Re: mailto:

2019-02-12 Thread Tim Hill
In article <>, Richard Torrens (lists)
> Recent Netsurf seems to have a problem with indirect mailto: urls.

> e.g In the body there are two
> email buttons. These call a cgi program which (if the calling button
> has sent a correct CheckVar) returns the relevant URL in the form

NetSurf works as expected if you type a mailto: into the URL bar so it
not working from an indirect script seems odd, doesn't it?

> It is this indirect URL which now does not work. It's an anti-spam
> system I have used for years and I have only recenly noticed it failing.

Curious, I have just thrown together a PHP script here using those same
forms and a method which works in Chrome using header() and it too fails
with NetSurf.  I found other postings with similar problems and one
suggested using the Javascript alternative to header() which works in
Chrome, but guess what NetSurf makes of that!! It works if Javascript is
enabled!!! Inform the gentlemen of the press

to download that script:



Tim Hill

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2019-02-12 Thread Richard Torrens (lists)
Recent Netsurf seems to have a problem with indirect mailto: urls.

In the body there are two email buttons. These call a cgi program which
(if the calling button has sent a correct CheckVar) returns the relevant
URL in the form

It is this indirect URL which now does not work. It's an anti-spam system
I have used for years and I have only recenly noticed it failing.

Richard Torrens. for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!