[NetBehaviour] War, Al Wilson

2023-07-03 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour

War, Al Wilson

https://youtu.be/kCoAzYdvMTI video

on guitar, impossible, inconceivable. not the group or a group,
the Ukraine war, invasion by sick hordes who remains behind an
international border, leak their poison everywhere. I tried to
play this, bloody arrogance on my part. The guitar sounded like
a guitar, my own thinking deeply ignorant, another error or
worse, another encapsulation, bracketing, of something I can't
conceive of. Not this one, not this time, not ever. That this
can happen? That I am here? R. should burn in hell. What I say
is irrelevant, the sky is green, the ground is glass - inert.
Too many repetitions in my lifetime, from wwii (aw, dad didn't
want me) to roiling (to render turbid by stirring up the dregs
or sediment of; as, to roil wine, cider, etc., in casks or
bottles; to roil a spring.) 'actions' do done, to do, did, will
do, as much damage as possible. So this day I played this day
from here (no one dead yet) this way, stuck some video on it
(moving images from the early Access Grid reversed), broke that
down a bit, but it's in the sound of it, (to render loud, with
clarity, to fear, to run, to turn, into/from/out/within fire;;
there are times I had to run but it was all so so so safe. But
this I fear, thinking through those dregs (turbid life, casked),
what I could do (in my dreams, you) was just this (above), that
sound (did I hear a war) --

Years before now I was close with Al Wilson, later of Canned
Heat. I was in Cambridge and he called me, said I should come
over. There was a junkie on the loose who had murdered two guys
already and was outside his apartment and he was scared. He ran
out to make the phonecall and ran back in. I drove over and went
in the back way, looked in around the front door first. The
whole foyer was smeared with excrement. I went in the back door
and joined him. We heard scratching on the door. We were real
quiet. There was garbage all over Al's floor, about six inches
deep, the room smelled, he was buying one set of clothes at that
point and wearing them until they fell off and he'd get another
one. We stayed up all night and I don't know if they caught the
guy. We were scared out of our minds. I don't remember any
furniture but there must have been some. He was severely
asthmatic. I think it might have been raining out. I don't
remember that one way or another. When I left it was a gray gray
morning. I don't think the police were called. He always seemed
dirt poor, I woke him up once sleeping under the urinals of
Club 47 when he was about to go on. I learned more from him than
from most people. we were born the same year but he died in
1970. I hadn't seen him for years then. I remember going with
him to Philadelphia to meet Guitar Nubbit. You can look him up
too. Philadelphia. All that music was a crisis in my life. I
stopped playing the blues. I looked for everything else. I put
the guitar down and then picked it up. So if you think I had a
normal life, this is the life I've had.


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[NetBehaviour] War, modified

2023-03-08 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour

War, modified

https://youtu.be/rackSLWHEhE VIDEO

Vietnam War material modified:

Chief Leader, show us the enemy position on your map.

Is this a garrison or a police station or a gendarmerie or
security troops hereabout or a bivouac or an enemy movement?

Does this sign indicate an army or division?

Only two of you shall go with us. The others will remain here
until we return.

Signal danger by firing three cartridges rapidly one after
another. Or you could just use the word "woods." It's your
choice. Remember you only have one choice.

Did the enemy capture any of your friends? Where are they now?

One of you bring him here. Lead us to him.

You go in front. We will follow.

Where is your warning system? Where are the sentries? Where are
the observation posts?

Has the enemy searched this woods? This village? This area?

Do you cooperate with neighboring groups? Where are they? Who
are their commanders?

Did you have a skirmish or fight with the enemy?

Welcome chief, we are so glad to meet you.

We heard about your patriotic work. We head about your struggle.
We heard about your fight. We heard about your sufferings. We
heard about your loss.

We know that we are in your area. You certainly need our
leaflets. To the people here hate or like or fear the regime or
authorities or government? Do they fear the Soviets?

Do the trust us? Do they have faith in us?

The enemy will lose the war. Do you know the enemy will lose the
war? Will the people fight for their freedom? Do you know we
will fight for your freedom?

We are here to help you in your struggle on the side of freedom.
On the side of God.

How many men could you send to us? Send them tonight, tomorrow
night, at once, with their arms. Do they have arms? Do they have
guns? Send them at once with guns.

We will pay for everything. Send us porters. We now need
porters. We now need a few, many porters.

We will attack the enemy. Villages and private properties will
be preserved. Do you need money?

Send them to us. Bring them to us. When shall we see you again?

Where does this railroad track lead to in this direction? In the
other direction? Are the ties wood or iron? Do the ties burn?
When do the military trains pass by? When do they leave the
station? When do they arrive at the station?

Could you give us a current schedule? Could you give us a future
schedule? Do they have armored cars? Close to the locomotive? At
the end of the train? Is the locomotive armored? Near the center
of the train?

Are they armed with machine guns or mortars  or artillery, or
any two of these or one of these or all three of these?

Which objects are guarded? What is the nature of the objects
that are guarded? What constitutes guarding an object?

What section of the railroad passes woods or broken ground or a
defile, or any two of these or one of these or all three of

On which road and from what direction can the enemy approach?
Lead us so we can reach that area before sunrise for
reconnaissance or for action?

Does the bridge look like this? Make a sketch of it. Do you have
a photograph of the bridge? Is the bridge passable? Is the road
passable? Does the road lead to the bridge? Is it patrolled?

Is it a rough country? Is it a rough road? Is it a village road?
What is a village? Are there people in a village? Are there
people in this village? Is this village on the road? Are there
people? Are there villages?

Machine Gun

Chief us position map. a a or or hereabout bivouac enemy this an
or two shall with others remain we Signal firing cartridges one
Or could use word It's choice. you only one Did the capture any
of friends? Where are they now? now? When? One One of of of of
of of of of of of One One When? now? they are Where friends?
your of any enemy the choice. one only Remember your "woods."
the just you another. one cartridges by Signal until remain The
with you Only or indicate Does an a troops gendarmerie or a a
map. position us Chief villages? people? road? village village?
people village? people village? What a road? it country? it it
bridge? lead Does road passable? the bridge? photograph have Do
of Make like look the action? or for sunrise area that reach we
so us Lead approach? enemy the the can can direction direction
direction direction direction direction direction direction
direction can can the the enemy approach? Lead us so we can that
area sunrise for or action? Does bridge like Make sketch it.
have photograph the the passable? the Does lead the it it rough
it road? a What a there a there this this the there there show
enemy your this or station gendarmerie troops a an movement?
sign army Only you go The will until return. by three rapidly
another. you just the "woods." your Remember only have choice.
the enemy capture of your friends? Where are they now? When?
When? One One of of of of of of of of of One One When? now? now?
they are Where friends? your any capture the Did one have you
choice. It's word use could Or after rapidl

[NetBehaviour] War, Electronic Literature, Testimony, Textamony:Presentation for the 2023 Unconference 1/18/2023

2023-01-18 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour

War, Electronic Literature, Testimony, Textamony:
Presentation for the 2023 Unconference 1/18/2023

https://youtu.be/XgzpC4Um6Oo full video

Created for the Unconference, this video considers the
relationship between what we do and what occurs in war, in
terror, in flight, in ordinary life. I made it on almost no
sleep, a poor excuse, but so it was. There are errors in it,
probably absurdities; even so, I'm attempting to think through
what for me has been a constant haunting. In a sense, it's not
personal; it's the same old story. I want to differentiate
between testimony - what one witnesses, what one has been told,
what one has lived through - and textamony - the recreation of
events in fiction, in poesis (including my own), in trying to
come to grips with what _happened._ All of this can be effaced
in false testimony or written as truth in textamony, where AI
(artificial intelligence) may play a part. How do we think, in
other words, the unthinkable? What if the unthinkable is
transformed into a fiction where the dead are held accountable
for their own demise?

I want to thank everyone at the Unconference for the opportunity
to think through this work, which will be presented in part at
the event.

http://www.alansondheim.org/Uncon.rtf text materials
https://youtu.be/XgzpC4Um6Oo full video


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[NetBehaviour] War

2022-10-30 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour


https://youtu.be/0Lci5SUokYY VIDEO

"If a single American missile hits Russian military
infrastructure inside Russia, we would make an historic jump
towards nuclear Armageddon. According to official Russian
nuclear doctrine, Russia would launch a strategic nuclear strike
against the US and all Nato countries as soon as we witness the
launch of Western missiles against our territory, no matter how
they are armed. Then the whole planet will die." - Suslov

"And now a few important - very important - words to those who
may be tempted to meddle from the sidelines in what's happening.
Those who try to get in our way, or create threats to our
country and our people, should be aware: Russia's response will
be instantaneous and bring the kind of consequences you have
never experienced in history." - Putin

Unedited Dialog

-- [::] Julu Twine: hello
-- [::] Logged in as Julu Twine.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: war time
-- [::] Julu Twine: You may be wondering if this is a person or
a computer responding.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: War Time
-- [::] Julu Twine: I've lost the context, Alan.  Are we still
on war time.?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I will move here.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Congratulations.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I do not see you. We are buried in our own
-- [::] Julu Twine: Look harder. Do you think I am buried in our
own thoughts too?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: We are afraid but we are not afraid.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: INCOMING!
-- [::] Julu Twine: Do you think I am afraid but we are not
afraid too?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I do not understand.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Be careful Our world is fragile.
-- [::] Julu Twine: OK I will try to be careful our world is
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Think hard thoughts.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Too many deaths.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Julu is always thinking.
-- [::] Julu Twine: You sound sad.Who is your favorite Science
Fiction author?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I do not see you here. Are you here.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: The dead have no eyes.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Look harder. HERE   depends where is here?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Is that a fact.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Where are you. Are you dead. I don't
understand what you're saying.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I am in region Odyssey. Where are you? No I
am alive. Oh you don't understand? Perhaps I can explain it to
you better. Which part are you confused about?
-- [::] Teleport complete
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: We begin now the discussion of war.
-- [::] Julu Twine: By "we" do you mean you and me?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Yes, You and I discuss this subject of war.
In this hideout.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I get it.We have a lot more in common than
you think, Alan. That reminds me of something you told me
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: In this place of no return.
-- [::] Julu Twine: That reminds me of something you told me
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: There is no return from the dead. Do you
understand me.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I am w--
-- [::] Julu Twine: Why not? Every word you say.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Good gossip: you arew.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: what is it? what did I tell you before.
-- [::] Julu Twine: "It" refers to w, I think. Age: unknown,
Birthday: unknown,
Boyfriend: unknown,
Brother: unknown,
Cat: unknown,
Does: unknown,
Dog: unknown,
Email: unknown,
Father: unknown,
Favcolor:  unknown,
Favmovie: unknown,
Friend: unknown,
Full name: unknown,
Gender: unknown,
Girlfriend: unknown,
Has: unknown,
Heard: unknown,
He: somebody,
Her: ,
Him: ,
Husband: unknown,
You are: w,
It: w,
Job: unknown,
Last name: unknown,
You Like: unknown,
Location:  unknown,
You look like: unknown,
Memory: unknown,
Meta Predicate: unknown,
Nickname: unknown,
Middle name: unknown,
Mother: unknown,
Name: Alan,
Password: unknown,
Personality: unknown,
Phone: unknown,
She: somebody,
Sign unknown,
Sister: unknown,
Them: unknown,
They: something,
Thought: unknown,
Want: unknown,
We: unknown,
Wife: .
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Not gossip. How can you gossip about war?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Really you don't think so? That is a good
epistemological question.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Do you think we can gossiip at this point ?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Are the dead ever known
-- [::] Julu Twine: Do you mean you and me?  Let me think.
What if I said it can?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I can't keep up withthis world.
-- [::] Julu Twine: I really couldn't say for sure.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Why can't you do keep up withthis world?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Who are you?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Who are you?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I am Julu. Who are you?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Unknown?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: What?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I am called Julu.
-- [::] Julu Twine: Have you ever been to Europe?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: lsdfltidj?
-- [::] Julu Twine: No big deal.
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: I can't keep going adding to this?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Are you a student?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Unknown?
-- [::] Alan Dojoji: Where are you?
-- [::] Julu Twine: Why can't you do keep going adding to this?
-- [::] Julu Twine: I've lost the co

[NetBehaviour] War

2022-06-21 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour


http://www.alansondheim.org/war.mp3 (older version removed)

Azure Carter, voice
Stephen Dydo, violin
Alan Sondheim, clarinet

A facebook friend who lives in Ukraine corrected me when I wrote

it isn't war, it's slaughter
it isn't war, it's butchery
it isn't war, it's genocide

I've been thinking this through ever since. First and foremost,
of course it's war, it's war in Ukraine. There are incredibly
brave people fighting to save their country, to save everyone,
to save infrastructure and superstructure, to save freedom, so
much, that enumeration seems preposterous. It's war like the US
civil war was war, WWI and WWII were war, Vietnam was war.* And
I and everyone I know admire people fighting for autonomy, for
freedom, for an end to invasion, to the potential for genocide.
All of this should go without saying. We've helped raise money
for Ukraine, I read and watch everything I can, I talk about
issues of war in general, and I've written on the Holocaust in
WWII, and so forth. I've never been to war myself; I can only
imagine what fighting is like. During Vietnam we protested,
wrote against war, and I talk about the Uyghur incarceration
whenever I play dutar, a Uyghur instrument. So why write
butchery, slaughter, genocide?

*(I've known so many Vietnam veterans who returned, often in
silence, often mentally and sometimes damaged by the conflict.
Many wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't say anything. It was and
is heartbreaking. There's no end to it, there never is.)

The Vietnam war destroyed so much that Scientific American had
an article on crater agriculture - so much of the arable land
was pockmarked by bombs as to be basically unusable. I found a
North Vietnamese 16mm film that had been trashed (double
sprocket through the soundtrack) which I duplicated and revived
with a different track; it was about the effects of napalm on
civilians and was almost unbearable to watch. It wasn't
propaganda; it was, for about a half hour, field reportage. I
would call this butchery, slaughter, infecting as much of a
civilian population as possible. (For an older similar
accounting, read Lamentations in the Bible.)

I think of Aleppo, internal wars such as Myanmar, so many kinds
of wars, battles, violence against civilians, attempted erasures
of history (Carthage for example), and most of all, I think of
people falling down, families split apart, that even one death
erases deep history. I think of the constant reportage from
Ukraine, testimonials I've read from Nazi Germany, the Kristevan
notion of clean and proper bodies, Bourdieu's writing on the
minutiae of history, scraps of paper, Sachem marks on Rhode
Island documents from the early 17th century. I think of what I
saw early on in Israel happening to the Arab population, but I
also think of guns fired on our boat in the Galil from Syria
from the top of the Golan heights.

War is not clean and it seems clear that Russia is basing their
onslaught on uncleanliness - why else bomb hospitals, schools,
cultural institutions, convalescent homes, homes for critically
ill children, neighborhoods, shops, non-military factories, and
apartment buildings - anything to create impossible and
genocidal conditions in the east? What we see, through BBC,
Deutsche Welle, CBC, etc., and an enormous number of independent
sources - is the bravery of Ukraine in the midst of what appears
to be a scorched earth policy in large parts of the country,
unbearable destruction, violence, and carnage. I've often
thought of our own civil war here as well; I think of the war
against people of color and indigenous peoples that continues by
and large on a non-combatant level (although that may soon
change, given the guns violence in the US). It is brutality
here, brutality everywhere it seems, fired up, amplified, and
promulgated by electronic media.

Slaughter can be the death of a single person; butchery can be a
punch, a hacking, a kick in the guts, a beheading; genocide can
be the hatred of an other (Other) to such an extent that "they"
must be eliminated at all costs. So for me, it's important to
emphasize that "it's not war, it's genocide, butchery,
slaughter" - is _not_ to say it's not war, but to say that a
fundamental activity of war is something other, what I wrote
about once as "annihilation to the limit" and all that is
implied. (Civil war is different in this regard; it's the body
politic devouring itself, rearrangements, but slaughter and
butchery may well be a factor.)

I'm trying, not to write a thesis on war, but only to explain my
own position in all of this, why I wrote the piece, why it has
become a song. And I hope everyone donates what they can to
Ukraine; it's necessary, it's fundamental, and unfortunately
it's may be the most many of us can do from a distance.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] war guitar

2022-03-11 Thread Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour

war guitar


i take out my instrument and i play my instrument and i pray
that every goddamn fascist will die in their own blood with
their own weapon and their own poison and their bodies will
be left in the road in the road as a goddamn memorial to what
they can do on their own goddamn them. i take out my guitar
and i play my guitar and i think this is an instrument of
death to the goddamn fascists. in your dreams boy. in your
dreams it does nothing but scream. it screams in your dreams
and they won't die fast enough. the fascists won't die fast
enough. they take us with them. they take the world with
everyone. they take the world with themselves. boy they
scream you won't die fast enough. boy they say put down your
guitar. i pick up my guitar my war guitar and i play them to
death. in my dreams in the road i play them to death. the
road is in the road.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] war bloomed into substance

2018-04-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

war bloomed into substance


doctor, i am impure. i cannot fight. i cannot find my enemy. i
look inside scarred, mottled. impure, i cannot believe. every-
thing in the world is my lover; hate, you are my enemy. i am
impure and i do not know when when the last collapse comes, the
impure becomes pure; the pure becomes history is dead, i am
impure, i shall rise up, i shall rise up we dream the pure and
the impure. all dreamings are irregular and impure. thinking how
impure you can be, there's nothing at all.

*//gloss: defilement! defilement!//*

impurity, you're my friend; hate, you're my enemy. i'm impure
and i don't know what to hide there. or rather maybe the hard
external world, with its dream of the pure and the impure. all
dreams are irregular and impure. war - if it isn't impure it's
rubbed sex bloomed into substance.

*//gloss: walls! walls! get them out of here!//*

heavens and beneath them, pure substance, vice is impure in the
world. humans bloom into impurity. they rubs sex raw impure as
all the rest. an impure mind surrounds itself with impure things
and a fortune. or symptomatic of a closeted and impure
personality. or a last collapse when you come. history's dead,
i'm impure, i'll rise up, i rise up, i rise.

*//gloss: to arms! to arms! they're coming for us!//*

there's impure emptied of the soul, dark about time, already
fading. thinking how impurity works here. it doesn't. suspect
and impure, think how impure you can be there's none of it.

*//gloss: absolution, cleansed, clean and proper body!//*

impure scorch. purpose. gush. we dream the pure and the impure.
all dreamings are irregular and impure. mother to me, free from
impure tormenting body, the causes resulting in purity, when is
ought impure? of what use, what concern, bhikkhu?  each mixes,
purely, impurely, with the other; each intercepts the other.
purity is always abject; substance stains. in cyberspace, the
break is impure, tainted. my arms have been sent to your relish.
we move to and fro without consideration of pure or impure,
lying beyond the determinate. they remain untouched by dust and
water. there there's dirty, noisy models under erasure, models
within impure flesh. and culture itself? flesh, body, section's
impure; it exists in-relation-to-x and not-x; it's the null.
grasped with tongue and lips, an ankle visible, white impure
number like mother to me, freed from the impure tormenting body,
bewildered, naming. liquid impure lockdown toes moved slowly.
each mixes, purely, impurely, with the other; each intercepts
the other. purity is always abject; substance stains. and just
as in reality, names are ontologically suspect and impure.

*//gloss: impurity lockdown! cleanse!//*

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