it cannot find the
user's usm details.

authtrapenable 1
trapsess -v 3 -l authNoPriv -u authUser -a MD5 -A AuthPassword :162

usm: USM processing has begun (offset 89)
trace: usm_get_user(): snmpusm.c, 2982:
usm: getting user authUser
trace: usm_get_user_from_list(): snmpusm.c, 2998:
usm: match on user authUser
trace: usm_get_user_from_list(): snmpusm.c, 3004:
usm: no match on engineID ()
trace: usm_rgenerate_out_msg(): snmpusm.c, 1403:
usm: Unknown User
trace: _sess_async_send(): snmp_api.c, 4816:
sess_async_send: encoding failure
snmpd: send_trap: USM unknown security name (no such user exists)

I assume that is because it tries to find the details of
'authUser' on  instead of it's own local 'authUser'.

It might seem I should be able to work around this problem by
configuring (using snmpusm) the details of 'authUser' on .

However, net-snmp would then send the authentication and timeliness
parameters of  and not .
Therefor the PDU would be discarded by  as not being authentic.

Thanks, Birgit

On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 09:16:08PM -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 Feb 2006 18:22:23 +, Birgit Arkesteijn <[EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]> said:
> Birgit> trapsess -v 3 -l noAuthNoPriv -u noAuthUser :162
> Birgit> I receive the PDU fine, but I noticed that the trap doesn't have the
> Birgit> correct authoritative engine ID, engine boots and engine time;
> Birgit> However, (as far as my knowledge goes for SNMPv3) when sending
> Birgit> traps in SNMPv3, the engine acts as an authoritative engine
> Birgit> and should therefor sends its own (!) authoritative engine ID,
> Birgit> engine boots and engine time, and not the synchronisation
> Birgit> parameters of the other party.
> That's true, the agent should be sending it's own engineid, boots and
> time assuming you're sending a trap and not an inform.  
> Birgit> Unless my understanding and assumptions are incorrect, it seems that
> Birgit> the net-snmp behaviour is incorrect.
> Yes, I'd agree.  Though the usefulness of the missing data is pretty
> much 0, but that doesn't excuse that it should be filling it in
> anyway.
> -- 
> Wes Hardaker
> Sparta, Inc.

-- Birgit Arkesteijn, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
-- Westhawk Ltd, Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street, Manchester M1 5LN, UK
-- tel.: +44 (0)161 237 0660

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Re: i need a help and thanks for advanced

2006-02-07 Thread Wes Hardaker
> On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 04:58:04 -0800 (PST), elias bourahal <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> said:

elias> I extended the snmp agent and i used the simple table in my mib and i 
elias> get a correct results for snmpbulkwalk and the other.

This is the fairly old way of doing things and it's strongly suggested
that you consider upgrading to the Net-SNMP ways of doing things
instead of using the older ones.  See the tutorial for the newer ones

Wes Hardaker
Sparta, Inc.

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Re: "something horrible happened" when running snmpdemoapp

2006-02-07 Thread Dave Shield
On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 14:38 -0800, Li Juen Hwang wrote:
> What's wrong with shutting down agent with "kill -9"?

Should should *NEVER* terminate *ANY* application with "kill -9",
unless you've tried to shut it down cleanly first.  Blindly using
"kill -9" is a sign of a slapdash and unprofessional administrator.

A well-written application will typically catch the standard "TERM"
signal, and perform any processing necessary to shut down cleanly.
(Flushing persistent data to file, unlinking named sockets,
informing other applications that it's shutting down).

If you use "kill -9", you're preventing this from happening..

"kill -9" is very much a last resort, when you need to shut the
application down *NOW* (regardless of any mess or inconsistencies
that might result), or when shutting it down cleanly has failed.
You'll then need to check what inconsistencies might have resulted,
and be prepared to tidy things up.

It should *NOT* be used as a matter of course.  Escalating straight
to "kill -9" is laziness, pure and simple.


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CPU Alarm

2006-02-07 Thread Patil, Suresh (Suresh)
Hi ,
   Whenever CPU threshold crosses the some configured threshold I want to
generate a alarm to SNMP Manager. Does net-snmp has some generic mibs which
I can directly use to send alarms or do I need to write create new mibs. 


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make install gives the error when configured with --disable-snmptrapd-subagent option.

2006-02-07 Thread Pamidipati Suresh-G20238
Title: Message

We are using 
Net-snmp-5.2.2 in our subagent. Earlier, we reported to this list that snmptrapd 
of Net-snmp-5.2.2 has memory leak for every trap it receives. We have gone 
through the previous mails in the archive and observed that 
if "snmptrapd_agentx" flag is disabled, there will be no leak. So, we have 
configured Net-snmp-5.2.2 with the following options.
--prefix=/usr  --without-openssl  
After this we did 
make and make install. We observed that there is no 
memory leak in snmptrapd when configured with this --disable-snmptrapd-subagent 
However, following are the observations about make install when 
configured with --disable-snmptrapd-subagent option.
make[1]: Leaving 
directory `/home/g20238/net-snmp/net-snmp-5.2.2/mibs'/bin/sh: line 1: test: too many 
Even if make install ended in this way, we were able to test 
all snmp operations, snmpd and snmptrapd.

disable-snmptrapd-subagent option is not given in the configure command, make 
install successfully ended with the last line in the output as 

make[1]: Leaving directory 
Will "disable-snmptrapd-subagent " effect 
Agentx communication between subagent and 
If anyone faced this problem and had a workaround for this, please help 
