nettime The United World of America

2003-09-06 Thread Are Flagan
Two world bodies are convening these very days: the UN and the WTO.

As predicted long before the war, the US is now pressuring the UN to invest
in its hapless Iraq venture with cash and/or fresh meat for pointless
slaughter, of self and others. Unlike the previous public showdown that had
both Bush and Powell trooping to New York with their trumped up bullshit,
the resolution negotiations this time are, so far, behind closed doors,
pending a possible agreement. No doubt an effort to save whatever distorted
grimace is left of that goody beneficence that comes with liberation, it
does bring back memories of the very last draft the US/UK cesspool
publicized before leading the way -- way back when the League of Nations
and debating club failed to even more fundamentally ignore its charter.
Tacked on to the various weapons demands at that time was a little tidbit
about Saddam Hussein himself having to appear on Iraqi TV with a public
denouncement of these arsenals and his deceitful role in their
proliferation. Let's hope the UN finally sees the bright coalition light
here and follow the lead with a request for Dubya to ride in, hi-ho, on
the back of Powell with similar announcements. Such fantasies aside, the UN,
as a supposed world body, obviously faces a defining moment here, especially
after the Baghdad bombing that squarely put it in the crosshairs of those
seeing it as yet another executive branch of a western imperial order.
However misplaced or unfair (and, of course, horrible) such explosives may
be, they do draw attention to and force an assessment of both the conduct
and the role of the United Nations, especially in light of the decade of
sanctions it enforced on Iraq (primarily at the behest of the present
coalition, er, occupiers). Leaked generalities of the US proposal, currently
circulating in the UN corridors, is a doubly shameful attempt at
capitalizing on said attack with requests that are transparently aimed at
maintaining both US political influence and all the lucrative contracts
signed over to US companies. (A side note of special interest here appeared
on Riverbend's blog, which outlines how an Iraqi firm with plenty of
hands-on expertise from the last 1991 war was ousted in an open bid for a
bridge-reconstruction project. Their researched estimate of $300,000, based
factually on local costs, was rejected in favor of a US firm's $50,000,000.
Who, by the way, pays?) While the UN was frequently, at least rhetorically
by the US/UK, put in the position of deciding on its legitimacy and
relevance before the war, the pressure being exercised this time
inadvertently and reluctantly admits that the UN has, lo and behold, some
version of, not aversion to, after all, legitimacy and relevance. It remains
to be seen, then, what this actually amounts to; a carving up of Iraq into
smaller pieces of pie to include the EU bloc of the global economy or a
cooperative interest that looks after, and for, the sovereignty and wealth
of those that need and deserve it most, in Iraq. Bush will speak on Sunday
to no doubt echo the White House press spokesman who today sold this
shameful fishing expedition composed largely of tall tales as a world, hence
UN sanctioned and paid for, stake in the war on terrorism. Significantly,
also today, The Guardian published a deeper impression of this heroic battle
by the former UK environmental minister (in office for six years until this
year) Michael Meacher, aptly titled This War on Terrorism is Bogus.,12956,1036687,00.html.

The other world body soon convening is of course the WTO in Cancun. Amidst
the leaked Mexican watch list for people with damaging ideas, not actions
anymore, and a police presence that would have made security-conscious
Iraqis jealous, trade ministers and their various cohorts are convening to
once more provide an updated roadmap for the process formerly known, in the
united spirit of Benetton, as globalization. As many have noted, the
resort-town theme composed of affluent high-life in guarded hotel towers and
nearby shantytowns of workers is a befitting backdrop for the enterprise.
Things to observe with some interest, however, would not only be the
inevitable clashes on the streets (a bull ring and football stadium have
apparently been reserved to serve as pens for the unruly) but any attention
paid to intellectual property questions. With a trade deficit of around $400
billion, due largely to the overextended import of material goods, the US
must expand heavily in this marketplace for immaterial goods to better
balance the increasingly redlined treasury books. Without the current global
revenue resulting from software licensing, IP rights, DRM and the like, this
deficit would have reached entirely different, and potentially far more
crippling, proportions. With the impetus of trade thus increasingly falling
under the worldwide policing of patents and rights (of, just to tangentially

Re: nettime Drawing the map of the world stored in our collective conscience

2003-09-06 Thread tamar
Hi Douwe Osinga,

constructing a tool that enables click by click participation that
accumulate into a coherent
image that relies on collective memory is indeed beautiful.

some relevant links:

1. smaller picture by Kevan Davis - a group attempt to recreate a typeface

here you are allowed one decision per letter and you cannot change the whole
on your own.

2. MappaMundi Magazine
a collection of interactive maps

It would be good to keep an archive of the development of the map over time.

Tamar Schori

- Original Message -
From: Douwe Osinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 05 September, 2003 18:37
Subject: nettime Drawing the map of the world stored in our collective

 Hi Nettimers,

 I have always been fascinated by maps. Maps are not only a
 picture of the world, they also picture out mind. Let somebody

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Re: nettime Notes on the Politics of Software Culture

2003-09-06 Thread John Hopkins
This is great openning for discussion for both N5M and AE
participants who deal with this topic as thay share some
commonalities but tend to take further more political (N5M) or economical
websites...avoiding to dig deeper into the messy and fuzzy work of geeks
and nerds who lack sence of selfpromotion.

Few projects like CCCÂ¥s Blinkenlights manage to get the idea of creative
use of IT across, but still somehow miss on being a subject of new media

How can this situation be changed or inverted? Can computer/media art
community stop being self-referential and emerge itself in the already
established IT community/media platforms, rather than being ecstatic
(with years of delay) with phenomenas like open source, p2p, wirelles?

Hej Zeljko

There are always, thank god, significant activities that don't make 
the (Mac)spotLight -- don't forget that by actual choice, or by the 
simple human idiosyncracy of individuals who don't run along with the 
highly socialized trends of the culture spectacle (of which all the 
organs you mentioned are really collected -- some more conscious than 
others) -- there are many people who will never surface in the PR 
realm.  Like one of the concepts around the TAZ, avoid that surficial 
social visibility (because the western culture is fundamentally 
obsessed with surfaces and objects (materialism) -- being in its 
view, under observation, literally, will CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THAT 
WHICH IS OBSERVED!)  Basic quantum. Why not create movements 
(experiments) on the premise that they run without that intervention, 
so, out of that Sight.  With only the lively participants engaged 
with each other.

Always, the most humane-ly productive critical engagement occurs at 
the granular level of human-to-human, regardless of the surrounding 
social flow (festival or at home in a bar or at academic conference 
or bunkered down in the squat).

Many of the 'trends' that are happening 'now' like wi-fi, etc are 
re-deployments of the rising Surveillance Society anyway.  Capturing 
the surfaces that it is so attracted to -- meanwhile, lives go on, 
deeper than that surface view can ever deconvolve.

Maybe it's better to not invert an old, tired equation, but to simply 
make a new descriptive system, a new way.

tech-no-mad : hypnostatic
mobile: +1 303 859 0689

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