[NetBehaviour] Space Beam Artist-in-Residence Programme 2011

2011-07-04 Thread Bommsoon Lee

 Space Beam Artist-in-Residence Programme 2011

Baedari pro_ject  


August~14th October 2011

Hosted by Space Beam

Organized by Space Beam Planning Team

Partnership with Reforming Baedari as a historical and cultural village 

Sponsored by Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture

Space Beam is currently looking for artists and researchers
to participate in the Artist-in-Residence programme 2011. As an alternative art
space based in Baedari, East Incheon, South Korea, we have been actively engaged
in and conducting discussions and various art practices concerning roles of art
in the local community.

Programme Overview

pro_ject  pro_posal’

Under the title of ‘PUBIC STUDIO’, Space Beam has been intervening in the issues
of relationship between artists, locals and the local community over the last 5
years. With continuous evaluation and experimental approach to engage in the
local community, we have been seeking to engender discourse on contemporary art
and artists.

These were to go beyond the accustomed and conventional
disposition (artist-relocation-moving into a studio-production-open studio) to
run and undertake artist in residency programmes, and to assess and identify 
of art practices and activities. In other words, whereas conventional
disposition of artist in residence programmes were to promote artists’ career
and to enrich the local community, our approach was to discover alternative
ways and methods to genuinely communicate with the locals and to experience the
area as a resident through art.

Space Beam Artist-in-Residence Programme 2011 aims to be
clearer on its purpose, scheme and expectation on artists in residence on the
basis of experiences, achievements and obstacles we have had up until now. 
pro_ject  pro_posal’ is initiated to invite
projects and proposals for Baedari village that has been facing issues on its
redevelopment and an industrial motorway that has been planned to built cross
over the village, yet stopped to proceed. This year we expect our artists in
residence to work with the locals, specialists and activists to revitalise 
as a historical and cultural village through discussions and actions. We want
our artists in residence to demonstrate professionalism and to suggest 
ethics for village regeneration within 2 months.

For this, Space Beam invites both national and international
professionals in the areas of public/community arts, urban planning, 
landscape design and public design. We will support participants to realise
their projects and to carry out their research by organising meetings with 
specialists, activists and artists in the region. We hope to share international
opinions on village regeneration, good ways of doing it and to assess its 

Programme Guidelines

-Residency period: 15th August-14th October 2011

-Participants: national and international participants (5 in total)

-Areas: public/community arts, urban planning, architecture, landscape, public

-Aims: to seek and suggest directions for revitalisation of Baedari based on
its historical and cultural qualities. 

All participants are expected to;
- know the historical and cultural
characteristics of Baedari

- share current issues in Baedari

- share activities and experiences in Baedari and residency outcomes  

Public/community arts: Participants are expected to carry
out proposed projects and programmes focused on specific space or area or group
in the community 

Urban planning: Participants are expected to analyse issues
in redevelopment and facility planning in the region and suggest appropriate

Architecture: Participants are expected to suggest remodelling
plans of the Baedari to become a cultural and historical village 

Landscape design: Participants are expected to make
suggestions to utilise the industrial motorway site considering historical and
cultural characteristics of Baedari 

Public design: Participants are expected to make design
plans on the idea of grassroots and suggest strategies to facilitate them 

*Participants can work together 

-Outcomes: Programme report  Forum


--Support and Stipend 

For International participants: One-way flight (Outbound only)

For all participants: 2,500,000 KRW Grant to carry out the selected project

Accommodation (shared living space
within Baedari) 

Research guidance 

Network opportunities

Assistance to proceed a project

-Selection methods: Open call, Recommendation and Invitation

-Eligibility: Anyone who is willing and able to undertake
the programme professionally, can apply

-Application deadline: 

[NetBehaviour] new Neural issue #39, Multiplied Identities

2011-07-04 Thread Alessandro Ludovico
The new Neural issue is out, with exclusive stuff for subscribers.
In fact, only subscribers will get the By this 
time next yearŠ exhibition catalogue
(boredomresearch's solo exhibition at Georges House Gallery, Folkestone).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 issues + extra
Europe, 34,90 Euros - World, 54,50 U.S. Dollars.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ Neural Facebook Page ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ Neural @ Twitter: http://twitter.com/_neural ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Centerfold: 'Luminant Point Arrays' by Stephan Tillmans.

. Matthias Fritsch
. Lynn Hershman
. Evan Baden
. Paul Vanouse

. Who's Who on the Chinese Free Speech Internet?
. Codable identities in TV series
. Genesis P-Orridge
. Fictitious Identities in electronic dance
. Face to Facebook

. Transmediale 2011
. Elektra 12

.news: Newstweek, Highscreen, FoodMatch, Simulen, 
Boskoi, Soplarte, Disc.o, Quintetto, Lotto Beats, 
Show Me How [not] To Fight, Sea and Spar between, 
Untiled Faces, Link, Jeff Koons must die!!!, 

.books/dvds: Zizi Papacharissi/A Networked Self, 
Joss Hands/@ Is For Activism, Douglas 
Rushkoff/Program or Be Programmed, Jussi 
Parikka/Insect Media, Marshall McLuhan, W. 
Terrence/Gordon Counterblast, Tristan 
Perich/1-Bit Symphony, Lawrence 
English/Site-Listening: Brisbane, Salome 
Voegelin/Listening to Noise and Silence, Brandon 
LaBelle/The Sonic Body: Figures 1-12, Yoshio 
Machida/Scape*dance, ed. by Christian Ulrik 
Andersen  Søren Bro Pold/Interface Criticism, 
ed. by Ivana Bago, Olga Majcen Linn, Suncica 
Ostoic/Kontejner, Janez Jansa, Janez Jansa, Janez 
Jansa/Podpis / Signature, edited by Arjen Mulder, 
Joke Brouwer, Lars Spuybroek/The Politics of the 
Impure, Josephine Bosma/Nettitudes, Let's Talk 
Net Art.

.cd reviews: Bettina Wenzel, Autistici, Molly 
Berg/Olivia Block/Steve Roden  Stephen Vitiello, 
Francisco Meirino  Brent Gutzeit, Hanna Hartman, 
Nicola Ratti, Synusonde, Noish, Myo, Lugano Fell, 
Bettina Wenzel, Autistici, Molly Berg/Olivia 
Block/Steve Roden  Stephen Vitiello, Francisco 
Meirino  Brent Gutzeit, Hanna Hartman, Nicola 
Ratti, Synusonde, Noish, Myo, Lugano Fell, 
If/Bwana, Retina.it, VV.AA./Electric Carpets 
[Part 2 Of 2], Blake Carrington, Dimitri 
Voudouris, Alexander Schubert, Philippe Petit, 
Emanuele Errante, Jason Kahn, Igorrr.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ Neural ISSN: 2037-108X ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ Neural #38 contents ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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[NetBehaviour] Playdamage #85 { Proust_chaiR }

2011-07-04 Thread Curt Cloninger

audio and language by The Good, The Bad, and The Queen
glass by Charles Comfort Tiffany / chair by Alessandro Mendini
typeface is Cloninger Hand
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Cops Robbers | Share Prize 2011 | 7th Piemonte Share Festival

2011-07-04 Thread Simona Lodi

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

(sorry for any cross-posting) I'm forwarding the newsletter for this 
year's Share Prize 2011, and the dates and the title of the 7th Share 

As you will notice, we've made some substantial changes.

Feel free to spread the word!!

Best wishes,

Simona Lodi
director Share Festival


Share Prize 2011 - Piemonte Share | Cops  Robbers


Piemonte Share is announcing a new edition of the *Share Prize*, the 
international competition designed to discover, promote and support art 
in the digital age.

Entries for the Share Prize can be submitted from *25th June *to *20th 
August 2011*, by completing the entry form on the website www.toshare.it.

The competition is open to both Italian and foreign artists.

The Share Prize this year will focus on the theme for the 7th Share 
Festival, entitled */*Cops  Robbers*/.*

The theme takes its inspiration from the use of *appropriationism*, 
*activism *and *plagiarism *in art, which today has turned *fakes*, 
*mash ups* and *remixes *into an avant-garde artistic stance that flirts 
with what customarily is the wrong side of the law. A theme that fits 
perfectly with the sort of ‘networking’ that, ever since its beginnings, 
has straddled the dialectical line between legality and illegality, 
between theft and giving, between openness and closure, between 
intellectual property and sharing, and hence between widespread 
participation and a position of dominance.

An international jury will short-list six finalists for the prize, who 
will be invited to take part in the 7th Share Festival, to be held in 
Torino from *2nd* to*6th November 2011*, at the Regional Museum of 
Natural Science. The winner will receive a cash prize of EUR 2,500.00.

The names of the short-listed finalists (maximum six nominees) will be 
announced by the end of August 2011.

The entrants short-listed for the prize will be invited to take part in 
the 7th Share Festival, to be held in Torino from *2nd* to *6th November 
2011*, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science.




NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] From our correspondent Athens, Greece

2011-07-04 Thread Andreas Jacobs

... the europeans do not have the vacast idea of what could happen
on greece the following months

each day members of the greek parliament eat the beating of their life

a revolt here is very possible scenario

they said that we have a democracy but under those heavy circumstances
it is more than obvious even to the silliest that george papandreou
acts like a plassier of international usurers and what happens here as
an experiment they will do it on other countries of course

the greek regime is very autarchic and the greek state built a system
that replaces the absolute monarchy

at least in france they had 1 absolute monarch

here in greece we have 300 absolute monarchs
and they are very angry because the nation is furious with them

of course the situation is very complicated

the economic crisis that comission focus on had to do with the state
economics and not with the life that after the entrance of greece on
become one of the most expensive

our taxis system is the most complicated in the world with a volume of
500 pages only for codex

after the measures that comission asks greeks will end up to have the
lower salaries and athens is one of the most expensive cities in the

the situation is not good

the greek state erases and political comments from blogs
with views that critisized them heavily because they want to control
even and internet[only the 15% of the population ig greece has

the ministry of education anna diamantopoulou is spying the private
life of the students with its new programme giving email and passwords

the greek state knowing the ip adress of the pc s of the greek
students could select many infos for their lifes

and for hacking the greek intelligence service is the first

i am very annoyed by this fascism in my country and i can not believe
the extension of their fascistic methods

they want to observe the telephone communications for the good of the
greek nation

thats wghy george papandreou throw 3.000 tones of chemicals the
previous day, chemicals that cause cancern as you know

because he cares so much for the greek nation
so the situation here becomes day by day more dangerous and i will not
get surprised if the political regime collapses the following months

their measures of course are antipopular but imagine that their
salaries are 20.000 euros per month eating the state income

we have also one of the most expensive political systems in the world

i am very pesimistic for the future because they took all the time
loans with high races and greece can not pay such money

best regards arelis

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] From our correspondent Athens, Greece

2011-07-04 Thread dave miller
hi andreas

My take on it all (based on what I've been reading, it's certainly
better to be there to understand it all) -

The ECB are only thinking about their big banks going bust - Credit
Agricole, Soceite General, Deutsch Bank - who made all these terrible
loans and stand to lose billions if Greece defaults.

So they are forcing the Greek Govt to accept IMF loans, to pay off
these debts, and then the Greek people pay off the loans via austerity
measures/ cuts/ taxes.

I think the Greek people should really fight back and not accept the
IMF money at all, but then that's easy for me to say as I'm not
affected directly by the situation - yet. Lots of experts reckon
that Greece could default on their debt and after a short time things
would be ok for Greece. Dont know if this is true, though Greece has
defaulted many times before, and survived.

You're right, papandreou doesnt care for the people. He's accused of a
huge fraud I've read also - I dont think he'll be in power for much

Here's another great article from Micheal Hudson:

all the best

On 4 July 2011 18:27, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 ... the europeans do not have the vacast idea of what could happen
 on greece the following months

 each day members of the greek parliament eat the beating of their life

 a revolt here is very possible scenario

 they said that we have a democracy but under those heavy circumstances
 it is more than obvious even to the silliest that george papandreou
 acts like a plassier of international usurers and what happens here as
 an experiment they will do it on other countries of course

 the greek regime is very autarchic and the greek state built a system
 that replaces the absolute monarchy

 at least in france they had 1 absolute monarch

 here in greece we have 300 absolute monarchs
 and they are very angry because the nation is furious with them

 of course the situation is very complicated

 the economic crisis that comission focus on had to do with the state
 economics and not with the life that after the entrance of greece on
 become one of the most expensive

 our taxis system is the most complicated in the world with a volume of
 500 pages only for codex

 after the measures that comission asks greeks will end up to have the
 lower salaries and athens is one of the most expensive cities in the

 the situation is not good

 the greek state erases and political comments from blogs
 with views that critisized them heavily because they want to control
 even and internet[only the 15% of the population ig greece has

 the ministry of education anna diamantopoulou is spying the private
 life of the students with its new programme giving email and passwords

 the greek state knowing the ip adress of the pc s of the greek
 students could select many infos for their lifes

 and for hacking the greek intelligence service is the first

 i am very annoyed by this fascism in my country and i can not believe
 the extension of their fascistic methods

 they want to observe the telephone communications for the good of the
 greek nation

 thats wghy george papandreou throw 3.000 tones of chemicals the
 previous day, chemicals that cause cancern as you know

 because he cares so much for the greek nation
 so the situation here becomes day by day more dangerous and i will not
 get surprised if the political regime collapses the following months

 their measures of course are antipopular but imagine that their
 salaries are 20.000 euros per month eating the state income

 we have also one of the most expensive political systems in the world

 i am very pesimistic for the future because they took all the time
 loans with high races and greece can not pay such money

 best regards arelis

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Mountains and Shuddering: (last of the series)

2011-07-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

Mountains and Shuddering:

Probably Foofwa: http://www.alansondheim.org/triangle.mp4
Kira shuddering: http://www.alansondheim.org/madeit.mp4

They form a set with the others. I've been thinking about avatar subject-
ivity, about the relationship between subject and subjectivity, between
movement and movement-deconstruction, about fauns. The sound in all of
them has been separately edited; the aural space with earphones is
somewhat in front of the movement-image, somewhat behind the viewer.

The rest of the set:

Kira Sedlock belly: http://www.alansondheim.org/ks1.mp4
Kira Sedlock stalking: http://www.alansondheim.org/ks2.mp4
Foofwa avatar-response: http://www.alansondheim.org/quakeshare.mp4
Access Grid response:http://www.alansondheim.org/worldshare1.mp4
Azure Carter wraparound: http://www.alansondheim.org/worldshare2.mp4
RadioKira: http://www.alansondheim.org/radiokira.mp4

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The Miserablistic Approach Quartely, Issue July 7 2011 was Re: From our correspondent Athens, Greece

2011-07-04 Thread Andreas Maria Jacobs

Hi Dave

I do not know what to say but my sympathy is intuitively directed  
towards society's victims regardless their nationality on paper

In every major European city are signals of deeply felt frustation and  
anger mostly against old school authoritarian regimes ruling countries  

The Miserablistic Approach Quartely, Next issue: July 21 2011

Future brings much needed change, NWET (Northern and Western European  
Territories) should anticipate those with open mind and heart

The Miserablistic Approach Quartely is accepting proposals for it's  
next edition

Send an e-mail to:


Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On Jul 4, 2011, at 20:32, dave miller dave.miller...@gmail.com wrote:

hi andreas

My take on it all (based on what I've been reading, it's certainly
better to be there to understand it all) -

The ECB are only thinking about their big banks going bust - Credit
Agricole, Soceite General, Deutsch Bank - who made all these terrible
loans and stand to lose billions if Greece defaults.

So they are forcing the Greek Govt to accept IMF loans, to pay off
these debts, and then the Greek people pay off the loans via austerity
measures/ cuts/ taxes.

I think the Greek people should really fight back and not accept the
IMF money at all, but then that's easy for me to say as I'm not
affected directly by the situation - yet. Lots of experts reckon
that Greece could default on their debt and after a short time things
would be ok for Greece. Dont know if this is true, though Greece has
defaulted many times before, and survived.

You're right, papandreou doesnt care for the people. He's accused of a
huge fraud I've read also - I dont think he'll be in power for much

Here's another great article from Micheal Hudson:

all the best

On 4 July 2011 18:27, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:

... the europeans do not have the vacast idea of what could happen
on greece the following months

each day members of the greek parliament eat the beating of their  

a revolt here is very possible scenario

they said that we have a democracy but under those heavy  

it is more than obvious even to the silliest that george papandreou
acts like a plassier of international usurers and what happens here  

an experiment they will do it on other countries of course

the greek regime is very autarchic and the greek state built a system
that replaces the absolute monarchy

at least in france they had 1 absolute monarch

here in greece we have 300 absolute monarchs
and they are very angry because the nation is furious with them

of course the situation is very complicated

the economic crisis that comission focus on had to do with the state
economics and not with the life that after the entrance of greece on
become one of the most expensive

our taxis system is the most complicated in the world with a volume  

500 pages only for codex

after the measures that comission asks greeks will end up to have the
lower salaries and athens is one of the most expensive cities in the

the situation is not good

the greek state erases and political comments from blogs
with views that critisized them heavily because they want to control
even and internet[only the 15% of the population ig greece has

the ministry of education anna diamantopoulou is spying the private
life of the students with its new programme giving email and  

the greek state knowing the ip adress of the pc s of the greek
students could select many infos for their lifes

and for hacking the greek intelligence service is the first

i am very annoyed by this fascism in my country and i can not believe
the extension of their fascistic methods

they want to observe the telephone communications for the good of the
greek nation

thats wghy george papandreou throw 3.000 tones of chemicals the
previous day, chemicals that cause cancern as you know

because he cares so much for the greek nation
so the situation here becomes day by day more dangerous and i will  

get surprised if the political regime collapses the following months

their measures of course are antipopular but imagine that their
salaries are 20.000 euros per month eating the state income

we have also one of the most expensive political systems in the world

i am very pesimistic for the future because they took all the time
loans with high races and greece can not pay such money

best regards arelis

NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list