Bell Telephone Labs - Computer Speech.

This recording contains samples of synthesized speech - speech 
artifically constructed from the basic building blocks of the English 
language. A machine which produces synthesized speech is callled, 
fittingly, a talking machine. There are many possible kinds of speech 
synthesizers or talking machines. Instead of building and testing a 
variety of them, scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories simulate 
their behaviour with a high-speed, general puropse computer. The 
computer is instructed (programmed) to accept in sequence on punched 
cards the names of the speech sounds which make up an English sentence. 
It then processes this information, in accordance with the linguistic 
rules governing the English language, and produces an output analogous 
to the output of the talking machine it is programmed to simulate. The 
talking machine simulated by the computer in this recording would 
normally be operated by continuosly feeding it a set of nine control 
signals. The signals correspond to voice pitch, voice loudness, lip 
opening and other speech variables. When every instant of sound is 
specified, and every variable accounted for, such a machine produces 
human-sounding speech.

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