nettime icannist venture capitalist joi ito meets italian squatters (Modified by Geert Lovink)

2005-03-14 Thread Geert Lovink

18:00 JST =BB  Joi's Diary  -  Media and Journalism  -  Sharing Economy

Yesterday, I had a meeting with some of the Italian Indymedia community
at a squat. In most countries squatters are considered criminals and
local law has very little tolerance for them. In Italy, the squat scene
is the center of a lot of the sub-culture and alternative media. After
years of resistance, many of the squats on property which was owned by
the local government have been officially recognized by the government
in various degrees. The squats have events including debates and
parties. They have kitchens, living quarters, and in the case of the
squat I went to last night, a computer lab (called bugs) that teaches
people how to switch from Microsoft to Linux and allows free Internet
access to anyone who wants to drop by.

After the chat in the bugs computer room, we went to dinner at a
centrosociale. It was similar to a squat in that it was also originally
illegally occupied, but the place we went to was on the upscale end.
The food was excellent and they had lots of posters and pamphlets
describing the organic farming methods they used to grow their produce.

Internet penetration in Italy is quite low and the Berlusconi media
machine controls most of what people see. On the other hand, the left
wing are fighting hand and fist (literally) with the right wing
radicals. Free speech was something that people were fighting for, in
many cases outside of the law. At a tactical level, my discussion about
freedom of expression and our Infrastructure of Democracy idea of
fighting bad speech with more good speech sounded a bit idealistic.
What was interesting to me was the power and the energy of the
alternative media movement. It reminds me of my theory on good
alternative music. When there is a huge force pressing down on
freedoms, sub-cultures with more creativity and power are likely to

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Re: nettime Re: nettime-l-digest V1 #1560

2005-03-14 Thread Morlock Elloi
 Look. That is never going to work. I mean- right now you can download 
 all of my music for free and no one does it. Upping the price to 5 
 cents would mean that less zero people download my music. I would 

It's not supposed to work. You don't understand the business model here.

Pro-free/democracy/birthright-to-kitsch-content anti-label/publisher rant
provides decent income to a small number of freedom celebrities.

Their ideology is simple and appeals to those who crave for consumer goods:
they should get things for free because the current technology makes it so easy
to be free. That's it. You didn't see these freedom fighters in phonograph
record or CD days. Somehow then it was not ideologically cool or popular to
have records or CDs for cheap or free. I didn't see anyone championing that
cause then.

So the whole thing is a temporary parasiting in revolutionary mindspace on the
publishing technology gap.

The reality is just nuisance in this context.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 

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Re: nettime icannist venture capitalist joi ito meets italian squatters (Modified by Geert Lovink)

2005-03-14 Thread liza sabater
I thought Ricardo Dominguez wrote this like 2 years ago!

On Mar 14, 2005, at 4:32 AM, Geert Lovink wrote:

 18:00 JST =BB  Joi's Diary  -  Media and Journalism  -  Sharing Economy

 Yesterday, I had a meeting with some of the Italian Indymedia community

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