[NetBehaviour] Heruka death theater

2009-12-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

Heruka death theater


Confined without a floor to stretch upon, or space splayed open
above or beyond, Heruka has to function among the old-fashioned,
does hir best, hir consort churned against the _production-machine_,
hir consort rub raw against _absorption-machine,_
hir consort meshed raw against _emission-machine,_
against _yidam-machine,_ against _yidam-machine_

Death Theater:

The stage is pitch-black. The audience is well-lit, floodlights every-
where. The performance is invisible. Occasional mumblings, cries, whisp-
ers, nothing understood. Sometimes a spotlight plays across the audience,
tentative or deliberate. But the stage, the stage is dark, is very dark,
is black. The stage seems black, seems invisible. Nothing can be seen on
stage. The audience is illuminated. Sometimes a light moves, quickly or
slowly, across the audience. The stage is coal- black, absent of color.
Voices are heard, urgent or languorous, screams perhaps, almost inaudible
snatches of song. Actors and actresses are invisible. At times, movements
are heard, perhaps scuffles. Nothing is visible on stage. The stage is
absolutely black, the audience brightly lit.

(turn down your volume for heruka2 - electric saz,
might 'splatter' otherwise)
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] my first video

2009-12-23 Thread james morris

my first video

uses the recordmydesktop program in linux
the jack audio connection kit is running

the jack plugin for alsa is setup in ~/.asoundrc

a recording made using recordmydesktop is playing via ffplay (part of the
ffmpeg pkg)

the recording that is playing (via ffplay) is a recording of a youtube
video (adobe flash) playing in iceweasel (firefox to you) with the audio
routed (via the jack plugin for alsa setup in ~/.asoundrc) to jack-rack
with 3 ladspa fx: bode frequency shifter, guitarix delay, invada tube.

recordmydesktop is called from the command line -x 100 -y 100 --width 400
--height 300 specifying the jack-rack jack outputs (copied and pasted
from the output of jack_lsp in another terminal)

i drag windows around, i click in the ffplay window, clicking in the
ffplay window causes ffplay to seek to another point in the video, which
usually results in spooky video fx, sometimes seen on digital tv when
the reception is bad or on a scratched dvd.

the result is 21meg .ogv video file, ogg theora video, 21mb, the result
is this:


it should play in firefox i don't know much about video, maybe you have
problems playing it. it does not seem to play in iceweasel, it loads but
does not play. 2 seconds worth plays. the whole thing plays believe me,
it does.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] X-Messive 2009 Final Edition

2009-12-23 Thread Andreas Jacobs
End of the Year Issue, text-only

Best wishes to all!

Recent additions:

Apophatic Art: Toward A Phenomenology of (Exhausted) Language
"Lists and Continua", culled from various things written by Curt  
Cloninger 2009
Artwork or not Work  by Erik Empson
Exhibition: Westerdoksdijk, Amsterdam 5 en 6 September vanaf 14:00 CEST
Agni Omnibus Woud
Bardo for Simon Vinkenoog (1928-2009) Dutch writer
  *UNITED (international) neighborhood against racism - action against  
fencing Roma settlements in Belgrade*
Name me Han Pi'i Tee
Rock & Roll For the Shah
Post Scarcity Method: Schemata for the New Poor
Klebnikov Promotion
Raga Night Amsterdam - Music from the Minang Kabau
Wolve Eyes - Schijndood Live!
A Telephone Prose Poem
Burgerwaanzin op Radio Patapoe 88.3 FM Amsterdam
Sloop Westerdoksdijk 11hs, Amsterdam 2004: De Schoorsteen
Balcony, Clay & Spoon, Groundview, JV & AA 2008

Articles .::.

 Lists & Continua: Curt Cloninger (US)
 Artwork or not work: Erik Empson (UK)
 Cycling in the Age of Empire: Martin Hardie (AU)
 Vernacular Video: Tom Sherman (US)
 Holywood's Alien Women: James Jaeger (US)
 Machines of the Invisible: Patricia Pisters (NL)
 It smells like Pop, Remix 2008: Mark Amerika (US)
 The Few and the Many: A. Andreas (NL)
 Towards a Radical Anti-Social Art: A. Andreas (NL)
 Creative Insurgencies: A. Andreas (NL)

Gebleekt door de Zon, Bleached by the Sun
Free Europa, Vrij Europa, Flag Proposal, Amsterdam, NL 9 - 1009 - 2009  

::: More :::

The Greater Global Industrial Illusion VI
Crossed Roses, Kitchenfloor, Amsterdam, NL 2009 XII

::: More :::

The Greater Global Industrial Illusion V
Part V, KZ Dora, Nordhausen, Germany 2009

::: More :::

AINAC 2010 - Art is not about Communication

Call for Papers

Focus, Belief, Communication, Course, Comprehension, Art, Effect, Art,  
Direction, Direction(s), Network, Art, Vector, Side, Side, Main,  
Interpretation, Error, Many, Professional, Field, Art, Senses, Thumb,  
Critic, Few, World, Speech, Extreme, Notion, Ourselves, This, World,  
Push, Foreground, Curator, Metrosexual, Power, Relation, Accumulation,  
Item, Fetish, Replacement, Lust, Contact, Capital, Distinction, Use,  
Exchange, Labyrinth, Housing, Global, Warning, Transportation,  
Education, Sex, Healthcare, Political, Agenda, Value, Object, Control,  
Prison, CCTV, Market, Non-Smoking Area, Public, Everybody, Part,  
Communication, World, Facebook, Twitter, About, Their, Spaces, Google,  
Anxious, Need, Each, Other, Labour, Stop, Thinking, Leisure, Subject,  
System, Aesthetics, Teleologics.

To problematize, To invent, To economize, To force, To capitalize, To  
inject, To reject, To subject, To object, To maintain, To remain, To  
insult, To consult, To solve, To dissolve, To involve, To revolve To  
explode, To implode, To radiate, To broadcast, To send, To conceive,  
To retrieve, To conspire, To subvert, To invert, To absolve, To gain,  
To loose, To drain, To drink, To drown, To stop, To communicate, To  
mutate, To correspond, To eject, To rule, To eradicate.

Mistaken, Contrary, Singular, Local, Contemporary, Public, (Psycho),  
Patho-Sociological, Drenched, Oversaturated, Urban, Senseless,  
Speechless, Worshipped, Rural, Blurred, Private, Communicative,  
Global, Lucid, Kind, Nice, Rough, Mild, Less, Manifold, Plural, Focal.

Derrida, Foucault, Brecht, Lacan, Freud, Deleuze, Bourriaud,  
Houellebeq, Lovecraft, Poe, Borges, Alzheimer, Husserl, Heidegger,  
Marx, Hobbe, Spinoza, Sloterdijk, Hegel, Kranz, Benjamin, Plotinus.

Articles should use any or all the words given and should not exceed  
500 words.
Send your proposals to ::: ainac2010[at]nictoglobe[dot]com :::

Deadline: 15 January 2010

Received entries to be published in Volume 12, issue 1, 2010

Deranged Iconic Artefacts

A. Andreas 2009

Augmented reality as cinematographic scrap. A series of mash-ups  
mixing socio-geographical data with vir(e)al spaces and deranged  
iconic artifacts.
Variable sized digital c-prints & projections on various surface  
materials. Presented in random chronological order.

Featured in /Seconds, Issue #11 , 08/2009
Digital Arts Online Publication
Curated by P. Lewis - UK

::: /Seconds :::

The Necrosocial
Source: Multitudes-infos list/ Vincent Bonnet

Author unknown

The Necrosocial

Occupied UC Berkeley, 18 November 2009.

Being president of the University of California is like being
manager of a cemetery: there are many people under you, but
no one is listening. - UC President Mark Yudof

Capital is dead labor which, vampire-like, lives only by
sucking living labor. - Karl Marx

Politics is death that lives a human life. Achille Mbembe

Yes, very much a cemetery.  Only here there are no dirges,
no prayers, only the repeated testing of our threshold for
anxiety, humiliation, and debt.  The clas

[NetBehaviour] amazing shoe gazing

2009-12-23 Thread james morris

NetBehaviour mailing list


2009-12-23 Thread manik
NetBehaviour mailing list


2009-12-23 Thread manik
Marisa Olson
OMG This is sooo great!!!
NetBehaviour mailing list


2009-12-23 Thread manik
Marisa Olson
OMG This is sooo great!!!
NetBehaviour mailing list