On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 11:35:59 -0000 (UTC) Dr. John Nurley wrote:

> I am not sure where this should go so will post to ARMini and Netsurf
> lists. On Friday I could send attachments (as .doc files and .pdf) quite
> normally from the ARMini X using Netsurf 3.2. On Tues they are not being
> sent as applications but as text files. In that time nothing has changed
> bar a problem with my Orpheus account but this is ruled out as the cause
> as both the Iyonix and my Mac and PC laptop can send attachments
> normally.

I'm confused.  "Attachments" normally refers to email, which would
appear to have nothing to do with Netsurf.

Can you please give more detail about what you're doing and how
you're doing it?


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