[no subject]

2021-03-29 Thread Rowell Hambrick
Did you get my last mail

[no subject]

2021-03-29 Thread kayla manthey
Vennligst jeg vil vite om du har mine tidligere meldinger.

[no subject]

2021-03-21 Thread Rowell Hambrick
Do you get my last mail

[no subject]

2021-02-06 Thread Barrister Daven Bango
Korisnik fonda čestitanja, Vaša sredstva za naknadu od 850.000,00
američkih dolara odobrila je Međunarodna monetarna organizacija (MMF)
u suradnji s (FBI) nakon mnogo istraga. Čekamo da se obratimo za
dodatne informacije

Advokat: Daven Bango
Telefon: +22891667276

[no subject]

2021-01-31 Thread Gopal Raman
Hi Aquantia PHY experts
This is a very specific question about programming the MACSEC
component of the Aquantia PHY (specifically AQR114C). I'm using the C
provided by Aquantia to read/write the registers over MDIO and have
compiled it into a kernel module. I'm running on a 64-bit ARM CPU from
QCA (IPQ807x). The IPQ807x
has it's own proprietary Ethernet MAC that talks to the Aquantia PHY.
I'm able to write the MACSEC tables from user space (specifically in
MMD 30) and read them back

PHY Hardware Details
Reading Static Configuration register gives these values:
oui=0x300ee3 modelNumber=2 RevisionNumber=2 firmwareMajorRevisionNumber=5
   firmwareMinorRevisionNumber=3, firmwareROM_ID_Numberfrev=193

Current Software Status
1. I'm able to write and read all the MACSEC Egress and Ingress Tables
using the APIs provided by AQ_API. I'm also able to read the stats off
the PHY and to clear the stats on the PHY
List of Egress Registers written and their values that were read back from them
1. EgressCTLF : action=1 ; other fields are all 0
My eth0 MAC is 24:15:10:2F:E0:68 and I've copied this into mac_sa field below
2. EgressClass [Index 0]: sc_idx=0 sc_sa=2 tci_sc=0 tci_87543=0
tci=0x0 action=0 mac_sa=0x2415102FE068 sa_mask=0x3F sci[0]= 0x2F101524
sci[1]= 0x010068E0  valid=0
3. EgressSC [Index 0]: tci=0x28  protect=1 fresh=1 val=1
4. Egress SA [Index 0]: next_pn=0x1 fresh=1 val=1
5. Egress SAKey [Index 0]:

One anomaly is that the EgressClass Table entry shows "valid=0" when
read back even though I write a value of 1 to that field
6. set MACSEC Enable bit (bit 1) to register 1E.C47B

Ingress registers are also written but not shown here since my
question is about Egress only

Next I assign an IP address to the interface and initiate a ping. The
packets are going out in the clear. MACSEC protection and encryption
is NOT being applied in the egress direction.

1. Are the values in these Egress tables correct ? Is the register
address for MACSEC Enable correct ? I got this from AQR405 register
spec since I don't have the spec for AQR114C
2. The API does not expose any other tables for Egress. Are there
other tables that I need to program ?
3. After the ping the values read back from the EgressCommonCounters,
EgressSCCounter and EgressSACounters are all 0
3. Looking at the atlantic Ethernet MAC driver sources in Linux
[net/drivers/ethernet/aquantia/atlantic/aq_macsec.c] I notice in the
function aq_macsec_enable() that the MAC sends a macsec_cfg_request
"message" to the PHY. Is there any such equivalent in the standalone
PHY that is not coupled with the Atlantic ?

Any help to unblock me appreciated. If you can point me to the
register spec for AQR114C I would be very grateful


[no subject]

2021-01-25 Thread HK Mohammed Hossain
Dearest Friend,

I have an important message for you just get back for details.

Mohammed Hossain

[no subject]

2021-01-11 Thread Mrs.Isabella .Helmreich
Não sei se você vê minha mensagem?

[no subject]

2021-01-04 Thread Shawn Guo
unsubscribe netdev

[no subject]

2020-11-29 Thread george mike

Mein Name ist George Mike. Ich bin von Beruf Rechtsanwalt. Ich möchte
Ihnen anbieten
der nächste Verwandte meines Klienten. Sie erben die Summe von (8,5
Millionen US-Dollar)
Dollar, die mein Kunde vor seinem Tod auf der Bank gelassen hat.

Mein Kunde ist ein Staatsbürger Ihres Landes, der mit seiner Frau bei
einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen ist
und einziger Sohn. Ich habe Anspruch auf 50% des Gesamtfonds, 50% darauf
sein für dich.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie meine private E-Mail hier für weitere
Informationen: georgemike7031

Vielen Dank im Voraus,
Mr. George Mike,

[no subject]

2020-11-23 Thread Sistemas administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario:
Confirmar contraseña:

Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación:90opp4r56 es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2020

Sistemas administrador

[no subject]

2020-11-23 Thread Sistemas administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario:
Confirmar contraseña:

Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación:90opp4r56 es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2020

Sistemas administrador

[no subject]

2020-11-23 Thread Sistemas administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario:
Confirmar contraseña:

Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación:90opp4r56 es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2020

Sistemas administrador

[no subject]

2020-11-23 Thread Sistemas administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario:
Confirmar contraseña:

Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación:90opp4r56 es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2020

Sistemas administrador

[no subject]

2020-11-11 Thread Системный администратор

Ваш почтовый ящик превысил лимит хранилища, который составляет 5 ГБ, 
определенный администратором, который в настоящее время работает с 10,9 ГБ, вы 
не сможете отправлять или получать новую почту, пока не подтвердите свой 
почтовый ящик снова. Для повторной проверки вашего почтового ящика отправьте 
следующую информацию:

Имя пользователя:
Подтвердить Пароль:
Электронное письмо:

Если вы не можете повторно подтвердить свой почтовый ящик, он будет отключен!

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: 90opp4r56: 006524
Электронная почта Техническая поддержка © 2020

Системный администратор

[no subject]

2020-10-24 Thread JOE
We currently have openings for real estate investments, project
financing, early startup ventures, existing ventures, credit/loan
facilities, and JV equity participation. To learn more about us
and what we do, email us today for more concrete information.

Joe Orte.
DCE Group

[no subject]

2020-10-01 Thread Keiser, Chris

[no subject]

2020-09-25 Thread Barr Julian Marshall
Rozhodl jsem se vás kontaktovat z důvodu naléhavosti spojené s touto
otázkou, jsem Julian Marshall, advokát. Osobně jsem zmocněncem Dr.
Edwin, který byl široce známým nezávislým dodavatelem zde v Lome Togo,
který zemřel se svou ženou a jedinou dcerou při autonehodě.
Kontaktoval jsem vás, abych vám pomohl s repatriací majetku fondu Dva
miliony pět set tisíc dolarů na váš účet. Pro více informací ohledně
této záležitosti mě prosím kontaktujte.

[no subject]

2020-09-25 Thread Mrs. Esther Nicolas
Nejdražší v Kristu,
S náležitou úctou a lidskostí jsem byl přinucen vám napsat humanitární
půdu. Jmenuji se paní Esther Nicolas. Narodil jsem se v Arizoně ve
Phoenixu. Jsem ženatý s panem Jacob Nicolas, ředitelem Jacon Industry
Togo. Byli jsme manželé třicet šest let bez dítěte. Zemřel po operaci
srdečních tepen. A nedávno mi doktor řekl, že nevydržím dalších šest
měsíců kvůli mému problému s rakovinou (rakovina jater a cévní mozkové
příhody). Než můj manžel loni zemřel, je tu částka dva miliony osm set
tisíc dolarů, které uložil v bance zde v Togu. V současné době jsou
tyto peníze stále v bance. Když jsem věděl o svém stavu, rozhodl jsem
se darovat tento fond jakémukoli dobrému bratrovi nebo sestře v obavě
před Bohem, který tento fond využije způsobem, kterým zde budu
instruovat. Chci někoho, kdo tento fond použije podle přání mého
zesnulého Manžela, aby pomohl méně privilegovaným lidem, sirotčincům,
vdovám a šířil Boží slovo. Rozhodl jsem se proto, že nemám žádné dítě,
které by zdědilo tento fond. A nechci způsob, jak budou tyto peníze
použity bezbožným způsobem. Proto přijímám toto rozhodnutí předat vám
tento fond. Nebojím se smrti, proto vím, kam jdu. Chci, abyste na mě
ve svých každodenních modlitbách vždy pamatovali kvůli mé nadcházející
chirurgické léčbě rakoviny. Odepište co nejdříve jakékoli zpoždění ve
vaší odpovědi mi dá prostor pro získání jiné osoby pro stejný účel v
naději, že od vás budu číst co nejdříve. Bůh vám žehnej, když
posloucháte hlas uvažování, paní Esther Nicolas.

[no subject]

2020-09-21 Thread Mrs Maria Patricia

My Dear Friend ,you did not respond to my last message or you did not
receive it ?

[no subject]

2020-09-08 Thread Libénandame KOMBATE
I emailed you earlier without a response, Haven't you received it?
Please update me urgently for more clarification on time.

[no subject]

2020-08-23 Thread Celine Marchand

Dearest, how are you? I am sorry for intruding your mailbox, but I need to talk 
to you. I got your email address in my dream and i wonder if it is correct 
because i emailed you earlier without any response. You should know that my 
contact to you is by the special grace of God. I am in urgent need of a 
reliable and reputable person and i believe you are a person of fine repute, 
hence the revelation of your email to me in the dream.
I am Mrs. Celine Marchand a citizen of France (French). But reside in Burkina 
Faso for business purposes. I need your collaboration to execute some projects 
worth € 2.800.000 Euro and it is very urgent as am presently in very critical 
Please reply through this email address ( celine88...@gmail.com ) with your 
full contact information for more private and confidential communication.

Thank you as i wait for your reply.
Mrs. Celine Marchand

[no subject]

2020-08-19 Thread robert
* Внимание: бенефициар *

* Сообщите, что мы получили утвержденный файл оплаты от FEDERAL
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ФИНАНСОВ совместно с Международным валютным фондом (МВФ)
компенсация жертвам мошенничества и ваш адрес электронной почты входит в список
жертвы. *

* Я пишу, чтобы сообщить вам, что мы будем отправлять вам $ 5000.00USD
ежедневно с
наш офис здесь, так как мы получили мандат на передачу вашего полного
компенсационный платеж в размере 800 000 долларов США Международным
валютным фондом
(МВФ) и Федеральное министерство финансов. Ваш личный идентификационный номер
предоставлено командой I.M.F CPP0920TG. *

* Вот информация об оплате, которую мы будем использовать для пересылки вашего
ежедневный перевод. *

* Имя отправителя: Синтия Иден *
* Вопрос: Оплата *
* Ответ: Да *
* Сумма: 5 000,00 долларов США *
* Город: Ломе *
* Страна: Того *

* ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: MTCN будет отправлен вам после вашего ответа и подтверждения
Информация о вашем получателе, чтобы избежать неправильной передачи. *

* Мы ждем вашего срочного ответа по этому адресу
(misscynthiaede...@gmail.com ), чтобы позволить нам
продолжить оплату. *

*Искренне ваш,*

*Руководитель филиала:*
* Мисс Синтия Иден *

[no subject]

2020-08-01 Thread Tayeb Souami

Ahoj!Jmenuji se Tayeb Souami, křesťanský a americký občan. Žádám vás o svolení 
svěřit společenskou a humanitární misi ve vaší zemi provedením malého 
vyhledávání ve vyhledávání Google, které jsem překročil vaši e-mailovou 
adresu.Čekám na vaši odpověď, abych vám dal další podrobnosti.Děkuji 
mnohokrát.Tayeb Souami.

[no subject]

2020-07-25 Thread Mrs. Kristina Schwahlen
Hello My Beloved,
I am Mrs. Kristina Schwahlen, an aging widow suffering from long time
illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information
(Charity Proposal) for you, Please reply (kschwah...@gmail.com) for
more details.
Your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Kristina Schwahlen

[no subject]

2020-07-24 Thread Oloufade Danjuma
Dear friend,
I am Oloufade Danjumaa banker, be informed that,I just sent you a
business proposal.Did you receive it? Please get back to me very

[no subject]

2020-07-01 Thread Kegl Rohit
subscribe netdev

[no subject]

2020-06-27 Thread helen

Below is the sender’s information

1. MG. REFERENCE NO#: 36360857

2. SENDER'S NAME: Johnson Williams


Go to any Money Gram office near you and pick up the payment Track the

Reference Number by visiting and click the link below

(https://secure.moneygram.com/embed/track) and enter the Reference

Number: 36360857 and the Last Name: Williams, you will find the payment

available for pickup instantly.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Helen Marvis
United Nations Liaison Office
Directorate for International Payments

[no subject]

2020-06-09 Thread Gaurav Singh
Please find the patch below.

Thanks and regards,

>From Gaurav Singh  # This line is ignored.
From: Gaurav Singh 

[no subject]

2020-05-31 Thread Coulibaly Kone
Entre em contato comigo para obter a herança de sua família avaliada
em sete milhões de
os estados contatam meu email confidencial aqui para mais detalhes:

Muito obrigado antecipadamente.
Barrister.Coulibaly Kone

[no subject]

2020-05-27 Thread Warren Buffett Foundation
Hello Lucky One.

My Name is Warren Buffett, An American business magnate, investor,
speaker and philanthropist who serves as the chairman and CEO of
Berkshire Hathaway,The Buffett Foundation is a charitable organisation
formed 1964 in Omaha, Nebraska, by me (Warren Buffett) as a vehicle to
manage my charitable giving, so because of this Covid19 situation i
have decided to give away $27,900,000.00 each to two unknown randomly
selected individual Emails online, I simply attempt to be fearful when
others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.Price
is what you pay. Value is what you get, Someone's sitting in the shade
today because someone
planted a tree a long time ago.

You have been selected to receive this $27,900,000.00, as a lucky one
confirm back to me that this selected unknown email is valid Via my
personal Email: warrenbuffett...@gmail.com

Visit the web page to know more about me:

Warren Buffett Foundation

[no subject]

2020-05-18 Thread Bhakti Sagar

[no subject]

2019-10-03 Thread netdev
Здравствуйте! Вас интересуют клиентские базы данных?

[no subject]

2019-09-25 Thread netdev
Здравствуйте! Вас интересуют клиентские базы данных?

[no subject]

2019-09-12 Thread Dean
Did you get my proposal ?

[no subject]

2019-06-23 Thread Marko in1t3r Pavlovic
unsubscribe netdev 

[no subject]

2019-06-19 Thread Системный администратор .

В вашем почтовом ящике превышен лимит хранилища, который составляет 5 ГБ, как 
определено администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10,9 ГБ. 
Возможно, вы не сможете отправлять или получать новую почту, пока вы не 
подтвердите свою почту. Чтобы подтвердить свой почтовый ящик, отправьте 
следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
Подтвердите Пароль:
Эл. адрес:

Если вы не сможете подтвердить свой почтовый ящик, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Код подтверждения: en: 006,524.RU
Техническая поддержка почты © 2019

благодарю вас
Системный администратор.

[no subject]

2019-06-14 Thread DR ALBERT ZONGO


I have an intending proposal for you please i need you to contact my 

 E-mail (dralbertddzo...@gmail.com) for more updates,

Best Wishes.



[no subject]

2019-06-03 Thread lsh2
To: "Oliver Neukum" , "netdev" , 
"Facix Booka" 
From: facixbooka 
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=EF=BB=BFHallihallo._wie_l=C3=A4uft_?= 
Message-ID: <1e0a7059-66f1-478d-b8ff-795d11f4a...@kilby.korea.ac.kr>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2019 06:42:13 -0400
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Language: en-US

Wahnsinn! https://bemorapilg1987.blogspot.in/

Bis bald

[No Subject]

2019-05-22 Thread Gardner, Tim
We are now providing business & personal loans: 
-Rate starting at: 2.05%. 
-Flexible repayment: up to 30 years. 
For more information and application, please reply. 

> To unsubscribe please reply with "unsubscribe" as subject. 

[no subject]

2019-04-15 Thread desmond denteh
Dragă prieten,

 Sunt Ramesh Kumar a serviciilor bancare personale în unitatea
Emiratele Arabe Unite Universitatea de la Barclays Dubai, am în banca
mea, cu o sumă mare de bani aparține clientului, dl Daniel, care se
întâmplă cu el același nume. Fondul acum, fără nici o pretenție pentru
că domnul Daniel a murit într-un cutremur în China, în 2008. Vreau
cooperarea dumneavoastră pentru a face banca vă trimite fondul ca
beneficiar și alte rude la fond.

Deci, eu sunt în căutarea pentru cooperarea dumneavoastră pentru a vă
expune la persoana care a beneficiat de fondul de până la moartea sa,
deoarece ai același nume de familie cu el până la sediul central al
băncii de a plăti banii. Ați făcut destul în interiorul băncii și
tocmai ați pus datele în rețeaua de informații a băncii și ați
reflectat și ea.

Aceasta va fi o mare asistență reciprocă pentru noi. Trimiteți-mi
feedbackul pentru a vă oferi detalii. Trimite-l la acuratețe e-mail-mi
contul hyuseinmuta...@gmail.com la primirea răspunsului dumneavoastră,
vă voi da detaliile tranzacției, precum și o copie a unui certificat
de depozit și cutie un certificat de constituire a societății care a
stabilit Fondul.

Toate cele bune,
Ramesh Kumar

[no subject]

2019-03-15 Thread netdev

[no subject]

2019-03-14 Thread Ali Veronica
hi, My name is Veronica Ali, I sent an email message to you long ago
but I did not receive any answer from you. This is the reason, I write
you back to know if you receive my email message or not. Kindly reply
me so that I will resend to you the email message.

Veronica Ali

[no subject]

2019-03-13 Thread Jessica
+Hey,i am Jessica ,How's everything with you,I have interest on you
after going through your profile I really want to have a good
friendship with you.Beside i have something very vital to tell you

[no subject]

2019-02-04 Thread netdev-owner
I think is
  missing is the "io-reserve=0" property from the domain configuration
  (for the "pcie-root-port" devices), which we introduced for

In fact, in ,
Marcel recommended e1000e for testing the new property.

Unfortunately, I'm unaware of any libvirt domain XML exposure of the
"pcie-root-port.io-reserve" (and other similar) resource reservation

I'll go ahead and reference those older BZs in the new one now.


>From INBOX@redhat  Mon Feb  4 15:57:49 2019
Return-Path: eng-net-virt-staff-boun...@redhat.com
Received: from mail.corp.redhat.com []
by tuck.redhat.com with IMAP (fetchmail-6.3.26 polling redhat account 
for  (single-drop); Mon, 04 Feb 2019 15:57:49 -0500 (EST

[no subject]

2019-01-18 Thread Jessica
Merhaba iyi günler, tanıştığımıza memnun oldum, lütfen bana geri
yazabilir misiniz sizinle görüşmek istediğim bir şey var teşekkürler.

[no subject]

2018-11-26 Thread Offer
Guten Tag, Wir sind eine registrierte private Geldverleiher. Wir geben
Kredite an Firmen, Einzelpersonen, die ihre finanzielle Status auf der
ganzen Welt aktualisieren müssen, mit minimalen jährlichen Zinsen von
2% .reply, wenn nötig.

Good Day, We are a registered private money lender. We give out loans
to firms, Individual who need to update their financial status all
over the world, with Minimal annual Interest Rates of 2%reply if

[no subject]

2018-11-18 Thread Major Dennis Hornbeck

I am in the military unit here in Afghanistan, we have some amount of funds 
that we want to move out of the country. My partners and I need a good partner 
someone we can trust. It is risk free and legal. Reply to this email: 
Regards,Major Dennis Hornbeck.

[no subject]

2018-11-18 Thread Mrs. Maureen Hinckley

I am Maureen Hinckley and my foundation is donating (Five hundred and fifty 
thousand USD) to you. Contact us via my email at (maurhin...@gmail.com) for 
further details.

 Best Regards, Mrs. Maureen Hinckley,  Copyright ©2018 The Maureen 
Hinckley Foundation All Rights Reserved.

[no subject]

2018-11-11 Thread Oliver Carter
Netdev https://goo.gl/pW8d8y Oliver Carter

[no subject]

2018-10-30 Thread Ubaithullah Masood
This is Mr Ubaithullah Masood from Banco Santander Bank S A Hong Kong.
I got your contact during my private search on net..Would you be
interested in a business transaction to act as the beneficiary to
claim 9.8M USD funds of my deceased client who died intestate (
Without a Will)and my bank wants to confiscate the funds if the funds
are not claimed soon. Do get back for more details as this deal is
safe and all documentation will be done legally and we will share 50%

[no subject]

2018-10-19 Thread David Miller
From: David Howells 
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 21:51:35 +0100

> David Miller  wrote:
>> > Is there going to be a merge of net into net-next before the merge
>> > window opens?  Or do you have a sample merge that I can rebase my
>> > afs-next branch on?
>> I'll be doing a net to net-next merge some time today.
> Excellent, thanks!

And this is now complete.

[no subject]

2018-10-19 Thread David Howells
David Miller  wrote:

> > Is there going to be a merge of net into net-next before the merge
> > window opens?  Or do you have a sample merge that I can rebase my
> > afs-next branch on?
> I'll be doing a net to net-next merge some time today.

Excellent, thanks!


[no subject]

2018-10-19 Thread David Miller
From: David Howells 
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 15:40:53 +0100

> Is there going to be a merge of net into net-next before the merge
> window opens?  Or do you have a sample merge that I can rebase my
> afs-next branch on?

I'll be doing a net to net-next merge some time today.

[no subject]

2018-10-19 Thread David Howells
Hi Dave,

Is there going to be a merge of net into net-next before the merge window
opens?  Or do you have a sample merge that I can rebase my afs-next branch on?

The problem I have is that there's a really necessary patch in net that's not
in net-next:

rxrpc: Fix an uninitialised variable

(it fixes a fix that went in net just before you last merged it into

So I would like to base my branch on both net and net-next, but the merge is
non-trivial, and I'd rather not hand Linus a merge that conflicts with yours.

The issues are:

 (*) net/sched/cls_api.c

 I think nlmsg_parse() needs to take both rtm_tca_policy and cb->extack as
 its last two arguments.  Each branch fills in one argument and leaves the
 other NULL.

 (*) net/ipv4/ipmr_base.c

 mr_rtm_dumproute() got a piece abstracted out and modified in one branch,
 but the unabstracted branch has a fix in the same area.  I think the
 thing to do is to apply the fix (removing the same two lines) from the
 abstracted-out branch.


[no subject]

2018-10-09 Thread Oliver Carter
Netdev https://goo.gl/Gf1b7B  Oliver

[no subject]

2018-09-19 Thread Saif Hasan
>From e4f144286efe0f298c11efe58e17b1ab91c7ee3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saif Hasan 
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 16:28:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] mpls: allow routes on ip6gre devices


This appears to be necessary and sufficient change to enable `MPLS` on
`ip6gre` tunnels (RFC4023).

This diff allows IP6GRE devices to be recognized by MPLS kernel module
and hence user can configure interface to accept packets with mpls
headers as well setup mpls routes on them.

Test Plan:

Test plan consists of multiple containers connected via GRE-V6 tunnel.
Then carrying out testing steps as below.

- Carry out necessary sysctl settings on all containers

sysctl -w net.mpls.platform_labels=65536
sysctl -w net.mpls.ip_ttl_propagate=1
sysctl -w net.mpls.conf.lo.input=1

- Establish IP6GRE tunnels

ip -6 tunnel add name if_1_2_1 mode ip6gre \
  local 2401:db00:21:6048:feed:0::1 \
  remote 2401:db00:21:6048:feed:0::2 key 1
ip link set dev if_1_2_1 up
sysctl -w net.mpls.conf.if_1_2_1.input=1
ip -4 addr add dev if_1_2_1 scope link

ip -6 tunnel add name if_1_3_1 mode ip6gre \
  local 2401:db00:21:6048:feed:0::1 \
  remote 2401:db00:21:6048:feed:0::3 key 1
ip link set dev if_1_3_1 up
sysctl -w net.mpls.conf.if_1_3_1.input=1
ip -4 addr add dev if_1_3_1 scope link

- Install MPLS encap rules on node-1 towards node-2

ip route add nexthop encap mpls 32/64 \
  via inet dev if_1_2_1

- Install MPLS forwarding rules on node-2 and node-3
// node2
ip -f mpls route add 32 via inet dev if_2_4_1

// node3
ip -f mpls route add 64 via inet dev if_4_3_1

- Ping (node4) from (node1) (where routing
  towards is via IP route directly towards node1 from node4)

- tcpdump on interface to capture ping packets wrapped within MPLS
  header which inturn wrapped within IP6GRE header

16:43:41.121073 IP6
  2401:db00:21:6048:feed::1 > 2401:db00:21:6048:feed::2:
  DSTOPT GREv0, key=0x1, length 100:
  MPLS (label 32, exp 0, ttl 255) (label 64, exp 0, [S], ttl 255)
  IP >
  ICMP echo request, id 1208, seq 45, length 64

0x:  6000 2cdb 006c 3c3f 2401 db00 0021 6048  `.,..l
 net/mpls/af_mpls.c | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/net/mpls/af_mpls.c b/net/mpls/af_mpls.c
index 7a4de6d618b1..aeb5bf2f7595 100644
--- a/net/mpls/af_mpls.c
+++ b/net/mpls/af_mpls.c
@@ -1533,10 +1533,11 @@ static int mpls_dev_notify(struct
notifier_block *this, unsigned long event,
unsigned int flags;

if (event == NETDEV_REGISTER) {
-   /* For now just support Ethernet, IPGRE, SIT and IPIP devices */
+/* For now just support Ethernet, IPGRE, IP6GRE, SIT and IPIP devices */
if (dev->type == ARPHRD_ETHER ||
dev->type == ARPHRD_LOOPBACK ||
dev->type == ARPHRD_IPGRE ||
+   dev->type == ARPHRD_IP6GRE ||
dev->type == ARPHRD_SIT ||
dev->type == ARPHRD_TUNNEL) {
mdev = mpls_add_dev(dev);

[no subject]

2018-07-29 Thread Sumitomo Rubber

Did you receive our representative email ?

[no subject]

2018-07-28 Thread Andrew Martinez
 body {height: 100%; color:#00; font-size:12pt; font-family:arial, 
helvetica, sans-serif;}

Brauchen Sie einen Kredit? Wenn ja, mailen Sie uns jetzt für weitere 

Do you need a loan of any kind? If Yes email us now for more info

[no subject]

2018-07-28 Thread Andrew Martinez

Brauchen Sie einen Kredit? Wenn ja, mailen Sie uns jetzt für weitere 

Do you need a loan of any kind? If Yes email us now for more info

(no subject)

2018-07-26 Thread Fritz Micheal.

Do you need a loan at 2% interest rate for any reason ?
Every interested applicant should contact us via the below contact
E-mails: fritzmicloanf...@financier.com

Yours Sincerely
Fritz Micheal.

[no subject]

2018-05-29 Thread администратор
пользователь веб-почты

Обратите внимание, что 95% ваших писем, полученных после последнего раза, когда 
вам нужно обновить сервер своей веб-почты в нашей базе данных, были отложены. 
Регулярно получать и отправлять свои сообщения. Техническая команда нашей 
электронной почты обновит вашу учетную запись в течение 3 рабочих дней. Если вы 
этого не сделаете, ваша учетная запись будет временно приостановлена нашими 
службами. Чтобы снова проверить свой почтовый ящик, пришлите следующую 

Имя пользователя:
Подтвердите Пароль:

Предупреждение!! Если это откажется обновлять аккаунты в течение двух
дней с момента получения электронной почты, он навсегда потеряет счета
владельцы учетных записей электронной почты.

Спасибо за сотрудничество!

Copyright © 2017-2018 Служба технической поддержки WebMail, Inc.

[no subject]

2018-05-18 Thread DaeRyong Jeong
Subject: WARNING in ip_recv_error

We report the crash: WARNING in ip_recv_error

This crash has been found in v4.17-rc1 using RaceFuzzer (a modified
version of Syzkaller), which we describe more at the end of this
report. Our analysis shows that the race occurs when invoking two
syscalls concurrently, do_ipv6_setsockopt and inet_recvmsg.

We think the concurrent execution of do_ipv6_setsockopt() with optname
IPV6_ADDRFORM and inet_recvmsg() causes the crash. do_ipv6_setsockopt()
can update sk->prot to &udp_prot and sk->sk_family to PF_INET. But
inet_recvmsg() can execute sk->sk_prot->recvmsg() right after that
sk->prot is updated and sk->sk_family is not updated by
do_ipv6_setsockopt(). This will lead WARN_ON in ip_recv_error().

Thread interleaving:
CPU0 (do_ipv6_setsockopt)   CPU1 (inet_recvmsg)
=   =
struct proto *prot = &udp_prot;
sk->sk_prot = prot;
sk->sk_socket->ops = &inet_dgram_ops;
err = sk->sk_prot->recvmsg(sk, 
msg, size, flags & MSG_DONTWAIT,
flags & 
~MSG_DONTWAIT, &addr_len);

(in udp_recvmsg)
if (flags & MSG_ERRQUEUE)
ip_recv_error(sk, msg, len, addr_len);

(in ip_recv_error)
WARN_ON_ONCE(sk->sk_family == 
sk->sk_family = PF_INET;

Call Sequence:


WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 32600 at 
 ip_recv_error+0x6f2/0x720 net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c:508
Kernel panic - not syncing: panic_on_warn set ...

CPU: 1 PID: 32600 Comm: syz-executor0 Not tainted 4.17.0-rc1 #1
Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 
rel-1.8.2-0-g33fbe13 by qemu-project.org 04/01/2014
Call Trace:
 __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:77 [inline]
 dump_stack+0x166/0x21c lib/dump_stack.c:113
 panic+0x1a0/0x3a7 kernel/panic.c:184
 __warn+0x191/0x1a0 kernel/panic.c:536
 report_bug+0x132/0x1b0 lib/bug.c:186
 fixup_bug.part.11+0x28/0x50 arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:178
 fixup_bug arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:247 [inline]
 do_error_trap+0x28b/0x2d0 arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:296
 do_invalid_op+0x1b/0x20 arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:315
 invalid_op+0x14/0x20 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:992
RIP: 0010:ip_recv_error+0x6f2/0x720 net/ipv4/ip_sockglue.c:508
RSP: 0018:8801dadff630 EFLAGS: 00010212
RAX: 0004 RBX: 2002 RCX: 8327de12
RDX: 008a RSI: c90001a0c000 RDI: 8801be615010
RBP: 8801dadff720 R08: 2002 R09: 8801dadff918
R10: 8801dadff738 R11: 8801dadffaff R12: 8801be615000
R13: 8801dadffd50 R14: 11003b5bfece R15: 8801dadffb90
 udp_recvmsg+0x834/0xa10 net/ipv4/udp.c:1571
 inet_recvmsg+0x121/0x420 net/ipv4/af_inet.c:830
 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:802 [inline]
 sock_recvmsg+0x7f/0xa0 net/socket.c:809
 ___sys_recvmsg+0x1f0/0x430 net/socket.c:2279
 __sys_recvmsg+0xfc/0x1c0 net/socket.c:2328
 __do_sys_recvmsg net/socket.c:2338 [inline]
 __se_sys_recvmsg net/socket.c:2335 [inline]
 __x64_sys_recvmsg+0x48/0x50 net/socket.c:2335
 do_syscall_64+0x15f/0x4a0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:287
RIP: 0033:0x4563f9
RSP: 002b:7f24f6927b28 EFLAGS: 0246 ORIG_RAX: 002f
RAX: ffda RBX: 0072bfa0 RCX: 004563f9
RDX: 2002 RSI: 2240 RDI: 0016
RBP: 04e4 R08:  R09: 
R10:  R11: 0246 R12: 7f24f69286d4
R13:  R14: 006fc600 R15: 
Dumping ftrace buffer:
   (ftrace buffer empty)
Kernel Offset: disabled
Rebooting in 86400 seconds..

= About RaceFuzzer

RaceFuzzer is a customized version of Syzkaller, specifically tailored
to find race condition bugs in the Linux kernel. While we leverage
many different technique, the notable feature of RaceFuzzer is in
leveraging a custom hypervisor (QEMU/KVM) to interleave the
scheduling. In particular, we modified the hypervisor to intentionally
stall a per-core execution, which is similar to supporting per-core
breakpoint functionality. This allows RaceFuzzer to force the kernel
to deterministically trigger racy condition (which may rarely happen
in practice due to randomness in scheduling).

RaceFuzzer's C

[no subject]

2018-05-14 Thread Jessica
Hallo groeten, kunt u me alsjeblieft dringend terugschrijven.

[no subject]

2018-05-04 Thread Mark Henry
My name is Gen Henry Mark, I am US military officer,i will like to get
acquainted with you, I read your profile and I really wish to indicate
my interest, please I'll be glad if you get back to me so that i can
contact you and tell you more about my self ,i wish to hear from you
Best regards,
Gen Henry Mark

[no subject]

2018-04-05 Thread venkatvenkatsubra
Hi Netdevhttps://goo.gl/5bDZtk

[no subject]

2018-03-14 Thread Avery Sommers
   Hi Netdev



[no subject]

2018-03-12 Thread Ely Andez Mr
I need your urgent response to help me give you further details.

[no subject]

2018-03-03 Thread Vanesa Ali
hi My name is Vanessa Ali. a France Nationality, I am a widow,
currently hospitalized due to cancer illness . Meanwhile, I have
decided to donate my fund to you as a reliable individual that will
use this money wisely, €2,800.000 Million Euros. to help the poor and
less privileged.

So if you are willing to accept this offer and do exactly as I will
instruct, then get back to me for more details.

Mrs. Vanessa Ali

[no subject]

2018-02-25 Thread Alfred Chow

Good Day,

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing
Chong Hing Bank, Hong Kong, Chong Hing Bank Centre, 24 Des Voeux Road
Central, Hong Kong. I have a business proposal of  $38,980,369.00.

All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available
to you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return

Email me for more details:

Best Regards.

[no subject]

2018-02-24 Thread Roxana Guerrero Nunez
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie haben € 650.000,00 bei den monatlichen 
Gewinnspielen von Euro Millions / Google Promo am  Februar 2018 gewonnen. 
Kontaktieren Sie unseren Schadenversicherer E-Mail: eurosilli...@gmail.com

 1. Vollständiger Name:
 2. Adresse:
 3. Sex:
 4. Alter:
 5. Beruf:
 6. Telefon:

[no subject]

2018-02-19 Thread Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow

Good Day,

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing Chong
Hing Bank, Hong Kong, need your alliance in a deal that will be of  
mutual benefit.

Email me personally for more details.


[no subject]

2018-02-18 Thread Alfred Chow

Good Day,

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing Chong
Hing Bank, Hong Kong, need your alliance in a deal that will be of  
mutual benefit.

Email me back for more details.


[no subject]

2018-02-13 Thread mavis lilian wanczyk

This is the second time i am sending you this mail.

I, Mavis Wanczyk donates $ 5 Million Dollars from part of my Powerball  
Jackpot Lottery of $ 758 Million Dollars, respond with your details  
for claims.

I await your earliest response and God Bless you

Good luck.
Mavis Wanczyk

[no subject]

2018-02-11 Thread Alfred Cheuk Chow

Good Day,

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing Chong
Hing Bank, Hong Kong, Chong Hing Bank Center, 24 Des Voeux Road Central,
Hong Kong. I have a business proposal of $ 38,980,369.00.

All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available
to you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return

Best Regards,
Alfred Chow.

[no subject]

2018-02-04 Thread Jones
This is in regards to an inheritance on your surname, reply back using your 
email address, stating your full name for more details. Reply to email for 
info. Email me here ( ger...@dr.com )

[no subject]

2018-01-09 Thread Emile Kenold
My name is Mrs. Emile Kenold from London. I was diagnosed of lung
cancer which had damaged my liver and my health is no longer
responding to medical treatments.

I have made up my mind to give a charity donation of $11 Million to
you and i pray you will be sincere to use this money for charity work
according to my will, to help orphans, widows and also build schools
for less privilege ones, please i need your sincere and urgent
response to entrust this money to you due to my current health


[no subject]

2017-12-07 Thread Sistemas administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario: 
Confirmar contraseña: 

Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación: es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2017

Sistemas administrador
CLAUSULA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: El contenido de este correo y sus anexos es 
confidencial, debe ser utilizado por el destinatario del mismo. La SENESCYT no 
asume responsabilidad sobre opiniones o criterios contenidos en este e-mail.

[no subject]

2017-11-13 Thread Friedrich Mayrhofer

This is the second time i am sending you this Email.

I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email Me  
personally for more details.

Friedrich Mayrhofer

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[no subject]

2017-10-17 Thread kelley

[no subject]

2017-09-28 Thread Tina Aaron

Do you need urgent LOAN ? If yes, Contact me now via Email: 

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is for 
the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and 
privileged information.  Any unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is 
prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please discard the message 
immediately and inform the sender that the message was sent in error.

[no subject]

2017-09-21 Thread unsubscribe.me

[no subject]

2017-09-19 Thread agar2000

[no subject]

2017-09-15 Thread noreply

[no subject]

2017-09-13 Thread kindergartenchaos2

[no subject]

2017-09-12 Thread marketing

[no subject]

2017-09-12 Thread pooks005

[no subject]

2017-09-05 Thread informationrequest

Description: MS-Word document

[no subject]

2017-09-02 Thread netgalley

Description: MS-Word document

[no subject]

2017-08-31 Thread helga.brickl

Description: MS-Word document

[no subject]

2017-08-11 Thread администратор


Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

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Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...9o76ypp2345t..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор 

[no subject]

2017-08-09 Thread Administrador

Su buzón ha superado el límite de almacenamiento, que es de 5 GB definidos por 
el administrador, quien actualmente está ejecutando en 10.9GB, no puede ser 
capaz de enviar o recibir correo nuevo hasta que vuelva a validar su buzón de 
correo electrónico. Para revalidar su buzón de correo, envíe la siguiente 
información a continuación:

Nombre de usuario:
Confirmar contraseña:
Si usted no puede revalidar su buzón, el buzón se deshabilitará!

Disculpa las molestias.
Código de verificación: es: 006524
Correo Soporte Técnico © 2017

Sistemas administrador

[no subject]

2017-08-09 Thread системы администратор

Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
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Адрес электронной почты:

Если вы не в состоянии перепроверить сообщения, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...9o76ypp2345t..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор

[no subject]

2017-08-01 Thread системы администратор

Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
Подтверждение пароля:
Адрес электронной почты:

Если вы не в состоянии перепроверить сообщения, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...776774990..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор

[no subject]

2017-07-26 Thread venkatvenkatsubra
Greetings Netdev



[no subject]

2017-07-09 Thread системы администратор

Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
Подтверждение пароля:
Адрес электронной почты:

Если вы не в состоянии перепроверить сообщения, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...9o76ypp2345t..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор

[no subject]

2017-07-09 Thread системы администратор

Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
Подтверждение пароля:
Адрес электронной почты:

Если вы не в состоянии перепроверить сообщения, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...9o76ypp2345t..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор

[no subject]

2017-07-08 Thread Alfred chow

Good Day,

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing  
Chong Hing Bank, Hong Kong, Chong Hing Bank Centre, 24 Des Voeux Road  
Central, Hong Kong. I have a business proposal of  $38,980,369.00.

All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available  
to you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return  

Best Regards,
Alfred Chow

[no subject]

2017-07-08 Thread Alfred chow

Good Day,

I am Mr. Alfred Cheuk Yu Chow, the Director for Credit & Marketing  
Chong Hing Bank, Hong Kong, Chong Hing Bank Centre, 24 Des Voeux Road  
Central, Hong Kong. I have a business proposal of  $38,980,369.00.

All confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available  
to you prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return  

Best Regards,
Alfred Chow

[no subject]

2017-06-27 Thread системы администратор

Ваши сообщения превысил лимит памяти, который составляет 5 Гб, определенных 
администратором, который в настоящее время работает на 10.9GB, Вы не сможете 
отправить или получить новую почту, пока вы повторно не проверить ваш почтовый 
ящик почты. Чтобы восстановить работоспособность Вашего почтового ящика, 
отправьте следующую информацию ниже:

Имя пользователя:
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Адрес электронной почты:

Если вы не в состоянии перепроверить сообщения, ваш почтовый ящик будет 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Проверочный код: EN: Ru...776774990..2017
Почты технической поддержки ©2017

системы администратор

[no subject]

2017-06-09 Thread Mrs Alice Walton
I have a charity proposal for you

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