Bei Interesse antworten.

2020-08-07 Thread info
Schöne Grüße,

Mein Name ist MATTIAS SJOBORG, ich bin Schweizer Staatsbürger und (Vorsitzender 
des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses) von Tethys Petroleum, einem 
multinationalen Ölkonzern mit Sitz in London-England, Großbritannien. Ich bitte 
Sie um Ihre Hilfe, um die Summe von vierzig Millionen Dollar abzurufen, die aus 
zwei Sendungsboxen besteht.

Dieses Geld wurde von der Firma erworben und von einem Diplomaten begleitet und 
korrekt in einer Sicherheitsfirma in Amerika hinterlegt. Mein Grund dafür ist, 
dass ich von der Firma zu lange um meine Ansprüche betrogen wurde, nur weil ich 
kein bin Britisch. Die Kontaktdaten des Diplomaten erhalten Sie, wenn Sie Ihr 
Interesse bekunden, mir zu helfen.

Jede der Schachteln enthält 20 Mio. USD. Für Ihre Hilfe bin ich bereit, 40% an 
Sie freizugeben. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde die Sendung als VERTRAULICHE 
DIPLOMATISCHE DOKUMENTE registriert, und ich kann erklären, warum dies so 
erklärt wurde. Denken Sie daran, dass der Diplomat den Inhalt der Sendung nicht 
kennt. Er ist seit einem Monat dort, während ich nach einem zuverlässigen 
Partner suchen möchte. Ich werde das Land verlassen, sobald die Sendung für Sie 
an Sie geliefert wird Private Investitionen und ich haben geschworen, niemals 
nach London zurückzukehren. Bitte, ich brauche Ihre dringende Antwort, bevor 
meine Pläne, das Unternehmen zu verlassen, entdeckt werden.

Im Moment ist die sicherste Form der Korrespondenz meine eigene E-Mail-Adresse. 
Bitte antworten Sie im Interesse der Vertraulichkeit nur über meine direkte 
E-Mail-Adresse. Antworten Sie zusammen mit Ihrer direkten Telefon- und 
Faxnummer, unter der ich Sie alternativ erreichen kann.

Bitte, wenn Sie nicht bereit und interessiert sind, mir zu helfen, löschen Sie 
bitte diese E-Mail aus Ihrer E-Mail und tun Sie so, als hätten Sie sie nie 

Freundliche Grüße,
Mr.Mattias Sjoborg
(Vorsitzender des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses)
Tethys Petroleum.
London, England

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Bei Interesse antworten.

2020-08-07 Thread info
Schöne Grüße,

Mein Name ist MATTIAS SJOBORG, ich bin Schweizer Staatsbürger und (Vorsitzender 
des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses) von Tethys Petroleum, einem 
multinationalen Ölkonzern mit Sitz in London-England, Großbritannien. Ich bitte 
Sie um Ihre Hilfe, um die Summe von vierzig Millionen Dollar abzurufen, die aus 
zwei Sendungsboxen besteht.

Dieses Geld wurde von der Firma erworben und von einem Diplomaten begleitet und 
korrekt in einer Sicherheitsfirma in Amerika hinterlegt. Mein Grund dafür ist, 
dass ich von der Firma zu lange um meine Ansprüche betrogen wurde, nur weil ich 
kein bin Britisch. Die Kontaktdaten des Diplomaten erhalten Sie, wenn Sie Ihr 
Interesse bekunden, mir zu helfen.

Jede der Schachteln enthält 20 Mio. USD. Für Ihre Hilfe bin ich bereit, 40% an 
Sie freizugeben. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde die Sendung als VERTRAULICHE 
DIPLOMATISCHE DOKUMENTE registriert, und ich kann erklären, warum dies so 
erklärt wurde. Denken Sie daran, dass der Diplomat den Inhalt der Sendung nicht 
kennt. Er ist seit einem Monat dort, während ich nach einem zuverlässigen 
Partner suchen möchte. Ich werde das Land verlassen, sobald die Sendung für Sie 
an Sie geliefert wird Private Investitionen und ich haben geschworen, niemals 
nach London zurückzukehren. Bitte, ich brauche Ihre dringende Antwort, bevor 
meine Pläne, das Unternehmen zu verlassen, entdeckt werden.

Im Moment ist die sicherste Form der Korrespondenz meine eigene E-Mail-Adresse. 
Bitte antworten Sie im Interesse der Vertraulichkeit nur über meine direkte 
E-Mail-Adresse. Antworten Sie zusammen mit Ihrer direkten Telefon- und 
Faxnummer, unter der ich Sie alternativ erreichen kann.

Bitte, wenn Sie nicht bereit und interessiert sind, mir zu helfen, löschen Sie 
bitte diese E-Mail aus Ihrer E-Mail und tun Sie so, als hätten Sie sie nie 

Freundliche Grüße,
Mr.Mattias Sjoborg
(Vorsitzender des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses)
Tethys Petroleum.
London, England

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Bei Interesse antworten.

2020-08-07 Thread info
Schöne Grüße,

Mein Name ist MATTIAS SJOBORG, ich bin Schweizer Staatsbürger und (Vorsitzender 
des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses) von Tethys Petroleum, einem 
multinationalen Ölkonzern mit Sitz in London-England, Großbritannien. Ich bitte 
Sie um Ihre Hilfe, um die Summe von vierzig Millionen Dollar abzurufen, die aus 
zwei Sendungsboxen besteht.

Dieses Geld wurde von der Firma erworben und von einem Diplomaten begleitet und 
korrekt in einer Sicherheitsfirma in Amerika hinterlegt. Mein Grund dafür ist, 
dass ich von der Firma zu lange um meine Ansprüche betrogen wurde, nur weil ich 
kein bin Britisch. Die Kontaktdaten des Diplomaten erhalten Sie, wenn Sie Ihr 
Interesse bekunden, mir zu helfen.

Jede der Schachteln enthält 20 Mio. USD. Für Ihre Hilfe bin ich bereit, 40% an 
Sie freizugeben. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde die Sendung als VERTRAULICHE 
DIPLOMATISCHE DOKUMENTE registriert, und ich kann erklären, warum dies so 
erklärt wurde. Denken Sie daran, dass der Diplomat den Inhalt der Sendung nicht 
kennt. Er ist seit einem Monat dort, während ich nach einem zuverlässigen 
Partner suchen möchte. Ich werde das Land verlassen, sobald die Sendung für Sie 
an Sie geliefert wird Private Investitionen und ich haben geschworen, niemals 
nach London zurückzukehren. Bitte, ich brauche Ihre dringende Antwort, bevor 
meine Pläne, das Unternehmen zu verlassen, entdeckt werden.

Im Moment ist die sicherste Form der Korrespondenz meine eigene E-Mail-Adresse. 
Bitte antworten Sie im Interesse der Vertraulichkeit nur über meine direkte 
E-Mail-Adresse. Antworten Sie zusammen mit Ihrer direkten Telefon- und 
Faxnummer, unter der ich Sie alternativ erreichen kann.

Bitte, wenn Sie nicht bereit und interessiert sind, mir zu helfen, löschen Sie 
bitte diese E-Mail aus Ihrer E-Mail und tun Sie so, als hätten Sie sie nie 

Freundliche Grüße,
Mr.Mattias Sjoborg
(Vorsitzender des Vergütungs- und Nominierungsausschusses)
Tethys Petroleum.
London, England

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Frissítse fiókját

2019-07-19 Thread info

Kérjük, vegye figyelembe, hogy a Webmail-fiókja jelenleg túlterhelt, 
az összes Webmail-fiókot frissítjük. Kérjük, ellenőrizze 
webmailét ma az alábbi linkkel.

© 2019 Webmail ellenőrző központ

Loan of any kind without collateral

2019-07-12 Thread info
We Raymond Bryan Investment Firm is giving out loan on at 3% interest rate.. 
Contact our finacial accountant Now for loan of any kind without collateral:
Contact Number: +1 909 283 3102

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Read Business Letter

2018-10-15 Thread info
Steven Peter Walker(Esq)
Stone Chambers, 4 Field Court,
Gray's Inn, London,
WC1R 5EF..

Greetings To You,

This is a personal email directed to you and I request that it be 
treated as such. I am Steven Walker, a personal attorney/sole 
executor to the late Engineer Robert M, herein after referred to 
as" my client" I represent the interest of my client killed with 
his immediate family in a fatal motor accident in East London on 
November 5, 2002.and I will like to negotiate the terms of 
investment of resources available to him.

My late client worked as consulting engineer & sub-comptroller 
with Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants Ltd here in the United 
Kingdom and had left behind a deposit of Six Million Eight 
Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling only (£6.8million) with 
a finance company. The funds originated from contract 
transactions he executed in his registered area of business. Just 
after his death, I was contacted by the finance house to provide 
his next of kin, reasons been that his deposit agreement contains 
a residuary clause giving his personal attorney express authority 
to nominate the beneficiary to his funds. Unknown to the bank, 
Robert had left no possible trace of any of his close relative 
with me, making all efforts in my part to locate his family 
relative to be unfruitful since his death. In addition, from 
Robert's own story, he was only adopted and his foster parents 
whom he lost in 1976, according to him had no possible trace of 
his real family.

The funds had remained unclaimed since his death, but I had made 
effort writing several letters to the embassy with intent to 
locate any of his extended relatives whom shall be 
claimants/beneficiaries of his abandoned personal estate, and all 
such efforts have been to no avail. More so, I have received 
official letters in the last few weeks suggesting a likely 
proceeding for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in 
line with existing laws by the bank However, it will interest you 
to know that I discovered that some directors of this finance 
company are making plans already to have this fund to themselves 
only to use the excuse that since I am unable to find a next of 
kin to my late client then the funds should be confiscated, 
meanwhile their intentions is to have the funds retrieved for 

I reasoned very professionally and resolved to use a legal means 
to retrieve the abandoned funds, and that is to present the next 
of kin of my deceased client to the bank. This is legally 
possible and would be done in accordance with the laws. On this 
note, I decided to search for a credible person and finding that 
you bear a similar last name, I was urged to contact you, that I 
may, with your consent, present you to the "trustee" bank as my 
late client's surviving family member so as to enable you put up 
a claim to the bank in that capacity as a next of kin of my 
client. I find this to be possible for the fuller reasons that 
you are of the same nationality and you bear a similar last name 
with my late client making it a lot easier for you to put up a 
claim in that capacity. I have all vital documents that would 
confer you the legal right to lay claim to the funds, and it 
would back up your claim. I am willing to make these documents 
available to you so that the proceeds of this bank account valued 
at £6.8million can be paid to you before it is confiscated or 
declared unserviceable to the bank where this huge amount is 

I do sincerely sympathize the death of my client but I think that 
it is unprofitable for his funds to be submitted to the 
government of this country or some financial institution. I seek 
your assistance since I have been unable to locate the relatives 
for the past three years now and since no one would come for the 
claim. I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of 
the deceased since you have the same last name giving you the 
advantage which also makes the claim most credible . In that 
stand, the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Then, we 
talk about percentage. I know there are others with the same 
surname as my client, but after a little search, my instinct 
tells me to contact you. I shall assemble all the necessary 
documents that would be used to back up your claim.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate 
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. I will 
not fail to bring to your notice that this proposal is hitch-free 
and that you should not entertain any fears as the required 
arrangements have been made for the completion of this transfer. 
As I said, I require only a solemn confidentiality on this. 
Please get in touch via my alternative 
email{} for better 
confidentiality and if it's okay to you send me your telephone 
and fax numbers to enable us discuss further on this transaction, 
please do not take undue adva

RE: You've won the 10.5M lawsuit verdict!

2017-09-17 Thread info

Re: Reply Urgent

2017-06-19 Thread INFO


How are you doing? I have been sent to inform you that, We have an  
inheritance of a deceased client with your surname. Contact Mr Andrew  
Bailey Reply Email To: with your "Full Names" for  
more info.  Thanks for your understanding.

Reply ASAP thank you.

Correo Corporativo Hospital Universitario del Valle E.S.E

"Estamos re-dimensionandonos para crecer!"



2017-05-06 Thread Info
I want to inquire if you can be our regional representative in your region. It 
would by no Means interfere with your current job. If you are interested please 
contact Mr. Yu Yong
Email: for more information on the job. I look forward to 
hearing from you.

Yu Yong.


2017-01-12 Thread info


I'm Dr. Gertjan Vlieghe (Bank Of England),we have an inheritance of a  
deceased client with your surname Contact Dr. Gertjan Vlieghe With  
your: Full Name, Tel Number, Age, Occupation and Address through  


Dr. Gertjan Vlieghe
Correo Corporativo Hospital Universitario del Valle E.S.E

"Estamos re-dimensionandonos para crecer!"



2016-12-22 Thread info
We have an inheritance of a deceased client with your surname. Kindly  
contact me via email:( ) with your full  
names for info

Best Regards.

Dr, Gertjan Vlieghe.
Correo Corporativo Hospital Universitario del Valle E.S.E

"Estamos re-dimensionandonos para crecer!"



2016-02-18 Thread info
Good Day

Do you need an urgent business and personal loan at 2% rate?Kindly contact us 
now via ( for more information!


Tishman Niles

PROBLEM: TI CPSW driver hanging up when setting mac-address to early

2015-12-04 Thread info
Dear Mr. Cyril, Dear Mailinglist,

Sorry in advance if I not do everything right in BUG-reporting, this is
the first time I try to do this on LKML. Please correct me for the next

I just updated my AM3359-custom-board to the rescent kernel version
(4.3) and added the "fixed-link-support" patch of netdev-next to the
cpsw. Whith 3.14 and another fixed-link-patch this bug didn't appear.

Now I'm experiencing the following problems:

[1.] PROBLEM: TI CPSW driver hanging up when setting mac-address to
[2.]: When the system has booted I relatively early try to set the mac
address via a bootscript via "ip link set address ..."
When this happens before the message "initializing cpsw version 1.12"
the cpsw driver hangs up with the following message:

[   11.893212] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1008)
at 0xe0836d34
[   11.900958] pgd = de558000
[   11.903692] [e0836d34] *pgd=9e022811, *pte=4a100653, *ppte=4a100453
[   11.910065] Internal error: : 1008 [#1] PREEMPT ARM
[   11.914978] Modules linked in: tda998x tilcdc drm_kms_helper
cfbfillrect syscopyarea cfbimgblt sysfillrect sysimgblt fb_sys_fops
cfbcopyarea drm
[   11.928181] CPU: 0 PID: 155 Comm: ip Not tainted 4.3.0 #11
[   11.933705] Hardware name: Generic AM33XX (Flattened Device Tree)
[   11.939845] task: de571400 ti: de3fc000 task.ti: de3fc000
[   11.945301] PC is at cpsw_ale_read+0x30/0x5c
[   11.949610] LR is at cpsw_ale_match_addr+0x38/0xc8
[   11.95] pc : []lr : []psr: 80070013
sp : de3fde18  ip :   fp : 0006
[   11.965992] r10:   r9 : de1afd90  r8 : fff8
[   11.971255] r7 : 0001  r6 : de3fde34  r5 :   r4 :
[   11.977826] r3 : e0836d00  r2 : de3fde34  r1 :   r0 :
[   11.984402] Flags: Nzcv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  ISA ARM 
Segment none
[   11.991587] Control: 10c5387d  Table: 9e558019  DAC: 0051
[   11.997371] Process ip (pid: 155, stack limit = 0xde3fc210)
[   12.002983] Stack: (0xde3fde18 to 0xde3fe000)
[   12.007380] de00:
[   12.015630] de20: de1afd90 c0292004 0006 de3fde3c c07d65a5
c026710c c07d65a5 c07c36c0
[   12.023878] de40:  de1f33c0 0001 de1afc40 0008
c029248c de1afa80 
[   12.032127] de60:   c02930b4 de1af800 de3fdefa
c02930cc 0001 0050
[   12.040375] de80: 00c2 00da 001f  0001
de1af800 8924 de1af800
[   12.048624] dea0: c0423168  de3fc000 c033e128 8924
de3fdee8 8924 c0354d84
[   12.056874] dec0: c089f108 de3fdee8 8924 8924 8924
be926c68 c089f108 
[   12.065122] dee0:  c0355718 30687465  
 1901 5c26007c
[   12.073371] df00:   c08f21c0 dd9834a0 be926c68
de2b1180 8924 0003
[   12.081619] df20: de3fc000  0006 c00fb958 
0003 c070a180 de3fdf60
[   12.089868] df40: de3a3b40 de2b1180 0006 c0105d20 c0878628
 dd983480 c0327f94
[   12.098117] df60: de024b50 dd964b28  be926c68 de2b1180
de2b1180 8924 0003
[   12.106364] df80: de3fc000  0006 c00fbab4 00091435
[   12.114611] dfa0: c000ee24 c000ec60 00091435  0003
8924 be926c68 00091435
[   12.122858] dfc0: 00091435   0036 
0003 be926f6f 0006
[   12.131105] dfe0: 000a22d0 be926c44 fe34 b6e7e41c 2010
[   12.139377] [] (cpsw_ale_read) from []
[   12.147715] [] (cpsw_ale_match_addr) from []
[   12.156491] [] (cpsw_ale_del_ucast) from []
[   12.165796] [] (cpsw_ndo_set_mac_address) from []
[   12.175110] [] (dev_set_mac_address) from []
[   12.183276] [] (dev_ifsioc) from []
[   12.190666] [] (dev_ioctl) from []
[   12.198223] [] (do_vfs_ioctl) from []
[   12.205610] [] (SyS_ioctl) from []
[   12.213249] Code: e3a0107b ebf66990 e5943004 e5835020 (e5933034)
[   12.219391] ---[ end trace fad51703d1b28478 ]---

The register pointer in cpsw_ale_read seams to be the same as on a
working configuration (0xe0836d00) although it is not in adress space of
the cpsw (0x4a10) . Also debugged that the fault is thrown on first
read ( __raw_readl(ale->params.ale_regs + ALE_TABLE + 4 * i); ), and not
on write above. In addition the pointer to "ale_entry" also seems valid.

Could someone give me a hint what happens here?
Thanks in advance

Regards Pascal Speck

Further Information:

[3.] netdev, cpsw, fixed-link, ti, ethernet
[4.1] Kernel Version: Linux version 4.3.0 (iktek@develop) (gcc version
4.9.0 (Buildroot 2014.05-00056-g86394ca-dirty) ) #11 PREEMPT Thu Dec 3
17:28:05 CET 2015

PHARISEE WATCH: British Lords, Homeless Folks, and a Phony Bible

2006-06-26 Thread info
Reply-To: Kara

PHARISEE WATCH: British Lords, Homeless Folks, and a Phony Bible (with 
permission from author)


Two English Lords Gifted the Land of the Philistines to a Private Company and 
Funded a New Religion to Bless the Theft 
By Charles E. Carlson

The State of Israel controls every gate into the Gaza Strip.  One such gate 
called Rafah connects the tiny land with the Egyptian Sinai. But to get there 
you must cross a kilometer wide Israeli zone, and if you're lucky enough to be 
allowed passage to Gaza it is with Israel's permission; your passport shows you 
have entered Israel, not Palestine. Only yesterday two unnamed swimmers tried 
to bypass this checkpoint and were shot in the water by the crew of an Israeli 
Navy ship. (Unheralded News)

But even more strange and just as bloody a right of passage is practiced inside 
America's churches.  For when you enter what is referred to generically as an 
evangelical church you are probably about to partake in a Zionist controlled 
religion as distant from traditional Christianity as is Pharisaism.  

British Lord Balfour provided a forged deed for the State of Israel to enter 
Arab land.  And at almost the same hour he wrote his famous letter, the new 
dispensational church movement in America was being hijacked for the specific 
purpose of blessing world Zionism.  Dispensationalism, or evangelicalism, as it 
is often called, has its roots in and owes its success to British nobles who 
were, for the most part, above religion and called each other "Lord."  Both 
Israel and dispensational Christianity received their baptismal blessings from 
the British Crown.

Click here to Continue to the amazing conclusion: (PHARISEE WATCH)

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UNHERALDED NEWS WITH COMMENTS: About rising interest rates and much more

2006-06-11 Thread info
nd Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 
of Israel. "

WALL STREET AIMS to buy into the Euro exchanges
Associated Press Paris 

Cashing in on the bull market: Thain said the NYSE would most likely have to 
issue its own bonds, borrowing at least some of the $3 billion necessary for 
Euronext shareholders. The NYSE Group currently has about $650 million in cash 


Strait Gate Ministry HAS A GIFT TO YOU while they last (you find it and pay the 
shipping cost): 
Click here:  (a hint: try "bookstore")

"ONE NATION UNDER ISRAEL" by Andrew Hurley, 345 page documentary, may be the 
best historically documented expose of the hijacking of the American Congress. 
It is a popular lament that, "Congress is out of control," but nothing could be 
further from the truth.  Author Andrew Hurley explains that Congress is not 
under the control of its constituents but answers to a foreign power.  And 
Andrew Hurley provides a blueprint for peace in the Mideast 

Strait Gate Ministry
P.O. Box 14491
Scottsdale, AZ 85267 

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2005-11-29 Thread info

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