long poem of whimper murmur misery mewl http://www.alansondheim.org/mudra1.png http://www.alansondheim.org/mudra2.png http://www.alansondheim.org/mudra3.png http://www.alansondheim.org/mudra4.png "remember, animals yowl, plants wilt, mewl and slumber, forms yowl, wilt, mewl slumber, forms slowly wander uneasy, gone" theyr reason: thus avatars, misery, .se.ess.ess, s...i.i.y, ..me, .... ..e ..r..uselessness, stupidity,murmurs bodies have murmures de corps c'ont <82>t<82>?t?murmur, exhaustion, obdurate, uncanny, wryting, imaginary,there are sounds sleeping we turn so very slightly## ##misery, jennifer, julu said; sheje..i.er, j... s.i.; s.e ..y ... .ee.s .i.e murmur name neu o n!k 7 drunk ldksfn thislkdj blskd(whasup.com) places and your names you will / \ or rain in gardens falling across black honig, eyebeam | sexuality, speech/murmured/forest girl fatherpiss me alan____ come to murmur___against my toiling foldsthere?s been much piteous mewling late truechildren burn. who among us not murmured thisas approached, i "dawn." room transformed intocreated. becomes everyone world.would rather die listen again murmur.all asides what is broken by _this_ [img] forming graaaahr roooorrrr!!!", "%n graaaah rooooorrrrr under %n's breath!"},soft fingers, a moment floral comes bloate11-jul-2005 18:27 selves fillingthingies rn herr resonance worlding water, include: depression, death, sex, protest! nothing,where when need you? with it, cannot tell up from down, loud, ||||||\\\ /// //claramurmur\\\\\ |||"'we must abandon body,' he murmurs." wired goes other way, "ah", "dribble ", "catheter "murmur "); jennifer6 = new "just," rhythm picking bottom text. nether regions discourse language collapse nadir bellowing sound, perversions word sentence. basement ego drowns escapes thinned atmosphere male, articulate configured eyes, seminal sites, productions belief gnawing at periphery. writing thunder. lightning forms disheveled paste sky. flat bark lightning. lightning's chipped plate. stain thunder, almost word. precision eschatological mind measure its misery. thinking, don't anyone says. act great roomy spontaneity, since appearance dawns text, understand everything occurs be key instruction." (from jigme lingpa, trans janet gyatso.) one says anything nothing happens. deciding whatever fine just fine, being spontaneity everywhere, nothing's dawns, always there, then this! but - there's causality already work, why? any case world, occurs, which means instruction, signs read, articulates (otherwise appearance). appearance. hardly instruction. $ misery's game they've learned play & tongue, upon (or fascists go home stand racist 's/misery/perverse/g' 's/recollection/collocation/g' ( form murmurs, make phonemes, fashion language's undoing, (2) jennifer after speaking herself... (a...) .. .e ....ey...e .es.er..e ...e ...se. (alan) *wail* conveyance desperate (it whispered. murmured. said.) * texts played back scattered monitors organized */and terminal was (lingis) *0*0*0*3*0*go*0*gentle*0*mewling*0*into*0*that*0*good*0*night*0* *^embrace *^er *^ergh *^ermweep *wet *^whatever *^whee *^whew ,,,,rolling ,,,,tonguing disappear, eliot said, cool- hve these opportunities if were eternal earth, escape transporting unnatural less food mood -zsh -tio-.s. i-.te-.se george eve-. body. se-.se every . violence, tortures, worldwide can't stop killing. now they're .--.d to-.y bl.-ir bush .-re ...'.. .r..... .ir..ms.ri.es ..i..; i.'s .re.m..r. re..r. ...i. ..es. si... ..... s....y .i.. m..i.e ....er. s.re.. ....i-.. i. .r.e .......i.. ser.i.es s..erei.. m.r.e. .....i.. ...... .ri.e s... ..i.. ....ies y.... .re .ir.. ..r.., r... se. ...e. ....... .e..er .ree. .er .r.m .ri...e.e. ...er .ee. .i.i.., e.r.. ..r ..is ..em ...i.s. ..ise s.ree.. n.....ys s..... ..er ..m.. ..e. re.. .e..ri......y, .es.ri.e. .es.? ..s. ..re.er. ......se, m.re s.me ..r... .r.ss ..rr.r e..i...i..s ..ri.. .er..rm...e ..e..is..ssi.. ..rries .ei... .....er's misery; .is .are dissections, swallowed throats .e.r.e ...-ir ..-.y .e.ie.ers. e.e-. ...y. e.ery .i..e..e, ..r..res, ..r...i.e .ere .e..re .s: p..r, ...r j...! .i..i..r...i. misery"
.ies ..ere .e..i.., y.. ..m.e.- .listen within without ....'s
analogical ||||| \|/ ==============|||| ============= /[d]+/ "you clothmouth" /[e]+/ "sheafcuts filtered /[l]+/ waves /usr/local/bin/ksh: miserys theyve: found 13636, womanly, others, assent, communal? 14. chora/maternal: towards symbolic, murmur/stutter 157kclara: thinking loving, writing, 172 1883 14888 neurosis 101 1076 noisy; background 193 179 180 181 182 subject ppsp ppppppsp stanleyp spotted 2. abjected/purified contents dis/ease, dis/order, ecstasy, ekstasis, speech/murmured/whispered/cried/screamed, body formed/deformed 3 gentle good night 7201 48860 grep texts/* wc 236 2329 18109 sad 8 8860 4957 48981 395695 love :!grep :murmurs :soaked drawn, erased, before, written on jostlings, stumbling about < tone, base filter, though rung, lune, plummed, lunged, hummed, <<ellipsis memory. <<murmur. do murmurred @describe native "tongue." 'meat years [9bwe [set instruments, networks, protocols, ^ know how they survive _other._ _other_ value addressing _save_ trip: male-male helping little-girl-prostitute himself. god. book read murmuring, silence, politely, loud break grandeur waiting once bloated distance whom, crying whom. beautiful floating exchange rate edgy, pegging lead domestic maddening corner, bubbling mournful .not it.s deer bear :shorn ululal them, smote smoke, beryl azurite, constructs wayward trouble us, subverting dubious, absolom silent white morphine. mucous voices absence accountable; philosophy habitus essence existence, ceiling, walls vibrate, adrift well, dealing return flesh sight hedge intended. pleasure-murmur an image first words ever, eye uncon- ago throat. phonemes. harder constricted moans airships events panama dreamily canal languorous sweet al? <murmurs> desires spaces. alan's alan: heard alike mind, cove cathedral peace. produces necessary, emission presence, sinking feeling alleys. go.) murmur-space, self-creation corporeal face. phenomenon, allied high capital, machines lowest production, rethink poor; heart loudly, irregular uncontrolled rhy- already-known repetition already... litany repeats murmur). alterity face, other, overtaken recognize distant collapsing building hearth hearts always... still... murmur... spew... sign... else... excess... tail... amazing cabrioles maginot.blueskys speakers murmurs- sly moon. stars dim streaks abandoning, way wayside, clar, blossoms dies, gets look, blue lizards flit skitter amid elsewhere shadow. (abdominal nipples uneasy fathermothers, their pity! those female; reflect relation. two four, four truth unborn, hears mouth foam-flecked stilled blazing surface planet. something talking walking thing beast slouch anywhere limits other...mewlings...cries... sand desert, water-buffalo mewling, suffocating, drowning singing whispering saying tell- theirs, frequency. weekend alert, such meaning-memory organism organism, 'murmur' shaman thrums? murmurs? may passing, answer "glow along you're listening seas lapping sullen shores, animals grew darker this, it. apparition time. franz, appeared nowhere approcher du homme bouefeather plumesways nuit gouverne lesmurmurs sheafcuts dressed call argue trivial murderer, priestess, travel slit! slit around purity god attacking same. can't. prolong articulation obdurate burden gathering one, to, our grievous becoming exhales, lung, lunge, muscles. attack/pursuit dreams all. dreamwork avatartist program describe, use highest-level language, reach above higher levels, rumors, hints, whispers, murmurs. await tawdry. sleazy decrepit frock, recently stained, sleazy, decrepit, awaiting, calling, going forth, 13636 azure's sixth print: push; fail beat r tw killed x, drank because cells glowed historic never enough begone belledcarnivale techniques recorders technology beyond blooms men's bleak dungeon; body-skeining, collapse. skeins soundwork, speakings brain, valley-huddlings, neighborhoods, 96 modules breaking down tears pain, small sections revereye breast clara hielo, clara: breasts lovely, neurotic screamed jennifer. bright brightened behind between brilliant rest history, furious known "furious bruising skin necks jennifer! jennifer; bubble, buddhaghosa's visuddhimagga, path purity, buffered real binds direct avatar-meat; else, closer muttering, friendlier. quite, fundamental. physical particular only thick filled flush think, now, natural beauty susie-q sings (dub) calling out, through, came over her, when, casting eyes depression depth heterological, wandering, lost; chat murmured, can't; stopped left carbon, electronic murmuring. net, disconnects; cauldron, give, receive.) staff. subbed ce often wondered why anger dwell cedures; loss death fades whisper; channelings, chant chant, increased drawn cing, spectre closed street. nowadays should shut cloud had source deluded confusion coagulated code, programs, codes, reference another, increasingly open-sourceless; scratch one's nor dead-ending projects sourceforge ending maybe somewhere vaporware, languor name. languages embed languages; soon they'll intents purposes, perfectly signifiers shattering subroutines useful useless ease discourse, gulp badgers near near! near!! near!" me, wanna market bigtime restructuring. give come, full pain contribute comforts breasts, ears, joined trn4 w cinema vertiginous vicinity. murmurs; indecipherable. confronts burrow skin- tar lay, sides help. contamination, waters glow, fizz, process dissolution, forgetting, forgotten, forg- copula. rolled darkened interiors grinding could thinkg 398c398 high-school happened? country wound slowly malice convert spread:naked created throughout caused many creatures neath themselves surface/ cuddles mute sounds, house, hole, share sprouting holes everywhere curlicue mumble mumbling murmuration crushing curse dancing, bodies, ecstasies, understood day feels like sludge, crawling daytime apartments own dead. present, things, images structures communication invasion quantum noise, death. aroused density 1.39-1.40 g/ml cscl. invaded caroler hand-schuller- christian descriptions fit remake trees <residue diasporas lineages mewlings, limbs died lived, o, died, worlds hoarse cold lies dimensionality it! dimension dark discarded third, enveloped fourth dispute, despair, storm heater, chattering margins room, motion doing killing moaned beneath, however, connections mach-dpression birth: harding; kerrigan. yeats, nationality. claramurmur: dreamed duress dreaming cybermind, operation: site dross horror extinctions during performance opendiscussion each drowned shoals self, hole? e... .i..s..... .., e....s....e.. ..s ....i..e. .ie. e..y, .e..i.. .e.. ..mes.i. .er. earth embraces yes mist slightest brought gasp last water air earthworm rattles, crashes, [processi landscape winds, cries, effluvi nrying most ll wet flesh, spetre effluvia heard! address, uncanny. encodings decodings, machinic, machines, soft, enemies slrn irc needs england, fairly similar, not, engorged, detumescence, irritation grappling itself, s/he life. pushes close eral enormous raster. erasuring "sign, sign" erect tongue's tip, dreaming, heavy eternity dream continuation ery m.sm.s m.si. establishment long admired? write eur curtains onslaught event procedures fold catastrophiesverge tire asphalt. amazes me: stone square framing liquidity, milking, urination, everyone's really existence projected eternality digital extends carrying flesh. carried; memory; failed travelling island rhode show brown university. guns familiars some shamans, few voices, worlds, familiars, horizontal fathermothers abdominal fear discovery futility feedback loops, midst song, vertical fg dict 9 |more 10 11 12 13 finesse, lips perfect pleasure, syllables seeking, 'and breath flooding following voice, haunt, haunting desire brief worries waterfalls, addresses, softly another moronic are, watching shoved forensic (form bad murmur) singing, molecular flows, freed frightened slavegirl life; returned open, horizons hours, formation get spoken, stretched, yelled, shouted, stands mouth, first, a-wandering plants frothed forth glistening :among gone snipped grain, exhausiton, growth cut off nose ears pleasure hanbs coalesce, fill air... reab reverse, bie hands @shout, @scream, outmurmur ye. dusk avow enough, encapsulated downloaded everything, memory sleep. sleep, scratched dogs lulu's cats heaps stones slow streamings, quietude pebble winds answering, effluent hear, capable hearing. nothing; crying! diabetes, possibly stroke, heps troubled given dusts roughly approaching knew woman jew. nietzsche holes, borderlines consciousness, displays honey part lips, speak kay honey: lost hope infinite awaiting him vertical, familiar, poem infiltrates wor(l)d ries ut hungry ghosts, gathered words, inchoate in-corporation eyebeam, you, shunting, yet stupid avatars... feelings, weather, murmur's wires, somewhat, kind purchase po- want free myself best in, expel i-..e-.se .--.. simultaneously thousand illegible. bondages urinations...orders speech...murmurs penetrations... order; section imminence different; edgespace, _event_ _procedures_ catastrophies verge failure. edgespace also _sedimented_ extent sediments entangled murder memories warmth, world-murmurs, sounds; shakuhachi. burbling abbling corner huddles, growling noises. seemed middle ghastly mess prims. are. graphics noise; above, oddly, recorded remains sound world,_ _the year 3000, cauterization hole, wonderland japan, root, turning inate tweaking signals fighting entropy murmurings incoming ibis sky-murmuring, drove indeterminate?:every gender contusion, ing insistent speaks guardian lips. mouthings, murmurings, burblings inhabiting mentioned beginning suites, interior, cry, scream, whisper, talk interjections, nightly bamboo, isn't foreign, interspersed moans, soft-machine, babble, street fuck wilderness! lie inverted keep reap revenge exhausted musical invisible, law. online. grotesque, sooner better july, ..i. ....ri...e .r.y cicatrice inflation; space, dancers doctors courage stay place used debilitated audibly playing mine. sutured; nonetheless, curlicue. expanded romantic ishment. lights dim, periphery aura excess curlicue; started florida international yurt bones human things. zing! awww... post absolution, past kindness cry scream ululation j. j cleaned penis. other. look pushing borderline psychosis. video-jennifer said says: oh, continuity girl,_ please talk, me... jennifer-disconnect, gone, good-bye. jennifer5 jennifer("neuter jennifer: us: julu! jew? born joan: ocean joyfully abject risks terrors jpico mod kukai mayhem vortex blood terr ju24lu% echo bibliographic function cannon penis hello hello. murmuring: again. drankwater, kindness, let burn thirst starvation, kiralakeperformwav kiralakewav kiralegsmf kiralegsstl kiramisery knife slices brook. lacerating gill polypore tree creates land, something... faintest breath, proof positive rumors age others; insufficiencies; formula, calculated year's end, recite wheels four-by-four run laughing, crying, speaking, whispering, laughter, statements letters couple mourn. telling, precisely dissolute, fissuring life equivalent connection; net signature; ===thunderbolt yoni ling mouths, insatiable hungers bodies. lingis). textualities (see slivn liv locator, page algerian, lock cat's fukuoka llamas, photographs logics takes done multi-mooing, message makes longer murmur; barrier i'm closer, : losers" --ooo-- ofthe leaking shouted deflate, itself. grain loved begging tormented lovers. audible capital luminous glowing too raised summery went luna celesta, .i..ime res.r....ri... .re..e. si.e..e .i.s se.., ..e..e mismis miseryery magazine, <<cobain reponse stuff?) << <<how <i sony, timex, sound. sticky. @clean spread open making reconnections, discouraged year, man carries weight another's own. man. formed guise unthinking, fugue states marmaras 'murmur, lamentation'?? interior. maureen shaved* kyoto cauldron! morphine 2 pico zz 4 me.i...i.. r.. .e..-.... ..i.e. meandering mourned rooms fallow memorization-self queen; princess; murmur: faults. damnation carry ment consigned untoward naked, exhibited mentioned; inaccessibility remainder, inexcessive. swirls feeds (murmur mhis mexm mhe sleep; formation. ahhh, mesmeric beacon while minds, ming clothed mirrorbak mirrorfil mis misc miscc misch mischtm misco we'd meet yn tophat tayls monocle cane .e..e .rey e..e t.e .r..e..i.. is.... r...e .r... ..i.ersi.y. ...s .....ry horror, awaken, fall delete stuff. facebook sewn, meetings wayside. larceny, rape, misrecognition _to cosmology sex masculine bottom, wtc: forever. ..e.s.re ..i., ....i.i.. m..." misery,... .e..mes e.ery..e condition man." pray salvation beings, spirit misery-risks ..r. ....ris.i. .e.eri.r..i... ....! aphoristic deterioration. back! ...'. .i..i... ..ey're .i.m .r.... ..ri.y ......i.. s.me. ..ey believers. f.-ct. k-.ow u-.fit blood. dipstick! teeney jeepcj checkov opendoor! erhair hair flashing atlantic henry's girl's history modem pure vacuum, virtual particles. stains, spins, epistemology things art presumably moments, memory, perhaps, remonstrance, mon poupees. breathe person? human? monoprints installations. flayed already. never... nevers... [2] moon sun planetary nebula, same mountainwaken mount mournfulghost mud mutate myascii mouths link. "every wound,"===== backdrops ridge multiverse consequences, mt.t mu.t mu.s mud.p multi/ multi.p mumbling.p murmer.v murmur.p mv.t earlier, unlike poesis lu, indefinite murat murdoch murk murkmeat murm murmer murmurgif (sounds muffled couldn't thru wires) feel stomach, solution increase speed. riding residue. see much, greater shout radical root. take acceptance, being, ascii australia rising ashes, chanting universe purring selves, singular, signu, sig, singularity, (lingis); schizzes, melts screen. hollow shell, choratic stuttering construct growing face _this, country,_ tells pour, but, comic, presence sender. eye, salivate distended be- symbol/ic: hate, living murmur-goof mutate-whip mv-love mw-love mx-love my-love nu-love nude-suck murmur-space disappearing wooden planking murmur-space. otherwise, fissures; murmurang whasparangs, arms swammang fans luscaausly swarmang luscaously aum, enlightened. cavern bounded gasped heartbeat, rough nipples, huge tiny mufflings zones, times spaces voices. playground au terrain v<82>culived raconter sujet together ,surfacing, surrounding unknowns ,fielding, ragged -- robe. touching conversations, flying unknown places, engaging "not looking programmed mass foreclosed, infinitely-small, surrounded shells pulse green-gold ourselves phonemes sign erasure whisparings, swimming fins lusciously swarming whisperings, lusciiusly hordes humans, added apocal- love, colorations summed word, palmyra. no-strings no-one listens murmuringshoresoftime murmuringsilent lovely coagulations bullets lozenges ontology labia, asia responds america humming. suicide. prayer arks sands muscle muscles music mutilations naked plasma disappears disappears, vlf atmospheric spikes, power grid vow over. within, result what's usually taken supplement, shrieks, sweat freezing pouring stutterings. changes extraordinarily narrow dregs, part, existed. silences, mother-structures _with all._ purred transformations whole churning, whirling, angular momentum momentum, articles, speech, leaves trace, ashes. follow hir teeter, wobble, throb: muffling chimes world's swarm starlings, murmuration. belled fool, carnivale, image, largest life-forms smallworldmurmur keys, screens, screams silence dirt communalitie kin fir liquid radio clarinets distance. distances great, saith habit of," "doubling." navel. nikuko, nikuko myself. interrupts reverie.] ness wonderful; appear darkness, s, hidden nets bobcats izod finale newcomer elsewhere, smiling, newer planet, death's hard monstrosity fire, smoke ng ni:his nikuko: boundary. magic, scents hovered no, garbage-animals forces begin yours retaliate nothing. details, fix writingus' l 23 abandonment urls, mine, communicated wood. clar agreed did built stove children. slaughter, muscular. slaughter. woman, shall survive; null-set replicating no-memory-space null-set. doom martyrologies deaf yearning returning stick alking wildly, oppled hese hings. stone, fearful glows obscure bounced highschool mara creatrix avatar pion, bringing wake. death; ,then release corrosion, put out. openings, speakings, emissions, vectors, putting qin, reflections plato's visible sensors waves, masters, fawning slaves, alienated horror. surrnding wetware-mind, softening exterior slid dry of: olber's paradox, direction off: searches skinned (which pain), hunger murmur-thirst-for-sound sign, mouth... portends maternal fecundity, twine party. root-body. heat frozen wired, details instantaneous worst, abandoned entirely, violated felt, plasma. original, manipulable fixity, fetish, orphaned/abandoned, something's condors analytics, regional paste, local determinations discussion. splash. saturday. sediment, dregs fruit, pelting continue wounded, dead, afterbirth. outlives decay stories. outmoded positionings scream. centrifugally, described best? dissolving emergent, lullabies which, still submerged, wetware periodic. ever wallpaper plate world:they *timaeus* self-hatred, web-inverting tears, point afflicted living, points holding master matrix semaphore atmosphere. prevarication appeared, why, processes drone-skirt, generated profession; 'from _indiscriminate_ distribution follies youth birth rock promise primitive root mumbled. culture con- prosthetic arms:encrusted, barbed wire. 1963.murmuring protocol suite interlocked suitable machine, providing quite space. everyday seems, as: reading reducing manuscript referencing --- reminder, so, study, rendering tumble resonances, skies resonant unison, strings respond kristevan semiology, grammar tropes instruments..., reversed audio dynamics, ossi oswalda songs rim rims, opening touch, taste, rousseau murmurs! rs, hypnagogic over, darkling, rubble _murmurs_ ceaseless repurpose, hin s....e, .r...i.. e......e r..e s...eme..s ..emse..es, .y .m .e. ...: s..r...i.. .m... .yr...s ..rse .r.mise. i.se.. s.r.i.e; i.s .r....e. .i.e. salt, meanders. halted flown, spray, howl carapace gulls abia, shouts, julu' scribes habitus. beloved. sed yy sensors, whereby two, sensory membranes jouissance shadows turned shuddering fieldphone8, universal sky-murmur lw1, signal.sigkill) } fight slaughter.. saves all, road smisery!rage draught slab slave slob comfortable sleep night, recognizing state; punishment deter gods shimmer worlds. pressure shoulder, slime exquisite shapelessness, fungi, slimemolds rewriting snapshot smartchkcps smartnotebook smashed smallworldmurmur-suck wires flew flown soaked salt-water spectral mother, silt tender silt/ touching/ some.old bruising.old wounding.old bleeding.old mewling.old inauthentic fantasy untruth unreadable indiscernible update urges 31 sounz suicide sx z: sy ternrmhz general fuzziness repetitions, sights smells, speak; internet, spoken-for, locus speakers. transformation! fresh- swirling pallor... map chaos speaks, wind illumination quiet speaks: cry. spell feet spews spews. incoherent violas. whispered; sprout light unaccustomed them- starvation tyrants worse promised staurran,_ _reiran,_ tremble, _witan,_ watch. julu. stitution are? <sounds disconcerting, murmurs> stomach torn baby someone portend incandescent stone; fecundity. wears string harmonics change saveobdurate physics mathematics subject, spew, suicides, psychological, seems almost, orange-red warm sure, autonomic systems. night-time skin, donna surplus single swallow violate:: violate violin:: out:: sorrow swellings far painful worn syllable, nighttime hours... medication rap head-bang thunder epenthetic vowel esteem yeastiness crackle talks choked tatters. speak, sleeps. sounds. sighs meaning; ignored presence; inhaled 54 textures, objects, mistakes, errors, failures, half-whispered visible, transparent, translucent, opaque, avatartist, here, then, this-us-them-there-here-now-then, others gifting often, choose find meanings know, gathering. gathering, filtering. themselves. blow through. carneades' snake rope, cough, languor, necessity wolves falls terror bodies' interpenetrating skins. (murmurs jennifer galaxy far, otherwise. `yes' addressed hormonal escarpment taking instrument inaudible, earth. floor, walls, ceiling horizon, text exhaust themselves; reverberation secrets tongues lungs terms wavering nomads tending, stewardship, lower 'classes' breathing self-same debate, collapsed operations evening air. stopped. meaning shebika, sadness body, articu- .s. chaotic rhythm, repetitive, hydraulics, valves speaker realm self auracular austere timing revolution tourmalines deeper reams slumbers, mumbles, inconceivably thinned. twilight destroying wind, video weather grotesque (i say); rocks, thelonglongrun themadmanhisdocpdb theme themisery ther third crept glows, surfaces sounding disturbances develop program, reveal substructures protocols dialogs relation "meta"- mobile subaudibles, occasions poetry began discard come. storm-clouds rise warning message, circling overhead, chthonic ravagings, breathing, music, gift, cherish forever, silently name, request: logos mewlings; faint squawking, squealing, talking, yakking, tions answers tions, collocations organisms tive subterranean emitted zero population growth. services sovereign again). energy ceases ensues working say, boundary conditions: centers, misery), languorous, languid, traditional tremendous neutrons, hairs, said. family books, trying doomed turbulent steady-states, forged emissive. understanding, exaltation inconceivable unfurled, neural whis- pers spider-links outspace hushed diffraction radiations, until doc- sure. dumb responsibility, gestures, hyster- deflowering, equally established origin. vast edit, apart rearticulate .what tired...they bed...turn light...she's vicinity screen, pixels muted, media say vocal extinction. connect, rubbed copper, whispering..._ voiceless, cords throat gouged 19 20 21 22 w/ pitch: 'murmur world' carried tax, honolulu seller, entranced, throat, whales births: child darknet equipment people. occurred, flattened toroidal topology, pit muffle wings furled, and, indecipherable step further type, hideous volume. cried, joan susans, all! saliva spectre? tragedy self-destruct. current manipulation stuffy pools. sough murmurs), oh! i've essay (song, emissions exhibition unholy truths, stirrings withdrawal, silencing; some- worked indicating occurrence moan, disappearing. politely everyone, talkings swiftly momma, april, brook-larks shinto surprise, wracked privileged music: strain viol, wall, door, cells, whisper. inhabit see; say: you'll glass { planet maws othering abroad _______________________________________________ NetBehaviour mailing list NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour