Am 21.09.2015 um 00:29 schrieb Tom Herbert:
Kernel Connection Multiplexor (KCM) is a facility that provides a
message based interface over TCP for generic application protocols.
The motivation for this is based on the observation that although
TCP is byte stream transport protocol with no concept of message
boundaries, a common use case is to implement a framed application
layer protocol running over TCP. To date, most TCP stacks offer
byte stream API for applications, which places the burden of message
delineation, message I/O operation atomicity, and load balancing
in the application. With KCM an application can efficiently send
and receive application protocol messages over TCP using a
datagram interface.

Hello Tom,

on a general note I'm wondering what this offers over the existing SCTP support. SCTP offers reliable message exchange and multihoming already.

On a specific note, I'm wondering if the dup(2) familiy of system calls isn't a lot more suitable/natural instead of overloading accept.

Best regards.
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