Summary of recent changes

2013-12-03 Thread Michael Drake

Here is a brief list of the main changes made to NetSurf's core code since
the release of NetSurf 3.0:

 + Choices behaviour improvement
   - Now only saves options which differ from the defaults.

 + about:config improved
   - Visiting about:config shows which settings were modified by the user.

 + Textarea undo/redo
   - Supports keyboard shortcuts to undo/redo changes made in textareas.
   - The shortcut keys are platform dependent.

 + Rewritten treeviews [*]
   - Faster (especially application startup time).
   - Fixes rendering glitches.
   - Improved new look.
   - Nicer behaviour.
   - Keyboard navigation.
   - Treeview clients rewritten for new treeview:
 - Hotlist
 - Global history
 - Cookie manager
 - SSL certificate viewer
   - Several bugs fixed, e.g. cookie delete.

 + Hotlist has default folder [*]
   - New additions go into the default folder, rather than into root.
   - Default folder has different icon.

 + Directory listing of file: URLs
   - Improved sort to fix File1, File10, File2.
   - Icons shown for folder/file differentiation.

 + Several leaks squashed
   - Memory leaks in various places in NetSurf fixed.
   - Reference counting leaks in LibDOM fixed.

 + URL bar hotlist indicator [*]
   - Indicator shows whether current URL is in the Hotlist.
   - Click to add/remove from hotlist.

 + LibCSS speedup
   - Faster handling of CSS selection.

[*] Core change also requires front end updates which may or may not have
happened for any given platform.

I've left out all purely front end developments.

Please test the latest development builds and let us know how you get on.



Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Summary of recent changes

2010-09-18 Thread Richard Ashbery
Thanks to the NetSurf team - for r10795.

Initial checks on printing Portrait and Landscape mode via Gutenprint
(V2.40) seem fine. 

I see you've made a start on CSS Pseudo-classes/Pseudo-elements.
Presumably it won't be too long before NetSurf will respond to a
colour change after visiting a link.



(RISC OS 5.16)

Summary of recent changes

2008-11-09 Thread Michael Drake

Here's a summary of changes from the last few months.

NetSurf's core has been improved to support the min-width and max-width CSS
properties. Percentage heights are now supported. There have been other
fixes for layout related issues.

We now have an Italian translation of the Messages file. It can be used by
the Amiga port. The RISC OS version requires a translation of the Templates
file too.

The Amiga port has gained support for tabbed browsing and the GTK port has
had various tab related improvements. Both the BeOS and the Amiga ports
have had many new features implemented.

There is now a port of NetSurf to dumb frame buffers. This NetSurf front
end requires no windowing environment or GUI toolkits. Currently there are
drivers for the Linux framebuffer and ABLE's framebuffer.

More work has been done on Hubbub, our HTML parser. A new CSS parser and
selection engine (libcss) is also currently in development.

Please test the latest version: (RISC OS)

Note: On other platforms, you currently have to build from source
  to try the latest changes.

Report any bugs you encounter:

Thanks for everyone's bug reports and feedback.

A more detailed list of key changes follows:


+ Core: Ignore width  height attributes on elements where they are not
+ Core: Don't display noembed content
+ Core: Amimated GIF redraw fix
+ Core: Fixed layout crash
+ Core: Tables can't have overflow scrollbars
+ Core: Fix for iconv implementations that don't like empty strings
+ Core: Improve height attribute handling for table rows
+ Core: Can now use libpng for PNGs (allows NetSurf to be built without
libmng and still be useful)
+ Core: Fix display of floated radio buttons and checkboxes
+ Core: Fix for relative positioning  float placement
+ Core: Fix inline placement when float is forced below them
+ Core: Ignore clear property on floats when there are no floats to clear
+ Core: Handle LINK elements loading stylesheets from outside HEAD
+ Core: Support for CSS min-width and max-width properties
+ Core: Support for SVGs in IMG elements and as CSS backgrounds
+ Core: Fix pt and pc size calculations when screen dpi is not 90
+ Core: Implement percentage heights (and percentage {min|max}-height)
+ Core: Fix locale issue (fixes broken layouts on systems where something
other than '.' is used as the decimal separator)
+ Core: Fix text line height bug where lines would overlap if font size was
modified by inlines
+ Core: Italian translation of messages file
+ Core: Debug stuff
+ Core: Many other bug fixes and improvements

+ GTK: Set the core's DPI value to the current desktop screen DPI
+ GTK: Option to show tab bar when there's only one tab
+ GTK: Fixed crash when page with frames was opened in a new tab
+ GTK: Fix cropping of close icon on tabs

+ BeOS: Menus
+ BeOS: Shortcuts
+ BeOS: Bitmap saving
+ BeOS: Support for 401 authentication
+ BeOS: Clipboard support
+ BeOS: Bug fixes

+ Amiga: Mouse dragging support
+ Amiga: Better options handling
+ Amiga: Clipboard support
+ Amiga: Charset fixes
+ Amiga: Download window
+ Amiga: Hotlist support
+ Amiga: PDF export
+ Amiga: Fixes to plotters (improves display of many pages)
+ Amiga: Support for 401 authentication
+ Amiga: Improved menus
+ Amiga: Pointer improvements
+ Amiga: Shift  ctrl click support
+ Amiga: Drag  drop support (e.g. for file upload forms)
+ Amiga: Throbber support
+ Amiga: Tabbed browsing
+ Amiga: Kiosk mode
+ Amiga: Treeview browser
+ Amiga: Bug fixes

+ Framebuffer: New port for dumb frame buffers

+ Docs: Better bug report guidelines
+ Docs: Updated progress page

+ Web: Updated thanks page
+ Web: Added favicon
+ Web: Libnsgif and Libnsbmp project pages
+ Web: Japanese welcome page


+ Bug fixes
+ Build system improvements


+ ISO-8859-n charset support
+ Windows-125n charset support
+ ASCII charset support
+ Bug fixes
+ Build system improvements


+ Now MIT licensed


+ Now MIT licensed


+ More work on CSS parsing


Michael Drake (tlsa)