Re: [NetBehaviour] ie AI

2024-07-21 Thread James via NetBehaviour
Honestly, the comments on Facebook, in response to AI generated images of
animals are insane. I think they must all be bots but click on a random
profile and it appears genuine.
I've clicked and read these images so FB keeps feeding them to me and it's
got this weird pull on me trying to work out if there's some weird joke
that everyone that comments is in on but I'm not!

Comments to an image of a deer keeping a litter of puppies safe, on a rainy
day in the middle of a the road in the face of oncoming traffic:

Thank You GOD for giving these beautiful animals the instinct to care for
each other in their time of need♥️♥️♥️♥️‼️‼️‼️‼️
so true beautiful picture of kindness ❤️
Really, animals are better to each other than humans!
beauty full why cant humans learn from things like This take care of
everyone no racist among then
that is so true.
That is pure love for other animals i do hope someone will save all of them
BEAUTIFUL. Someone PLEASE HELP those little puppies and their deer
God Bless These Animals Please Help them And god keep Them Safe Givenig
Lots Of Love
Amazing. Hope they all safe to a good hand.

On Sun, 21 Jul 2024 at 16:46, Alan Sondheim  wrote:

> How could one not love these? And is this the death or birth of metaphors,
> meataphors, similes, smileys? :-)
> On Sun, 21 Jul 2024, James via NetBehaviour wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 10:43:24 +0100
> > From: James via NetBehaviour 
> > To:
> > Cc: James 
> > Subject: [NetBehaviour] ie AI
> >
> > (AI Squrrels, AI Cats, AI Cakes, AI Calfs. AI Foxes. AI Deers. AI
> Gardens,
> > AI landscapes)
> >
> > prompt blocked
> >
> > squirrel cake insane saccharine ascii art photorealistic spook
> >
> >
> >
> t-photorea/1-669c3cdedafc493ca9a9f8d74f03dd6f?id=4tsuF6aPkEwRoTZaINm71g%3d
> >
> %3d=detailv2=genimg=OIG2.OyaZT8xTccuQ6CAXSeWy=GCRIDP
> > ode=overlay
> >
> > fungus decay cake sewer chain photorealistic dark
> >
> >
> >
> stic-dark/1-669c39acdcf34dc1a22f9c88d2dfb316?id=Tp8MHcs8CzWEy%2bLysnXo9g%3
> >
> d%3d=detailv2=genimg=OIG1._CU8j7JwnI6BCGTdBjGW=GCRIDP&
> > mode=overlay
> >
> > squirrel scammer menace photorealistic bitcoin
> >
> >
> >
> itcoin/1-669cd70ecdb949808bc31127ffe4af4c?id=mK9yXewv3ZsN0VMNnFhZ5w%3d%3d&
> >
> view=detailv2=genimg=OIG3.O0qg4xCABqK.uXPEaCnc=GCRIDP=
> > overlay
> >
> > fox cyclist lycra holding up traffic photorealism
> >
> >
> >
> otorealism/1-669cd7cf2ef74c0e9ca4cd0305d67cce?id=H6eGz3COjU6NfRfe1%2bXpCw%
> >
> 3d%3d=detailv2=genimg=OIG2.EvyR0L5KikhEJsBXodJJ=GCRIDP
> > =overlay
> >
> >
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] ie AI

2024-07-21 Thread James via NetBehaviour
(AI Squrrels, AI Cats, AI Cakes, AI Calfs. AI Foxes. AI Deers. AI Gardens,
AI landscapes)

prompt blocked

squirrel cake insane saccharine ascii art photorealistic spook

fungus decay cake sewer chain photorealistic dark

squirrel scammer menace photorealistic bitcoin

fox cyclist lycra holding up traffic photorealism
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] #n:inchojectshyne

2024-03-20 Thread James via NetBehaviour
int 0x0 hear(jection)
 :*Today I listened to some audio I had put online long ago. Produced over
a period of time,
uploaded to soundcloud "9 years ago" across two free accounts. Most of it
unlistenable. Harsh sounds, dominant noisy high end, not much middle, very
melody, dominant noise. Rhythms that barely are. I wonder what on earth I
thought I heard. Perhaps I paid too much attention to my ego. Fantasising.
I felt worthwhile at the time,
was unable to figure out why others took little interest in what I produced
back then.
Seems obvious now.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] H/-t-e-x-t-#1

2024-02-15 Thread James via NetBehaviour
-[xixnxsxexrxtx xcxoxnxcxexaxlxmxexnxtx xaxnxdx xdxexlxaxyx]- I hav-|e tw-
\o -chil|-dr e -n, th-ey ta- \ ug-ht| m-e I'-m a\u-%t|is-t  ic-. I h-ave##-
  a -9-5 j-ob, I- wo  -rk in- ##ad-verti-sing -and a-   de-ad\| -com\e-dia
-|n te-lls m-\e% t-o   -kill -m|yse-lf be-|cau - se -o##f -that.-   I -gave
-up sm-o ## -king -and r-id e - a bi-ke.\ -I \ha-ve| s-evera-l %b\-
|ic-ycles,- one -for c-o|  m|-mutin-g ##to-   wo-rk (70-   mi-les a
-##wee-k),   o- n e -for rid-i\n\g- obst|a-cles%- (it\'s- very- d|iffi-cult
a-  nd I'-m un|s-kille|d -at  ##- it), an-d   tw-o mou## - ntain- bi k es-,
one- \  i\s -a poor- %workin\-g ord-er, f|or g-entle- cro-ss c-o | -untr-y
as- it|#-# has- a ri-g  id- fo##r-k  , t-he o -t h  e-r is n\o-\t in
-wo%rking- or\der,- but shou|-|ld it be,- it would b-|e for les-s
##|gent-le cros##s- cou n tr  -y trai  ls-.\ I   \no-%w wo  rk \in- a
location -that af|for|d-s me visits -to a|rt gallerie-|s## on my l  u##-nc
h  break, eith\er -  t%h\at, -or I\ g - o for a walk -on the -be|a|ch-.
-If- I-'-m f-e-e-ling e|n-e-rg-e-##t-ic I-| m-i-g-h-t  h a-#-#-ve a   t\en
min%ute ru\n, -\still - - - - in my   work clothes, b-u-t
w-h|at|ever.--- Rules --can |be--
##broke|n--. -- T -he d##res\s cod%e at- - -
-\work\ is informal. -- -- -- -- --M -- -- ost of the time I- -h-a-v-e-
-c-h-e-|-|-e-s-e- -a-n-d- -m-a-r-m-i-t-e- -|##san d |wiches #\#for -%-my-
lunch.\ It\'s bori - ng but it's - - - - -a-l-l- -I- -c-  a - n
-be- bothered -to- pre|pare befo|re -I- ge t  o|##n m|y b#\#%ike -and- ride
-t\o- \work. I -no- longer --  work in   a  - - - factory
- - and -haven't for |almost t e n -|year##\s-.| I%| -##hated-
-th\a\t- -job-, -it- -made- -me- -sad- -becaus  e- -it- -n  egle  ct  ed-
-to-   -acknowledge- -m| y-  -exi%s|tence#\#-.##--
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Netbehaviour renewal - Occupy? a commons? by a fire, in the ruins in an ancient woodland

2021-06-12 Thread James via NetBehaviour
On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 at 15:05, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

> Finally, I would be curious to hear your feelings about this proposal for
> list renewal.
> ===
> Over a 1 month period starting xxx
> We invite all subscribers to do one of 3 things
> 1. Make a post on any topic or responding to anyone else's post
> 2. Send an email with "Happy Lurker" in the subject header
> 3. Do nothing.
> At the end of this time, moderators could
> 1. gather a list of everyone who posted
> 2. unsubscribe everyone else.
> In this way we will know who we are, we will be able to see ourselves
> collectively and know who is in the woods.
> This is something we can do intermittently.
> If you all love, hate or have alternative suggestions to this idea I'd
> love to know.
Hi Ruth,

The invitation to post on any topic and/or respond to another post is a
good one to open up discussion to broader topics.

When I was more active on here I always took "networked distributed
creativity" as something allowing me to post, but deliberately reading it
as 'network distributed' rather than 'networked & distributed' - I'm quite
useless at networking be it technologically, or socially and professionally.

Creativity was to me always the thread weaving through it all - but I
manage to see that thread pretty much in all aspects of my life however
tenuously connected to the arts that may be - which is something I'm
interested in posting about.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 1240, Issue 1

2021-04-29 Thread James via NetBehaviour
Looks good for riding bikes on.

On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 at 15:46, Anthony Stephenson via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

>> Subject: [NetBehaviour] Monument to the End of the Road
>> --
> - *Anthony Stephenson*
> * *
> ___
> NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The "forgotten" package

2021-04-18 Thread James via NetBehaviour
It's packaged up. Waiting to go. It has travelled 7 miles so far but got
[image: theforgottenpackage.gif]
NetBehaviour mailing list