AUTISTICI org in trouble: This is not a private matter, even if it's a privacy matter

2005-06-23 Thread Cecile Landman


When we started the autistici project, we thought in our cosmic pessimism that 
worst thing could have happened could have been the seizing of our server, a
idiot-sniffing of our data traffic and that cryptography should have been 
enough to
keep relatively sure communications of our users. We were wrong. There are no
conditions in italy to let you talk about privacy protection.  On 15th june 2004
officers of the postal police, under an order coming from Bologna attorney, 
the Aruba provider where one of our association's server is hosted. Aruba 
off our machine, without telling us anything, and let them copy what they wanted
to. We contacted the provider by telephone to ask what was going on and they 
us it was an electricity failure. 

>From that moment on, as we can see from the legal acts available since some 
ago, they eavesdropped continously the webmail account named


Potentially, they had the chance to eavesdrop and decrypt all the other
communications passing by our machine, and they still can.  For these reasons, 
soon as possible, we're going to switch off our machine, retire it from that
provider and think about our next steps. By now we invite everyone who houses a
server or hosts a website in the Aruba webfarm and who values his/her privacy, 
find another place and leave Aruba rotting in its meagerness.  Privacy 
in italy were dire themselves: we have just tested on our skin that we can 
the machine and declare the clinical death of the patient. We cannot know how 
other commercial providers give help to police without giving any 
communications to
their costumers; we cannot know how many and which are the informations that 
can get from your and our servers or websites. We cannot know what kind of use 
will do of those data; we cannot know if the provider let others do this special
treatment after being well paid from competitors or personal informations
traffickers.  The scene is worthy of the best negative utopias: to organize a
potential mass-eavesdropping for about 6000 mail users and 500 mailing lists,
excusing it with the need to read one single mailbox, it's by itself the farest
point from the meaning of 'freedom of speech'.  THIS IS NOT A PRIVATE MATTER, 
not something regarding only us, we guess we are a good guinea-pig on whom to
experiment new kind of controls and eavesdropping, like all the people involved
into file sharing inquieries or other repression episodes.  THIS IS NOT A MATTER
same inquery in which the FBI misused a federal decree excusing it for acquiring
one log file and seized the entire Indymedia Italy server, on the october, 7th
2004.  Into the next and more technical press releases, we'll try to explain 
the sort of the attack and our contermeasures, and also the political events 
going to bring up, as we are sure to be not alone in this struggle.  As we can't
grant anymore a reliable service, we're going to retire the server for some 
during which we're going to clean it up and put it back on line.  We don't plan 
give to police and to servant providers any satisfaction about giving up: the
downtime will be shorter than possible, few days and no more, and we'll use this
bad fact to rise again like a wounded phoenix from the ashes.  THIS IS NOT A

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Time Machines and the Constitution of the Globe.

2005-06-23 Thread martin hardie
Fellow Nettimers

A draft of a paper I intend to give in a few weeks.  A text version is below
without footnotes. With footnotes you can find it in pdf here:

Comments, critics and flames welcome here or offlist



European Ways of Law, First European Socio-Legal Conference,
July 6-8, 2005,
Instituto Internacional de Sociolog?a Jur?dica,
Antigua Universidad, O?ati, Gipuzkoa, Euskadi.

Time Machines and the Constitution of the Globe.
Martin Hardie.i


This is a presentation of some preliminary work I have been undertaking on an
excavation of the development of the Unix computer operating system. This 
forms a part of my quest to come to grips with the logic and rhetoric of free
(libre) and open source software or linux machines, (hereafter Floss) which is 
stated field of my research ? as such it can be seen as partly a prehistory of

One thing that has arisen as I progress in these investigations, is how American
notions of freedom, innovation and law feed into the global machine of 
This is the hinge or link between my work and the theme of this conference -
European Ways of Law. The conference title assumes special European 
not only of law on the books but also of law in action. The conference accepts 
these characteristics may differ considerably from the American way of law. 
What my
research suggests is that the telling of the story of Floss and law carries 
with it
peculiarly American overtones.

These American notions of innovation and intellectual property (IP) extend
globally. This logic of IP pilots the technological processes and the way these
processes are portrayed in popular story telling. What I find is that these 
also feed back into the broader meaning of freedom in today's globalised world.
That is how freedom is understood and how it is achieved.

Here, at O?ati, by way of a progress report on my research I wanted to relate 
questions concerning this American way of law. A survey of the manner in which,
outside of formal or traditional legal proceses of law making, the logic of law 
Floss feeds into the constitution of a global system, and how these traits are 
the contemporary context becoming, increasingly, the norm, or standard of 
in our world.ii


The work I am undertaking is I think fairly classified as biopolitical.
Biopolitical in the Foucauldian sense. I am making a sort of excavation of one
story within the big globalisation story, and in so doing trying to focus in on
some minute detail, some minutiae. It is where things like science, academia, 
technology and mythology all get wound up together. Where power relations seem
exposed but strangely at the same time they are hidden by a popular story and 
rhetoric. It is at once in this regard a social, political, philosophical,
technological and legal investigation.

It is biopolitical because it appears as related to how society is ordered,
disciplined and controlled in this global context. Here law seems to tell a 
story which codifies a myth and a complex of stories. This story, whilst being
dressed up in the clothing of freedom, at the same time, acts as an agent of
discipline and control.

It is also biopolitical in that the distinctions between private and public all
seem jumbled up and mixed together. A private legal topic, such as IP seems to 
on a public status at times ? with flashes of sovereignty, property, freedom and
even policing. What appears to us as a public space from one perspective, seems 
really be a privatised space. And from another perspective it seems to be just 

What seems to be a question of IP, authorship and new forms of producing and
innovating, seem to carry with them characteristics, or overtones, that reflect
processes occurring in the constitution of a global and supranational form of
sovereignty. So here in part is what I am trying to investigate: to what extent
does this form of production march in step with, or even produce in a machinic 
this form of sovereignty. To borrow from physicist/historian Peter Galison ? the
mixture appears as critical opalescence ? the point at which water and vapour no
longer appear stable but flash back and forth between each other.iii

In this research two threads ? broadly, authorship/innovation and
sovereignty/society; appear as networked machines and both machines seem to 
signals back and forth to each other.

Free as in Freedom

In the telling of the popular story of Floss law plays a unifying role. It 
a linear or unified story that masks over many of these signal flashes 
the network. The story of Unix and Floss is one that flashes between science,
commerce, academia, sovereignty, the law, the military and counter cultures. In 
detail it seems to defy the sort of unification that the popular legal story

Using copyright to stop the publication of 'mein kampf'

2005-06-23 Thread Felix Stalder

Here's an interesting use of copyright for all of those who track its (ab)use 
political reasons. In Poland, publisher Marek Skierkowski is being investigated 
behalf of the state of Bavaria for infringing on its copyright on the works of
Adolf Hitler.

The case is the following: The publisher, who has no history of neo-Nazi
sympathizing, decided to publish Mein Kampf purely for commercial reasons. Now,
Poland -- like many other countries in Europe -- has a law criminalizing
distribution of fascist propaganda (?246 of Polish criminal code). However, the
publisher could convince the state attorney that Mein Kampf does not constitute
current political propaganda, but has to be viewed as a historic document and 
making it accessible would serve historic and scientific purposes, not the least
because he is clearly not politically motivated. Since he does not try to 
anyone of any political views, his publication do not constitute propaganda, so 
reasoning of the attorney.

What does this have to do with copyright and Bavaria? After WWII, the state of
Bavaria was given by the allies all the copy- and author's rights belonging to
Hitler, because he was officially registered as a Munich resident by the end of 
war. And now, Bavaria tries to use its copyrights to stop the publication in 
after the application of national criminal law failed to do so.  Bavaria holds 
copyrights for another ten years (70 years after the death of the author) after
which it falls into the public domain.



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