Further to the ticket I just added here:


Here is the log file of the SourceForge/Corporate Skull browser session


It would be useful if (a) there was a way to add attachments after
posting, and (b) if there was some way of getting at the log file
without having to quit NetSurf first!

Has anyone else experienced the problem where, scrolling down a page,
a large horizontal section of it randomly disappears as it comes into
view?  It seems to me to be a resurrection of a very similar bug which
plagued NetSurf for months a while back, only worse, so I hope it gets
zapped quickly, although I appreciate such errors are a nightmare to
track down.

 / _   _ \         You always find something in the last place you look.
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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