nettime-ann [ann]

2008-02-14 Thread galerija galzenica

EXHIBITION: Ivan Marusic Klif, Telephoning
VENUE: Galerija Galzenica, Zagreb/Velika Gorica,
DATE: February 20, 2008
TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 pm

The artwork of Ivan Marušić Klif feature two aspects of media art: one 
is the use of contemporary electronic and digital technology in the art 
world context and the other is a research of relationship between human 
being and his/her technological environment. In the space of an art 
exhibition, the both aspects are usually indistinguishable: visitor 
enters the enclosed, technologically created environment, changes its 
parameters and, leaving more less visible traces of his/ her presence, 
walks out. If we had to choose a corresponding genre, closest to his 
work, it would be an artistic intervention known as ambient 
installation. Whether Marušić works with sound, light or video image, he 
usually construes an enclosed ambience, rather different from the 
visitors' well-known everyday environment.

Over time, his ambiences have become technologically more complex. In 
1993, his early light ambiences consisted of mobile objects whose moves 
changed the type and intensity of the light. In 1995, computer set in 
motion and controlled the installations while since 2001, Marušić has 
started working with complex interactive sound and video installations. 
The series of exhibitions entitled “Inside/Outside” that took place in 
Zagreb, Croatia, Maribor, Slovenia and Labin, Croatia from 2004-2007 
were the best examples of the author's approach to technologically 
determined, interactive ambiences.

It was a video installation that functioned according to the principle 
of a closed circle of production, processing and projection of an image. 
Differently positioned cameras produced the image that went through the 
system of monitors and cameras for several times and then was projected 
on the walls and monitors in the gallery. The cameras were directly 
linked to the monitors and video projectors, while the computer 
controlled their moves, zoom and focus. There was no digital image 
processing. The installation was in motion, changing the ambience of the 
space independently of visitors. Marušić's ambiences are extremely 
visually attractive so we may feel that the aspect of interactivity 
disrupts technological biotope rather than supporting it.

One of the most distinguished qualities of Marušić's work is that, 
although a trace of interactivity aspect can be found, the installation 
is actually independent of visitors' participation. At the Galženica 
Gallery exhibition, the potential of his ambient installation to 
function on its own, without interaction with visitors, is stressed even 
more. With the help of computer algorithm, Marušić randomly dials phone 
numbers taken out from the public database of the phone book of Republic 
Croatia. The dialled users take part in unwanted communication through 
Skype web server. On the other hand, the visitors can choose between the 
positions of a voyeur/ listener or a participant/ collocutor.

Seen from today's perspective, there is something fair about his 
installations. They have never bothered us with interactivity, in fact 
the illusion that a visitor participates on equal terms in creation of 
(new) media artwork. Marušić seduces us with potentials of technology 
and the beauty of technollogically generated images rather than warning 
us of cultural and political backround of every technology, including 
the one used in the art context. - Klaudio Štefančić


Pučko otvoreno učilište Velika Gorica
Trg Stjepana Radića 5
HR - 10410 Velika Gorica
tel:+385 1 6221 122 /  fax: 6226 740

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Rule Britannia - digital art in chicago.

2008-01-19 Thread mike salmond

Hi - just wanted to let you know about an upcoming show. Apologies in 
advance for any cross-mailings.

'©Rule Britannia' - by British artist Mike Salmond at Koscielak Gallery.
A series of works in  video, print and interactivity focusing on the 
fetishization of travel.

   Opening/Reception Friday Jan 25th 6-9pm

   Artist Talk Sat Feb 9th 12pm

   Closing Reception Friday Feb 29th 6-9pm

   Koscielak Gallery 1646 N. Bosworth Ave.

   Chicago, IL 60622.  T.773.252.9921

   Gallery hours:  Tuesday - Friday 1 - 6 pm .  Saturday 1 - 4 pm

also info at

e: stresspuppy[at]gmail[dot]com

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Job position: Visiting or Tenure-Track Professor of Electronic Art @ CMU

2008-01-19 Thread Golan Levin
.Dear Nettime Colleagues,
The Carnegie Mellon School of Art is pleased to announce:

Tenure-Track or Visiting Faculty Position
Carnegie Mellon University School of Art
Beginning August 2008

The School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University is seeking to fill a
full-time position. The position will be tenure track or visiting in the
Electronic and Time Based area, depending on the applicant's qualifications.
We are seeking a dynamic individual working in technology-based art with
experience in one or more of the following areas: robotics, programming for
internet based interactive and/or virtual environments, interactive audio,
performance, motion capture and real time graphics, computer vision,
artificial life or biotechnology. Artists with a significant track record in
digital/electronic forms who are qualified for joint appointments between
electronic art and computer sciences, natural sciences and engineering will
also be considered. Visiting faculty with expertise in electronic media and
additional experience in other media are also encouraged. A
multidisciplinary orientation, conceptual strengths and contextual
sensibilities are sought to teach freshman through to graduate students and
work with a dynamic faculty team to develop the Electronic and Time Based
area in the School of Art.

Qualifications: Advanced Degree or equivalent. University level teaching
experience required beyond teaching assistantships. A versatile artist with
a significant digital/electronic, time based media art background and
exhibition record. Carnegie Mellon is an Affirmative Action /Equal
Opportunities employer committed to diversity.

Appointment Levels: Visiting Assistant Professor or tenure-track
Assistant/Associate Professor. Position begins late August 2008.
Salary and Benefits: Commensurate with experience
Additional Information:

Applications should include:
• Letter of application with teaching philosophy
• Curriculum Vitae
• Names/addresses/telephone numbers of 3 references (no recommendation
• Documentation of artwork: Submit up to 10 minutes of time based work,
video in DVD, VHS (NTSC only) or DV format. Cue videotapes to the viewing
point. Submit audio on audio CD, or MP3 files on CD-ROM, web-based work on
CD-ROM or DVD-R. (Web work will be viewed on Safari/Mac OS X. Include
instructions for viewing. Specify any non-standard plug-ins that will be
needed to view web-based work, so they can be downloaded in advance). Submit
computer animation on CD-ROM or DVD-R as a QuickTime, Flash, or Shockwave
file. Include instructions for viewing. Please do not apply any type of
adhesive label to CD or DVD media. These add to the thickness of the disc
and can cause problems in certain types of CD/DVD drives. Use a permanent
felt-tipped marker to label discs. Computer-based work is viewed on Mac OS X
systems. Please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope for return of

Send to:
ETB Faculty Search
School of Art, College of Fine Arts, CFA 300
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

Application Deadline: February 29, 2008 - or until position is filled
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Los Angeles

2008-01-15 Thread Carole Kim

The Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theatre
1122 West 24th Street (@ Hoover)
Los Angeles, CA 90007
The Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theatre presents
a multi-media installation/performance by CAROLE KIM
Two performances only! January 19, 20, 2008, Sat/Sun @ 7:30 pm
Los Angeles, CA‹The Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theatre presents
³Concrete Daisies,² a full-length site-specific performance/installation by
artist CAROLE KIM, Saturday, January 19 and Sunday, January 20 @ 7:30 pm.
For tickets please contact 213-746-2166 or ($15, $10
CONCRETE DAISIES is a site-specific performance/installation of dance,
sound, and live-feed video projection.  A stellar ensemble of dancers,
musicians, and video artists will explore the interior and exterior spaces
of the Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theater, an historic exhibition
hall, theatre and garden dedicated to the production and presentation of
unusual visual experiences.  The garden of concrete daisies will play foil
to the theater¹s own ³garden of carnivorous plants and sinister foliage².
Opportunity for a bird¹s eye view pointed to an investigation of that which
can only be understood from above, thus introducing the concept of the
This performance assumes a hybrid form that collapses the boundaries between
installation / live-feed video shoot / live dance / live music / and live
video projection. The viewer is invited to roam through this immersive
environment and grapple with the simultaneity of the live performers and how
they are mediated into the visual and audio spatial mix. It is ultimately a
structured improvisation where the viewer witnesses the instantaneous,
responsive dialogue between dancer, cameraperson, video artist and musician.
CAROLE KIM direction/video installation
MARK DRESSER electro-acoustic bass
JESSE GILBERT sound spatialization
JOE BERARDI percussion
KADET KUHNE electronics
ASTRA PRICE live video mix
BO SUL KIM live video mix
MAILE COLBERT live-feed video
MIRABELLE ANG live-feed video
ANN KANEKO live-feed video
SASSAS for generously providing technical assistance in this production,
BILL BALLOU-technical direction, JORGE MARTIN and CHAUNCY GODWIN-sound
engineers:, BITA SHARIF-production assistant:, JIHYUN SONG, YOUNG-MIN
SON-video documentation.
Please note: As this is an indoor/outdoor performance comfortable footwear
and appropriately warm clothing are suggested.  In the event of rain, the
performance will be condensed primarily into the indoor spaces.
For tickets please contact:
The Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theatre
1122 West 24th Street (@ Hoover)
Los Angeles, CA 90007

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] __ call for projects____developing interactive narrative content

2007-01-11 Thread Brunhild Bushoff

sagasnet call for projects

Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar
April 29 ­ May 5 2007
Stuttgart, Germany
in conjunction with fmx/07
Working Language: English

sagasnet is a non-profit training initiative to further content **
development for interactive media 
supported by the European MEDIA 2007 Programme  **
designed for participants from MEDIA member countries 

During the Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar up to 10
pre-selected interactive narrative projects in development
(no limitation on media, genre or target audience) will be provided in
parallel with up to ten high-profile face-to-face consulting sessions
(on financing, project management, marketing, story structure, game
Consultants will be chosen according to the needs of the
selected projects. 
Selection board: Greg Childs (ChildsEye, UK), Raimo Lang (YLE, FIN),
Anthony Lilley (Magic Lanterns Production, UK), Peter Olaf Looms (DR
interactive, DK), Mark Ollila (Nokia, S/AUS), Lee Sheldon (USA),
Brunhild Bushoff (sagasnet, D)


Provide your 3-6 page project description (in English)
before February 10 2007.
Details + application form:
or contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Projects are welcome that are in development, interactive and narrative.
Main selection criteria is the potential to reach the -defined- audience
/market (commercial, cultural and/or artistic).


consultancy in previous sagasnet seminars was provided a.o. by
Ernest Adams, UK | Richard Adams, UK | Frank Alsema, 4xM, NL | Joel
Baumann, tomato, D/UK | Sebastian Belcher, Harbottle  Lewis, UK |
Margarita Betancor, Fox Kids GmbH | Frank Boyd, UK | Matt Costello,
Katonah Productions, USA | Greg Childs, ChildsEye, UK |
Noah Falstein, USA | Martin Freeth, UK | Bob Hopkins, UK |
Eero Iloniemi, FIN | Daniel Kapelian, F | Siggi Koegl, D |
Stephan Kolloff, D | Craig Lindley S | Stephane Natkin, F |
Mark Stephen Meadows, USA | Thomas Miles, D | Matthias
Rauterberg, D/NL | Greg Roach, USA | Christian Routh, E |
Lee Sheldon, USA | Vincent Scheurer, UK | Jurgen Wolff USA/UK

Projects selected for consulting in the frame of the sagasnet
Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar 2007 will qualify
for application for the MEDIA Development NEW TALENT fund in 2008.

best regards,

Brunhild Bushoff
Project Manager

c/o Bayerisches Filmzentrum
Bavariafilmplatz 7 
D-82031 Muenchen-Gruenwald
tel  + 49 89   64 98 11 29
fax  + 49 89  64 98 13 29
mobile + 49 (0) 171 45 28 0 52

Please distribute this information to interested friends and colleagues.

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] MediumGallery presents: Arik Visser

2006-08-24 Thread Medium Gallery


from: MediumGallery

Show by Arik Visser:
The way things could be pink

* 22th of September untill the 22th of October 2006.

* Opening: Thursday the 22nd of September 17.00

Arik Visser investigates in his work how structures and forms give out
meaning. By (temporarily) altering structures with a social-political
connotation; Visser tests the durabilty that these structures initialy

In the MediumGallery Arik Visser will make an context-dependant work.

menadostraat 37b
9715kw Groningen
the Netherlands
+31(0)847139105 (Fax)
+31(0)643538893 (phone)
+31(0)638115717 (W.Sibum ) +31(0)642224661 ( D.D. de Wit)
more info:
for map see:

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] ART: Italy at Singapore Biennale

2006-08-24 Thread Stefano Cagol's News

3 art news

1 /  GENT:  ZOO logical
2 /  SINGAPORE: Singapore Biennale
3 /  TOKYO: Harajuku Influences

1 / __

GENT:  ZOO logical

Opening: Friday  August 25, 2006 at 6 pm
7 pm: DJ performance by DJ Grazzhoppas Bigband and 4 DJs will use
 / Animal scratch record in their bigband performance

The artists and critics:
Monika Bakke / *Stefano Cagol / Vaast Colson / Marta De Menezes /
Stefaan Dheedene / Johan Grimonprez / Katie Holten / Shih Chieh Huang /
Alon Levin / Gert Robijns / Anri Sala / David Shrigley / Superflex

Curated by Angelique Campens
More information:

2 /__

SINGAPORE: Singapore Biennale

*Stefano Cagol: Power Station

Public Art Project
1 - 2 September, 2006

Curated by Ong Puay Khim

Satellite event of the Singapore Biennale
Various public spaces throughout Singapore
1 Sep 06: Somerset, Shenton Way, Waterloo Street, The Substation, Padang
2 Sep 06: Little India, Chinatown, National Museum

Sense of belonging, nationalism, economy, and global village

POWER STATION takes the form of public intervention, highlighting
contemporary influences, beliefs, pre/misconceptions and belonging.
Power, in various forms extends its influence to our daily lives yet our
notion of power and its extent of influence is often, perhaps
deliberately, overlooked. The project challenges our understanding of
identity in relation to authority, nation-hood and globalisation. Moving
and interacting within/outside 'centres of power', be it cultural,
political or financial, POWER STATION aptly questions their authority and
invites reflexivity yet inevitably becoming an 
accomplice to these power games.

Presented by the IIC - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Italian Cultural
itute in Singapore, this satellite project by Stefano Cagol is the only
Italian presence at the Singapore Biennale 2006.

POWER STATION - Sense of belonging, nationalism, economy, and global
ARTIST: Stefano Cagol
VENUE: Various public locations in Singapore
CURATOR: Ong Puay Khim, Ms
For updates on the project, visit


Ong Puay Khim, Ms, Curator
Tel: (65) 6340 9102 Mobile: (65) 9199 8721

With the support of
IIC - Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Italian Cultural Institute in
Tel: (65) 6255 3073   Fax: (65) 6352 2005
Email:   Website:

For more information on the Singapore Biennale 2006,
visit or call (65) 6837 9270.

3/ __


*Stefano Cagol: Harajuku Influences

Work in progress, daily updated video installations and performances
In collaboration with IIC - Italian Cultural Institute, Tokyo
September 8 - October 8, 2006

Finissage: October 5, 6 pm, 2006
IIC - Italian Cultural Institute, Tokyo, Umberto Agnelli Hall
With a presentation by Mami Kataoka (chief curator, Mori Art Museum,

nettime-ann mailing list


2006-08-22 Thread Chiara Passa

Dear All,

we inform you that you can get the ABSTRACTA 2006 PROGRAM at
  on homepage
We will be sending you your invitation to ABSTRACTA 2006 INTERNATIONAL
ABSTRACT CINEMA EXHIBITION by mail as soon as possible
Furthermore the ABSTRACTA 2006 Press-Conference will be on September the
11th at 11.00 a.m.
Please contact us by e-mail for any question about the festival, we will
answer you as soon as possible.

Best regards

Vania Granata
Responsabile Organizzazione e Coordinamento Autori

Gentili Autori,
rendiamo noto che il programma di ABSTRACTA 2006 MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE
CINEMA ASTRATTO =E8 visibile al link
del sito
Vi avvisiamo inoltre che gli inviti della manifestazione vi saranno
per posta e che la conferenza stampa avr=E0 luogo il giorno 11 settembre
alle ore 11.00 a.m.
Per qualsiasi altra domanda o richiesta di informazione potete
via e-mail, vi risponderemo al pi=F9 presto.

Cordiali saluti

Vania Granata

Responsabile Organizzazione e Coordinamento Autori

Chiara Passa
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Digital Culture class at Berkeley Art Museum

2006-08-22 Thread Richard Rinehart


A New Public Course at the Berkeley Art Museum  Pacific Film Archive
Thursday evenings, October 5-November 9

How does digital media influence our perception and experience of 
space and time? What are its social implications? The first offering 
in an exciting new initiative to present public courses at BAM/PFA, 
Digital Culture 0101 gives you a chance to discuss issues like these 
with artists and experts in the field, and promises a wide-ranging 
and thought-provoking introduction to new media as they reflect and 
interact with our culture.

Digital Culture 0101 and other upcoming courses are designed to 
expand on BAM/PFA's exhibitions and programs to provide new contexts 
and ways of interacting with the arts. A spring 2007 class will 
explore the art and implications of the BAM exhibition Measure of 
Time. Like the popular PFA film-lecture course Film 50, these classes 
are open to the general public as well as UC Berkeley students (see 
below for registration details).

Digital Culture 0101 draws upon the museum's pioneering use of 
digital media and its commitment to digital art, within the larger 
contexts of UC Berkeley's increasing attention to new media and the 
Bay Area as a center of digital culture. The course offers a 
non-technical look at issues surrounding digital media through the 
lens of digital art, with special attention to works now on view in 
Measure of Time. With session topics like space and time, the 
body, interactivity, social context, and collective memory, 
the instructor and guest speakers including Ken Goldberg, Scott 
Snibbe, Camille Utterback, Jon Phillips, all practicing digital media 
artists, will address such questions as:

- What is digital media and what makes it different from other media?
- How do people and computers interact with one another?
- What does it mean to be interactive?
- Can we believe what we see through digital media?
- Although we have more information than ever, are we becoming more

The course will be taught by Richard Rinehart, BAM/PFA's director of 
digital media and a nationally exhibited new media artist. Rinehart 
has taught at UC Berkeley for six years, currently in the Center for 
New Media. A leader in the world of digital media and museums, he has 
also curated exhibitions of digital art.

Course Schedule and Syllabus

When: Thursday evenings, October 5-November 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Museum Theater
Cost: $225 for six-session course; $175 for BAM/PFA members and 
non-UCB students; free for UC Berkeley students

Advance Registration Required:

By phone: (510) 642-5249, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily
In person: at the museum's Bancroft lobby admissions desk
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Month Of Sundays A/V Performances - Archived.

2006-08-22 Thread marc

Month Of Sundays A/V Performances - Archived. hosted a month of Sunday afternoon live audio visual 
internet performances throughout June 06 in the online file mixing 
platform Visitors Studio. It featured some of the most innovative 
international A/V artists mixing remotely in various geographic 
locations and time zones. Mixes were broadcast to audiences at E:vent, 
(London) Watershed, (Bristol)  The Point CDC Theatre, (New York). Each 
featured artist's performance was also followed by contributions to an 
Open Mix by audienes online as well as in participating venues.

We are now proud to present archives of each performance in full colour 
 glorious stereo so turn your sound system up  the lights down and

take a journey that will both educate  enthrall.

John Hopkins, Paul Wilson  James Smith, John Kannenberg  Glenn Bach, 
Roger Mills  Neil Jenkins, Ruth Catlow  Marc Garrett.

To view current edition of FurtherNoise -
To view or create (in) Visitors Studio -
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] AHA + SEXYSHOCK video premiere @ Ladyfest Berlin

2006-08-09 Thread Tatiana Bazzichelli

Ladyfest 2006
POOPSY CLUB presents: AHA + SEXYSHOCK video premiere
Video presentation curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli/AHA and Betty of
Club Rosis, Friedrichshain, 10th August 2006, 20.00h, Berlin

Poopsy Club Goes Ladyfest!
Thursday, August 10th at 8pm - Rosis, Revaler Strasse 29, U+S Warschauer

Strasse, S Ostkreuz
Poopsy Club invites you to their Ladyfest Party on August 10th at Rosis.

Poopsy Club, the new Queer party in Berlin, consisting of the DJ team: 
Noisy Pig, Double Agent and A.Ona, presents:


Sexyshock is a communication laboratory that works on political 
language. To do so Sexyshock have use, also the hacking way, 
destructuring words and languages, mixing and matching situations and 
concept and practices; for reinventing the political language and for 
being more incisive on a vast level of communication. Sexyshock was the 
first sexyshop managed by women in Italy (in an independent social 
center in Bologna), but it is also a hyper-place scattered with links, a

circuit with which to inract that brings to other circuits. A place 
where sexuality is central cause, it is the zero degree of connection's 
desire. In the gender, beyond the gender. The Sexyshock' women use a 
collective name: Betty. Expressing the desire to shut down with the 
need of auto - agency.

AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism, is a networking project based on 
hacktivism and experimental media art. Created by Tatiana Bazzichelli in

2001, AHA's activity is focused on the organization of events and 
collective exhibitions, between Italy and Germany. AHA also curates an 
artistic activism mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and works to spread and 
study the Italian and international hacktivism.


VIDEOS BY SEXYSHOCK, presented by Betty (Italy)

Donne e Tech 02:42 by SexyShock 2005
Women and technology. Women to be ahead of time and not to have any more

problems with cellulite, the use and access to technology is fundamental

and this we know. But for those that are forced to pass their entire day

in front of a stove or a mountain of shirts to iron, what can they 
invent? Here is the answer, Bettytech has arrived

Sexual Bricolage workshop on self-produced sex toys
Multiply self-production of pleasure, like the making of Chinese balls 
of your dreams. A workshop on the self construction of Chinese balls in 
collaboration with Bricolage Sexual a project of women in Barcelona. 
An afternoon where, starting with recycled materials and natural rubber,

you are shown manual skill, creativity, desire and hacking attitude in 
modifying objects of pleasure.

Ballare (rap of Carbonifera)
A videoclip in occasion of contr(A)zione, two days of mobilization 
against the then legislation 1514, now the legislation 40 on artificial 
insemination. Saturday 7th and 8th of February in Bologna 2004.
insemination. BALLARE Dance or rap of Carbonifera is a reggae 
dedicated to women, created by Le Tremende, a bolognaise group and Manu.

Images and music like effective instruments, inclusive and fun, to 
produce a campaign against the absurd legislation that was passes 
regarding artificial insemination. (PMA)

ContrAzione Bologna 2004
Saturday 7th of February, over 5,000 people rallied in Bologna against 
the legislation 1514. Between the approval of the Gaspari law and the 
Christmas menu, the legislation was definitively approved, now called 
legislation 40 on artificial insemination. There are many actions 
against this legislation in various cities to contest the law the 
regulates the access and application of artificial insemination. The 
legislation 1514 strongly places the discussion and fundamental rights 
gained and won by women, discrimi
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] CULTURETV News and playlist

2006-08-02 Thread CULTURETV


The summer is hot and so is this weeks playlist!!!

WhatB4s NEW this week in the playlist?

MISSMAO until 13.08 Blacklist Projects , London (GB)

MISSMAO celebrates the inauguration and opening of Blacklist Projects
a unique and diverse international collaboration. The exhibition marks
beginning of a new dialogue and debate between artists and curators
ng modes and myths in an information driven age.

todaysart preview

The festival offers a programme at 20 venues in the city centre with more
han 200 artists from over 25 countries, all presenting their creative
n about what Art is Today in terms of music, video and visual arts, film,
hotography, fashion, performing arts, theatre, contemporary dance and
 disciplines and crossovers. Todaysart will be held on 22 and 23
 The Hague (NL)

Hippie Tree under the Sao Paulo Sky by Juliana Mundim

Pocket Films for Travelers shows experimental videos, texts and photos
 all over the world, but it's actually a deconstructed feature film on
making about the feeling of not belonging.Juliana Mundim is an
aker who lives between sao paulo and new york, where she freelances in
 her fields. She also directs and travels around the
making her ongoing project pocket films for travelers.

ARTB4FAB until 16.10. Saint-Tropez (FR)

ART92FAB is the very first exhibition of the new Cultural Summer94 of
int-Tropez and the theme is 93Women of Europe94. Three subjects, linked
o European artistic creation in the 21st century, are illustrated in four
ompletely different parts of the town. Twenty-five European artistic
 will be explored, and will allow us to discover a panorama of artistic
ativity in Europe today.

TENT Academy Awards 2006 Rotterdam (NL)

For the seventh year in row, TENT and Esther de Leeuwe had organized TENT
CADEMY AWARDS 2006. The B4bestB4 films, videos, animations and shorts of

graduated art students have been selected by TENT Scouts during the
ion exhibitions of Dutch Art Academys.

Space Invaders by Guillaume Reymond (CH)

Space Invaders is the second film carried out of the series GAME OVERr.
takes as a starting point the mythical the video games Space Invaders.
armada of spaciaux vessels tests envahire the ground. Only a mobile gun
l be able to prevent some. This vidE9o/performance was produced for and
ring the festival Belluard Bollwerk International 06 in Freiburg (FR).

Sonorama IV Interview Pedro Soler by Sara Tirelli

Already the third video out of the serie Sonorama produced by our new
 Journalist Sara Tirelli who visited it the event last june. She made 6
rt impressions.

And don't forget to visit our blogs. Daily new postings with news, picks,
useum exhibitions, new media, events and much more.

Enjoy the sun!

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CULTURETV | Schiedamse Vest 53b | Rotterdam | 3021 BD | Netherlands

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] RFID workshop

2006-08-02 Thread workshops

and for the people who just want to create something with RFID and =20
explore the possibilities and theoretical field: register for this =20
workshop in September in Amsterdam:

Upcoming workshop: RFID and The Internet of Things
11, 12, 13 September 2006
@ Mediamatic Amsterdam

After a succesfull CrashCourse in May, Mediamatic now presents a =20
second workshop on RFID and The Internet of Things.

RFID allows for the unique identification of objects, and any kind of

online data can be linked to these unique ID's. If RFID becomes an =20
open web-based platform, and users can tag, share, and contribute =20
content to the digital existence of their own places and objects, we =20
can truly speak of an Internet of Things. This opens perpectives for =20
new sustainability scenario's, for new relations between people and =20
the stuff they have,  and for other locative applications.

The participants of this workshop will develop critical, utopian or =20
nightmarish concepts for an Internet of Things in a hands-on way. =20
Ideas can range from scripts for small new rituals to outlines of =20
societal changes of epic scale. Prototypes can be tested with the =20
workshop tools The Symbolic Table or the Nokia3220 phone with RFID =20

The workshop has room for 16 designers, artists, thinkers and makers.

Participation fee is =80350 per person, ex BTW. Lunches, technical =20
equipment and assistance are included. If you want to participate in =20
this workshop, please register at our online registration form:

For questions or more information, surf to

mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or call Klaas Kuitenbrouwer: +31 20 =20

On Aug 1, 2006, at 11:27 AM, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

 [it would be great if some of the critical artistic research that =20
 is being done in this field would be fed back into the political =20
 debate; -ab]

 Hi all,

 just a short note to tell you that the European Commission is =20
 holding a
 public RFID consultation on its website after previous Workshops on

 issue in May and June.

 So who ever feels like commenting on RFID policy is welcome to do =20
 so under:



 The Information Society and Media Directorate General is consulting
 stakeholders on their opinions on development and deployment of Radio
 Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, and on possible ways to
 stimulate its use while mitigating its potential negative impacts on
 privacy and health.
 A public debate on RFID was launched on 9 March 2006 by Mrs Viviane
 Reding, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media, at

 CeBIT fair in Hannover. Developments around RFID, Commissioner =20
 Reding said, open the door to a new wave of productivity gains =20
 across a
 wide range of sectors. Remember that productivity is the engine of
 economic growth and job creation. (...) We must also make some =20
 of principle on the security and privacy issues associated with
 widespead government and commercial use of RFID technology. The =20
 time for
 action is now. (...) I will not see the liberty of citizens and their
 fundamental rights being compromised.
 Between March and June 2006 five workshops took place in Brussels to
 discuss and build consensus on the main issues, challenges and
 opportunities related to the use of RFID. These workshops addressed

 research and technological development requirements and options, the
 growing use of RFID in commercial and governmental applications, the
 legal and societal issues related to security and privacy protection,
 the standardisation, interoperability and governance issues, and the
 current and future frequency spectrum requirements.
 The present consultation seeks feed
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] cumbia non britannica est Padre Teresa

2006-06-06 Thread INFOMAMITA
.catalogue under: [event] [ann] [madness] [amigo]
On distortion, van abbemuseum, sonar, cumbias and elastic fronteers.

Dear Netty 30-v2 and are proud TO NOT HAVE TO AVOID  announcing the incredible lie come true: Dick El Demasiado, Founder Rooster of the Cumbias Lunaticas Y Experimentales, consolidator of random latin influenzas and consultant for IBW and Affordable Lunacy, has brought to Europe, LIKE HUMBOLD DID with the tse-tse-fly 200 years earlier, happiness in a lowbudget dress: FESTICUMEX.
This is EXACTLY 495 YEARS  after the introduction of the american potato into europe.
Dick El Demasiado, AWAKENING ROOSTER of the cumbias experimentales, flew 240.000 kilometers with his band and his crew to offer OUR GENERATION THE ONLY succesful pleasure-event, after orgasm, that needs no pre-marketing.
Festicumex, an insult to PATHETIC CATEGORISATIONS, started in Honduras, then flew over to Buenos Aires and Mexico City. End June it will wallow in SEPTIC luxury and the waters of the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven. All agree it is a small-scale happy incoherence. Cumbias Experimentales, with bands like CHICA POCO PUM, Los three 4-get, HYGIENICA GONZALEZ, AntiTango General, and of course, DICK EL DEMASIADO Y Sus Exagerados, is a genre that shakes soulfat.
The storm started to build up with the inauguration in Mexico City of the BIGGEST NATIONAL electronic arts festival,, soon followed by the trash secret Festicumex in a NEGLECTED SYNAGOGUE of Parque Patricios. (Club)Transmediale Berlin and I.D.E.A.L. Nantes gave it consistency and now: Dick El Demasiado in daytime-mainhall SONAR BARCELONA and shiny-minded FESTICUMEX VAN ABBE-version.
DO what Señor Coconut and Trotskists already did, discover this.
If you are not in Barcelona 17 june you could listen to the broadcast by BBC-1
FESTICUMEX IS YOUR SECOND POTATO VERY IMPORT .30th june, 1 and 2 july. entrance free / outside  watersplashable

Details of this antropological distortion in, but not yet.

objetad este envio respondiendo a vuestra INFOMAMA con sujeto UNSUBSCRIBE

INFOMAMA hace todo en casa
por eso, perdonen INFOMAMA
lo más en cuanto a minimo Kb.
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] state of the union

2006-06-02 Thread Brad Borevitz

State of the Union (SOTU) provides access to the corpus of all the State of
the Union addresses by US presidents from 1790 to 2006. SOTU allows you to
explore how specific words gain and lose prominence over time, and to  link
to information on the historical context for their use. SOTU focuses on the
relationship between individual addresses as compared to the entire
collection of addresses, highlighting what is different about the selected
document. You are invited to try and understand from this information the
connection between politics and language­between the state we are in, and
the language which names it and calls it into being.

brad borevitz.

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] java museum interview project

2006-04-09 Thread hight

javaMuseum Interview Project
is featuring this week the following 5 interviews with
Sharkar Barua (India), Päivi Hintsanen (Finland), Enrico Tomaselli
Carlos Katastrofsky (Austria), Humberto Ramirez (Chile/USA)
further the first answers on 10 questions by Jeremy Hight  Ian
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Call for Articles and Net Art

2006-04-09 Thread sachiko hayashi

Call for Articles and Net Art

On-line journal Hz ( is looking for articles 
on New Media, Net Art, Sound Art and Electro-Acoustic Music. We accept 
earlier published and unpublished articles in English. Please send your 
submissions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hz is also looking for Net Art works to be included in its virtual 
gallery ( Please send your URLs to 

Dead-line: 10 May

Hz is published by the non-profit organization Fylkingen in Stockholm. 
Established in 1933, Fylkingen has been known for introducing 
yet-to-be-established art forms throughout its history. Nam June Paik, 
Stockhausen, Cage, etc. have all been introduced to the Swedish 
audience through Fylkingen. Its members consist of leading composers, 
musicians, dancers, performance artists and video artists in Sweden. 
For more  information on Fylkingen, please visit or

Sachiko Hayashi/Hz
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Call for Articles and Net Art

2006-04-09 Thread sachiko hayashi

Call for Articles and Net Art

On-line journal Hz ( is looking for articles 
on New Media, Net Art, Sound Art and Electro-Acoustic Music. We accept 
earlier published and unpublished articles in English. Please send your 
submissions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hz is also looking for Net Art works to be included in its virtual 
gallery ( Please send your URLs to 

Dead-line: 10 May

Hz is published by the non-profit organization Fylkingen in Stockholm. 
Established in 1933, Fylkingen has been known for introducing 
yet-to-be-established art forms throughout its history. Nam June Paik, 
Stockhausen, Cage, etc. have all been introduced to the Swedish 
audience through Fylkingen. Its members consist of leading composers, 
musicians, dancers, performance artists and video artists in Sweden. 
For more  information on Fylkingen, please visit or

Sachiko Hayashi/Hz
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] BLIT:SCREEN [invitation/announcement]

2006-03-22 Thread jake elliott

invite(*, BLIT:SCREEN) {


this is an open invitation to collectives, clans, classes, cabals,
crews + colleagues to contribute+participate+activate BLIT:SCREEN!

blit /blit/ vt. 1. [common] To copy a large array of bits from one
part of a computer's memory to another part, particularly when the
memory is being used to determine what is shown on a display screen.
-- jargon file, []

BLIT:SCREEN is a [webApp|system|artware] running on the
criticalartware platform.  localized groups (collectives, clans,
classes, cabals etc.) sign up, register a mailing address + media
playback capabilities + then receive media from randomized sources
throughout the WWWorld. once a month, the BLIT:SCREEN system sends
each group an email with the mailing address of another group to which
to mail media. as a result, every group who participates in this
physical exchange receives a DVD-R or CD-R or VHS or VinylRecord or
any other media type delivered in any other appropriate format from 01
other participating group every month. likewise every group sends 01
instance of BLIT:SCREEN out to 01 group (whom BLIT:SCREEN has
suggested), thereby creating a deeply distributed + dynamic 01 to 01

BLIT:SCREEN is both a distribution system + a distributed archive. in
this way the system is grid distribution + grid archiving. nothing is
prescribed about participating groups; a group might be a hacker
collective living in a squat, an experimental television station
[+/or] a professor collecting + distributing student work.  media
distributed through BLIT:SCREEN could include completed projects,
artworks, raw materials for production+remix, critical txts, unearthed
archives, shared cultural resources, cc. the BLIT:SCREEN system
assumes no prescriptions [+/or] standards as to what participants do
with the material they receive, however,=20
screening+discussion+archiving are encouraged. BLIT:SCREEN draws
connections from the hystories + technologies of bicycling physical
video tapes during the early video art moment,
{sneaker|floppy|walk}-nets + onLine {communication|development}
[channels/paths] in demoscenes + BBS culture as well as
{highlighting|suggesting} contemporary possibilities for the role of
decentralized distribution modalities + resource sharing.

BLIT:SCREEN runs on the criticalartware applat
([application/platform]). criticalartware develops new media discourse
by engaging early moments of {code|concept}-based experimental [media
art/artware], conversing with + interviewing those active in these
early moments ++ sharing cultural resources connecting these
conversations.  criticalartware as a crew of core.developers is also a
[user/participant] in the BLIT:SCREEN system. as such criticalartware
core.dvrs will send, receive + BLIT:SCREEN media. BLIT:SCREEN as a
project has been initiated by criticalartware jake elliott +
{continues|extends} criticalartware's commitment to open exchanges +

register + BLIT -

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Kenji Siratori vs Freeze Etch

2006-03-21 Thread

Kenji Siratori vs Freeze Etch

Freeze Etch join Kenji Siratori's industrial BDSM play.
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Access to Knowledge conference, April 21-23

2006-03-21 Thread Yale Information Society Project

Access to Knowledge Conference
Yale Information Society Project
April 21-23, 2006
Yale Law School

The information revolution holds great promise for development, 
freedom, and justice, but this potential is fragile. Without a 
coherent framework for why access to knowledge matters and an agenda 
how to achieve it, this potential could be undermined by the growing 
propertization and regulation of knowledge. The Information Society 
Project (ISP) at Yale Law School invites you to help determine the 
future of A2K.

 From April 21st to April 23rd, 2006, join policy makers, activists, 
industry leaders, and academics at Yale Law School for a conference 
addressing this topic in areas such as intellectual property policy, 
telecommunications, education, culture, science, and health care. 
Leading thinkers and advocates from North, South, East and West will 
focus on generating cutting edge research agendas, concrete policy 
solutions, and strategic partnerships for the next decade.

Please register from the conference website at

Plenary Panel defining Access to Knowledge include:

-- Framing A2K in human rights and development
-- Political economy of trade treaties and intellectual property
-- The economics of information
-- Privacy, national security, and free expression
-- Innovative public and private solutions to knowledge access and 
knowledge production in developing countries

Policy Panel topics include:

-- Measuring Access to Knowledge
-- Wireless Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and A2K
-- Traditional Knowledge
-- Access to Scientific Knowledge
-- Network Neutrality in the Developing World
-- Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright
-- Access to Medicines: India and TRIPS
-- Peer Production and Education
-- Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Globalization
-- Agriculture, and Genetically Modified Crops
-- Licensing Frameworks for Access to Knowledge
-- Open Archives (OA), OA Publishing and Libraries

For a full conference description and list of speakers, please visit 
the conference website at Space is limited, 
so please register soon.

Eddan Katz
Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School
Executive Director, Information Society Project

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Artwork excapes from the exhibition

2006-03-21 Thread rabbit rabbit

Artwork excapes from the exhibition

On the evening of February the 7th 2006, during the
opening at Massimo De Carlo Art Gallery, in Milan, an
artwork by the Austrian artists Gelitin mysteriously
disappeared. It's a small pink rabbit made of wool and
straw. The following letter finally reveals the


March 15th, 2006

Dear Gelitin, Massimo De Carlo and Flavio Albanese,

It's me, Rabbit. First I want to let you know I'm
well; nobody hurt me. I escaped voluntarily, with the
help of Alice.

If my sudden escape worried you than I'm sorry. But
you know, since the moment I became Art I started
getting really bored. Ok, I'm worth a lot, but I
expected something different. I thought I'd be admired
and appreciated, but all the attention is actually for
you dealers, collectors and artists. People come to my
exhibitions just to meet each other and to see who's
there. Nobody really cares about me.

Moreover I was living in a bell jar. I was not allowed
to do anything; only stay there between other Works
of Art like me. You'd think being Contemporary Art
would be all sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, but I just
felt like an ornament!

Maybe it was crazy, but try to understand; when I met
Alice, coming from the real world, I started recalling
how life was before being Art, and I couldn't resist,
I escaped.

After all, it was you who showed me that a Work of Art
is not a mere object, but rather the attention built
around it. Who knows, maybe by disappearing I'll get

Now I'm free. Of course it's more risky; out here I'm
not worth much, but I feel alive and have real
emotions! Unpredictable things happen here, and you
meet people who do and say what they want, without
trying to turn everything into Art.

But let's be honest, it's not a bed of roses out here.
Life is tough. Having given up my Art privileges now I
must earn a living, and it's not that easy. Without
you guys convincing the people, nobody believes I am
Art, they mistake me as an ordinary rabbit.

So I decided to come back. But before I do I'd like
you to do something for me: publish this photo of
mine, for my act to be remembered.[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I'm sorry but now I must leave, Alice wants to
play. Remember, I'll be back only once I see my photo

And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good
evening, and good night!


nettime-ann mailing list


2006-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


a new installation by Gebhard Sengm=FCller, in collaboration with Jakob 

Edlbacher (technical design), Johannes Obermayr (control 
engineering), Ludwig Ertl (programming), Gerhard Proksch-Weilguni 
(additional mechanics) and Andreas Konecky (additional programming)

Very Slow Scan Television (VSSTV) is a new television format that we 
have developed building upon Slow Scan Television (SSTV), an almost 
50-year-old image transmission system used by Ham Radio amateurs. In 
contrast to regular TV, SSTV runs on a dramatically reduced frame rate.

Developed in 1957 by Copthorne Macdonald, Slow Scan Television uses 
the shortwave radio band (Ham Radio) to transmit television images. 
Ham Radio not only broadcasts information (as is the case with 
conventional radio), but also uses the radio spectrum for personal 
communications, usually on a point-to-point basis over a previously 
negotiated frequency. In contrast to telephone conversations, this 
communication is open and can be listened to by anyone who happens to 

be tuned into the same frequency. The Ham Radio band was reserved for 

the purpose of voice transmission, and therefore uses only a small 
amount of bandwidth. Broadcasting images within this narrow bandwidth 

requires reducing their quality and rules out transmitting moving 
images. Furthermore, the visual information has to be converted into 
an audio signal.

According to British Ham Radio operator Guy Clark (N4BM), =93The 
original idea was to find a method of transmitting a television 
picture over a single speech channel. This meant that a typical (at 
that time) 3MHz wide television picture had to be reduced to around 
3kHz (1000:1 reduction). It was decided at the outset that the 
scanning rates must be very slow, which precludes the use of moving 
pictures. The choice of time base for synchronizing was the readily 
available domestic power supply at 50 or 60 Hz (depending on the 
country of origin). This gave a line speed of 16.6Hz and 120 or 128 
lines per frame (against the then UK standard of 405 lines (now 625) 
per frame), giving a new picture frame every 7.2 or 8 seconds. =85 The 

original SSTV systems were based on ex-government radar screens and 
cathode ray tubes with very long persistence (=93P7=94) phosphors. This 

allowed an image to be painted on the screen over a period of a few 
seconds.=94 The modulation technique often transmits defective images, 

evident in trapezoid distortions in the image caused by time 
synchronisation problems.=94

SSTV may suggest a parallel TV universe, one that developed during an 

era in which television monopolies were consolidating their hold over 

mass media culture. But it also shows similarities to current 
streaming and netcasting technologies where personal flair and taste 
determine the range of images broadcast.

Texts and pictures refer to the location of the sender and his or her 

identifier. Self-referential features dominate. Guy Clark writes: 
=93What kinds of pictures are sent? Reviewing pictures saved during the 

last few weeks I found: Hams in their shacks, lots of pet dogs, a 
frog, kangaroo, astronauts in the Space Shuttle (SSTV has been 
transmitted from some missions!!!), bridges, birds, Elvis Presley, 
rock formations, an old fashioned microphone, antique cars, flowers, 
children, Jupiter, a cow, someone playing bagpipes, a UFO, many 
colorful butterflies, boats, and cartoon characters with personalized 

messages. Even the Russian Space Station MIR has been transmitting 
SSTV pictures recently!=94

VSSTV uses broadcasts from this historic public domain television 
system =97available anytime over freely accessible frequencies=97and 
regular bubble wrap to construct an analogous system in which the 
packing material functions as the aperture mask. Just as a Cathode 
Ray Tube mixes the three primary colors to create various hues, V
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] [] March_06/releases: otolab / La Frontera Studio

2006-03-18 Thread ape5


# 0 7   V I D A U X S . N E T  - March _06

 electrovisualistenings netlabel



[ N E W S ] 11.03.06


two releases: The first one is stills.a by fd (video), maikko and  
scrub (audio) from otolab crew. the second one is Top-secret MK Ultra  
by La Frontera Studio and NeonTigers


Write your review on vidauxs itunes podcast: 


Now audiovideo tracks with 320x240 resolution!


Send your electrovisualistenings events and proposals to  


[ N E W   R E L E A S E S ]

 otolab - stills.a
 La Frontera Studio + NeonTigers - Top-Secret MK Ultra

Free download:


[ V I D A U X S P O D C A S T ]

Direct free subscribe and download from iTunes podcast catalog: 

If you want receive news about, SUBSCRIBE to it sending  
an e-mail to


If you want REMOVE your address from this newsletter send a e-mail to




::: V I D A U X S . N E T :::

::: electrovisualistenigs :::



nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Art and Cultural Utilization of Space Exploration panel at Space Development Conference may4-7

2006-03-18 Thread Jeremy Hight

25th annual International Space Development Conference (ISDC).
los angeles, ca  (on art and space panel )

May 4-7, 2006

Art and The Cultural Utilization of Space Exploration panel will include 

   Andrea Polli   and Jeremy Hight

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Flack Attack journal produced inside second life game and in whitney artport for sale soon in whitney and now online

2006-03-18 Thread Jeremy Hight

Flack Attack.   A  revolutionary concept in publishing, the journal was
developed from wikipedia submessions reviewed inside the vr game world
Second Life  in real time editorial meetings.  The game/world is also
revolutionary as it is open source and constantly being built from
and there are people working in the game world making objects and
converting game world money into real dollars and subsisting.

The theme was Autonomy.  The project is in the Whitney Artport. The
print version is now for sale from the sale and will sell in the Whitney
Museum Bookstore.

I encourage people to check it out.

 I am also proud to have two essays in Flack Attack.

Quest for autonomy in the Datascape and Landscape

Autonomy and the constellations of Identity
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Boletin informativo_Informative bulletin RES-QUALIA.NET

2006-03-14 Thread monica bello

Bolet=EDn informativo
Information Bulletin

El cerebro segrega pensamiento al igual que el h=EDgado segrega bilis. -
Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis-

El cerebro segrega pensamiento al igual que el ri=F1=F3n segrega orina -

No eres mas que un mont=F3n de neuronas - Francis Crick -

Cuando la qu=EDmica es nada mas que la f=EDsica de las mol=E9culas, un
organismo es nada mas que su qu=EDmica constituyente y la mente nada mas
que c=E9lulas nerviosas y neuroqu=EDmicas en acci=F3n, el resultado es
estrechez de perspectiva- David Peat 

Just as the stomach and intestines receive food and digest it, so the
receives impressions, digests them, and has as its organic secretion,
thought. - Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis-

The brain secretes thought as the liver secretes bile. - Pierre Jean
Georges Cabanis-

You're nothing but a pack of neurons. - Francis Crick 

When chemistry is nothing but the physics of molecules, an organism is
nothing but its constituent chemistry, and mind nothing but nerve
and neurochemicals in action, then a narrowness of perspective results.
David Peat 

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Delphi's bankruptcy threat and the UAW auto workers response

2006-03-14 Thread Ronda Hauben

Here's the url of an article I wrote that appears in OhmyNews on the
Delphi/GM bankruptcy threat and the UAW auto workers efforts to fight
against the drastic cuts in wages and benefits this would represent.

Automakers and the Voice of the UAW
'I'm a third generation autoworker, and am damn proud of it'

nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Projekt30's March Exhibition

2006-03-14 Thread Projekt30

News 3/01/06:

Public jurying has concluded, the results are in, and the March
Exhibition is online! Follow the march exhibition link at If you are interested in any of the featured
artists for any reason please feel free to use the contact this
artist link below their work.

Thank you for your time, we hope you enjoy the show!


Projekt30 is an artist run arts organization. It is our mission is to
expose artists to brick and mortar galleries interested in
presenting their work.  We provide easy-to-build websites for
emerging artists.  We are shaping the art world in the twenty-first
century using our public jury system to encourage broader public
interest in the fine arts.

You are receiving this invitation because you have been identified as
a person involved or interested in the arts, either in a personal or
professional capacity. We understand the frustration some people
experience due to unwanted email: IF YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO RECEIVE

Projekt30 1191 Broadway, Suite 2A Brooklyn, NY 11221
nettime-ann mailing list

nettime-ann [ann] Gallery1F presents format.fetish

2006-03-14 Thread jake elliott


Gallery1F is very excited to announce our second web-only exhibition,
'format.fetish,' featuring work by jonCates [.US] and ant scott [.UK],
and invite you to our open reception in a pop-up window with music by
net.dee.jay christian rieben.


format.fetish highlights patterned choices of file formats and data
structures byemploying multiple (some disparate, some related) digital
systems by which to contextualize work by jonCates and Ant Scott.  The
exhibition presents the art works in a reduced but highly valent
framework.  In its collection of a variety of formats, format.fetish
does not assume a maximal approach, but employs these formats as
preparatorial limitations, filters of and windows into the work.

With both contemporaries and predecessors in code-based artwork as
inspiration, Chicago based artist jonCates manipulates files to both
create art products and to re-frame the hystorical conditions of  format.fetish presents the premier of his My Mini AVI.  A
complex space in which jonCates' alter-self, a seeming mini-jonCates,
talks the viewer through a room designed after the Korean Internet
community game 'cyworld'.  In his room the mini-Cates is surrounded by
television sets arranged like a Nam June Paik video installation. Each
television screen plays a different video file reformatted from
recordings jonCates made while in residency at The Experimental
Television Center feeding the iteration of net artist duo
JODI's %WRONG Browser piece through a video system developed by Nam
June Paik  Shuya Abe called the 'Wobbulator.'

Hypnotic and surreal jpgs, gifs and photographs created by British
artist Ant Scott encourage visceral viewing as objects, outputs and
side effects of Scott's transformations of computer dysfunctions
(crashes and viruses) into digital and tangible images.  Intuitively,
Scott manipulates computer data and employs painterly abstraction
onscreen; and through photo-paper transfers images off computer
screens onto physical gallery walls. This recent digital-to-analog
process makes a file format of paper.  In format.fetish, Scott
presents only digital renderings, permitting viewers to explore the
images between the pixels.

During the 48 hour opening reception, Gallery1F is joined by
net.dee.jay. Christian Rieben with a performance of his set,

this programme will run for 02 months, from 2006-03-10 - 2006-05-10.

nettime-ann mailing list