Re: [NetBehaviour] Sidestepping the Known/First Experiences of Reading

2015-02-15 Thread Catherine Daly
wow, super kewl idea!

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 7:14 PM, mez breeze wrote:

 Wonderful Edward! Great stuff. I'll do some promo-ing of it as well when
 I'm not knee-deep. I really do hope fellow NetBehaviouralists send you some
 stonkingly lovely entries *looking round the NB forum hall..* ;)

 On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Edward Picot

 Mez (and others) -

 I've done it! I've set up a new page on my  blog, entitled 'First
 Experiences of Reading', which you can find at People can
 either add comments to the page, or they can send me an email ( and I'll upload it for them.

 I've taken the liberty of introducing the page with a brief quote from
 your article, Mez - I hope that's okay - I've linked back to the full
 article in Cordite - and I'll be interested to see if anyone else feels
 like making a contribution. I'll try to send round publicity-notices about
 the project within the next couple of days.

 - Edward

 NetBehaviour mailing list


 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Fwd: New Chapbook / eChapbook from limit cycle press

2014-06-26 Thread Catherine Daly

 Catherine Daly has published a new chapbook, available (online, and in print from limit cycle press.

 This was written using the different ways a nintendo controller functions
 in different games -- the games were actually the free previews of games in
 a hotel room where I was very ill, about ten years ago.

 My original intent was then to take these behaviours, and use them to
 play various books and paintings.  It could still happen...

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Glitcherature in Emacs

2014-02-24 Thread Catherine Daly
this was an ack ack day of rain where I live, but this entirely has made my

Many thanks,
Catherine Daly

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Rob Myers wrote:

 On 17/02/14 10:05 PM, Rob Myers wrote:
  Glitcherature is glitch literature, glitch aesthetics applied to text.
  Kathy Acker uploaded by Bryce Lynch, as I said of Orphan Drift's novel
  I've converted my earlier glitcherature Python code experiments to a
  mode for the powerful and easily hackable Emacs text editor. You can get
  the code here:

 I've added some more functions, this time based on the wonderful Well
 Sorted Version:

 Commands to sort texts by character or word, and commands to apply
 operations to words, sentences and paragraphs.

 More to come, including further Well Sorted-ness and a visit to The

 - Rob.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature

2014-01-26 Thread Catherine Daly
this is a very interesting discussion, but

Alan points out, audience and purpose...

my first thought was use -- I will watch this opera in order to make a
subsidiary work; I will (re)use part of this code, and, hella, maybe I cite
it, maybe I wont

if it works, it is good
is it elegant


all part of this discussion...

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Pall Thayer wrote:

 Everything needs to be decoded but it comes down to context. Someone
 attempting to decode my perl example as code might become very confused. It
 doesn't serve a purpose as a computer program. If you approach perl code as
 always having a useful function, it's not going to push your buttons. I
 could even see a serious perl programmer overlooking the serious message of
 the text. Who knows... perhaps I really am asking someone to push me off a
 cliff... but that's not what the code means. It has nothing to do with
 pushing a person, much less pushing a person over a cliff. It's simply
 adding an element to an array. And then, to top it all off, the array
 doesn't get used. Makes no sense. Or does it?

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 9:38 PM, mez breeze wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Pall Thayer wrote:

 And, as a reply to Seibel's comments, do we not decode literature?

 Mezangelle certainly needs to be decoded. Sometimes I even help out with
 that [but only by translating/unpacking it into a diluted English
 version, like here: ].


 NetBehaviour mailing list

 Pall Thayer

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] 'Twixt The Cup The Lip

2012-03-21 Thread Catherine Daly
you might like my To Delite and Instruct book; there are some sound
files online, I think at puppyflowers --

All best,
Catherine Daly

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Curt Cloninger wrote:

 documentation of all five of my performances in this series.

 black mountain  boulder  chicago  providence.
 john cage  theodore darst  mark amerika  jeff tweedy  vanessa place.

 NetBehaviour mailing list
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] wikipedia blackout

2012-01-18 Thread Catherine Daly
how're we supposed to play how many steps to Jesus now?

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] OOQ – Object-Oriented-Questions.

2011-12-30 Thread Catherine Daly
My unpublished next installment in my long work is called OOD

(Object-Oriented Design)

and uses some of the work of the Objectivist poets, and some neo
baroque embedded devices and ...

here, we see the spectre of the posthuman, which has little to do with
programming techniques, languages, etc.

Just an opinion,
Catherine Daly

 OOQ – Object-Oriented-Questions.

 Jussi Parikka

 I can’t claim that I know too much about object oriented philosophy. It’s
 often more about my friends or colleagues talking about it, enthusiastically
 for or against. Indeed, I have been one of those who has at best followed
 some of the arguments but not really dipped too deeply into the debates –
 which from early on, formed around specific persons, specific arguments, and
 a specific way of interacting.

 Hence, let me just be naïve for a second, and think aloud a couple of

 -  I wonder if there is a problem with the notion of object in the sense
 that it still implies paradoxically quite a correlationist, or lets say,
 human-centred view to the world; is not the talk of “object” something that
 summons an image of perceptible, clearly lined, even stable entity –
 something that to human eyes could be thought of as the normal mode of
 perception. We see objects in the world. Humans, benches, buses, cats,
 trashcans, gloves, computers, images, and so forth. But what would a cat,
 bench, bus, trashcan, or a computer “see”, or sense?


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Oh, Bleek Strategies at the Newberry Library

2011-09-15 Thread Catherine Daly
-- Forwarded message --
From: Dan Godston
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 1:06 AM
Subject: Oh, Bleek Strategies at the Newberry Library

Oh, Bleek Strategies” at the Newberry Library

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 (6-8 p.m.)

Newberry Library
60 West Walton Street
Chicago, IL  60610-3380

You are invited to attend Oh, Bleek Strategies, a Chicago Calling event
that includes literary, musical, kinetic, and multidisciplinary performances
that creatively play around with and pay homage to Oblique Strategies.
Oblique Strategies is a deck of creative strategy cards created by Peter
Schmidt and Brian Eno; Peter Schmidt would have been 80 this year. This
event is free and open to the public. Oh, Bleek Strategies is part of the
Sixth Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival and Chicago Artists Month.

Oh, Bleek Strategies includes—
• “The Red Thread Project: Oh, Bleek Strategies Knitting Circle,” with
Lindsay Obermeyer (Chicago), Corinne D. Peterson (Chicago), and other
• H. V. Cramond (writer  editor, Chicago) and Seth Berg (poet  sculptor,
Chaska, MN)
• Erin Teegarden (Chicago), Mairead Case (Chicago) and other participants
• “Oh, Bleek Surrealist Taxis” – with Helen Scarlett O’Neill (curator 
performance designer, London), Harry Ross, curator  director, London),
Anthony Poretti (percussionist, Chicago), Michael Erzen and his artbot
(kinetic sculptor), Chicago), Mari Frogner (dancer, London), and Dan Godston
(writer, Chicago). This performance will involve a live video feed with
London. Performers at the Newberry Library will be using Oblique Strategies
cards to help direct a surrealist taxi in London.

The Borderbend Arts Collective presents the Sixth Annual Chicago Calling
Arts Festival, a multi-disciplinary collaboration festival that happens
during Chicago Artists Month. During Chicago Calling, people in the Chicago
area work with people outside of Chicago -- both here in the U.S. and
abroad. These collaborations include a range of art forms, such as music,
dance, film, literature, and intermedia -- and they are prepared or
improvised. Some Chicago Calling events involve live feeds between Chicago
and other locations. Many Chicago Calling events also include partnerships
with local arts organizations and other institutions.

Chicago Artists Month is a citywide, collaborative effort showcasing Chicago
visual artists and their work throughout the month of October.  Coordinated
by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events in
partnership with the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture, Chicago Artists
Month showcases over 200 events, ranging from exhibitions to open studio
tours and neighborhood art walks presented by museums, galleries, cultural
centers, artist collaboratives, and other organizations throughout the
city.  The primary goal of Chicago Artists Month is to raise awareness of
the extraordinary quality and depth of our visual arts community. Explore
this site to see what happened during Chicago Artists Month 2010!

This year's theme, Artful Networks,” explores the communities that nurture
and inspire Chicago artists and their work.  The people with whom artists
choose to work can be supportive in encouraging creative growth,
experimentation, dialogue among peers, and community building.  Ranging from
traditional residency programs to collaboratives to informal relationships,
our communities impact the way we create, support and appreciate art.  In
celebration of the Alliance of Artists Communities' 20th Anniversary
Conference, which takes place in Chicago from October 19 to 22, Chicago
Artists Month 2011 looks at the various ways artists in Chicago are
influenced by their social environments.

The Poetics List is moderated  does not accept all posts. Check guidelines
 sub/unsub info:
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] fyi Postcard Protest

2011-08-10 Thread Catherine Daly
Open to all struggling US self-identified professional visual artists.*

Mat Gleason posted: I want to curate a show of artists with 50 grand or
more of student loan debt that they are behind in paying. Oh wait, there is
not a gallery big enough for this exhibit That got a lot of us talking,
and got me thinking... I ran my idea past Mat, broadened the scope; this
project is the result.

1) Make a postcard
The aim is to make a powerful, unified, statement; to that end:
• Don't deviate from any of the guidelines please, consistency is key.
• Use a standard postcard size: 4x6 or 5x7.
• Keep it flat, it's a postcard.
• Don't be hostile, we want them to listen.
• Make it good, we're saying art is worth supporting, show it.

2) Write: *

• Artists and the Economy
• A statement or two related to your finances (suggestions below)
• Please donate to the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

* A lot of people have asked to broaden this even further, comprehensively
in fact. Support is lovely, so, yes, absolutely - BUT - in order to keep the
message clear, please write:
• Support Artists and the Economy
• A statement clearly defining your relation to struggling artists:
- what art means to you as a viewer
- the fact that you are another (non-visual) type of artist, etc...
- the fact that you are a RARE example of a thriving artist
• Use your judgment- does your work belong in the Smithsonian?

3) Address it to:

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

4) Take a photo of the front and post it to this page.

5) Drop it in a mailbox for POSTMARK: Friday, 2 SEPTEMBER 2011.
(Prior completely my fault- forgot PO is closed Labor Day. Thanks!)


• Your degree, your school, your student loan debt
• Your day job(s)
• Self-supporting or being supported?
• Artists are generally more educated than the workforce as a whole. NEA
• Artists generally earn less than workers with similar levels of
education. NEA
• Artists are 3.5 times more likely than other workers to be
self-employed. NEA
• About 60 percent of artists and related workers are self-employed. BLS
• Only the most successful fine artists are able to support themselves
solely through the sale of their works. BLS
• Most fine artists have at least one other job to support their art
careers. BLS
• [A]rtists advance professionally as their work circulates and as they
establish a reputation for a particular style. BLS
• [T]he demand for artwork is dependent on consumers having disposable
income BLS
• Nationally, the nonprofit arts and culture industry generates $166.2
billion in economic activity every year Americans for the Arts
• To remain competitive in the global economy, America needs to
reinvigorate the kind of creativity and innovation that has made this
country great. Barack Obama
• [A]rts education is the most important known factor in influencing arts
participation trends. NEA
• If [the decline of childhood arts education] continue[s], the health of
the arts ecosystem will be in jeopardy. NEA
• Ensure Tax Fairness for Artists: Barack Obama supports the Artist-Museum
Partnership Act [amending the Code regarding charitable contributions]
Barack Obama
• American artists, performers and thinkers - representing our values and
ideals - can inspire people both at home and all over the world. Barack

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Re: [NetBehaviour] sh[k]ibb[le.d]ó[XX]leth_

2011-08-06 Thread Catherine Daly
shibboleth excellent riddle!

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 4:06 PM, mez breeze wrote:


 _sh[k]ibb[le.d]ó[XX]leth_  [or: i've always been the cavalry_]
 08:41am 07/08/2011


 4 those.
 not in.



 Reality Engineer
 Synthetic Environment Strategist
 Game[r + ] Theorist.
 :: ::

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] should we not react about what happened Aaron Swartz?

2011-07-21 Thread Catherine Daly
It is just this institutional affiliation that's the problem.  It
effectively undermines independent scholarship.  I've never lived
anywhere that had a public library subscription.

I guess the solution is to visit San Francisco and get a card there

Catherine Daly

 Any attempt at painting JSTOR as a bad guy is pretty absurd. They're
 a non-profit organization that provides an invaluable service that
 most individual users don't pay for. They get free access through
 institutional affiliation. For those who don't have that sort of
 affiliation, many public libraries also make JSTOR available to card

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] should we not react about what happened AaronSwartz?

2011-07-21 Thread Catherine Daly
San Francisco will issue any Californian a card if one applies in person.

NY charges $100 to non-residents but doesn't have JSTOR.

I used to adjunct at UCLA for library / databases access.  Darn, I just
found out library access is only $100 a year.

I bet it doesn't include faculty access to unshelved materials, but Bruin
Online might be better than nothing.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Riot as Performance Art

2011-06-16 Thread Catherine Daly
Lovely, given that Gil-Scott Heron just died, but -- so did some other
person, unnecessarily, violently, and I argue, to no end.  It makes
more sense, I suppose, than LA rioting when it wins.

Because of the gender balance, the looting of MAC (don't those looters
know if they claim to be actors, they get a powerful discount???), the
lack of substance *abuse* -- can this be less or more articulate as a
statement? Running wild (as I wrote this a coyote walked down the
middle of the sidewalk, in daylight, followed above by crows)?

I'm also curious about this engagement between forum and frustration.
I mean, I think it IS this bad, but...  I rooted for the Bruins...

Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] just forwarding.... Emergencies now before it is too late

2011-05-24 Thread Catherine Daly
  May 24, 2011 [image: Art and
Emergencies NOW

Share this:

setting up an action camp to express about Emergencies NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO

Together we will daily activate Emergency art, Critical Run, Penetrations,
Slow Dance Debate, Art Flash Mobs, Photography Calling!, Rumor Art, Debate
Raves, Quadridimensional Journalism.

Through these different formats we







and other questions that we will be burning to express about, simply not
possible to ignore at this specific moment.

To join these 6 days of
intensive education (May 30–June 4, 2011) you will have to apply to or negotiate with us on the spot.

Participants will get a Biennalist diploma if they accomplish the missions
and training successfully.

The camp is an Art format by format artist Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel more
known for his Emergency Room format and Critical Run format as well as for
his Academy of Emergency Art.

Melina Peña and Copyflex will also be active artists in the format as well
as some of the artists from the Emergency Room segment coming to the camp.

PHOTOGRAPHY CALLING! is an upcoming exhibition of the Sprengel Museum
Hannover in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Savings Bank Foundation.
PHOTOGRAPHY CALLING! supports the Biennalist edition at the Venice Biennale
2011 as well as the Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel project space “PHOTOGRAPHY
CALLING/ EXTRACTEUR in the exhibition.


PHOTOGRAPHY CALLING! is curated by Inka Schube, Curator of Photography and
Media Art at the Sprengel Museum Hannover, and Thomas Weski, professor of
 Curatorial Cultures at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig.

More information:



NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] mind freeze re: net art and craft

2011-04-13 Thread Catherine Daly
PHEW, I'm feeling a little bit more thawed.  THANKS.

I am feeling the strong current -- almost infraverbal -- about the
structures of information, and visual... craft...

visual thesaurus and the brain mapping, and the wig / hair nets, and the
ol' knot binary...

People wanting to chime in on the -- gotta be TEXT related --
textile/craft/language anthology we're group editing, sign up on womprose @
google groups, an old listserv I run...

I'm also very fascinated by jacquard vis a vis punch cards, of course...

Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Pure Data read as pure data

2011-04-11 Thread Catherine Daly
This is really cool.  Especially if your eyesight is going (like mine is),
and you first read it as pure dada, and then as pure data!

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] mind freeze re: net art and craft

2011-04-09 Thread Catherine Daly
Hi.  I'm rounding up things at the intersection of text and textile, and
there's a lot of I've seen with embroidery, and making nets, and
even knitted machines?  I think -- but I have completely forgotten names and
urls for this

sooo... cool stuff at the intersection of new media, old media (particularly
fabric and decoration methods) and text... help!

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] mind freeze re: net art and craft

2011-04-09 Thread Catherine Daly
oh, yes, she's editing a section already!!!  there are some European artists
in particular, though -- I can see what the work looks like in my memory,
but... no names attached.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

 Hi - Have you looked at Maria Damon's work? Check out - one of my favorite sites on the web,
 amazing. - Alan

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Cariou vs. Prince: THE COPYRIGHT BUNGLE

2011-04-01 Thread Catherine Daly
I guess I would be more sympathetic if he didn't do a line for Louis Vuitton
based on a fake book project.  Is he now going to do a line of guitars?  Or
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Cariou vs. Prince: THE COPYRIGHT BUNGLE

2011-04-01 Thread Catherine Daly
It is actually pretty consistent with recent decisions in music and
literature re: copyright.

Plus, he's appropriated 40 entire images and superimposed on them.  He
hasn't altered the base image of the one picture I saw.

Here's something from a lawyer blog:

To evaluate fair use of copyrighted material, the courts consider four
factors set out in 17 U.S.C. 107

   1. the purpose and character of the use
   2. the nature of the copyrighted work
   3. the amount and substantiality of copying, and
   4. the market effect.

For most courts, the most significant factor in this analysis is the fourth
factor–effect on the market.
It seems part of his intent was to reduce the marketability of the original
images (not of the small pieces of other images).  But his greater profit
than the maker of the base images is very much on point.

But, is this fair use because it is parody?

All best,

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Rob Myers wrote:

 On 01/04/11 16:53, Catherine Daly wrote:
  I guess I would be more sympathetic if he didn't do a line for Louis
  Vuitton based on a fake book project.  Is he now going to do a line of
  guitars?  Or cameras?

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] My Youtube account disabled and censored

2011-03-25 Thread Catherine Daly
Sorry I didn't follow this thread sooner.  Am applying for jobs.  In
any case, from what I remember, Viacom is a french parent company, and
they purchased (whether or not still run --??) Paramount and Simon and
Schuster in the 90s.  So you can see that, as a company heavily
involved in early telecoms/inet AND owning a movie studio AND a major
publishing house, they may be seeking to act against certain sorts of
video streaming, especially that on You Tube (which is owned by Google
now) and Vimeo, etc.  And apparently they are doing it differently
from Disney.

I would press Viacom for detailed written comment on your particular
case, and then consider a formal response to circulate (if it is, as I
suspect, an exercise of a new policy).  For example, I'm sure the You
Tube policy includes right to terminate at any time, but you are
saying Viacom claim a copyright issue.  FYI, I just got a new terms of
use -- change in privacy policy -- from SONY today...

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] My Youtube account disabled and censored

2011-03-25 Thread Catherine Daly
An important message to you from the
PlayStation(R)Network team at Sony Computer
Entertainment America LLC.

On April 1, 2011, Sony Computer
Entertainment America LLC (SCEA)
will transfer its online services
operations, including your wallet
and the funds in it, to Sony Network
Entertainment America Inc. (SNEA).

It begins...

It seems more innocuous than it is, because they are commandeering
rights to transfer permissions around companies, holding companies and

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

 You might be right here; as far as I know I'm the only Alan Sondheim around,
 but my account might have been hacked. It's more than confusing to me. From
 what Rob sent, they're at odds with YouTube. Maybe it was the other video
 that caused the 'real' problem, but I can't see why from their description.

 Sorry for all this, Alan

 On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Carolyn Guertin wrote:

 Yes, I realize, but I meant in reference to the repeat offender
 Perhaps they are referring to a history they have had with another
 Or they are just copyright barons, doing their thing ;-).

 On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

      Hi Carolyn,

      Not really in this case - they're referencing two particular

      - Alan, thanks

 On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Carolyn Guertin wrote:

      I wonder if perhaps there's a different Alan Sondheim who
      is an offender on
      their books or in their records.

      On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

           Thank you for this! Whatever I filed, it's supposed
      to go to
           District Court somewhere in the US. They have nothing
      better to

           - Alan

      On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Rob Myers wrote:

       Hash: SHA1
       On 25/03/11 21:12, Simon Biggs wrote:
       Viacom are a film company.
       They're also the corporation who sued YouTube and lost:

       If you have been sent a bogus DMCS takedown notice
      regarding a work
       YouTube you can file a counter-notice:

       If you've received a DMCA (or EUCD in the EU) notice,
      send it to:
       There's a perfect (shit)storm of idiot rightsholders and
      lawyers in
       US and the EU at the moment baying for art to be
      (literally in
       some cases) in order to save intellectual
       They can google Arkell v. Pressdram. If they are telling
       motivation is to protect artists' commercial interests
      they can
       the Pirate Bay's response to Apple.
       - - Rob.
       Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
       NetBehaviour mailing list

      email archive:
      music archive:
      current text
      NetBehaviour mailing list

      Carolyn Guertin, PhD
      Director, eCreate Lab
      Department of English
      University of Texas at Arlington
      Skype: carolyn_guertin

 email archive:
 music archive:
 current text

 Carolyn Guertin, PhD
 Director, eCreate Lab
 Department of English
 University of Texas at Arlington

[NetBehaviour] Oprah Magazine Scandal Rip-Off

2011-03-20 Thread Catherine Daly
while not completely on point, is convergence  in obvious areas an accident?

Forwarded from Kate Durbin

As some of you may know, Oprah Magazine recently did a feature on
poets and fashion. Unfortunately, there is a strong chance that the
magazine ripped off my work with felt letters, as the editor and I had
been in correspondence prior to the execution of the feature in the
I'd appreciate if you would pass along the following blog post (feel
free to post it in the body of an email or to forward as a link or
both).  I am also more than happy to stand up for any of you if
similar circumstances befall you--I know how yucky it feels to be
robbed and erased. Such violence.

Kate Durbin
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Ubuntu with Kim Cascone.

2011-03-19 Thread Catherine Daly
Beard of Bess' Gnoetry is built in Linux -- so I have Ubuntu as a second OS
on this machine -- but can't get the text parser to work (buggy? I'm more of
an idiot than I thought?)


On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:04 AM, helen varley jamieson wrote:

 hi, is there a podcast of this?
 (do you podcast all of the resonance interviews? i can find downloadable
 links for some but not all  i hardly ever can listen live because i
 have deutschkurs in the evenings)

 h : )

 On 17/03/11 4:55 PM, marc garrett wrote:
  Hi Alan,
  On resonance FM last night, myself  Jake Harries (live on air) were
  discussing artists use of free  open source software and Linux.
  This is also a good time to mention that we played one of your tracks
  last night - 'Violin Plucked and Bowed'  Sara Ayes's track 'What is the
  Past but a Dream of the Future', from the compilation
  'Explorations in Sound, Vol.4 The Sound of Live Performance'.
  My first experience with Linux was in the early nineties, with Red Hat.
  But of course, have used most of the linux based OS's now. Have been
  playing with pure:dyne a lot, also when it was dynobolic in its earlier
  I always approach Linux as an amateur learning new things. When using
  Microsoft or mac, I feel like I am a customer to some extent.
  On my old dusty laptop I have pure:dyne  Fedora, on my cuter smaller
  laptop (eee PC netbook) I have Ubuntu but considering a partition and
  adding another operating system. Strangely perhaps, because Ubuntu for
  me now seems too perfect (I know)...
  wishing you well.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] job in Arizona

2011-01-12 Thread Catherine Daly
The School of Art in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at
Arizona State University seeks an exceptional Intermedia
artist/practitioner/theorist who engages with the public sphere to fill a
full-time tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level
beginning fall 2011.
The School of Art benefits from its presence within the Herberger Institute
(which encompasses the Schools of Arts, Media + Engineering, Architecture +
Landscape Architecture, Music, Theatre and Film, Dance, and the ASU Art
Museum) as well as within ASU, one of the largest public research
universities in the United States and a leader in educational innovation.
Located in one of the most expansive metropolitan centers in the United
States, and situated in the Sonoran desert, the school supports a broad
range of art practice and inquiry.
Programs within the School of Art lead to degrees of Bachelor of Arts (BA)
in Art History or Museum Studies, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Art
Education or Art (with concentrations in a broad number of media), Master of
Arts (MA) in Art History or Art Education, and Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in
Art. In addition, the school participates in the Doctor of Philosophy
programs in Design, Environment, and the Arts and Art Education housed
within the Herberger Institute and the Mary Lou Fulton Teacher's College.
With several nationally ranked programs and one of the largest comprehensive
art programs in a public research university in the United States. The
School of Art plays a prominent role within the Herberger Institute for
Design and the Arts at ASU and is located on the Tempe campus.
The successful candidate is expected to actively participate in the MFA and
BFA degree programs and it is desirable that she/he can participate in a
multidisciplinary PhD program. It is desired that applicants have research
interests and experience in the Intermedia field and publicly situated
practices. This candidate is a dynamic, cross-disciplinary colleague with
outstanding conceptual and critical thinking skills as well as a firm
understanding of grant writing, public art commissions, and interface with
community and/or audience. The successful candidate should be able to engage
students and audiences in Intermedia, the School of Art, the university, as
well as the local, national, and global community.
The successful candidate will demonstrate excellence in teaching with the
ability to formulate interdisciplinary curricula and course offerings on
both undergraduate and graduate levels, teaching studio courses,
lecture/seminar courses, mentor graduate student thesis projects, and pursue
a creative research agenda in one or more of the following areas:

-- Relational aesthetics/social sculpture

-- Tactical Media

-- Site-specific public art

-- Networked and social media practice
-- Collective and collaborative strategies

*Required Qualifications: *Master of Fine Arts degree, or equivalent
terminal degree, and strong evidence of professional activity in the field.
*Desired Qualifications: *PhD in Art Practice or related field. Demonstrated
excellence in teaching, research and/or scholarship appropriate to rank.
Demonstrated potential to achieve national or international recognition in
research and/or scholarship.
*Instructions to Apply: *
Please submit a letter of interest, addressing creative research, teaching
and work experience. Include curriculum vita, evidence of both teaching and
creative work in the form of a digital PDF portfolio, and three letters of
references with contact information to:
Chair, School of Art Search Committee, Intermedia c/o Natalie Pinkelman,
Specialist to the Director School of Art, PO Box 871505 Arizona State
University Tempe, AZ 85287-1505
Applications by facsimile or e-mail will be considered.
*Application Deadline: *
Review of applications will begin January 20, 2011; if not filled, then
weekly thereafter until the search is closed.
*Background Check Statement: *
ASU conducts pre-employment screening for all positions, which includes a
criminal background check, verification of work history, academic
credentials, licenses, and certifications.
For information on the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, please
visit our website:
Arizona State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer. Applicants with international and intercultural backgrounds are
strongly urged to apply

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Submissions Now Open for Irrational Exuberance: A Recession Art Show.

2011-01-08 Thread Catherine Daly
I'm glad people are mentioning it, because there seems to be a very large
group of even otherwise economically and politically aware artists who have
no problem with submission fees.  While I understand the ideal that even
guerilla administrators (curators, fundraisers, pr people, and the like)
ought to be respected for their work, perhaps by payments of money or
reimbursement for expenses... at the lowest level, one is paying a fee for a
service or product that one can execute alone.  And why?

But when did it become ok to charge fees, in time?

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:28 AM, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

 Except under *very* exceptional circumstances I don't submit for things
 that involve fees and I've backed out of shows when even a small one has
 been retrospectively raised. If people want to mount shows they should do
 the proper preparation and raise funds, preferably enough (although I
 appreciate this *is* entirely unrealistic) to pay a fee the artists they
 An interesting test is whether the person behind the call is salaried/in
 receipt of a fee...


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] C.I.A World Factbook (map).

2011-01-04 Thread Catherine Daly
they're hiring weapons targeting analysts...
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Capt. Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing

2010-12-20 Thread Catherine Daly
Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments of Guitar Playing

* Listen to the birds*.
That's where all the music comes from. Birds know everything about how it
should sound and where that sound should come from. And watch hummingbirds.
They fly really fast, but a lot of times they aren't going anywhere.

2. *Your guitar is not really a guitar Your guitar is a divining rod*.
Use it to find spirits in the other world and bring them over. A guitar is
also a fishing rod. If you're good, you'll land a big one.

3. *Practice in front of a bush*
Wait until the moon is out, then go outside, eat a multi-grained bread and
play your guitar to a bush. If the bush dosen't shake, eat another piece of

4. *Walk with the devil *
Old Delta blues players referred to guitar amplifiers as the devil box.
And they were right. You have to be an equal opportunity employer in terms
of who you're bringing over from the other side. Electricity attracts devils
and demons. Other instruments attract other spirits. An acoustic guitar
attracts Casper. A mandolin attracts Wendy. But an electric guitar attracts

5. *If you're guilty of thinking, you're out*
If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play
like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that
feeling, then you have something that is fur bearing.

6. *Never point your guitar at anyone*
Your instrument has more clout than lightning. Just hit a big chord then run
outside to hear it. But make sure you are not standing in an open field.

7. *Always carry a church key*
That's your key-man clause. Like One String Sam. He's one. He was a Detroit
street musician who played in the fifties on a homemade instrument. His song
I Need a Hundred Dollars is warm pie. Another key to the church is Hubert
Sumlin, Howlin' Wolf's guitar player. He just stands there like the Statue
of Liberty-making you want to look up her dress the whole time to see how
he's doing it.

8. *Don't wipe the sweat off your instrument*
You need that stink on there. Then you have to get that stink onto your

9. *Keep your guitar in a dark place
*When you're not playing your guitar, cover it and keep it in a dark place.
If you don't play your guitar for more than a day, be sure you put a saucer
of water in with it.

10. *You gotta have a hood for your engine*
Keep that hat on. A hat is a pressure cooker. If you have a roof on your
house, the hot air can't escape. Even a lima bean has to have a piece of wet
paper around it to make it grow.

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] 17 cell phone images of front desks in City of London offices

2010-12-02 Thread Catherine Daly
I was struck by how modern the interiors were.  In New York and here
in LA, it seems there are half new ones, but then there are half old
ones with really forbidding black marble and guys in uniforms all
around... is the modernity (the glass, as someone noted) part of it?

I have long been creeped out by lobby flowers -- and I used to work
for a florist!  They are such *odd* flowers, always.

All best,
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] A brief history of P2P education in the visual arts.

2010-05-16 Thread Catherine Daly
there's a popular article in the ny times today about the appropriateness of
college for all students, and is looking at the success of especially people
with computing experience but not necessarily degrees; people are pointing
out, though, that those without degrees -- even in jobs which don't require
them (or needn't, though it might be a requested qualification) generally
have less successful work lives, aren't promoted/are fired more readily,
find switching fields, communicating on the job, etc. more difficult...
basically the same experience now with not having a BA as then -- when far
fewer had a BA!

cooper union in art, here in the us -- well, my sister and a few friends at
least have always been impressed at the way in which those students were
prepared to be able to support their art making throughout their lives

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Fwd: [LA_ArtGirls] New Media Film Festival

2010-05-01 Thread Catherine Daly
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All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] UCSD CFP

2010-04-29 Thread Catherine Daly

The 4th annual UCIRA State of the Arts Conference
Future Tense: Alternative Arts and Economies in the University

November 18-21, 2010
University of California, San Diego

*Deadline: May 28, 2010*

The University of California Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA) and
the University of California, San Diego are pleased to announce the 4th
annual UCIRA State of the Arts conference, to take place at UCSD November
18-21, 2010. Proposals are currently being accepted which address the theme
Future Tense: Alternative Arts and Economies in the University.

*The Conference Theme*
The last two years have witnessed an unprecedented crisis on college
campuses around the world, as the social compact that governed higher
education in the United States and Europe for the past half century  has
begun to collapse. Universities from London to Sussex, from Athens  to
Vienna, and from Berkeley to Santa Cruz, have experienced protests,
occupations, walkouts and other actions directed against the  encroaching
privatization of public education. This crisis has been  particularly acute
at the University of California, the flagship  public university system in
the United States.  Dramatic funding  cutbacks, layoffs, furloughs, and fee
hikes have been combined with an upsurge in the sort of racist and sexist
attacks that often accompany  periods of economic turmoil, as the perception
of dwindling resources  leads to the predictable search for scapegoats.

This complex mix of  economic, cultural and social forces places particular
pressure on the  status of the arts within research universities, and the
very notion  of the university itself as a haven for liberal arts education.
New  tensions have opened up, between the arts and humanities and
engineering and science, and between public and private funding  sources and
priorities, even as new solidarities have emerged, among  and between staff
and faculty, graduates and undergraduates,  disciplines and departments.
This conference seeks to address the following questions:

·  How can the arts respond to this crisis?
·  What new alliances can we form both within the university campus and
the communities beyond its walls?
·  What alternative economies exist for the support of artistic
·  What new pedagogical models and new forms of knowledge production can
the arts offer as our educational  mission is both threatened and,
potentially, transformed?
·  And what  forms of creative practice have been mobilized by the
protests,  walkouts and occupations?
·  As the campus itself becomes a field of  symbolic resistance and
contestation, from swastikas at UC Davis to  Klan hoods at UC San Diego,
what are the limits and the political  implications of freedom of

We seek proposals for presentations, performances, projects, workshops,
conversations or panels that address the past history, present moment and
future possibilities of the arts in a  university setting.

All applications must be submitted in pdf form to ZouZou Chapman (  by 5pm on Friday, May 28th, and should include:

(1) a fully completed cover sheet (download
(2) a c.v. for each of the lead applicant(s)
(3) A detailed description of proposed activities (1-2 pages single-spaced)
(4) [optional] work samples (3 @ 250k or smaller, jpeg format) or links
within your application to external image/video hosting services (i.e.
Vimeo,YouTube, etc.) and/or personal or departmental webpages as

Participants may choose to submit written papers before or after the
conference for possible inclusion in the UCIRA project publication series.

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Iowa Review on the Web

2010-04-28 Thread Catherine Daly
 NetBehaviour mailing list

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [stuff-it] FW: Only 33 per cent of Americans believe in evolution (fwd)

2009-07-12 Thread Catherine Daly
belief is not a requirement for science or art, and artists and
scientists share the problem that new things, paradigms, whatnot are

there are a few unchurched loons who are unconvinced evolutionary
biology has a basis in fact despite abundant evidence

or how about, although organized religion and faith play a small role
in the lives and thought of the majority, the history of human thought
is continually erased in favor of abject misreadings of three texts

most of my work is sited such that rather than a poem containing
history, it contains heresy

heresy is often literary criticism (critical thinking applied to
texts), and this is what it was in my first book; also, Inquisition
heresy, which was basically in the divorce between logic (computer...)
and love

in my new book, I am trying to extend that (in the first section) to
the ways in which the ideas of modern algebra (chip design), most
famously by Galois the revolutionary but unfortunately also by
Lagrange, Laplace,, the defense contractors of their time, were
also ideas of cosmology, i.e. ideas of creation / origin

the protestant female heretics are a bit different; the concern was
what would happen if just anybody tried to read sacred texts --
it seems clear that while the notion is elitist and sexist, history
has taught us what happens when people who don't know how to read or
what text is for read or claim they are reading

I've gone on long enough, but I also want to add that here in the US
as well in many theocracies -- and this was what was striking about
the original survey (although far too few people were surveyed to
really indicate anything) -- cries of censorship and free speech
very effectively have been used to silence thoughtful people and
confuse the majority

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [stuff-it] FW: Only 33 per cent of Americans believe in evolution (fwd)

2009-07-12 Thread Catherine Daly
just listened to a radio show where someone called Doctor somebody
or other answered listener questions about reading the bible

which books are at the throne on judgement day?  is the book of life
the same as the lamb's book of life? what is written in the book god
is reading? plainly, no one involved with the show can read the book
of revelation.

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] CFW: Building Bridges, Tehran, London, LA

2009-04-19 Thread Catherine Daly
DO contact Marjan with any questions; she's very interested in building up
her gallery in Iran, in particular.

Note that blogging is now illegal inside Tehran; oftentimes snailmail
through the gallery is the only way university students can contact artists.

It would be especially exciting to include more, though it can't be
live especially since Marjan's previous show, in MOCA Tehran, included
works by Bill Viola and Masami Teraoka.

Works that query ideas of globalization, censorship, women's and minority
rights, 1M signatures, etc. particularly welcome.

Film/ Video Submissions: for a fee of $25 you can include up to 3 films/
videos for our judges to consider.


  •Everyone who is accepted will be shown at all three different

 •Park-e-Lalaeh - which is where MOCA Tehran is located,

 •Tehran University,

 •As well as Building Bridges favorite gallery in Tehran- (due to
 the nature of this exhibition. We are not able to release the
name of the
 gallery/ site of Masami Teraoka’s solo / the third screening
at this time.)

 •(These screenings may also travel to other cities such as: London,
 Istanbul, Dubai, Los Angeles and NYC.)


  •Building Bridges will also include the names, bios, artists
  statement, links to sites and still frame shots of ALL film or video
  submitted in our on line catalogue.

 •For all Film/ Video Submissions PLEASE make sure to include a
 still frame shot of your film or video for our catalogue.

  •FREE initial Artist Registry included with the Film/ Video
  Submissions fee.

Only Join the Artists’ Registry for initial fee of $20. Page includes bio,
artists statement, contact info  up to 4 images (additional pages may be
added free of charge to include more pix- up to 20 images). Update fee is
$10 for adding new images or text.

Please make your checks payable to ‘BB c/o Marjan Vayghan’ and mail to:


1422 Brockton Ave # 5

Los Angeles, CA, 90025.
Please visit for
more details.

Please feel free to contact Marjan if you have any questions:

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] We won't fly for art : Take the Pledge

2009-04-16 Thread Catherine Daly
Hi, I don't have a high-flying art career.  I have a pretty big
carbon footprint, though.

But it seems as though this project is negatively motivated,
minimalist through purification, not simplicity: stop, avoid,

I feel that we've just gotten to the point where outside the major
cities more than one sort of lettuce is available and more than one
ethnicity is represented, where, rather than short wave radio and
inter-library loan and mail and phone, we can actually see and
communicate more, with more people.  Which is why, now,
counter-cultural types are turning back toward the local.

relate differently to their own local cultures and to connect more
imaginatively to other cultures

not everyone is suited to fighting the good fight against
fundamentalism and anti-intellectualism in small towns by day and
making wild and free art alone in a barn / basement server room of
one's own by night; not everyone wants to join an art colony or
commune or live on a college campus; not every practice thrives on
solitude; not every practice thrives on jetting around networking
with important people

All best,
Catherine Daly
NetBehaviour mailing list