David Lynch Teaches Creativity and Film: A New Online Course
How many of us became David Lynch fans while first watching one of his films?
And how many of those fans also left filled with the desire to make a film
themselves? Though the long-circulating term "Lynchian" puts a name to Lynch's
distinctively stimulating and disturbing cinematic style, it increasingly seems
that no filmmaker, no matter how skilled, can quite pull off that style but
Lynch himself. But even if you can never be the man who directed the likes of
Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive (and co-created the similarly
inimitable television series Twin Peaks), you can still learn a great deal
about filmmaking from him that you can't learn from anyone else.
Now online education company MasterClass has made some of his knowledge easily
accessible in the form of their new course "David Lynch Teaches Creativity and
Film." In Lynch's world — unlike Hollywood in general — you can't make a film
without creativity. But of what does creativity consist? "Ideas are
everything," says Lynch in the trailer for his MasterClass above. "We're
nothing without an idea. So I go where the ideas lead." He has long liked to
make an analogy with fishing: you put a piece of bait on a hook, cast your line
out into the world, and wait for an idea to bite. Different idea-fishing
methods work for different people, and Lynch has spoken of his success with
drinking a milkshake at Bob's Big Boy every day for seven years, and even more
so with decade after decade of twice-daily meditation.
via -- openculture - http://bit.do/eME2E
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