I have forgot to mention the earlier mail.

        When I try on other system MIBs It is working perfectly.... I have 
tried on SNMP MIB and system MIB.

        Thanks in advance.

> Hi,
>     I am struggling from past three days on same problem> ...> 
>     1. I have complied my MIB ( ADSL-LINE-MIB) with net-SNMP agent   -- 
> success. 
>       ( Note: code is generated with mib2c.iterate.conf )
>     2. I have created snmpd.conf (with rocommunity is public and  rwcommunity 
> is private ).
>     3. I have started snmp demon in following way with root access.
>       agent/snmpd -r -f  -Lo -m ALL -M 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf -c 
> /home/kumar/.snmp/snmpd.conf -   C -d -a  
>       Output of the demon> ...> 
>       init_adslMIB: Entered  
>       initialize_table_adslLineConfProfileTable: Entered  
>       netsnmp_create_handler_registration  
>       netsnmp_create_handler_registration success  
>       netsnmp_table_helper_add_indexes  
>       netsnmp_register_table_iterator  
>       adslLineConfProfileTable_createEntry: Entered  SNMP_TYPEDEF_MALLOC  
>       adslLineConfProfileTable Entry: created with profile name: 0000000001 
>       adslLineConfProfileTable_createEntry: Entered  SNMP_TYPEDEF_MALLOC 
>       adslLineConfProfileTable Entry: created with profile name: 0000000002
>       ( Note: All the above logs are added by for debugging> ...>  )
>       ( some more errors from other MIBS.. Because I am loading all MIBs from 
> specified directory.. Those I have ignored..
>       For reference I have including all those errors at the end of the mail)
>       NET-SNMP version 5.2.1
>     4. I have requested one object in following way with root access.
>       ( some more errors from other MIBS.. Because I am loading all MIBs from 
> specified directory.. Those I have ignored..
>       For reference I have included all those errors at the end of the mail)
>       snmpget -v 2c -m ALL -M 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf localhost -c private       
>       Output of the command:
> transmission.adslMIB.adslLineMib.adslMibObjects.adslLineConfProfileTable.adslLineConfProfileEntry.adslAtucConfRateMod
>    e.'.' = No Such Object available on this agent
>       So, It has recognised the path properly> ...>  I feel that problem is 
> in instance of the object.. I have given MIB      definitions at end of the 
> question.
>       Output of the demon when requested the OID..
>       Received 49 bytes from UDP: []:33965
>       0000: 30 2F 02 01  01 04 07 70  72 69 76 61  74 65 A0 21    
> 0/.....private !
>       0016: 02 04 79 CB  3C 92 02 01  00 02 01 00  30 13 30 11    
> ..yË<.......0.0.    
>       0032: 06 0D 2B 06  01 02 01 0A  5E 01 01 0E  01 02 01 05    
> ..+.....^.......
>       0048: 00                                                    .
>       Received SNMP packet(s) from UDP: []:33965
>         GET message
>           -- ADSL-LINE-MIB::adslAtucConfRateMode.'.'
>       Sending 49 bytes to UDP: []:33965
>       0000: 30 2F 02 01  01 04 07 70  72 69 76 61  74 65 A2 21    
> 0/.....private¢!
>       0016: 02 04 79 CB  3C 92 02 01  00 02 01 00  30 13 30 11    
> ..yË<.......0.0.
>       0032: 06 0D 2B 06  01 02 01 0A  5E 01 01 0E  01 02 01 80    
> ..+.....^.......    
>       0048: 00                                                    .
>       But When I tried in the following way , it is giving some parser error..
>       snmpget -v 2c -m ALL -M 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf localhost -c private       
>       snmpget -v 2c -m ALL -M 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf localhost -c private       
>   '"0000000001"'
>       Error message:
>     "0000000001":Unknown Object Identifier ( 
> -quote is for variable length strings)
>       Please help me to come out of this problem> ...> ..
> Advance thanks for ur help..
> Regards
> Kumar
> MIB definitions> ...> 
>          adslLineConfProfileTable    OBJECT-TYPE
>              SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslLineConfProfileEntry> 
>              MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
>              STATUS          current
>              DESCRIPTION
>                  "This table contains information on the ADSL line
>                  configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a
>                  profile defined by a manager which can be used to
>                  configure the ADSL line."
>          ::= { adslMibObjects 14}
>          adslLineConfProfileEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
>              SYNTAX          AdslLineConfProfileEntry
>              MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
>              STATUS          current
>              DESCRIPTION
>                  "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
>                  represents the configuration of an ADSL modem.
>                  When `dynamic' profiles are implemented, a default
>                  profile will always exist.  This profile's name will
>                  be set to `DEFVAL' and its parameters will be set
>                  to vendor specific values, unless otherwise specified
>                  in this document.
>                  When `static' profiles are implemented, profiles
>                  are automaticly created or destroyed as ADSL
>                  physical lines are discovered and removed by
>                  the system.  The name of the profile will be
>                  equivalent to the decimal value of the line's
>                  interface index.
>                  "
>              INDEX { IMPLIED adslLineConfProfileName}
>          ::= { adslLineConfProfileTable 1}
>          AdslLineConfProfileEntry ::=
>              SEQUENCE {
>              adslLineConfProfileName               SnmpAdminString,
>              adslAtucConfRateMode                  INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfRateChanRatio             INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn              INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfMaxSnrMgn                 INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfMinSnrMgn                 INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn           INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn             INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfMinUpshiftTime            INTEGER,
>              adslAtucConfMinDownshiftTime          INTEGER,
>              adslAtucChanConfFastMinTxRate         Unsigned32,
>              adslAtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate   Unsigned32,
>              adslAtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate         Unsigned32,
>              adslAtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate   Unsigned32,
>              adslAtucChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay    INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfRateMode                  INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfRateChanRatio             INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfTargetSnrMgn              INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfMaxSnrMgn                 INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfMinSnrMgn                 INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfDownshiftSnrMgn           INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfUpshiftSnrMgn             INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfMinUpshiftTime            INTEGER,
>              adslAturConfMinDownshiftTime          INTEGER,
>              adslAturChanConfFastMinTxRate         Unsigned32,
>              adslAturChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate   Unsigned32,
>              adslAturChanConfFastMaxTxRate         Unsigned32,
>              adslAturChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate   Unsigned32,
>              adslAturChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay    INTEGER,
>              adslLineConfProfileRowStatus          RowStatus
>          }
>          adslLineConfProfileName    OBJECT-TYPE
>                  SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
>                  MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
>                  STATUS          current
>                  DESCRIPTION
>                  "This object is used by the line configuration table
>                  in order to identify a row of this table.> 
>                  When `dynamic' profiles are implemented, the profile
>                  name is user specified.  Also, the system will always
>                  provide a default profile whose name is `DEFVAL'.
>                  When `static' profiles are implemented, there is an
>                  one-to-one relationship between each line and its
>                  profile.  In which case, the profile name will
>                  need to algorithmicly represent the Line's ifIndex.
>                  Therefore, the profile's name is a decimalized string
>                  of the ifIndex that is fixed-length (i.e., 10) with
>                  leading zero(s).  For example, the profile name for
>                  ifIndex which equals '15' will be '0000000015'."
>          ::= { adslLineConfProfileEntry 1 }
>          adslAtucConfRateMode OBJECT-TYPE
>              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
>                  fixed (1),              -- no rate adaptation
>                  adaptAtStartup (2),     -- perform rate adaptation
>                                          -- only at initialization
>                  adaptAtRuntime (3)      -- perform rate adaptation at
>                                          -- any time
>              }
>              MAX-ACCESS  read-create
>              STATUS      current
>              DESCRIPTION
>                  "Defines what form of transmit rate adaptation is
>                  configured on this modem.  See ADSL Forum TR-005 [3]
>                  for more information."
>          ::= { adslLineConfProfileEntry 2 }
>          adslAtucConfRateChanRatio OBJECT-TYPE
>              SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..100)
>              UNITS        "%"
>              MAX-ACCESS  read-create
>              STATUS      current
>              DESCRIPTION
>                  "Configured allocation ratio of excess transmit
>                  bandwidth between fast and interleaved channels.  Only
>                  applies when two channel mode and RADSL are supported.
>                  Distribute bandwidth on each channel in excess of the
>                  corresponding ChanConfMinTxRate so that:
>                  adslAtucConfRateChanRatio =
>                          [Fast / (Fast + Interleaved)] * 100
>                  In other words this value is the fast channel
>                  percentage."
>          ::= { adslLineConfProfileEntry 3 }
>        adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
>              SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..310)
>              UNITS       "tenth dB"
>              MAX-ACCESS  read-create
>              STATUS      current
>              DESCRIPTION
>                  "Configured Target Signal/Noise Margin.
>                  This is the Noise Margin the modem must achieve
>                  with a BER of 10-7 or better to successfully complete
>                  initialization."
>          ::= { adslLineConfProfileEntry 4 }
>               > ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> ...> 
> ...>  e.t.c
>       These are the errors when I was starting snmp demon.  I have got these 
> from other MIBS.. Because I am loading all MIBs from specified directory.. 
> Those I have ignored..
>       Cannot find module (IANAifType-MIB): At line 13 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/IF-MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAifType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/IF-MIB)
>       Expected ")" (,): At line 1010 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/efm-cu-mib
>       Should be ACCESS (65535): At line 1010 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/efm-cu-mib 
>       Bad parse of OBJECT-TYPE: At line 1010 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/efm-cu-mib
>       Warning: This entry is pretty silly (hcPerfHistTCMIB): At line 27 in    
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB
>       Warning: This entry is pretty silly (vdslMIB): At line 93 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/VDSL->  LINE-MIB
>       Warning: This entry is pretty silly (vdslExtMCMMIB): At line 77 in      
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB
>       5 (is a reserved word): At line 669 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB
>       Bad operator (This): At line 671 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/VDSL-LINE-EXT-MCM-MIB
>       Cannot find module (IANA-RTPROTO-MIB): At line 14 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/IPMROUTE-STD    MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAipRouteProtocol' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/IPMROUTE-STD-      MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANAipMRouteProtocol' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/IPMROUTE-STD-     MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANA-MALLOC-MIB): At line 17 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/MALLOC-MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAscopeSource' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/MALLOC-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANAmallocRangeSource' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/MALLOC-MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANATn3270eTC-MIB): At line 22 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eAddrType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eAddress' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eClientType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270Functions' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270ResourceType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270DeviceType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eLogData' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eAddrType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-RT-MIB)
>       Did not find 'IANATn3270eAddress' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/TN3270E-RT-MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANAifType-MIB): At line 19 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/DIAL-CONTROL-     MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAifType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/DIAL-CONTROL-MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANAifType-MIB): At line 6 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/APPN-MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAifType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/APPN-MIB)   
>       Cannot find module (IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB): At line 16 in     
> home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/NHRP-MIB
>       Did not find 'AddressFamilyNumbers' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/NHRP-MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB): At line 18 in     
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/PTOPO-MIB
>       Did not find 'AddressFamilyNumbers' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/PTOPO-MIB)
>       Cannot find module (IANAifType-MIB): At line 26 in 
> /home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/ISDN-MIB
>       Did not find 'IANAifType' in module #-1 
> (/home/kumar/projects_cc/common/mib_tools/mibs/ietf/ISDN-MIB)

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