Unacceptable Type

2014-07-31 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
Hi all,

Have just uploaded a .ZIP file and needed to test I have the right URL 
to give out to people so I tried pointing to it with Netsurf (typing 
in the full URL) but it's complaining Unacceptable Type.

This doesn't seem to happen with other browsers/platforms (where said 
Zipfile downloads OK).

Have looked for documentation on this error but to no avail.

Is it something I am doing wrong with Netsurf ?

#2040 on Raspberry Pi RO 5.21



Re: Paypal bank transfer

2014-02-01 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
In message c795bdd253.harr...@blueyonder.co.uk
  Harriet Bazley li...@orange.wingsandbeaks.org.uk wrote:

 When I log in to Paypal.co.uk I get presented with a warning screen
 reading 'Logging you in securely...' and under that a list of links
 starting with 'My Account' and going down through 'Overview', 'Add
 Funds' and 'Withdraw' - 'Transfer to Bank Account' is a subcategory of
 'Withdraw' (although in practice the links seem to go to the same page).

Well so there is, thank you Harriet! I had never noticed that before 
-- because I was too busy noticing the link If this page appears for 
more than 5 seconds click here to reload all these years.

 However, it no longer works with NetSurf, and nor does the 'Send Money'
 link in the second column (haven't tried any of the others recently...)
 so I'm not sure how much use this information is.   :-(

Seems to work with 3.1 Dev #1510 but as you have said in another 
branch of this thread it doesn't with the latest version

thanks again.


1391 build and dancinggiraffe.com

2013-10-16 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
Hi all

A friend is helping an organisation develop a web page at 

(a test version of an update before it goes live at 
www.dancinggiraffe.com apparently)

The small grey icon labelled menu doesn't do anything as it stands 
on Netsurf.

I've found that commenting out the line:

link rel='stylesheet' id='twentytwelve-style-css'  
iraffe/style.css?ver=3.6.1' type='text/css' media='all' /

in the header section of the HTML source code renders the menu options 
as a usable, bulleted list.

Is this a suspect Style sheet, or something Netsurf is not rendering 
properly ?



Paypal Order status/Actions

2013-07-23 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
Hi all,

In My Account on Paypal in the Order status/Actions column there are 
(for items sold): Print postage label, Add tracking info, Mark as 
sent, Issue refund.

(This is with Netsurf and Javascript disabled. Dev Cl #1298. Having JS 
on just gives a blank page.)

Now, the postage label option I wouldn't use but I *do* use the Mark 
as sent option. Is this Javascript-specific, since there is a button 
underneath called Go? If so just wondered how easy or hard is it to 
implement ?



Christopher Dewhurst

Re: Broken directory

2013-06-30 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
In message mpro.mp5l7i03cirzk01ob.li...@stevefryatt.org.uk
  Steve Fryatt li...@stevefryatt.org.uk wrote:

 On 28 Jun, John Williams wrote in message

 In article 7f76f76253.cri...@cdewhurst2010.btinternet.com,
Christopher Dewhurst cdewhurst2...@btinternet.com wrote:
 Not sure if this is a Netsurf or RISC OS specific thing but I noticed
 Netsurf was reverting to default choices and losing its hotlist. I
 looked at !Boot.Choices.WWW.Netsurf which reports Broken directory if
 I try to delete or move it.
 Any way out?
 If you can rename it to, say,  so it gets put out of the way at the
 bottom of the filer display, you could create a new empty directory to

 Probably not a good approach for the long term, as the disc map clearly
 isn't very happy.  I'd endorse the advice to check/fix the disc with
 DiscKnight, before doing much else with the system.

thanks for the tips. Running DiscKnight does indeed report errors 
within !Boot.Choices.WWW.Netsurf. I think an investment in the full 
version may be in order (I think the Repair option is disabled on 
the free version).

Although RISC OS threw a wobbler in the process,renaming 
Choices.WWW.Netsurf to  seemed to work for the time being.


Christopher Dewhurst

Broken directory

2013-06-28 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
Not sure if this is a Netsurf or RISC OS specific thing but I noticed 
Netsurf was reverting to default choices and losing its hotlist. I 
looked at !Boot.Choices.WWW.Netsurf which reports Broken directory 
if I try to delete or move it.

Any way out?

(Using NS 3.1 Dev #1264 on Raspberry Pi but I think the problem has 
been around for a week or two)


Christopher Dewhurst

Re: copy and paste urls from webpage

2013-03-26 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
In message 89f29a3253.old_coaster@old_coaster.yahoo.co.uk
  Tony Moore old_coas...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Shift-adjust-click on a link allows its URL to be saved where you will.

Well I'll go to foot of my stairs* I never knew that -- thanks Tony!

*Except I don't have any stairs...


Re: avaaz.org problem

2013-01-18 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
In message 530fdd38f3bbai...@argonet.co.uk
  Brian Bailey bbai...@argonet.co.uk wrote:

 When sending a petition to avaaz.org


 NetSurf goes into a loop. alt-break froze the machine necessitating a
 ctrl-break re-set.

 RISC OS 4.02 A7000+ NetSurf #816

It works ok here. Iyonix RISC OS 5.18. Slightly earlier Netsurf #812


Re: On line passport application

2013-01-13 Thread Christopher Dewhurst
In message 55612. 
  Gerald Dodson gerald.dod...@argonet.co.uk wrote:

 Trouble with this on the UK gov site: goes to an error 404 screen. Has
 anyone had success with this?

Hi Gerald

Can you give the URL? I'll have a go.




Re: RISC OS Netsurf on Beagleboard

In message 530a75t...@netsurf-browser.org
  Michael Drake t...@netsurf-browser.org wrote:

 In article a9106e0a53.ch...@cdewhurst2010.btinternet.com,
Christoper Dewhurst cdewhurst2...@btinternet.com wrote:
 I'm not sure Netsurf it gets as far as generating a log file - but if
 it does is a way of setting it up to dump to predetermined location on
 hard disc?

 In the !NetSurf application directory, there is an Obey file called
 OpenScrap.  Run it and the log file, called Log, will be in the directory
 that opens.

thanks Michael, managed to extract the Log manually as per my previous 
post but useful to know of the existence of that OpenScrap obey file!


Re: RISC OS Netsurf on Beagleboard

Hi John

 Sadly, you've elided the most important part of the error report; namely
 the address at which it happens. What, precisely, does 
 contain in this message?

It changes each time however some examples are:




(so I guess all in the region 2020)

hope that helps
