
>From RFC 6087 (YANG Usage Guidelines), section 5.6.2, the following is noted 
>about the use of the XPATH local-name() function:

   The 'local-name' function SHOULD NOT be used to reference local names
   outside of the YANG module defining the must or when expression
   containing the 'local-name' function.  Example of a local-name
   function that should not be used:


However, no explanation is given as to why this is a bad idea.  We have a 
specific use case where local-name() would appear to allow us to massively 
simplify some rather cumbersome must expressions, but I wanted to check I'm not 
missing some 'gotcha' here.  Is it simply that relying on a common node name 
across multiple modules is generally a bad design as it ties the modules 
together, or is there more to it?  If so, then in our case this is a reasonable 



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