I wait to hear from you.

2018-12-07 Thread Mr. David Abraham
My Greeting, How are you today?Did you receive the letter i sent to
you. Please answer me.
Best Regard,
Mr.David Abraham.

Urgently need money? We can help you!

2018-12-07 Thread Mr. Muller Dieter
Urgently need money? We can help you!
Are you by the current situation in trouble or threatens you in trouble?
In this way, we give you the ability to take a new development.
As a rich person I feel obliged to assist people who are struggling to give 
them a chance. Everyone deserved a second chance and since the Government 
fails, it will have to come from others.
No amount is too crazy for us and the maturity we determine by mutual agreement.
No surprises, no extra costs, but just the agreed amounts and nothing else.
Don't wait any longer and comment on this post. Please specify the amount you 
want to borrow and we will contact you with all the possibilities. contact us 
today at stewarrt.l...@gmail.com


2018-11-20 Thread Mr. Alan Austin

Ich bin Mr. Alan Austin und arbeite derzeit mit der Credit suisse Bank London. 
Ich habe Ihren Kontakt während meiner privaten Suche gesehen und bin der festen 
Überzeugung, dass Sie sehr ehrlich, engagiert und in der Lage sein werden, 
dieses Unternehmen zu unterstützen.

Ich bin ein Kontoführer des verstorbenen Dr. Manzoor Hassan, der mit seiner 
gesamten Familie in Syrien gestorben ist. Darauf basierend kontaktiere ich Sie, 
um meinem verstorbenen Klienten als Begünstigter zur Verfügung zu stehen, damit 
sein Geld in unserem Sorgerecht freigelassen wird Ihnen als Begünstigter an den 
Verstorbenen gezahlt.

Es ist wichtig, dass Sie mir mit Ihrem vollständigen Namen und Ihrer Adresse 
antworten, einschließlich Ihrer direkten Telefonnummer, damit ich Ihnen 
vollständige Details dieser Transaktion und weitere Informationen über meinen 
verstorbenen Kunden geben kann, der einen riesigen Geldbetrag in unserer Bank 
hinterlassen hat. Ich werde Ihnen alle erforderlichen Informationen, Unterlagen 
und Nachweise zur Verfügung stellen, um die Forderung der verschiedenen Ämter 
rechtlich zu sichern, damit der Fonds als wahrer Begünstigter auf ein 
beliebiges Konto überwiesen werden kann.

Herr Alan Austin

Hello My Dear Friend,

2018-10-24 Thread Mr Marc Joseph Hebert

I am Mr Marc Joseph Hebert a I work in the Finance Risk control/Accounts Broker 
Unit of a prestigious bank in London. Under varying state laws in United 
Kingdom, financial institutions and other companies are required to turn over 
any funds considered "abandoned," including uncashed paychecks, forgotten bank 
account balances, unclaimed refunds, insurance payouts and contents of safe 
deposit boxes. I have the official duty to process and release unclaimed funds 
in the bank to government treasury.

Recently, there are multiple abandoned accounts in the bank which I have 
transferred some to the government treasury. Some of these funds are what I 
want to transfer (10.6m GBP) out of the bank to a sincere and

trustworthy person for either investment purpose or sharing between us.  Can 
you handle this with confidentiality, sincerity and seriousness?

Please indicate your interest by simply replying to this email with your full 
personal details below.

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Full Residential Address:
(3) Phone And Fax Number:
(4) Occupation:
(5) Whatsapp Number:

I anticipate your urgent response to this financial deal.

Your responds should be forwarded to my private email below.



Mr Marc Joseph Hebert
Finance Risk control/Accounts Broker Unit.

Hello My Dear Friend,

2018-10-16 Thread Mr Marc Joseph Hebert
I am Mr Marc Joseph Hebert a I work in the Finance Risk
control/Accounts Broker Unit of a prestigious bank in London. Under
varying state laws in United Kingdom, financial institutions and other
companies are required to turn over any funds considered "abandoned,"
including uncashed paychecks, forgotten bank account balances,
unclaimed refunds, insurance payouts and contents of safe deposit
boxes. I have the official duty to process and release unclaimed funds
in the bank to government treasury.

Recently, there are multiple abandoned accounts in the bank which I
have transferred some to the government treasury. Some of these funds
are what I want to transfer (10.6m GBP) out of the bank to a sincere

trustworthy person for either investment purpose or sharing between
us.  Can you handle this with confidentiality, sincerity and

Please indicate your interest by simply replying to this email with
your full personal details below.

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Full Residential Address:
(3) Phone And Fax Number:
(4) Occupation:
(5) Whatsapp Number:

I anticipate your urgent response to this financial deal.

Your responds should be forwarded to my private email below.



Mr Marc Joseph Hebert
Finance Risk control/Accounts Broker Unit.

KINDLY REPLY diplmos...@gmail.com URGENTLY

2018-08-16 Thread MR MOSES
KINDLY REPLY diplmos...@gmail.com URGENTLY

KINDLY REPLY diplmos...@gmail.com URGENTLY

2018-08-16 Thread MR MOSES
KINDLY REPLY diplmos...@gmail.com URGENTLY


2018-07-30 Thread Mr. Kamalesh Ashu

DEAR  FRIENDI am(Mr.Kamalesh Ashu),With the business proposal deal of 
US(US$10.5 million) to transfer into your account, if you are interested get 
back to me for more detail at my E-mail(ashukamalesh4...@gmail.com)Best Regard
Mr. Kamalesh Ashu

Deck of Mr. Reyan Roger.

2018-07-20 Thread Mr Ryan Roger
Attention: Beneficiary,

Due to the Federal Government new Policy to fight corruption. I want to bring 
to your Notice that the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu 
Buhari, has Mandated that all the Overdue Foreign Payment should be Paid to the 
We are very sorry for all the stress/Fees you spent to the Fraudulent Officials 
who claim to be a Good Nigeria,
Nigerian Image has been tarnished in the eye of the International communities, 
the reason Mr President Promised the International communities on 31st Session 
of African Union (AU) summit held in Nouakchott, Mauritania on sunday 1st of 
july 2018.
He promised to make sure all the payment owed by Nigerian Government will be 
paid to the foreign beneficiary without any further delay.
I want to Inform you that A Certified Draft of  ( USD 2 MILLION) or ATM Card 
will be Made available to you,
therefore we Request you to Reconfirm the Information as stated Bellow:


(ATM CARD OR CERTIFIED DRAFT) Choose one Mode of Payment.
You should reply Immediately with the Information if you want to receive this 
Certified Draft or ATM Card before the Closing Date,
reply directly to the Bellow Email Address: (reyanro...@yahoo.com) and Let Me 
Know Your Stands as well as sending the Information.

Best Regard,
Mr Ryan Roger.

Mutual Coperation Thank you

2018-06-14 Thread Mr Obama Basolle.
Dear Friend,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the
Auditing and Accounting section manager with African Development Bank,
Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray
this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the
mutual benefit of our both families.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($39.5)million
to your account within 10 or 14 banking days. This money has been
dormant for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release
the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer late
George small. who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air
crash since 31st October 1999.

I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned
fund. So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank
can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased
customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as atop secret
and delete it if you are not interested.

Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the
business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the
above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me.

I am expecting your urgent response as soon as you receive my message

Best Regard,

Mr Obama Bassole
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso


2018-06-07 Thread Mr. Fawaz KhE. Al Saleh

Good day,

i know you do not know me personally but i have checked your profile  
and i see generosity in you, There's an urgent offer attach

to your name here in the office of Mr. Fawaz KhE. Al Saleh Member of
the Board of Directors, Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank  (Turkey) and
head of private banking and wealth management
Mr. Fawaz KhE. Al Saleh


2018-06-02 Thread Mr Mikhail Fridman
Charitable Donation for you, Respond for further directives.

Mr. Mikhail Fridman

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2018-03-16 Thread MR Paul Ogie
Attention; Beneficiary,

This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past 
three (3) weeks which ended two days ago with MR. JIM YONG KIM the Former world 
bank president and other seven continent presidents on the congress we treated 
on solution to scam victim problems.

Note: we have decided to contact you following the reports we received from 
anti-fraud international monitoring group your name/email has been submitted to 
us therefore the united nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of 
(USD$1.5 Million) this compensation is also including international business 
that failed you in past due to government problems etc.

We have arranged your payment through our ATM MasterCard and deposited it in 
DHL Office to deliver it to you which is the latest instruction from the Former 
World Bank president MR. JIM YONG KIM, For your information’s, the delivery 
charges already paid by U.N treasury, the only money you will send to DHL 
office Benin Republic is $225 dollars for security keeping fee, U.N coordinator 
already paid for others charges fees for delivery except the security keeping 
fee, the director of DHL refused to collect the security keeping fee from U.N 
treasury because Direct of DHL office said they don’t know exactly time you 
will contact them to reconfirm your details to avoid counting demurrage.

Therefore be advice to contact DHL Office agent Benin. Rev:Tony harries who is 
in position to post your ATM MasterCard, contact DHL Office  immediately with 
the bellow email & phone number  as listed below.

Contact name: Rev:Tony  HARRIES
Email:(post.dhlbenin.serv...@outlook.com )
Tell: +229-98787436

Make sure you reconfirmed DHL Office your details ASAP as stated below to avoid 
wrong delivery.

Your full name..
Home address:.
Your country...
Your city..

Let us know as soon as possible you receive your ATM MasterCard for proper 

MR Paul Ogie.
Benin Republic.

[no subject]

2018-03-12 Thread Ely Andez Mr
I need your urgent response to help me give you further details.


2018-03-09 Thread Mr Mohamad Ahmed
My Dear Friend.

I am Mr. Mohammed Ahmed a banker in Bank of Africa Burkina Faso West
Africa, Please i want to transfer an abandoned sum of 13.5 millions
USD to your account.50% will be for you and 50% for me.

No risk involved. Contact me for more details along with your personal
information needed below.

1. Full name:.
2. Current Address:.
3. Phone.
4. Occupation:.
5. Age:
6. Country:
7. Sex
8. Your Passport or ID card or Driving License


Mr. Mohammed Ahmed

Good Morning !

2018-03-02 Thread Mr. Allen

Good day.

Do you need a loan to pay off bills ? To pay off your mortgage quickly ? To set 
up a new business or to Re- finance your existing business ? I can help you 
secure a private loan should you be interested please respond for more details 



Respond for details

2018-03-02 Thread Mr. Allen

Good day.

Do you need a loan to pay off bills ? To pay off your mortgage quickly ? To set 
up a new business or to Re- finance your existing business ? I can help you 
secure a private loan should you be interested please respond for more details 



Urgent Attention!

2018-02-01 Thread Mr Gary Gibson
I am Mr Gary Gibson. I've a proposal for you but I don't know if it 
would be against your ethics but would appreciate your acceptance, which 
would definitely be of a life time opportunity for the both of us. I 
hope you will accept my mail in good faith. I will give you detailed 
information as soon as I hear from you as the information is very 

I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards
Mr Gary Gibson

Respond for details

2018-02-01 Thread Mr. Allen

Dear sir/ madam

Do you need a loan to pay off bills ? To pay off your mortgage quickly ? To set 
up a new business or to Re- finance your existing business ? I can help you 
secure a private loan at 3% interest rate please respond for more details



Business Opportunity

2018-01-24 Thread Mr Yin Lianchen

How are you and your family?
Thanks for accepting my connection.
I am connecting you due to a Business Opportunity.
Should you like to know more about it.
Do get back to me so i give you further details.

I hope to hear from you soon



Attn:Mircofinance Loan Firm

2018-01-23 Thread Mr Michael Garey

Hello Are you in any financial problem? Do you need quick Funds for Capital so 
you can get back to business. or you need funds to pay off your bills If-YES-do 
contact us back for more detail. For loan application. contact us on our private
email only on email : mircofinaceloancomp...@gmail.com

please note All your responses should be send to our private Email: 

Business Opportunity

2018-01-02 Thread Mr Yin Lianchen

How are you and your family?
Thanks for accepting my connection.
I am connecting you due to a Business Opportunity.
Should you like to know more about it.
Do get back to me so i give you further details.

I hope to hear from you soon




2017-12-30 Thread Mr Mohamad Ahmed
Hi Friend.

I am Mr. Mohammed Ahmed a banker in Bank of Africa Burkina Faso West
Africa, Please i want to transfer an abandoned sum of 13.5 millions
USD to your account.50% will be for you and 50% for me.

No risk involved. Contact me for more details along with your personal
information needed below.

1. Full name:.
2. Current Address:.
3. Phone.
4. Occupation:.
5. Age:
6. Country:
7. Sex
8. Your Passport or ID card or Driving License


Mr. Mohammed Ahmed.

Business Proposal Of $18,100,000.00

2017-12-13 Thread Mr Youichi Kanno

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Youichi Kanno and I work in Audit & credit Supervisory role at 
The Norinchukin Bank,I am contacting you regarding the asset of a deceased 
client Mr. Grigor Kassan and I need your assistance to process the fund 
claims oF $18,100,000.00. if intreasted get back to me so we can discuss 
the logistic of moving the funds to a safe offshore bank.

Yours sincerely,
Youichi Kanno


2017-11-26 Thread Mr. G. CHA
I have important transaction for you as next of kin to claim US$8.37m  email me 
at changgordo...@yahoo.com.hk so I can send you more details

Dear Friend I need your partnership to claim,

2017-11-25 Thread Mr. Paul Harry
Hello My Dear Friend, with due respect to your person and much sincerity of 
purpose, It’s my pleasure to write you today, I am Mr. Paul Harry, I work in a 
bank. and I get your contact from internet search I hope that you will not 
expose or betray this trust and confident that am about to repose in you for 
the benefit of our both families am in need of your help as a foreigner to 
transfer Ten Million Three Hundred and Fifty thousand Usd ($10.350 Million) 
into your account, risk is completely %100 free.

Mr. Paul Harry.

Hello Dear

2017-11-20 Thread Mr Sheng Li Hung
Hello Dear

I am Mr.Sheng Li Hung, from china I got your information while search for
a reliable person, I have a very profitable business proposition for you
and i can assure you that you will not regret been part of this mutual
beneficial transaction after completion. Kindly get back to me for more
details on this email id: shenglil...@hotmail.com

Sheng Li Hung


2017-11-11 Thread Auditor Mr Obama Bassole.
Dear Friend, 

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and 
Accounting section manager with African Development Bank, Ouagadougou Burkina 
faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I 
am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families. 

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($39.5)million to your 
account within 10 or 14 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in 
our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release the money to you as the 
nearest person to our deceased customer late George small. who died along with 
his supposed next of kin in an air crash since 31st October 1999. 

I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned fund. So 
this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank can release the 
money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like 
you to keep this proposal as atop secret and delete it if you are not 

Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the business 
will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned 
sum if you agree to handle this business with me. 

I am expecting your urgent response as soon as you receive my message. 

Best Regard, 

Auditor Mr Obama Bassole.

​​ATTN: My Dear

2017-11-03 Thread Mr Robert Williams

ATTN: My Dear

Good news,The BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION has actually verified and discovered
that your payment has been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of the
Company who are Trying to divert your fund of $4,700.000.00 Million into their 
accounts. Therefore we have obtained an irrevocable payment guarantee on your
Payment with WORLD Bank to make your payment through our new ATM VISA CARD
system which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINE around your

So we are here by inviting you to our office to pick up your ATM VISA CARD but
if you cannot be able to come down here in our office in person be inform that
you are going to pay for shipping fee of your ATM visa CARD, so if you are
unable to come down here then you are required to update us so that we will
proceed with the necessary arrangement for the delivery of your ATM VISA CARD.

As of now be informed that all arrangement has been done and the ATM VISA CARD
has be in your name, but to RE-ACTIVATE the ATM Card you have to forward your
current information as requested below to the bank for the ATM Card re-
activcation, then we will send you the ATM CARD for your immediate use.

Here are the information you have to forward to the bank:
1. Your Full Names:__
2. Postal Address:___
3. Direct Cell Numbers:___
4. E-mail Address:
5. Sex:_
7. Occupation:

Therefore you are advised to contact UBA Bank accountant Manager  Mrs.Suzan Mark

with below Email address(  mrs.suzanmar...@gmail.com  )

Chief Executive Officer UBA Bank Plc
Benin. Republic
Direct Hotline: +229-99374614

E-mail:( mrs.suzanmar...@yahoo.com )

Mr Robert Williams

Do you need financial help?

2017-10-17 Thread Mr . Robert
Do you need a loan to enhance your business?, loan to consolidate your 
debt,loan for personal use, loan for credit card, medical care loan,car 
loan,mortgage loan, student loan, loan for any purposes? e.t.c. get loan at 1% 
interest rate annually, hurry up now and fill out this below application 
details if interested: contact us at: iceblueinvestmentgrou...@gmail.com

Full Name---
Contact Address:
Amount Needed as Loan:___
Loan Duration:
Occupation:___ _
Purpose for Loan:
Phone: ___

Hello Friend

2017-09-11 Thread Mr. LEUNG Cheung

Hello Friend

2017-09-10 Thread Mr. LEUNG Cheung


2017-09-06 Thread Mr
LOAN AVAILABLE @3 % Rely mohammedanis...@gmail.com

Mutual Coperation Thank you

2017-09-04 Thread Mr bassole Obama
Dear Friend,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the
Auditing and Accounting section manager with African Development Bank,
Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray
this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the
mutual benefit of our both families.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($39.5)million
to your account within 10 or 14 banking days. This money has been
dormant for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release
the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer late
George small. who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air
crash since 31st October 1999.

I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned
fund. So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank
can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased
customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as atop secret
and delete it if you are not interested.

Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the
business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the
above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me.

I am expecting your urgent response as soon as you receive my message.

Best Regard,

Auditor Mr Bassole Obama


2017-08-24 Thread Mr. Mehdi Afrendo
Greetings dear Friend,

I have a proposal for you, this however is not mandatory nor will I in
any manner compel you to honor against your will, Please read
carefully. I am Mr Mehdi A. Al-Shamali, A former executive director
with Arab Tunisian Bank here in Tunis; I retired 1 year 7 months ago
after putting in 28 years of meticulous service. During my days with
Arab Tunisian Bank, I was the personal account officer and one of the
financial advisers to Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali the past Tunisian
President in self exile at Saudi Arabia.

During his trying period, he instructed me to move all his investment
in my care which consists of US$115M and 767KG of gold out of the Gulf
States for safe keeping; and that I successfully did by moving US$50
Million to Madrid Spain, US$50 Million to Dubai United Arab Emirate,
US$15 Million to Burkina Faso and the 767KG of gold to Burkina Faso in
West Africa as an anonymous deposits, so that the funds will in no way
be traced to him. He has instructed me to find an investor who would
stand as the anonymous depositor of the fund and gold; and claim it
for further investment.

Consequent upon the above, my proposal is that I would like you as a
foreigner to stand in as the anonymous depositor of this fund and gold
that I have successfully moved outside the country and provide an
account overseas where this said fund will be transferred into. It is
a careful network and my voluntary retirement from the Arab Tunisian
Bank is to ensure a hitch-free operation as all modalities for you to
stand as beneficiary and owner of the deposits has been perfected by
me. Mr. Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali will be offering you 20% of the total
investment if you can be the investor and claim this deposits in Spain
and Burkina Faso as the anonymous depositor.

Now my questions are:-

1. Can you handle this transaction?
2. Can I give you this trust?

Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible so that I can
give you more details regarding this transaction. Finally, it is my
humble request that the information as contained herein be accorded
the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves.

I expect your urgent response if you can handle this project.

Respectfully yours,

Mr Mehdi A. Al-Shamali.

Dear Recipient

2017-08-11 Thread Mr. Bernard Arnault
You have been chosen to benefit from Mr. Bernard Arnault Philanthropic
Donation.Reply for more info via Email: firstchap...@surlapetitecote.com

Mr. Bernard Arnault

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Viable partnership request.

2017-05-21 Thread Mr Albert Yang
Compliment of the day,

I have access to very vital information that can be used to move a huge amount 
of money. 
I have done my homework very well and i have the machineries in place to get it 
Ultimately I need an honest person to play an important role in the completion 
of this business transaction.



2017-05-19 Thread MR. NEIL TROTTER

I am Mr  Neil Trotter, the current winner of 108  Euro millions jackpot, if you 
have received this email then you are of the lucky fellows to benefit from 
me,so do get back to me for a better understanding. Here is the website for 
Contact Email;(mr.neiltrotter...@outlook.com)


Eine Spende von 1 Million Britische Pfund zu Ihnen in gutem Glauben

2017-05-03 Thread Mr Neil Trotter

From: Mr.David Owain

2017-04-28 Thread Mr. David Owain
Dear Sir/Madam.


I am Mr.David Owain. I have  (15.8 Million UsDollars) to transfer into
your account,

I will send you more details about this deal and the procedures to
follow when I receive a positive response from you,

Have a great day,
Mr.David Owain.

mr neil

2017-04-21 Thread mr neil trotter

Private Placement

2017-04-02 Thread Mr. Ernest Pinto
Good day,

Welcome to our Private Placement Portfolio.

I am a Staff of a Venture Capital Firm specializing in Growth Capital 
Investments/Loans.We seek to invest in Projects with Public and Private sectors 
in a broad range of areas including Real estate, Agriculture, Energy, Oil and 
Gas, emerging markets and high-technology. Within the technology sector, the 
firm focuses on communications, software, digital content and services.

We have the capacity to invest a considerable amount of funds in any viable 
project(s) that your company requires funding for on an investment 
capacity/Loan Application. Upon the review of your company's Project Business 
Plan we shall determine on the project(s) possible funding. This will be form 
of a silent and Private Placement Investments.

Endeavor to respond promptly if the investment proposal meets your company's 

Kind Regards,
Ernest Pinto

Private Placement

2017-03-29 Thread Mr. Ernest Pinto
Good day,

Welcome to our Private Placement Portfolio.

I am a Staff of a Venture Capital Firm specializing in Growth Capital 
Investments/Loans.We seek to invest in Projects with Public and Private sectors 
in a broad range of areas including Real estate, Agriculture, Energy, Oil and 
Gas, emerging markets and high-technology. Within the technology sector, the 
firm focuses on communications, software, digital content and services.

We have the capacity to invest a considerable amount of funds in any viable 
project(s) that your company requires funding for on an investment 
capacity/Loan Application. Upon the review of your company's Project Business 
Plan we shall determine on the project(s) possible funding. This will be form 
of a silent and Private Placement Investments.

Endeavor to respond promptly if the investment proposal meets your company's 

Kind Regards,
Ernest Pinto

[no subject]

2017-03-20 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email Me personally
for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer


2017-02-09 Thread MR IBRAHIM KABORE
Dear Friend,

I am contacting you on a business deal of $9,500,000.00 Million United States 
Dollars, ready for transfer into your own personal account and if we make this 
claim, we will share it on the ratio of 50% / 50% basis.
I would like to assure you that it be 100% risk free and it will be legally 
backed up with government approval.

Once you are interested to transact this business with me, kindly give me your 
consent response immediately.

Hoping to hear from you.

My regards,
Mr Ibrahim Kabore

Your response Is highly appreciated!

2016-12-14 Thread Mr. Saeed Bin Salem

I am Mr. Saeed Bin Salem from the National Commercial Bank Libya. I have a 
secured business proposition for you.

[no subject]

2016-12-14 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

Good Day,

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email Me
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer


2016-11-24 Thread Mr. Piyush Gupta

Dear Friend,

Good Day, I am Mr. Piyush Gupta as a  (DBSHK) banker, I have funds worth 
of $25.500,000.00 to secretly secure and transfer in to your account of 
my late client who dead with next of kin, which i will like to invest in 
profitable business in your country.

Please if you are interested to help me without betrayed me, do and 
write me for more details. Here is my Email: infopiyu...@gmail.com

Mr. Piyush Gupta.
Hong Kong.

I Hope You Get My Message This Time

2016-11-12 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email  Me  
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer

I Hope You Get My Message This Time

2016-11-12 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email  Me  
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer

I Hope You Get My Message This Time

2016-11-12 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email  Me  
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer

I Hope You Get My Message This Time

2016-11-12 Thread Mr Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email  Me  
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer

Your Urgent Response

2016-08-22 Thread Mr Hassan Umra
Dear Friend,

I am Mr Hassan Umra, the director in charge of auditing and accounting section
of Bank of Africa (BOA)  West-Africa. I would like you
to indicate your interest to receive the transfer of $12.5 Million Dollars.
I will like you to stand as the next of kin to our late customer whose account
is presently dormant for claims. Please once you are interested kindly send
me the following details information below,

1.Your full name:...
2.Resident address:..
3.Private phone 
4.Country : 
I shall send you more details as soon as i hear from you.

Mr.Hassan Umra,

Your Urgent Response

2016-08-20 Thread Mr Hassan Umra
Dear Friend,

I am Mr Hassan Umra, the director in charge of auditing and accounting section
of Bank of Africa (BOA)  West-Africa. I would like you
to indicate your interest to receive the transfer of $12.5 Million Dollars.
I will like you to stand as the next of kin to our late customer whose account
is presently dormant for claims. Please once you are interested kindly send
me the following details information below,

1.Your full name:...
2.Resident address:..
3.Private phone 
4.Country : 
I shall send you more details as soon as i hear from you.

Mr.Hassan Umra,

Your Urgent Response

2016-08-18 Thread Mr Hassan Umra
Dear Friend,

I am Mr Hassan Umra, the director in charge of auditing and accounting section
of Bank of Africa (BOA)  West-Africa. I would like you
to indicate your interest to receive the transfer of $12.5 Million Dollars.
I will like you to stand as the next of kin to our late customer whose account
is presently dormant for claims. Please once you are interested kindly send
me the following details information below,

1.Your full name:...
2.Resident address:..
3.Private phone 
4.Country : 
I shall send you more details as soon as i hear from you.

Mr.Hassan Umra,


2016-07-02 Thread Mr. Bun Sam

I work with one of the major banks in Cambodia as the director of audit. I have 
a proposal for you, a very urgent and quick business that will be completed in 
12 working days. I have just discovered documents relating to funds belonging 
to a deceased client of our bank,

I went through all the related documents to the funds and I discovered no 
listed next of kin to inherit the funds which has been in our bank for more 
than 7 years now. I need your cooperation in getting the funds, I have the 
power to list you as the beneficiary of the funds and have the funds 
transferred to you.

If you are interested, do get back to me so I can provide you with the full 

Bun Sam.


2016-06-06 Thread Mr Kamal Ali Mohamed

Greetings Dear Friend,

I never want to disturb you at all but will like you give me your attention. I 
need a matured and capable hand in a business deal of $8, 500, 000.00 (Eight 
Million Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars).I belief you are suitable to handle 
such project perfectly .I will give you more information on how we would handle 
this project. Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information 
for more clarification and easy communication.


(1)Full names:.
(3)Age and Sex:..
(4)Marital Status:
(5)Private phone number:...
(6)Current residential address:..

Am waiting for your urgent reply so that we will starts immediately, Sorry if 
you received this letter in your spam, Due to recent connection error here in 
my country.

May Almighty God Bless You!

Mr. Kamal Ali Mohamed.

Dear Friend

2016-06-01 Thread Mr Kamal Ali Mohamed

Dear friend,

My name is Mr Kamal Ali Mohamed . I am working with one of the prime banks here 
in Burkina Faso. Here in this bank existed a dormant account for many years, 
which belong to one of our late foreign customer.

When I discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from 
this account for this long period, I decided to carry out a system 
investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the 
late person are aware of this account, which means nobody will come to take it. 
The amount in this account stands at $8, 500, 000.00 (Eight Million Five 
Hundred Thousand USA Dollars).

I want a foreign account where the bank will transfer this fund. I will front 
you in the bank as the Next of Kin to the late customer and back you up with 
relevant information. What the bank need is proof and information about the 
late customer which I will assist you on. This is a genuine, risk free and 
legal business transaction.

All details shall be sent to you once I hear from you. The information as 
contained herein be accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the 
secrecy it deserves. If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy and 
confidentiality, Sorry if you received this letter in your spam, Due to recent 
connection error here in my country. Looking forward for your immediate 
response to me.Through my private e-mail id: (kamalalimoha...@terra.com)

Best Regards,
Mr. Kamal Ali Mohamed.

Confidential And Very Urgent Attention.

2016-05-27 Thread Mr Kamal Ali Mohamed

Dear friend,

My name is Mr Kamal Ali Mohamed . I am working with one of the prime banks here 
in Burkina Faso. Here in this bank existed a dormant account for many years, 
which belong to one of our late foreign customer.

When I discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from 
this account for this long period, I decided to carry out a system 
investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the 
late person are aware of this account, which means nobody will come to take it. 
The amount in this account stands at $8, 500, 000.00 (Eight Million Five 
Hundred Thousand USA Dollars).

I want a foreign account where the bank will transfer this fund. I will front 
you in the bank as the Next of Kin to the late customer and back you up with 
relevant information. What the bank need is proof and information about the 
late customer which I will assist you on. This is a genuine, risk free and 
legal business transaction.

All details shall be sent to you once I hear from you. The information as 
contained herein be accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the 
secrecy it deserves. If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy and 
confidentiality, Sorry if you received this letter in your spam, Due to recent 
connection error here in my country. Looking forward for your immediate 
response to me.Through my private e-mail id: (kamalalimoha...@terra.com)

Best Regards,
Mr. Kamal Ali Mohamed.

Your Urgent Respond,

2016-04-04 Thread Mr Michael Gary
Urgent Founds!!

We wish to inform you that your over due Inheritance funds which we agreed to 
pay you in cash is already sealed and package with a security proof box. The 
funds worth of $7.5 millions US Dollar,in the package will be conveyed to you 
by an Int'l diplomatic agent, Mr. Jeff Bernard. He will be leaving for your 
country any time from now, therefore reach us with the details below.

Using a Diplomatic agent this time is because of the failure that were recorded 
in the other transfer options. Just try and give the diplomat your information 
and offer him all assistance he may need, especially directive assistance so 
that he will be able to get your consignment box to you in the couple of days.

Please contact him with your full information, such as your.

1) Full name: ..
2) Resident address:..
3) Phone number:.
4) The name of your nearest airport:
Send him the information above for him to locate your home with your package.

Below is some of his contact information:

Name: Jeff Bernard
Email: (dipjeffbern...@hotmail.com).
Feel free and call your fund's original bank at +229-982-92-026, any time you 
wish for more explanation. 

Best Regard 
Mr Michael Gary

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Urgent Founds!!

2016-03-31 Thread Mr Tony Hope

Urgent Founds!!

We wish to inform you that your over due Inheritance funds which we agreed to 
pay you in cash is already sealed and package with a security proof box. The 
funds worth of $7.5 millions US Dollar,in the package will be conveyed to you 
by an Int'l diplomatic agent, Mr. Tony Hope.

He will be leaving for your country any time from now, therefore reach us with 
the details below.

Using a Diplomatic agent this time is because of the failure that were recorded 
in the other transfer options. Just try and give the diplomat your information 
and offer him all assistance he may need, especially directive assistance so 
that he will be able to get your consignment box to you in the couple of days.

Please contact him with your full information, such as your.

1) Full name: ..
2) Resident address:..
3) Phone number:.
4) The name of your nearest airport:
Send him the information above for him to locate your home with your package.

Below is some of his contact information:

Name: Mr Tony Hope
Email: (dipltonyh...@photofile.ru)Phone numbers:
+229-99 22 69 25

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

info, view the attach and get bark to me...

2016-03-19 Thread mr. david ibe


2016-03-09 Thread Mr. Anthony Oke
Email Address (anthony.o...@aol.com)
   Confidential Business Proposal!
I am Mr. Anthony Oke. I have a business proposal which will benefit both of us, 
The amount of money involved is (Thirty Five Million Great British Pounds) 
which i want to transfer from an abandoned account to your bank account; it is 
100% risk free.
Upon the conclusion of this transaction, i accept that  (50%) Fifty Percent 
will be for you in respect of all your assistance for this transaction and (50% 
) Fifty - Percent will be for me being the pioneer of the business.
A lot of customers open private accounts with different Banks without the 
knowledge of their families and when they die, such money will be lost to the 
Bank unless someone comes to claim it.
This is how a lot of Bank Directors make so much money silently.
I will like you to provide immediately the below information's, to enable me 
use it and get you next of kin application form from my bank.
1.Full Name:..
2.Full Address:...
3.Telephone Number:...
As soon as you reply through this private Email Address 
(anthony.o...@aol.com),I will let you know the next steps and procedures and 
more details to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately.
Please keep whatever information you get from me strictly confidential even if 
you decide not to participate in this transaction.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Anthony Oke

INFORMAÇÃO IMPORTANTE RE: Consultoria de Investimento em sua Localidade.

2016-02-29 Thread Mr. DOUGLAS

Temos planejado investir alguns fundos no seu país.

Responder se você estiver interessado.

Sir Henry Neville Lindley Keswick
Presidente da Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd

Hi friend,

Our family is interested in investing funds in your locality.

More information for you interest .

Sir Henry Neville Lindley Keswick
Chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd

Good Day,,,

2016-02-22 Thread Mr Bakhari Abaass Issaa
Good Day,

Please accept my apologies for writing you a surprise letter.I am Mr
Bakhari Abaas Issa, account Manager with an investment bank here in
Burkina Faso.

I have a very important business I want to discuss with you.There is a
draft account opened in my firm by a long-time client of our bank.I
have the opportunity of transferring the left over fund (7.2Million
UsDollars)Seven Million Two Hundred Thousand United States of American
Dollars of one of my Bank clients who died at the collapsing of the
world trade center at the United States on September 11th 2001.

I want to invest this funds and introduce you to our bank for this
deal.All I require is your honest co-operation and I guarantee you
that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will
protect us from any breach of the law.I agree that 40% of this money
will be for you as my foreign partner,50% for me while 10% is for
establishing of foundation for the less privilleges in your country.If
you are really interested in my proposal further details of the
transfer will be forwarded unto you as soon as I receive your
willingness mail for a successful transfer.

Kindly Contact Me Back Through This My Private Email Box:bakhariiss...@gmail.com

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Bakhari Abaas Issa.


2016-01-05 Thread Mr. Wang Zhiqiang

I am Mr. Wang Zhiqiang working with Wing Lung Bank Hong Kong; I have a
highly mutual and legitimate Bequest for you to handle with me. This fund
was deposited in our bank by an Oil Magnate who lived in Hong Kong for
Twenty Eight years. He died along with his family during the Tsunami which
occurred Dec 2004. You can contact me for more details if interested.

Best regards,
Mr. Wang Zhiqiang
Private Email:wangzhiqian...@yahoo.com.hk

I am Mr. Wang Zhiqiang working with Wing Lung Bank Hong Kong; I have a
highly mutual and legitimate Bequest for you to handle with me. This fund
was deposited in our bank by an Oil Magnate who lived in Hong Kong for
Twenty Eight years. He died along with his family during the Tsunami which
occurred Dec 2004. You can contact me for more details if interested.

Best regards,
Mr. Wang Zhiqiang
Private Email:wangzhiqian...@yahoo.com.hk

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2015-10-02 Thread Mr
I wish to discuss a very confidential business proposition worth $48Million USD 
with you that will be of immense benefit to the both of us, but I want your 
consent before sending details.

Mr Wing
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the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
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2015-10-01 Thread Mr
A personal donation for you from Liliane Bettencourt. Please reply for more 

Mr Holmes
Donation Co ordinator
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the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
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2015-09-05 Thread MR. MARTIN IBANEZ
Please view the attached file

Description: Adobe PDF document


2015-06-30 Thread Mr. George Wang
I am Mr. George Wang of Bank of China. I have a business proposal for you. For 
more details contact (mrgewan...@gmail.com).

Mr. George Wang.

This email was Virus checked by UTM 9. http://www.sophos.com
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2015-06-02 Thread Mr David Brink
I am writing you this email to make reservations for my family at your hotel.
Arrival day : 15/06/2015
Departure day: 30/06/2015
Number Of Gusts: 4 Adult
Kindly send the total quotation so as to forward my card for the full payment 
Mr David Brink

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the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html forcedeth timeout hang

2007-08-23 Thread Mr. Berkley Shands

100% reproducible hang on xmit timeout.
Just do a make -j4 modules on an nfs mounted kernel source.

attached is the messages log


// E. F. Berkley Shands, MSc//

** Exegy Inc.**

349 Marshall Road, Suite 100

St. Louis , MO  63119

Direct:  (314) 218-3600 X450

Cell:  (314) 303-2546

Office:  (314) 218-3600

Fax:  (314) 218-3601

The Usual Disclaimer follows...

This e-mail and any documents accompanying it may contain legally privileged 
and/or confidential information belonging to Exegy, Inc. Such information may 
be protected from disclosure by law. The information is intended for use by 
only the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby 
notified that any disclosure or use of the information is strictly prohibited. 
If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately contact the 
sender by e-mail or phone regarding instructions for return or destruction and 
do not use or disclose the content to others.
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690155] NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit 
timed out
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690162] eth1: Got tx_timeout. irq: 0036
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690164] eth1: Ring at 16e086000
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690166] eth1: Dumping tx registers
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690171]   0: 0036 00ff 0003 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690176]  20: 06255300 ff701365  
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690181]  40: 0420e20e a855 2e20 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690186]  60:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690192]  80: 003b0f3c 0001 0004 
007f0020 061c 0001 0020 7f87
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690197]  a0: 0014050f 0016 5781e000 
020a 0001  a800cccd fcf5
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690203]  c0: 1002 0001 0001 
0001 0001 0001 0001 0001
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690207]  e0: 0001 0001 0001 
0001 0001 0001 0001 0001
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690213] 100: 6e086800 6e086000 007f00ff 
8000 00010032  002c 6e0874c0
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690220] 120: 6e086360 1ca37240 a000ffeb 
  6e0874cc 6e08636c 0fe08000
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690225] 140: 00304120 80002600 0001 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690229] 160:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690235] 180: 0016 0008 0194796d 
8103 002a 3800 0194000f 0003
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690241] 1a0: 0016 0008 0194796d 
8103 002a 3800 0194000f 0003
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690246] 1c0: 0016 0008 0194796d 
8103 002a 3800 0194000f 0003
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690252] 1e0: 0016 0008 0194796d 
8103 002a 3800 0194000f 0003
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690257] 200:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690261] 220:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690266] 240:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690271] 260:   fe020001 
0100   7e020001 0100
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690276] 280:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690280] 2a0:    
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690285] 2c0:    
  0001 0001 0001
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690287] eth1: Dumping tx ring
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690292] 000:  8fd00892 2052 // 
 88115c92 2052 //  875ae892 2052 //  8a660492 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690298] 004: 0001 61fdb492 2052 // 
 8bf3f892 2052 //  8daa7092 2052 //  8fa29892 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690304] 008: 0001 0d558892 2052 // 
 8e0bf892 2052 //  8fd00492 2052 //  8d160092 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690310] 00c: 0001 27698092 2052 // 
 7fc6cc92 2052 //  8d03ec92 2052 //  88085492 
Aug 23 18:34:55 crash kernel: [30819.690317] 010:  850ee492 2052 // 
 8bba8c92 2052 // 0001 56108492 2052 // 

Re: iproute2 2.6.22-070710 , mp_ematch.y:11: unrecognized: %error-verbose , ...

2007-07-12 Thread Mr. James W. Laferriere

Hello Stephen ,  Thank you .  see inline .

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Stephen Hemminger wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:38:43 -0700 (PDT)
Mr. James W. Laferriere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Stephen ( All) ,  Maybe next build of the tarball one could tar
up the base directory name as well .  ie: iproute2-2.6.22-070710/ .
The error below while being (quite probably) manually correctable isn't
something I'd expect to see in a release .
Twyl ,  JimL

ps: I am not subscribed to netdev (I am quite sure) .

$ ./configure
TC schedulers

$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/archive/iproute2-2_6_22-070710/lib'
gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -I../include 
bison -d -t -v -o emp_ematch.yacc.c emp_ematch.y
emp_ematch.y:11: unrecognized: %error-verbose
emp_ematch.y:11:Skipping to next %
make[1]: *** [emp_ematch.yacc.c] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/archive/iproute2-2_6_22-070710/tc'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/archive

Which version of bison. There have been issues where bison / flex don't
always stay source compatible across releases.

$ bison --version
bison (GNU Bison) 1.35

$ flex --version
flex version 2.5.4

$ /usr/src/linux/scripts/ver_linux
If some fields are empty or look unusual you may have an old version.
Compare to the current minimal requirements in Documentation/Changes.

Linux filesrv1 #2 SMP Fri Jan 5 20:01:06 PST 2007 i686 unknown unknown 

Gnu C  3.3.6
Gnu make   3.80
util-linux 2.12p
mount  2.12p
module-init-tools  3.1
e2fsprogs  1.38
jfsutils   1.1.8
reiserfsprogs  3.6.19
xfsprogs   2.6.13
pcmcia-cs  3.2.8
nfs-utils  1.0.7
Linux C Library2.3.5
Dynamic linker (ldd)   2.3.5
Linux C++ Library  5.0.7
Procps 3.2.5
Net-tools  1.60
Sh-utils   5.2.1
udev   064
Modules Loaded

Any thing else I can provide to help diagnose this please just ask .
Tia ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere | System   Techniques | Give me VMS |
| NetworkEngineer | 663  Beaumont  Blvd |  Give me Linux  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pacifica, CA. 94044 |   only  on  AXP |
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe netdev in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html

re: iproute2 2.6.22-070710 , mp_ematch.y:11: unrecognized: %error-verbose , ...

2007-07-11 Thread Mr. James W. Laferriere
	Hello Stephen ( All) ,  Maybe next build of the tarball one could tar 
up the base directory name as well .  ie: iproute2-2.6.22-070710/ .
	The error below while being (quite probably) manually correctable isn't 
something I'd expect to see in a release .

Twyl ,  JimL

ps: I am not subscribed to netdev (I am quite sure) .

$ ./configure
TC schedulers

$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/archive/iproute2-2_6_22-070710/lib'
gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -O2 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -I../include 
bison -d -t -v -o emp_ematch.yacc.c emp_ematch.y
emp_ematch.y:11: unrecognized: %error-verbose
emp_ematch.y:11:Skipping to next %
make[1]: *** [emp_ematch.yacc.c] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/archive/iproute2-2_6_22-070710/tc'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/archive

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, Stephen Hemminger wrote:

This is an update to iproute2 utilities including bug fixes and features
related to 2.6.22 kernel.

This package tries to be source compatible across releases.
The same source should build on older systems, but obviously the
newer kernel features won't be available.

It can be downloaded from:


For more info on iproute2 see:


David Lamparter (1):
 iproute2: Format IPv6 tunnels endpoints nicely.

Mike Frysinger (1):
 ip/routef lifesaver

Patrick McHardy (1):
 Fwd: Re: more iproute2 issues (not critical)

Pavel Roskin (1):
 ip: add support for displaying link types 802 and 803

Stephen Hemminger (11):
 Revert Increase internal clock resolution to nsec
 Add xt_tcpudp.h
 incorrect initialization
 headers update to 2.6.22
 fix last change
 fix build warnings
 netem: static
 Add TC_LIB_DIR environment variable.
 ss: fix issues with signed inodes

Thomas Graf (2):
 iproute2: support for goto/nop action and detached flag
 iproute2: Support IFF_LOWER_UP and IFF_DORMANT

Yasuyuki KOZAKAI (1):
 Fix symbolic link to tc-bfifo.8

jamal (2):
 SAD info
 SPD info

| James   W.   Laferriere | System   Techniques | Give me VMS |
| NetworkEngineer | 663  Beaumont  Blvd |  Give me Linux  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pacifica, CA. 94044 |   only  on  AXP |
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe netdev in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at  http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html

forcedeth lockup in and 2.6.22-rc6

2007-06-26 Thread Mr. Berkley Shands
With Centos-5.0/Redhat 5.0 on multiple motherboards (Tyan 2995/ 
SuperMicro H8DCE)

The forcedeth network driver locks up under heavy NFS traffic (32KB frames)
such as linking shared libraries. It either gives a register dump
on a lock up in the transmit side, or loops complaining about
eth0: too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq
The system is hung. I cannot get to /var/log/messages, and only dmesg gives
information. service network restart or even reloading the 
forcedeth.ko module

does not restore the link. The only fix is reboot -f.

These machines are 4GB or 8GB opteron workstations. There is no problem
when using 2.6.20. The error counts reported by ifconfig usually show
framing errors, sometimes  10 digits worth concurrent with this issue
(after being up 5 minutes). I can reproduce this 100% of the time with and 2.6.22-rc6.

Any clues on what to try next?



// E. F. Berkley Shands, MSc//

** Exegy Inc.**

349 Marshall Road, Suite 100

St. Louis , MO  63119

Direct:  (314) 218-3600 X450

Cell:  (314) 303-2546

Office:  (314) 218-3600

Fax:  (314) 218-3601

The Usual Disclaimer follows...

This e-mail and any documents accompanying it may contain legally privileged 
and/or confidential information belonging to Exegy, Inc. Such information may 
be protected from disclosure by law. The information is intended for use by 
only the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby 
notified that any disclosure or use of the information is strictly prohibited. 
If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately contact the 
sender by e-mail or phone regarding instructions for return or destruction and 
do not use or disclose the content to others.
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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