On Fri, 13 Dec 2019, at 00:46, Valery Ushakov wrote:
> This is the semi-periodic reminder that Virtual Box Guest Additions do
> support NetBSD, the code has been in the public VirtualBox repository
> for more than 3 years (but vboxfs support *is* indeed missing).

Valery - apologies, I may have missed such a reminder ... in this the lack of 
vboxsf is a minor nuisance as NFS works just as well in most cases but requires 
configuration on the host end for support.

> GA have not been packaged though. ...

... does this mean I might be able to build from source on the host itself?  
Many of the other bento VMs do this as a matter of course as part of their 
build, so this isn't a show-stopper either

> ... The main obstacle is that kernel
> modules need access to some non-public kernel headers to be built.

I'm not sure I understand this last bit - non-public kernel headers from the 
NetBSD side or the VirtualBox side?


Malcolm Herbert

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