[NetBehaviour] Die Neue Elite ist das Volk: Photoset @occupyamsterdam (10-11-2011) by A. Andreas

2011-11-16 Thread Andreas Jacobs


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4: Fredrik de Wilde

2011-11-12 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4:

Fredrik de Wilde

inline: Untitled-Image-1.gifinline: Untitled-Image-3.gif

Numer1cal Recipe Series [NRS] 2010 When Form Follows Data_

Fredrik de Wilde studied fine arts (MA), audio-visual arts(MA)   
followed a pre-education in architecture, studied one year of  
philosophy and concluded his studies with a post-graduate degree in  
new media, arts  design at TRANSMEDIA where he was initiated in  
software programming. Frederik is currently collaborating with Q-o2,  
The University Hasselt (BE), Rice University (USA), Karlsruhe  
University (DE), Rochester University (USA), VUB (BE), NASA (USA) and  
Transmedia (BE).

see: http://nictoglobe.com/frictionresearch

Andreas Maria Jacobs

Publisher/ Editor Nictoglobe Online Magazine

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Computer manufactured art in the Netherlands 1960ties to 1980. A conversation with Darko Fritz and Agam Andreas

2011-11-12 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Computer manufactured art in the Netherlands 1960ties to 1980.
A conversation with Darko Fritz and Agam Andreas (Burgerwaanzin  
radioprogram from nictoglobe.com)

As broadcasted today between 18:00 20:00 CEST

Amsterdam Radio Patapoe, Program Burgerwaanzin

Now available at the Nictoglobe Radio Archive

Listen to archived show:



Andreas Maria Jacobs


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Iteracy And The Digital Humanities

2011-10-13 Thread Andreas Jacobs
 Do we need to programme to have a say in contemporary democracy?

Well, definitively NO!

Why should we/they as if the illiterate are not part of a democratic  
whole or is your 'democratic' model merely technocratic.
How about all those people who cannot read or write? Are they not  
part of 'your' game? If I am not very mistaken your statement  
proposes an extension of the current hierarchical dominant politic  
power relations, and - again please correct me if I am wrong - shows  
a top-down approach to accentuate an elitists point of view

On the contrary we should be able to cross the digital divide and  
built upon a more 'cultivated' and less technology oriented social  
structure. The digital divide presupposes an enormous theoretical  
impact on practical life, and is suffocating those who are not part  
of it.

Conquer the Digital Divide, free yourselves from the Binary Master- 
Slave Principle

Sent from my eXtended BodY

Andreas Maria Jacobs

On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:59 PM, ruth catlow wrote:


 I watched a video of Doug Rushkcoff talk to a gathering of Etsy folk
 about establishing peer to peer economies.

 As part of his talk he said that it has taken over 2000 years  
 (after the
 invention of the alphabet) for mass literacy to take hold.

 And that in order to participate fully in contemporary democracy we  
 now need to learn basic computer programming (he reckons most people
 would need 2 weeks for a basic grasp of principles and elementary
 programming ability). On the principle that otherwise we are handing
 over the power to programme our societies to an elite few.

 What does everyone else think?
 As a remedial level programmer (I learned some php once, used to be  
 to build Drupal sites, could cut and paste javascript and perl,  
 know my
 way around HTML and ccs- with ref to the web) I'm interested to know
 what people who do it all the time think.

 Do we need to programme to have a say in contemporary democracy?

 : /

 On 12/10/2011 19:06, Rob Myers wrote:
 David Berry (whose excellent Philosophy Of Computing I reviewed for
 Furtherfield recently - ) has blogged about iteracy as a form of
 computational literacy -


 I would like to suggest that iteracy might serve as the name for the
 specific skills used for understanding code and algorithmic  
 culture – as
 indeed literacy (understanding texts) and numeracy (understanding
 numbers) do in a similar context. That is, iteracy is specifically  
 practice or being able to read and write code, rather than the more
 extensive notion of digital Bildung

 And his next book looks really good as well -


 - Rob.
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Re: [NetBehaviour] Instructional guides for desperate times

2011-10-02 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Keep on the good work!


On Sep 30, 2011, at 4:07 PM, dave miller wrote:

 Please print this out - A4 black and white.
 Then fold into a booklet according to these instructions:

 all the best
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] @filefestival, 16-07-11 21:28

2011-07-17 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Thanks to the following people who helped to make the project:

MANIK, Ana Valdes, Isabel Brison and Arelis Eleftherios for their translations

Special thanks to Judith V. aka The Frontline Princess for her dream


On 17 jul. 2011, at 15:40, Andreas Maria Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 Hi list
 I am proud to be part of it
 Andreas Maria Jacobs
 w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
 w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
 FILE Festival 2011 (@filefestival)
 16-07-11 21:28
 Hotsite do FILE SÃO PAULO 2011. Conheça a programação! 
 http://www.filefestival.org/hotsiteSP/Sobre.aspx http://fb.me/1b7R3flf1
 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] @filefestival, 16-07-11 21:28

2011-07-17 Thread Andreas Jacobs


On 17 jul. 2011, at 17:13, J. Trautwein jtw...@jtwine.com wrote:

 is part of it too.
 On Jul 17, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Andreas Jacobs wrote:
 Thanks to the following people who helped to make the project:
 MANIK, Ana Valdes, Isabel Brison and Arelis Eleftherios for their 
 Special thanks to Judith V. aka The Frontline Princess for her dream
 On 17 jul. 2011, at 15:40, Andreas Maria Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:
 Hi list
 I am proud to be part of it
 Andreas Maria Jacobs
 w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
 w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
 FILE Festival 2011 (@filefestival)
 16-07-11 21:28
 Hotsite do FILE SÃO PAULO 2011. Conheça a programação! 
 http://www.filefestival.org/hotsiteSP/Sobre.aspx http://fb.me/1b7R3flf1
 NetBehaviour mailing list
 NetBehaviour mailing list
 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4: Alice Georgina Thickett ::: Thinking, researching and creating work :::

2011-07-15 Thread Andreas Jacobs
July 15 2011
Reclaim the Mind, Friction Research Issue #4

Alice Georgina Thickett ::: Thinking, researching and creating work :::

Thinking, researching and creating work, . I used to think that there were 
certain ways or steps to becoming a real artist, and I hoped to identify my own 
art practice. I have been trying to work, as I assumed a 'real artist' would. 
But, what is art? what is an artist? and what exactly is an artist's practice? 
If I don't understand what art is, how can I ever hope to make something which 
is considered to be art?

The word art is actually defined in the dictionary as human creativity, and 
artist as a person who does anything very well, with a feeling of form. Does 
this mean anything any person creates, could be considered to be art? - I think 
briefly of Duchamp's Urinal. I feel that these simple definitions are hinting 
at an art version of the famous statement of Rene Descartes, philosopher, I 
think therefore I am. Perhaps, I create therefore I am an artist.
It is simply not enough to say that if you are an artist the things you create 
are pieces of art. In the contemporary art world collectors often make the 
decision as to what is a good or innovative piece of artwork; but what of the 
artists that are never acknowledged? Are they not creating art as well?

Keith Tyson is an artist who uses science and mathematical looking methods, 
such as using formulaic language, the periodic table and equations, to try and 
make sense of his own way of working, He describes his art as a form of 
experimentation, comparing his studio to a laboratory and his artwork to a 
series of research projects. [i] ...

Alice Georgina Thickett is currently a Nottingham based artist. After a 
challenging art degree she uses her work to question the critical nature of art 
using conceptual methods and text. Using logical processes to disect 
theoretical questions, she hopes to present new types of answers that are at 
the same time pedantic and illogical: http://www.howtobecomeanartist.co.uk




Enjoy reading!

-- Andreas Maria Jacobs - Editor

w: http://nictoglobe.com

w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

Bourgois Culture should be destroyed


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Announcement Friction Research #4 Reclaim the Mind: Paolo Cirio, Recombinant Fiction

2011-07-08 Thread Andreas Jacobs

It is a pleasure to announce our next contributor to Friction Research #4 
Reclaim the Mind

Paolo Cirio - Recombinant Fiction

Recombinant Fiction,  Recombinant Fiction emerges as a political and aesthetic 
fiction genre of this new immersive and participative form of art. By 
identifying valuable, distinctive characteristics and objectives, Recombinant 
Fiction defines a unique genre able to drive tactical activism and dramatic 

Paolo Cirio Paolo Cirio is an artist and public speaker, who was born in Turin, 
Italy in 1979 and currently lives in London. His awards include European Media 
Artists residence and grant, 2009; Transmediale award, 2008; Stuttgarter 
Filmwinter, 2007; Media Award St. Gilgen school, 2006; Comission Rhizome, 2005; 
moreover his works have been nominated for 10th Cairo Prize, 2009; VIPER Award, 
2005; and got honorary mentions at Share Festival, 2007; Ibizagrafica, 2006 and 
Prix Ars Electronica, 2005. He graduated in 2005 in Drama, Art and Music 
Studies at the University of Turin. Paolo was part of [epidemiC] net-art 
collective and has collaborated with many other pivotal figures of net-art like 
Bruce Sterling, Stewart Home, Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen.com and RTMark.



Enjoy reading

Andreas Maria Jacobs -Editor

w: http://nictoglobe.com

w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

e: aj...@xs4all.nl

e: a.andr...@nictoglobe.com

Politics is the Architecture of Death___
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] From our correspondent Athens, Greece

2011-07-04 Thread Andreas Jacobs

... the europeans do not have the vacast idea of what could happen
on greece the following months

each day members of the greek parliament eat the beating of their life

a revolt here is very possible scenario

they said that we have a democracy but under those heavy circumstances
it is more than obvious even to the silliest that george papandreou
acts like a plassier of international usurers and what happens here as
an experiment they will do it on other countries of course

the greek regime is very autarchic and the greek state built a system
that replaces the absolute monarchy

at least in france they had 1 absolute monarch

here in greece we have 300 absolute monarchs
and they are very angry because the nation is furious with them

of course the situation is very complicated

the economic crisis that comission focus on had to do with the state
economics and not with the life that after the entrance of greece on
become one of the most expensive

our taxis system is the most complicated in the world with a volume of
500 pages only for codex

after the measures that comission asks greeks will end up to have the
lower salaries and athens is one of the most expensive cities in the

the situation is not good

the greek state erases and political comments from blogs
with views that critisized them heavily because they want to control
even and internet[only the 15% of the population ig greece has

the ministry of education anna diamantopoulou is spying the private
life of the students with its new programme giving email and passwords

the greek state knowing the ip adress of the pc s of the greek
students could select many infos for their lifes

and for hacking the greek intelligence service is the first

i am very annoyed by this fascism in my country and i can not believe
the extension of their fascistic methods

they want to observe the telephone communications for the good of the
greek nation

thats wghy george papandreou throw 3.000 tones of chemicals the
previous day, chemicals that cause cancern as you know

because he cares so much for the greek nation
so the situation here becomes day by day more dangerous and i will not
get surprised if the political regime collapses the following months

their measures of course are antipopular but imagine that their
salaries are 20.000 euros per month eating the state income

we have also one of the most expensive political systems in the world

i am very pesimistic for the future because they took all the time
loans with high races and greece can not pay such money

best regards arelis

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Power Freedom Sound-Art by Sarah Boothroyd (Can) (Friction Research #4)

2011-06-27 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Listen to an excerpt at Nictoglobe Online Magazine:


Listen to the special radioprogram Revolution Part III by NictoglobeRadioTV, 
Burgerwaanzin broadcasted 25 June 2011 on Radio Patapoe Free Radio from 
Amsterdam NL

First hour:


Second hour:


All archives:


With a.o. Excerpts from the compilation CD Artitsts Use of the Word Revolution 
by Allan Dunn(UK), songs from the 2010 album Still Some Ligth by Bill Fay, 
Arabic  Asian underground music compiled by Mark Gresgis and poetry from A. 
Andreas read by A. Andreas


Burgerwaanzin is a semi-weekly Radio Program broadcasting Saturdays from18:00 - 
20:00 CEST compiled and presented by A. Andreas

Radio Patapoe

Pirate Radio Station fromAmsterdam, The Netherlands. One of the few remaining 
Free Radio Station's from Holland. Broadcasting 24/7 both on FMand on the World 
Wide Web!



Andreas Maria Jacobs 

Editor Nictoglobe Online Magazine

(Yes We Need Money!, donate )___
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Radio Patapoe 2n...@burgerwaanzin 18:00 20:00 CEST

2010-08-14 Thread Andreas Jacobs


soundclip 22 (on Hiroshima)

ediroll for music  and video from vkontakte.ru (with lots of good  
video of which you will only here audio)

Russian ringtones!

tracks unknown artist (punk in post soviet era)

enjoy this Halleluja, thanks to Judith Pfeiffer who forwarded this  
beautiful song tohttp://tepaardnaarsintpetersburg.nl

and of course talk about east and west ; capitalism versus  
induvidualism, communism versus togetherness, pozjelenie and  
cooperation, horse versus car; travel in broadest sense and more!

translations of sounds will be provided where necessary but  will not  
always be accurate!
total playing time exceeds the two hours we have from http://burgerwaanzin.nl 
 but we thank Agcharim nevertheless for giving us time on air!

additionally we might be playing a poem of Majakovski and we will  
definitely recite in Dutch a few phrases from behandel paarden met  


w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl___
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

2010-08-02 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Wow! Annie  Simon,

Thanks for cooperating, we feel honored and do think that this kind of  
'networked art' is something becoming more common and widespread,  
hopefully also outside 'our' little circle of real 'amateurs'


Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 2 Aug 2010, at 22:17, anniea a...@bram.org wrote:


Annie Abrahams and Simon Biggs

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl  

'A short song text to be performed by Annie Abrahams  Simon Biggs
over the Internet'

Bitter tears of sorrow

The small pay
I' ll get tomorrow

makes me stay
invain and obsolete

Neo Rauch in Leipzig,
imprisoned in a white cubicle
I see framed emptyness inside
offered to art's tabernacle

Artists silly and blind
I love their kind

(For James Morris)

Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 28 Jul 2010, at 10:43, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

 On 28 July 2010 09:36, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:
 On 27 July 2010 13:50, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 It is non-visual art, so we can easily close our eyes for it.

 When we do not see or touch it, it ceased to exist in a material

 The remnants are immaterial socially constructed imagination
 for and by 'Liebhaber', German language for amateurs.

 Not intending to be insulting, but I do think James made a point
 his, maybe exaggarated, remarks.

 Me personally, like more anti-social art forms but that is because
 my particular societal conditions


 Andreas Maria Jacobs

 yes i'm an amateur, a dilettante with a desultory practice, a

 there's no way in hell i'll ever seriously contemplate make a  

 from being an artist unless enough money to do so is handed to me
 on a

 at this moment in time, i only want a job (which i have on a
 contract (away from the clutches of the agency)). ideally it  
would be
 a job with less hours and pays better, but 8 hrs a day 5 days a  

 for almost £200 take-home (per week) is better than nothing.

 i find tree-climbing workshops insulting.

 The only thing art has ever done for me, is given me a £12000 stud 

 debt, a mechanism for making stuff out of my bitterness.
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list


Documentation of Huis Clos / No Exit - On Translation
Video, reactions of the performers and the public, photos and  the  
performance protocol


Maria Chatzichristodoulou in Digimag 54 May 2010
NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

2010-07-29 Thread Andreas Jacobs

'A short song text to be performed by Annie Abrahams  Simon Biggs  
over the Internet'

Bitter tears of sorrow

The small pay
I' ll get tomorrow

makes me stay
invain and obsolete

Neo Rauch in Leipzig,
imprisoned in a white cubicle
I see framed emptyness inside
offered to art's tabernacle

Artists silly and blind
I love their kind

(For James Morris)

Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 28 Jul 2010, at 10:43, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

 On 28 July 2010 09:36, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:
 On 27 July 2010 13:50, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 It is non-visual art, so we can easily close our eyes for it.

 When we do not see or touch it, it ceased to exist in a material  

 The remnants are immaterial socially constructed imagination  
 for and by 'Liebhaber', German language for amateurs.

 Not intending to be insulting, but I do think James made a point  
 his, maybe exaggarated, remarks.

 Me personally, like more anti-social art forms but that is because  
 my particular societal conditions


 Andreas Maria Jacobs

 yes i'm an amateur, a dilettante with a desultory practice, a  

 there's no way in hell i'll ever seriously contemplate make a living
 from being an artist unless enough money to do so is handed to me  
 on a

 at this moment in time, i only want a job (which i have on a  
 contract (away from the clutches of the agency)). ideally it would be
 a job with less hours and pays better, but 8 hrs a day 5 days a week
 for almost £200 take-home (per week) is better than nothing.

 i find tree-climbing workshops insulting.

 The only thing art has ever done for me, is given me a £12000 student
 debt, a mechanism for making stuff out of my bitterness.
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Fwd: [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

2010-07-29 Thread Andreas Jacobs

This does not got through, I try again

Andreas Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl
Date: 29 July 2010 09:59:16 CEST
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org 

Cc: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org 

Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

'A short song text to be performed by Annie Abrahams  Simon Biggs  
over the Internet'

Bitter tears of sorrow

The small pay
I' ll get tomorrow

makes me stay
invain and obsolete

Neo Rauch in Leipzig,
imprisoned in a white cubicle
I see framed emptyness inside
offered to art's tabernacle

Artists silly and blind
I love their kind

(For James Morris)

Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 28 Jul 2010, at 10:43, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

On 28 July 2010 09:36, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

On 27 July 2010 13:50, Andreas Jacobs aj...@xs4all.nl wrote:


It is non-visual art, so we can easily close our eyes for it.

When we do not see or touch it, it ceased to exist in a material  

The remnants are immaterial socially constructed imagination  

for and by 'Liebhaber', German language for amateurs.

Not intending to be insulting, but I do think James made a point  

his, maybe exaggarated, remarks.

Me personally, like more anti-social art forms but that is  
because of

my particular societal conditions


Andreas Maria Jacobs

yes i'm an amateur, a dilettante with a desultory practice, a  

there's no way in hell i'll ever seriously contemplate make a living
from being an artist unless enough money to do so is handed to me  
on a


at this moment in time, i only want a job (which i have on a  
contract (away from the clutches of the agency)). ideally it would  

a job with less hours and pays better, but 8 hrs a day 5 days a week
for almost £200 take-home (per week) is better than nothing.

i find tree-climbing workshops insulting.

The only thing art has ever done for me, is given me a £12000 stud 

debt, a mechanism for making stuff out of my bitterness.
NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

2010-07-27 Thread Andreas Jacobs

It is non-visual art, so we can easily close our eyes for it.

When we do not see or touch it, it ceased to exist in a material world

The remnants are immaterial socially constructed imagination exercises  
for and by 'Liebhaber', German language for amateurs.

Not intending to be insulting, but I do think James made a point with  
his, maybe exaggarated, remarks.

Me personally, like more anti-social art forms but that is because of  
my particular societal conditions


Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 27 Jul 2010, at 13:10, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

 On 27 July 2010 12:00, James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:
 2010/7/27 info i...@furtherfield.org:

 james and i are will be artists in residence for
 the woodland on the border between switzerland and germany in basel
 hosted by bblackboxx from 5-14 august 2010

 landscape includes trees, rivers, refugee detention centre,  
 wasteland, sex workers and dog walkers

 our main focus will be extreme sports training for mobile phones
 and their owners

 for example, there will be workshops for tree climbing, flight and  
 aqua exploration

 hope to see you and your phone there


 sorry dear, can't make it. too busy fucking packing plastic punnets.

 Sorry. It makes me angry. If this is art, art is shit. I mean, sure,
 it sounds great fun, but it to call it art is a stretch. And you are
 calling it art, otherwise why the need for artists in residence. Why
 can't artists specialize in art instead of spreading like some
 pestilent virus into every desperate little niche they can sink they
 grimy little claws into. Bastards. Break a leg.
 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Fwd: bblackboxx.ch]

2010-07-27 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Well, if you insist, so be it.

Nevertheless in some cultural circles 'Liebhaber' is/was used as a  
synonym for 'Amateur' from French language i.e . Amant: someone who  
loves someone or something.

And I intented to use it with that particular meaning in mind, maybe  
you took the word too literal.

And I definitively did not meant lay, else I would have used that.

Sorry if I made me misunderstood

Andreas Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 27 Jul 2010, at 19:18, Wolfgang wolfgangspa...@vodafone.de wrote:

 Andreas Maria Jacobs

 Liebhaber means lover
 amateur means Hobby or dilettant = Laie

 sorry for that chief


 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe RadioTV] In Modeum Rammellzee

2010-07-11 Thread Andreas Jacobs

▼ Autolux  In Modeum Rammellzee
Poem for the anonymous Deads at Hart Island NY

Burgerwaanzin: Music for the Bohemian Masses Weekly radio broadcast  
from NictoglobeRadioTV Radio Patapoe: Saturdays from 18:00 to 20:00  
CEST 88.3 MHz FM Amsterdam, NL, http://icecast.freeteam.nl/patapoe.m3u  
July 10th 2010

::: Listen to archived show :::


Andreas Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl___
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Broadcast announcement] Burgerwaanzin on Radio Patapoe

2010-06-12 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Burgerwaanzin on Radio Patapoe

Saturday, June 12, 2010
6:00pm - 8:00pm CEST
88.3 MHz FM Amsterdam

18:00 to 20:00 CEST met o.a.:
- Maryanne Amacher: Sound Characters( making the third ear) ...
- Alvin Lucier: Music on a for long thin wire

and more

listen to the livestream: http://icecast.freeteam.nl/patapoe.m3u
listen to the free etherwaves: 88.3 MHz FM Amsterdam

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com
w:  http://burgerwaanzin.nl

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Special Issue: Art is not about Communication

2010-01-28 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Nictoglobe  Vol.14 #1 2010  Friction Research 3:


This is the third issue of 'Friction Research', a series of collective  
investigations on contemporary arts  media practices.

Previous issues:

'Investigating Ruptures in the Art Political Grid', Nictoglobe, Volume  
12 Issue 3, Amsterdam The Netherlands (2008).
'Creative Resistance: New Media as Soft Arms', Nictoglobe, Volume 11  
Issue 2, Amsterdam The Netherlands(2007).


Art is not about Communication

Below our open call from November 30 2009


Focus, Belief, Communication, Course, Comprehension, Art, Effect, Art,  
Direction, Direction(s), Network, Art, Vector, Side, Side, Main,  
Interpretation, Error, Many, Professional, Field, Art, Senses, Thumb,  
Critic, Few, World, Speech, Extreme, Notion,  Ourselves, This, World,  
Push, Foreground, Curator, Metrosexual, Power, Relation, Accumulation,  
Item, Fetish, Replacement, Lust, Contact, Capital, Distinction, Use,  
Exchange, Labyrinth, Housing, Global, Warning, Transportation,  
Education, Sex, Healthcare, Political, Agenda, Value, Object, Control,  
Prison, CCTV, Market, Non-Smoking Area, Public, Everybody, Part,  
Communication, World, Facebook, Twitter, About, Their, Spaces, Google,  
Anxious, Need, Each, Other, Labour, Stop, Thinking, Leisure, Subject,  
System, Aesthetics, Teleologics.


To problematize, To invent, To economize, To force, To capitalize, To  
inject, To reject, To subject, To object, To maintain, To remain, To  
insult, To consult, To solve, To dissolve, To involve, To revolve To  
explode, To implode, To radiate, To broadcast, To send, To conceive,  
To retrieve, To conspire, To subvert, To invert, To absolve, To gain,  
To loose, To drain, To drink, To drown, To stop, To communicate, To  
mutate, To correspond, To eject, To rule, To eradicate.


Mistaken, Contrary, Singular, Local, Contemporary, Public, (Psycho),  
Patho-Sociological, Drenched, Oversaturated, Urban, Senseless,  
Speechless, Worshipped, Rural, Blurred, Private, Communicative,  
Global, Lucid, Kind, Nice, Rough,   Mild, Less, Manifold,   Plural, Focal.


Derrida, Foucault, Brecht, Lacan, Freud, Deleuze, Bourriaud,  
Houellebeq, Lovecraft, Poe, Borges, Alzheimer, Husserl, Heidegger,  
Marx, Hobbe, Spinoza, Sloterdijk, Hegel, Kranz, Benjamin, Plotinus.

The following individuals and collectives have contributed to our call  
for submissions.


Art is not about Communication, Lawrence Upton 2009 - UK


Participation as Kitsch, Henry Jones  Daniel Hess 2010 - USA

Jacques Derrida and the Politics of Architecture, Francesco Vitale  
2009 - IT

Essay Generator, judsoN ^R+ 2010 - USA


Skin, Biying Zhang 2010 - USA


Grenze, Patrick Fontana et al. 2009 - FR

204_NO_CONTENT, Darko Fritz 2007 -  NL/YU


Published  Curated by Andreas Maria Jacobs for Nictoglobe Online  
Magazine 2010
Nictoglobe can be reached by email: info[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

A. Andreas

e:  a.andr...@nictoglobe.com
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com
w:  http://burgerwaanzin.nl

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Ann] Revolutions, Artists uses of the term revolution by Alan Dunn [Sat Jan 9, 17:30 - 19:30 @ Patapoe Radio 88.3MHz FM Amsterdam + Livestream]

2010-01-07 Thread Andreas Jacobs


Sat. Jan. 9 - 17:30 - 19:30

Patapoe Radio 88.3 MHz FM Amsterdam + Livestream

Revolutions, Artists uses of the term revolution by Alan Dunn

Burgerwaanzin Radioshow from Nictoglobe RadioTV

Saturdays from 17:00 to 20:00

The CD's from Alan's project are being played integral


Project info:


Listen: http://icecast.freeteam.nl/patapoe.m3u

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl

w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com
w:  http://burgerwaanzin.nl

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Ann] Revolutions, Artists uses of the term revolution by Alan Dunn [Sat Jan 9, 17:30 - 19:30 @ Patapoe Radio 88.3MHz FM Amsterdam + Livestream]

2010-01-07 Thread Andreas Jacobs


Sat. Jan. 9 - 17:30 - 19:30

Patapoe Radio 88.3 MHz FM Amsterdam + Livestream

Revolutions, Artists uses of the term revolution by Alan Dunn

Burgerwaanzin Radioshow from Nictoglobe RadioTV

Saturdays from 17:00 to 20:00

The CD's from Alan's project are being played integral


Project info:


Listen: http://icecast.freeteam.nl/patapoe.m3u

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl

w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com
w:  http://burgerwaanzin.nl
Syndicate mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] X-Messive 2009 Final Edition

2009-12-23 Thread Andreas Jacobs
 just like
the workplace just like the university just like the state
just like the economy manages our social death, translating
what we once knew from high school, from work, from our
family life into academic parlance, into acceptable forms
of social conflict.


[note from the editor]:

It goes without saying that this subject concerns us deeply,
i.e. the economics and politics of death. We will pay
attention to this subject more often!

Tuesday night 24/11/2009 from 23:45 @ Radio Scorpio
Dirk Vekemans will read the above statement live from
Leuven , Belgium.

::: Original article :::

Cinematographic Scraps
Factorij, AA 2009

C-Print on Aluminium, 80 x 120 cm, edition of 3 ::: More :::

Roland Hendriks plays John Cage's Sonatas for Prepared Piano
Saturday 31 October 2009, 20:15 - 21:00 CEST


20:15   Roland Hendriks plays John Cage's Sonatas for prepared

 Live recorded @ Peterburgs Project Place, Amsterdam NL,
 30 October 2009

Enjoy! cf.:

::: Listen :::   ::: burgerwaanzin.nl :::   ::: Patapoe  
Schedule ::: ::: More :::


A. Andreas:

Augmented reality as cinematographic scrap  Het onderzoek van de  
wrijving: vergrote werkelijkheid als cinematografisch schroot   The  
Greater Global Industrial Illusion VIThe Greater Global Industrial  
Illusion VThe Greater Global Industrial Illusion IVThe Greater  
Global Industrial Illusion IIIThe Greater Global Industrial  
Illusion IIAmsterdam: Havens-Oost amp; Diemerzeedijk 
Amsterdam: Aaronskelken amp; HijskranenSfax (Tunis): Mercury  
HotelAmsterdam: WesterdoksdijkNew York: Brooklyn Bridge 
Amsterdam: Westerdoksdijk 11hsAmsterdam Kantoorgebouw ING II 
Amsterdam: LPW61Amsterdam: Kantoorgebouw INGTilburg: Museum De  
PontRotterdam: Hoofdkantoor KPNAmsterdam: Concrete Image Store

Andreas Jacobs

Andreas Jacobs

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] What's in your wallet?*

2009-12-19 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Work laptop in my former atelier, Amsterdam 2005 as backgroundimage.

Andreas Jacobs

On Dec 19, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

 It does! Would have liked clearer screen pictures but the  
 environments are
 really interesting - wish I knew the people - Alan

 On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, anniea wrote:


 This might make you happy


 On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Alan Sondheim sondh...@panix.com  

 This is probably a bad idea, but I wonder if there couldn't be  
 some sort
 of exhibit at furtherfield of desktop/laptop screens? I've been  
 by these (although I may be the only one); I've wondered what  
 people are
 actually _looking at_ when they're online. I wonder about the  
 spaces too, but that's another story. In any case, the kind of thing
 Philip Agre would have liked, I think.

 DEFINITELY download the following - it's amazing -


 - Alan

 email archive: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
 webpage http://www.alansondheim.org sondheimat gmail.com, panix.com
 NetBehaviour mailing list

 Documentation Doubel Blind (love)

 On Collaboration : http://bram.org/collaboration/index.php

 email archive: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
 webpage http://www.alansondheim.org sondheimat gmail.com, panix.com
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] CFP: AINAC 2010 - Art is not about Communication

2009-11-30 Thread Andreas Jacobs
AINAC 2010 - Art is not about Communication

Call for Papers

Focus, Belief, Communication, Course, Comprehension, Art, Effect,  
Art, Direction, Direction(s), Network, Art, Vector, Side, Side, Main,  
Interpretation, Error, Many, Professional, Field, Art, Senses, Thumb,  
Critic, Few, World, Speech, Extreme, Notion, Ourselves, This, World,  
Push, Foreground, Curator, Metrosexual, Power, Relation,  
Accumulation, Item, Fetish, Replacement, Lust, Contact, Capital,  
Distinction, Use, Exchange, Labyrinth, Housing, Global, Warning,  
Transportation, Education, Sex, Healthcare, Political, Agenda, Value,  
Object, Control, Prison, CCTV, Market, Non-Smoking Area, Public,  
Everybody, Part, Communication, World, Facebook, Twitter, About,  
Their, Spaces, Google, Anxious, Need, Each, Other, Labour, Stop,  
Thinking, Leisure, Subject, System, Aesthetics, Teleologics.

To problematize, To invent, To economize, To force, To capitalize, To  
inject, To reject, To subject, To object, To maintain, To remain, To  
insult, To consult, To solve, To dissolve, To involve, To revolve To  
explode, To implode, To radiate, To broadcast, To send, To conceive,  
To retrieve, To conspire, To subvert, To invert, To absolve, To gain,  
To loose, To drain, To drink, To drown, To stop, To communicate, To  
mutate, To correspond, To eject, To rule, To erradicate.

Mistaken, Contrary, Singular, Local, Contemporary, Public, (Psycho),  
Patho-Sociological, Drenched, Oversaturated, Urban, Senseless,  
Speechless, Worshipped, Rural, Blurred, Private, Communicative,  
Global, Lucid, Kind, Nice, Rough, Mild, Less, Manifold, Plural, Focal.

Derrida, Foucault, Brecht, Lacan, Freud, Deleuze, Bourriaud,  
Houellebeq, Lovecraft, Poe, Borges, Alzheimer, Husserl, Heidegger,  
Marx, Hobbe, Spinoza, Sloterdijk, Hegel, Kranz, Benjamin, Plotinus.

Articles should use any or all the words given and should not exceed  
500 words.
Send your proposals to ::: Art is not about Communication :::

Deadline: 15 January 2010

Received entries to be published in Nictoglobe, Volume 12, issue 1, 2010

A. Andreas - Editor

Nictoglobe Online Magazine
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] make art - a week dedicated to the world of FreeSoftware and digital art

2009-11-26 Thread Andreas Jacobs
I guess you have read:

El jardin de senderos que se bifurcan

Jorge L. Borges 1941

Andreas Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 26 Nov 2009, at 16:07, Neil Jenkins n...@netpraxis.net wrote:

 aside : can you imagine my joy naming an exhibition, 'the garden of
 forking paths'
 ps: and thanks ruth for agreeing :)

 On 27/11/2009, at 1:49 AM, james morris wrote:

 make art - a week dedicated to the world of Free Software and
 digital art
 organised by goto10
 This year make art focusses on distributed and open practices in
 FLOSS art.
 What the fork?! is about decentralization. Forking is the new
 black. Work
 from one source, copy, patch, improve, experiment, change direction,
 inspire! Forking is not about quick hacks, but about creating room  
 experiment, letting go of the one working copy and creating a
 of ideas.

 i kind of find this irritating, it seem to be suggesting people fork
 projects just for the hell of it - let's do all those things the
 original developers never wanted their projects to be - and remember,
 most open source projects start out because the developer(s) had
 like-minded goals as the above goals state.

 i think forking of an open source project is generally not taken
 and is seen as a last resort when disputes/disagreements between
 developers of the project cannot be resolved in any other way.

 i'd be interested to know what kind of projects are intended to be
 forked, or more precisely what complexity/size?

 there's no point in forking a big project to just add a handful of
 experimental or idiosyncratic features.

 however, while i'm a little critical of what the fork! the  
 project i
 forked (gfract to create gkII*) a few years ago was because i  
 improved (arguable), experimented (definitely), and changed  

 in my case, i was never a developer of the project i forked. when I
 forked gfract and formed gkII, my contact with the author of gfract
 resulted in the update of his code (ie from GTK, to GTK2), and he  
 developed what in his opinion was a better implementation of part
 of the
 user interface i had developed in my experiments. There were also
 features he simply disliked, and he then implemented in ways I
 But in this case it was all quite friendly and we simply wanted to do
 things differently, and he also had more important things to work on.


 * http://www.jwm-art.net/gkII
 currently does not compile unless you remove -DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED
 from the Makefile.
 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] make art - a week dedicated to the world of FreeSoftware and digital art

2009-11-26 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Try googling for Sourceforge and probably most of your blanks will  
be filled in.

Andreas Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 26 Nov 2009, at 17:09, anniea a...@bram.org wrote:

Yes, I see what Olga means, for me it seams something magical.
I am also interested in collaboration structures within communities  
working together on one code.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Olga olga.pana...@gmail.com wrote:
I thought forking was intrinsic to open source mentality, the  
possibility of taking what's out there and driving it somewhere  
else. Keeping one singular path instead of forking I guess requires  
a top-down strategy, doesn't it?

However I see there a tension that I never quite understood how is  
solved in practical code development. If everybody took different  
directions we would be left with infinite parallel options and would  
be missing the point of working together on one particular project  
to make it stronger. I guess open source culture is about reaching a  
balance between the two. Still don't know exactly how it works in  
practice. How does ubuntu evolves out of so many people working for  
example? How is it all put together? Who decides what's to be  
included and what not?

Olga P Massanet

NetBehaviour mailing list

Double Blind (Love) performance Annie Abrahams Curt Cloninger 29 -  
11 - 2009

Information : http://livingroomart.wordpress.com/performance/double-blind-love/

Video Squad fragment 3 min Riam06 http://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/squad/ 

NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe RadioTV] Roland Hendriks plays John Cage's Sonatas for Prepared Piano zaterdag 30 Oktober 2009, 20:15 - 21:00 CEST

2009-10-31 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Roland Hendriks plays John Cage's Sonatas for Prepared Piano
zaterdag 30 Oktober 2009, 20:15 - 21:00 CEST


20:15 - Roland Hendriks - John Cage
 Live recordings @ Peterburg Project Place, Amsterdam NL, 30  
October 2009

 Selden heard live performed music by John Cage!

Enjoy! cf.:

::: Listen :::   ::: burgerwaanzin.nl :::   ::: Patapoe Schedule :::  
Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Solar Aeons DIWO

2009-10-30 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Solar Aeons

More as flying fire
Like being uncontrolled

 From gravitational influences

Like for instance

Social cohesion

That is society impersonating
Images of belief and disbelief

Like dissolving in fiery flies
Fireflying through history

Like Epodicles

Andreas Maria Jacobs

e: aj...@xs4all.nl
m: 31 6 16 732 018

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On 31 Oct 2009, at 01:03, james morris ja...@jwm-art.net wrote:

 Hi Olga,

 Thanks for addressing Simon's dismissive. I'm easily lead. The
 manifesto did it, then Edward, Micheal and Simon. Now you've done it.

 I'm all for trying to find someway to encapsulate all these different
 opinions and attitudes in a way of seeing life or whatever you want to
 call it. The fact we're all human is as good a starting point as any,
 but only so helpful as to make the odd person or two smile :) :)


 On 30/10/2009, Olga olga.pana...@gmail.com wrote:


 Lots of discussion on Netbehaviour, time to say hi. It looks like  
 at the Dark Mountain has definitely managed to bring people together
 to collaborate. There are a few things of the discussion that I'd  
 to comment on.


 Simon Biggs: I'd rather live in a fucked up world that in somebody
 else's utopia. What often fucks us up is other people's solutions.

 Instead of dismissing the utopian impulse altogether I still find  
 interesting the idea of utopia as a driving force, as the possibility
 of imagining the alternative, and as a pre-requisite of bringing it
 into being. But Utopia should not anymore be considered as a master
 plan or totalising idea, but rather as the possibility of multiple
 Others to what we have now, that can be inspiring for our lives  

 Many authors have written of the colonisation of the future by
 capital. Frederic Jameson talks about the discourse of progress as  
 attempt to colonize the future, to draw the unforeseeable back into
 tangible realities in which one can invest... Then discussing Tafuri
 and Cacciari (Frankfurt School) Jameson goes on to say: It is thus
 not merely to deprive the future of its explosiveness that is wanted,
 but also to annex the future as a new area for investment and for
 colonisation by capitalism.

 Our role as participants in this world is to regain the power of
 future as disruption. Now, I completely agree with Edward Picot in
 that Principles are one thing, but implementation is another. So a
 great deal of modesty is important to balance the words above and
 that's why I tend to define my work as mini-interventions,


 I would not entirely agree with Michael on 'I don't accept that one
 should moderate one's opinions'. Definitely this is not about
 censuring each other but it is about collaboration, and in as much as
 the main goal is to establish creative links among us I think we need
 to deal with each other with great respect. Of course criticism is
 important, and it's been proved these days that the most critical
 voices have sparked discussion. I think, however, that if we get to
 the point that each of the words is scrutinised to such an extent,  
 - at least I do - starts feeling like she needs to be extremely
 careful. I don't find that particularly helpful when it comes to


 I thought I might be able to bring here some of my personal
 explorations of the potential of fiction to intervene reality. I  
 like to build this fictional world, parallel universe, (im)possible
 future of a solar powered (un)civilisation. Like others on this list,
 I also feel uncomfortable with the word uncivilisation.

 My plan is to focus on the leaks of that fictional world to see how
 they might affect our reality. I wanted to start by deploying a small
 troop of solar bugs... they are small and highly contagious. Perhaps
 even capable of effecting a genetic mutation in humans that will  
 us to extract energy from the sun...

 Olga P Massanet
 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] picture without qualities

2009-08-19 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Well try looking for axiologic depraved icons maybe you will find  
more :)

Anyways I do not think the subject Is underexplored rather try to  
search more explicit phrases like axiology( to evaluate the qualities  
of esthetics and the attachtments thereof in artistic expressions like  
for instance paintings.)

I myself am very involved in this subject and always desperately  
avoiding 'meaning' in and towards my art production.

Andreas Jacobs
e: aj...@xs4all.nl
w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
Skype: ajaco56

On Aug 19, 2009, at 17:34, yann le guennec i...@x-arn.org wrote:

 i searched in  google for  the exact phrase picture without  


 the only  response i get is :

 Reader Archive--Extract: 2002/020802/RICHTER

 did i make a typo/error or is it something so unexplored ?


 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] The Unsociable, Radically-Individualist Soul of Social Media

2009-05-29 Thread Andreas Jacobs
see also:

Towards a radical antisocial  art


not exactly well formulated but nevertheless ...

A. Andreas

On May 29, 2009, at 12:36 AM, james morris wrote:

 from enterprise2blog.com

 I had a big insight today: the word “social” in the term “social  
 represents the ultimate in misleading advertising, and is responsible
 for many failures and a lot of disenchantment, especially within the
 enterprise. The adjective attracts exactly the sort of people most
 likely to fail at doing anything valuable with the technology. The  
 of extroverted, harmony-seeking, consensus-driven collectivists who
 think it is all about the group, cutting big-ego prima donnas down to
 size, and building Brave New Egalitarian Communities that enshrine
 social justice values. It also explains why thoroughly introverted,
 unsociable, egoistic and ornery individualists (I am one; among my
 nicknames in college was “hermit”) take to the medium like ducks to



 NetBehaviour mailing list

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Update Nictoglobe issue#2 2009

2009-05-27 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Update Nictoglobe issue#2 2009


Essay: Vernacular video by Tom Sherman
Bloody Mary: Telephone Prose Poem by Eddie Woods
Augmented realities: New Art Works by A. Andreas
Iconological Collaboration: a collaborative project by The Internet  
Gedichten van Jonkheer 7: Poetry in Dutch by Judith V.
Burgerwaanzin:  Radio show from Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
broadcasted live and streamed,  
saturdays between
18:00 and 20:00


Gallery d+n+r: new additions among which: Cinematographic scraps,  
Digital prints by A. Andreas
Edgar Allen  The Poes: to be filled in. Music!

Open Call for works

What is your choice?, Beauty or Freedom?

Individual as well as collaborative trying to answer the question:  
‘what is your choice, beauty or freedom?’,
results in (art) works which, in some vague, rather incomprehensible  
way, position themselves somewhere
between these two concepts.

Send your textual or audio-visual works formulating possible  
scenarios to answer this question

Deadline 31 Aug 2009

Send your submissions to submissi...@nictoglobe.com


A. Andreas Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] 0D0A gleich CRLF on Patapoe Radio 88.3 FM - http://freeteam.nl/patapoe - zaterdag 23 Mei 2009 - 18:00 - 20:00 uur - Communism in modern times

2009-05-21 Thread Andreas Jacobs
X   X    X
X   X *  X

0D0A gleich CRLF on Patapoe Radio!
MJ presents Coming Saturday between 1800 and 2000:

Communism in modern times, how to build a new society based on old  

Spiced with music from Kurt Weil; lyrics Bertold Brecht

'Rise and fall of the city of Mahagonny'

recorded in 1972 by CBS inc played by Orchestra and
chorus conducted by Wilhelm Brueckner Rueggeberg;
produced by George Davis  George Avakian

Have fun and learn how to build a complete and happy society!

Ps receive radio patapoe:  http://icecast.freeteam.nl:8000/patapoe  
via the internet or when in Amsterdam, Holland on 88.30 MHz !



X   X    X
X   X *  X
Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Burgerwaanzin op patapoe radio. 88.3 FM http://freeteam.nl/patapoe zaterdag 16 Mei 2009 18:00 - 20:00 uur Eisler Brecht special

2009-05-15 Thread Andreas Jacobs

 zaterdag 16 Mei 2009 18:00 - 20:00 uur

 Eisler  Brecht special

 met o.a.

 Hilmar Thate  liedern von Hosalla, Dessau  Eisler

 Die Mutter , Kantate von Hans Eisler

 fuer chor mezzospopraan bariton Mehrere Sprecher und zwei Klavieren  
 - Elisabeth Breul sopraan,


 A. Andreas





 SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
 Info, archive and help:

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Call For submissions: Post Cultural Interrogations

2009-03-15 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Post Cultural Interrogations

Deadline: April 30, 2009

What is it that clings us towards our perceived realities?
and how can we free ourselves form this behavioral slavery?

With regard to the thesis that nowadays we do not exist in a cultural  
environment anymore,
neither in a textual or literate, nor in a visual or iconological.

Being existent in a post cultural word leads to some hitherto veiled  
such as the non-existence of gender or the non existence of polarity,  
or dogma for that matter

Researching these questions is the subject of our call for submission

Post Cultural Interrogations


Send your cellphone textphoto's to: ir3...@nictoglobe.com

All entries will be available after 2 minutes

Thanks for your participation

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Press Announcement: Friction Research - Investigating ruptures in the art-political grid

2009-02-26 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Friction Research - Investigating ruptures in the art-political grid

europe:  americas:  china:  uk  israel  turkey



Below our call as sent on October 20th 2008:

 [C]urrently we ask for submissions for our Friction Research  
Series, to be published in our Winter 2009 issue, related to but not  
exclusively confined to:

 ::: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid :::

The following individuals and collectives have contributed to our  
call for submissions. Use the menu above to choose between the entries.


roch forowicz - poland
salvatore iaconesi - italy
david ben forado - greece
henri gwiazda - poland
poderiu - portugal
marc antoine leval - france


alan schechner - uk/israel
michael takeo - uk
lanfranco aceti - turkey/uk


robert laboissiere - canada
margaretha anne haughwout
allison healy
katie bush
peter ciccariello


lily  honglei

Please take note of the fact that we review submissions 4 times a year,
from October to December for the Winter issue from January to March  
for the Spring issue, from April to June for the Summer issue, and  
from July to September for the Fall issue .

In case your submission will be published, you will be notified  
before the corresponding deadlines.

Nictoglobe can be reached by email: info[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Das Kapital ist der wirklichen Agressor

2009-01-06 Thread Andreas Jacobs



On Jan 6, 2009, at 7:51 PM, { brad brace } wrote:

 well, you'll hate me, but I'll tell you: it's simply a ponzi
 scheme; the only people who benefit are those that entice
 endless new suckers to pay the game... I've been working for
 over 35 years and I've yet to encounter even one person who
 continually makes even a rudimentary living from their
 career as an artist... this unconscionable artworld scam
 only supports the upper institutional echelons and their
 well-heeled cohorts with some dribble-down effect for the
 myopic acolytes with minor schemes (who are now online by
 the thousands)

 the maddening thing is that these obscenely funded
 institutions (that we're required to support with our taxes)
 deliberately oppose individual and grassroot autonomous


 We fill the craters left by the bombs
 And once again we sing
 And once again we sow
 Because life never surrenders.
 -- anonymous Vietnamese poem

 Nothing can be said about the sea.
 -- Mr Selvam, Akkrapattai, India 2004

 { brad brace }bbr...@eskimo.com   ~finger for pgp

 ---bbs: brad brace sound   ---
 ---   ---

 The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Projectposted since 1994 

 + + + serial   ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/b/bbrace
 + + +  eccentric  ftp://  (your-site-here!)
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 + + +hypermodern  ftp://ftp.rdrop.com/pub/users/bbrace
 + + +imageryhttp://kunst.noemata.net/12hr/

 News:  alt.binaries.pictures.12hr   alt.binaries.pictures.misc

 .  12hr email
 subscriptions = http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/buy-into.html

 .  Other  |  Mirror: http://www.eskimo.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html
 Projects  |  Reverse Solidus: http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/
   |   http://bbrace.net

 .  Blog |  http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/wordpress/

 .  IM |  bbr...@unstable.nl
 .  IRC  |  #bbrace
 .  ICQ|  109352289
 |  Registered Linux User #323978
 I am not a victim
 I am a messenger


 NetBehaviour mailing list

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [nictoglobe][final call]::: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid :::

2008-12-19 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Submissions - Friction Research

Nictoglobe accepts submissions the year around

Currently we ask for submissions for our Friction Research Series, to  
be published in our Winter 2009 issue, related to but not exclusively  
confined to:

::: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid :::

Submissions should be no more than 500 words, abstracts about 100  
words. Feel free to adorn your submission. The following digital  
formats apply:

for images: jpg, png, gif - any size/format
for video: mov, mpg - duration: not more than 2 minutes.
for audio: wav, mp3 - duration: not more than 2 minutes.

Send your submission to:


::: Deadline: 31-12-2008

::: Notifications: 31-01-2009

::: Publication: 28-02-2009 Winter Issue #1 2009.

We review submissions 4 times a year,

from October to December for the Winter issue
from January to March for the Spring issue,
from April to June for the Summer issue,
and from July to September for the Fall issue .

In case your submission will be published, you will be notified  
before the corresponding deadlines.

Nictoglobe can be reached by email: info[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] New Collaborative Networked E-Mail Opera: 'I Wonder how their Voices Sound'

2008-12-14 Thread Andreas Jacobs
I Wonder how their Voices Sound - Gregg Murray, Bjørn Magnhildøen   
A. Andreas,

Little Wryting Play Act IV, Scene XXIII, a compendium by Bob BrueckL  
with parts of several authors as originally appeared on the Theory   
Wryting list, 2008.

Rearranged and sonofied for inclusion in our new collaborative  
networked E-Mail Opera: 'I Wonder how their Voices Sound'

Anyone able to locate Bob's Compendium, using the facts here given,  
and! sending us a verifiable mp3 file with the voiced text of one of  
the original contributors to


is assured of her/his piece being incorporated in the opera and  
tribute being paid to her/his name.

Submissions can be made by both individual  collective contributors

Scheduled Premiere: Winter 2009.[red.]


::: Gregg Murray :::


::: Bjoern Maghildoen :::


::: A. Andreas :::


A. Andreas

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] In Modeum Rudolf Hess (1986)

2008-12-14 Thread Andreas Jacobs
In Modeum (*)  Rudolf Hess (1986)

(*) Modeum cf.:  Modem from Modulator / Demodulator and  Te Deum  
(Dead mass)

In those days (1986) we, at least I did, build our own electronic  
devices, in this case I made a modem with electronic parts from the  
Americain Tandy Corp. ,
which happens to have in that time quite a substantial amount of  
shops in our neighbourhood.
They had shops in every part of town and even demonstrated the first  
PC to the locals, introducing them a complete new electronic world.

The idea was to connect my German assembled and designed VIC20 (in  
Europe nicknamed VolksComputer due to their cheapness and simpleness)  
with my brothers US branded CP/M fueled SuperBrain.
As both machines had a quite open structure it was rather easy to use  
their peripherals (printerports, memory-expansion slots) to implement  
our own add-ons  .

There was no internet, the only way to communicate over a longer  
distance, interlocally that is, was by using the network that was  
already there i.e. the telco's.
To be able to send a signal through this network the data transmitted  
had to suitable for their network constraints. for teleco's this was  
the narrow frequency band used for wired voice transmissions.
So we had to modulate our outgoing digital signal using frequency  
shift keying (FSK) techniques to conform to the standards the telco's  
The receiving side has to demodulate this FSK signal back to its  
digital origin.

So I did, it turned out to work fine, using our own written assembly  
code to program the where abouts of the electronics.

When we were not soldering or writing specific driver software we  
used to walk around the streets, in Amsterdam NL that is, and did  
live interviews, the following is an example of such an interview.

http://burgerwaanzin.nl/inmodeumrudolfhess.html (in Dutch!)

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Whispers Project

2008-12-14 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Name:A. Andreas
Home: http://www.nictoglobe.com
Featured: http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/wwwsb/text.html
Chosen Work(s): http://www.vilt.net/

Name: Jan Robert Leegte
Home: http://www.leegte.org
featured: http://www.leegte.org/works/spatial/xpodium/index.htm
chosen: http://splash.ctrlaltdel.org/zdwe.html

Name: Rich White
work: falling off a chair
work : butterfly effect
choice cut - wires : http://www.ertdfgcvb.ch/p1/wires.html

Name: Ivan Monroy-López
work: G=1=U=2=G=1=U=2 http://www195.pair.com/imonroyl/tiniestblog.html
chosen work: the photostatic retrogade archive http:// 
chosen work: the island chronicles http://boingboing.net/island/

Name: Bituur Esztreym  Rico da Halvarez on behalf Elles, Otto von  
Work: http://vnatrc.net/ --http://bigfruit.vnatrc.net/ --
http://elsa.vnatrc.net/ --http://bienvenidonumero6.biz/
Chosen work: http://www.periferico.org/

Name: Sofia Oliveira sofiaolive...@atmosferas.net
Work http://www.atmosferas.net/en
Chosen work(s)- The Secret Lifes of Numbers http://www.turbulence.org/ 

Name : Clément Charmet ( http://cl3mos.free.fr
fleur: http://cl3mos.free.fr/fleur/eng/
untitled : http://clemos.free.fr ( better with IE )
chosen work : http://www.quasar.org

Name: T Wells
Contratv - http://www.contratv.net
Midiatatica.org - http://www.midiatatica.org
Chosen work - http://delete.tv

Name: Annie Abrahams http://www.bram.org/info
'painsong' http://www.bram.org/pain
Chosen work : http://vnatrc.net/YAST/index_html

Name: Patrick Simons
Home: http://www.gloriousninth.com (Collaboration with Kate' Southworth)
Chosen work: http://www.theyrule.net/theyrule.html (the Dick Cheney'  

Name: Ryan Griffis
temporary travel office - http://www.yougenics.net/traveloffice
subRational eRuptions (curator + interface)-http://www.turbulence.org/ 
Chosen work - Bureau of Inverse Technology's Kits http:// 

Name: Ruth Catlow
rethinking wargames - http://www.low-fi.org.uk/rethinkingwargames/
domestic idols - http://www.furtherfield.org/rcatlow/domestic_idols/
Chosen work- Views from the ground floor by Jess Loseby: http:// 

*Home - *http://www.medialounge.org
*project -* http://www.love-machine.org
*commercial -*http://www.spill.net

Name: Andi Stamp
Directed and produced: http://www.bbc.co.uk/shootinglive
Member of: http://www.theculturecompany.co.uk
A bit of fun: http://www.artrumour.com/

Name: Ana Carvalho
a long time ago - http://virose.pt/alingua/
and work in progress http://www.iana34.com/tale_about_urban_piracy
Chosen work: http://www.subtle.net/tunnel/

Name: lo_y
current Home - http://lo-y.de.vu
my universe - http://google.com/search?q=lo_y
Chosen work:' Social Fiction - http://socialfiction.org

*Name: Patrick Lichty
*General - * http://www.voyd.com/voyd
*Subversive -* http://www.theyesmen.org
Chosen Work: US Dept of Art and Technology http://www.usdept- 

Maf'j Alvarez Homepage: http://www.mafj.co.uk
Stroke: http://www.sciart.org/partners/1998/98_29.html
Chosen Work- Milkkitten by Tanya Meditzky http://www.milkkitten.com

Mark Cooley
Work http://www.war-product-war.com
Chosen work(s) Stop Shopping Tour  my dads strip club http:// 

*Name: Joseph and Donna
*Mediated - *http://www.electrichands.com
*Conceptual -* http://www.corporatepa.com
*Chosen work:-' The POINT CDC - by various' *http://www.thepoint.org

Name: Tamar Schori
Oodlala - http://www.oodlala.net
Memolog - http://www.memolog.net
Beadgee - http://www.tamar-schori.net/beadgee/beadgee.html
Chosen work:-' Memecodes - by Philipp Lenssen' http://memecodes.outer- 

Name : Chris Webb
Frequency Love - http://www.furtherfield.org/cwebb/frequency_love/
Screen Moments - http://www.furtherfield.org/cwebb/screenmoments/vsmixes
Chosen Work' Dennis Cucumber - Remixing the web

Name: Sim Winter
Home - http://www.soy.de
Colored Thoughts - http://www.soy.de/coloredThoughts/index.php3
Chosen work:-WebTV by Jimpunk - http://544x378.free.fr/(WebTV)/ 

Name: Marc Garrett
Turmoil - http://www.furtherfield.org/mgarrett/turmoil/
Hardware - http://www.furtherfield.org/mgarrett/hardware/index.htm
(View only in Internet Explorer)
Chosen work:- Box Explorer - by Andy Deck

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Whispers Project

2008-12-14 Thread Andreas Jacobs

 NetBehaviour mailing list

Andreas Jacobs

e:  aj...@xs4all.nl
w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe Announcement:] When We Was Strange Birds - An E-Mail Opera in 6 Acts.

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Jacobs
When We Was Strange Birds - An E-Mail Opera in 6 Acts.

Conceived from an e-mail correspondence between Bobbi Lurie and A.  
Originally appeared in Theory  Wryting summer 2008

Dialogon: A. Andreas (NL) as AA  Bobbi Lurie (US) as BL

Act I:

It was then when you nursed me [for Bobbie Lurie]


It was then when you nursed me when we lived in the woods when we was  
kings and you was queens
It was then when I was my fatherbrothermother and you was my  
motherfathersister It was then when
we lived tommorrow When we died in the woods It was then when our  
city escaped to trees When the
ashes were our home When the fires glued our lights It was then when  
our eyes were blind Our touches
thumb Our tongues speechless It was then when I was you When you  
enslaved my fathermother And I
sold my brothersister It was then when we lived The trees an-eyed  
Anhillated by our senses I escaped
you then when you were me
AA: June 16, 2008 7:19:11 PM GMT+02:00:


you escaped me when i was you so it's true: Angela knew we were  
reading Jukka's code it said: A e A e e
you thought: Amsterdam of course and i: albuquerque you were  
senseless in your senses the tree couldn't
see it was you who enslaved your motherfather for you were i the sale  
of brothersister inconsequential
speechless sucking thumbs unseeing eyes i'm glad you said i nursed  
you i thought i made you worse the woods
were wild we only pretended to be kings and queens and saw it didn't  
matter believing made it so death in the
future we said to- mor- row we died in the city escaping to trees can  
you believe i came to albuquerque not
amsterdam i escaped you too when you were me B.L. 6/08
BL: June 17, 2008 7:11:13 PM GMT+02:00

Act II - VI available at http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/wwwsb/text.html

Andreas Jacobs

w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [reminder: call][nictoglobe]Investigating ruptures in the art political grid

2008-11-23 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Nictoglobe magazine accepts submissions the year around

Currently we ask for submissions for our Winter 2009 issue, related  
to but not exclusively confined to:

::: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid :::

Submissions should be no more than 500 words, abstracts about 100 words.
Feel free to adorn your submission with visuals (jpg, png, gif )
Send your submission to: submissions[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Please take note of the fact that we review submissions 4 times a year,
from January to March for the Spring issue,
from April to June for the Summer issue,
from July to September for the Fall issue and
from October to December for the Winter issue.

In case your submission will be published, you will be notified  
before the corresponding deadlines.

Nictoglobe can be reached by email: info[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Andreas Jacobs

w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [call][nictoglobe]Investigating ruptures in the art political grid

2008-10-20 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Nictoglobe magazine accepts submissions the year around

Currently we ask for submissions related to but not exclusively  
confined to:

::: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid :::

Submissions should be no more than 500 words, abstracts about 100 words.
Feel free to adorn your submission with visuals (jpg, png, gif - max  
size 320 x 240 pixels)
Send your submission to: submissions[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Please take note of the fact that we review submissions 4 times a year,
from January to March for the Spring issue,
from April to June for the Summer issue,
from July to September for the Fall issue and
from October to December for the Winter issue.

In case your submission will be published, you will be notified  
before the corresponding deadlines.

Nictoglobe can be reached by email: info[at]nictoglobe[dot]com

Andreas Jacobs

w:  http://www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe][Winter Issue #4 2008]

2008-10-13 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Nictoglobe.04 going live!

Volume 15 Issue 4, Winter 2008


*   Images for the Deleuzed Masses(A. Andreas 2007)
*   Machines of the Invisible (Patricia Pisters - 2008)
*   Photological Laboratorium (Moblog)
*   When we was Strange Birds (email opera)
*   Rock  Roll for the Shah (Vraj-US)
*   e-corresponcences (Dany Tomasini , Italy)
*   more ...


A. Andreas

Editor Nictoglobe
Serving Information  Intelligence

w:  www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe][Winter Issue #4 2008]

2008-10-11 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Nictoglobe.04 going live!

Volume 15 Issue 4, Winter 2008


*   Images for the Deleuzed Masses(A. Andreas 2007)
*   Machines of the Invisible (Patricia Pisters - 2008)
*   Photological Laboratorium (Moblog)
*   When we was Strange Birds (email opera)
*   Rock  Roll for the Shah (Vraj-US)
*   e-corresponcences (Dany Tomasini , Italy)
*   more ...


A. Andreas

Editor Nictoglobe
Serving Information  Intelligence

w:  www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe][Announcement]When We Was Strange Birds, E-Mail Opera by Bobbi Lurie (USA) A. Andreas (NL)

2008-08-19 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Chlebnikov Carnival:http://khlebnikov.wordpress.com/klebnikov-carnaval/
Schedule  / Programma:http://khlebnikov.wordpress.com/rooster//
Participants / Deelnemers: http://khlebnikov.wordpress.com/klebnikov- 
Poster / Affiche: http://www.nictoglobe.com/new/home/wwwsb2.jpg

Zondag 17 t/m. zondag 24 Augustus 2008, Het Pad Van De Wenende Nacht

Organisatie: GRAPES of ART  ViLT

Locatie: Evenementenweide van het PROVINCIAAL DOMEIN KESSEL-LO (BIJ  

Admittance Free / Toegang Vrij

Dutch participants / met o.a. Nederlandse deelnemers:

Zaterdag 23 Augustus 2008, 15:00 When We Was Strange Birds, E-Mail  
Opera by Bobbi Lurie (USA)  A. Andreas (NL), door Judith V.  A.  

Zaterdag 23 Augustus 2008, 18:00 Lexiconvalley, live gemixte visuals  
adh gesamplede guitarloops mbv wii remote controller, Wiel Coonen e.a.

Zaterdag 23 Augustus 2008, 20:00 Khef'Ar part IV, Live Projection by  
the Brahamian Intelligence Service.

from Belgium / vanuit Belgie:

Didier de Paris , Poetry
Dirk Vekemans: gedichtels adh het werk van de Russische avant garde  
dichter Velimir Klebnikov

among many others / en vele anderen!

A. Andreas


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Update Nictoglobe Summer 2008

2008-06-09 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Update Nictoglobe Summer 2008
Digital Readymades
A Re-Presentation of Pre-Existing Media

The ideology of new art is flawed in the sense that, in general,
all art is simply rehashing, recreating, re-presenting something
that existed previously.

This phenomena is seen most clearly when viewing works of digital art.
Appropriation becomes an art form as old news becomes new again.

The following works present a way of looking at things,
which you may have seen before, differently.

Curated by Austin, from Rhizome, member curated exhibitions.
Remix of 'it smells like pop'   Mark Amerika
Essay about Avant Pop - for the uninitiated a must read!
Traveling North - Bobbi Lurie
Beautifull poem by way of Theory  Wryting
Ors Vibranter Wurld - a poeticum in 317/29 words - A. Andreas
New Netart Pieces

More ...



A. Andreas

Editor Nictoglobe Online since 1986!

w:  www.nictoglobe.com
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Update Spring 2008

2008-03-27 Thread A. Andreas aka Andreas Jacobs
As of to date a new issue of Nictoglobe is out.

Volume 15 Issue 1, 2008


*   New advanced lay-out and user-interface
^   New articles
*   New art works
*   Poetical Collaborations
*   Photological Journal
*   more ...


A. Andreas

Editor Nictoglobe
Serving Information  Intelligence

w:  www.nictoglobe.com

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Clash of Discourses: Living in a Hysterical World

2007-09-21 Thread Andreas Jacobs
Clash of Discourses: Living in a Hysterical World

 Materiality / Immateriality
 Money Economy \ Gift Economy
 Science / Religion
 Aesthetics \ Politics
 Private / Public
 Individual \ Collective
 Elite / Masses
 Socialism \ Fascism
 Institutionalized Culture / Underground
 The Wise Guys \ The Men from the Streets
 Urban / Rural
 Outsiders \ Insiders
 Literated / Illiterated
 Artist \ Audience
 Consumer / Producer
 Ignorance \ Awareness

 Determination of your position, and more,

14 September, 20:30 CEST @ De Balie - Centre for Culture and  
Politics, Amsterdam, Nictoglobe organized, using free publicly  
accessible open source software tools, developed and provided by de  
Balie, a DIY CoolMediaHotTalkShow about 'Creative Resistance, New  
Media as Soft Arms'

In case you missed it, see archived show:


Below our call as sent on May 15th 2007:

 Nictoglobe invites you to send a short (max 500 words)  
submission which reflects upon ‘creative resistance – new media as  
soft arms’ as an starting point to develop a more profound and  
public, artistic led discussion about this subject.


A. Andreas - Publisher Nictoglobe


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] [nictoglobe] Summer Edition online

2007-07-20 Thread Andreas Jacobs

Amsterdam July 17 2006

As of todate the summer edition of nictoglobe is online.


Creative Resistance - New Media as Soft Arms

The following individuals and collectives have contributed to our call for

Apparently there are no Dutch contributors, is this indicative for the Dutch
cultural position in a global perspective?


Sarah Bogh Jensen[dk] - Response, Adam Trowbridge[us] - Creative Resistance
in a Control Society, Caterina Davinio[it] - Chat Love, Robert Dayton[uk] -
Sumo, Taranta Completer[au] - The Past we want, Merce Rodrigo[es] - The Role
of New Media in the Production of Lived Urban Space Today


Simona Koch[de] - Zeit fuer Verantwortung, Patrick Fontana[it] - Grenze,
'Karl Marx, das Kapital' - Videoperformance, Thomas Fourmond[fr] - Reflet,
Hans Bernard[de] - Uebermorgen, Foriginal Media Hack No. 2, 2007, Veronique
Sapin[fr] - FemLink, worldwide video collage, David Guez[fr] - interlligence


Suguru Goto[jp], Jenifer Douzenel[fr], Jofroi Amaral[de], Sarawut

Personal comments: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Television is chewing gum for the
eyes[mcluhan], Michel Jacobs[nl], The way to go?

Vurige Tongen 2007: - Fiery Tongues 2007

Poetry Festival Ruigoord 2007
[Field Recordings, Pentecost Monday 2007]

Beat Poets Special with a.o. Joan Gannij, Eddie Woods, Emanuel Lorsch

Paul Schaaps: announcing Emanuel Lorsch
Emanuel Lorsch
Eddie Woods: The Sixties  Ode to Ruigoord (Horige Stad)
Extra: Dylan Thomas reads 'Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night
from Caedmon Literary Series TCE-105 (1952)
The Iwanovas: Music for the Bohemian Masses

And our regular items:

Art, Projects and RadioTV


A. Andreas, Curator - Editor

Serving Information  Intelligence

NetBehaviour mailing list