Re: nettime Copyright, Copyleft and the Creative Anti-Commons

2006-12-15 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
 that compos'd it. [...] 'Twould be
unaccountably severe, to make a Man answerable for the Miscarriages
of a thing which he shall not reap the benefit of if well perform'd;
there is no Law so much wanting in the Nation, relating to Trade and
Civil Property, as this, nor is there a greater Abuse in any Civil
Employment, than the printing of other Mens Copies, every jot as
unjust as lying with their Wives, and breaking-up their Houses. (An
Essay on the Regulation of the Press, 1704)

and Luther and Fichte ...

If it were possible for artists to make a living today without
copyright, we would need to go back to the times of patrons
(mecenates) who sponsored individual artists. Today we can get
sponsored by companies or through grants from the government. However,
many artists do not regard either of those alternatives a very
satisfactory solution. They want to be able to support themselves.

The integrity of the work as well as that of its creator is another
issue that is often neglected by copyright's opponents. Defoe talks
about it. Luther does too. Money isn't everything. Authenticity is
paramount in science and for the progress of knowledge in society.
In most countries these questions are subject to the moral rights
part of copyright. In the US it is mostly a question of defamation
etc. However, tying matters of integrity, presentation context etc.
directly to the regulation of work-creator-public relations is more
straightforward in my opinion.

Copyright needs reform. Copyright stands and falls with its
exceptions. Therefore it is important to fight for e.g. the right to
quote (and to quote extensively without having to ask permission), a
right which is now being under attack. It is also important to defend
the public domain from infringement. Many archives and libraries
claim copyright to their reproductions of e.g. medieval manuscripts.
Copyright AND its exceptions must be defended - not abolished.

See also my article The Misunderstood Idea of Copyright, at

Karl-Erik Tallmo


   KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, artist and journalist.
   Contributor to Nordic dailies and magazines for the last 25
   years. Tallmo has written six books. He has participated as
   an expert in governmental investigations on new media and been
   a member of advisory boards, e.g. at the Royal Library, the
   Swedish IT Commission, and the Swedish Research Council.

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nettime a few thoughts and sounds

2006-09-25 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo

Glenn Gould's thoughts on The Prospects of Recording (1966) are 
very relevant for today's discussion about automated, sampled, 
networked music - and culture in general, I believe:

I predicted that the public concert as we know it today would no 
longer exist a century hence, that its functions would have been 
entirely taken over by electronic media.

Recordings deal with concepts through which the past is reevaluated, 
and they concern notions about the future which will ultimately 
question even the validity of evaluation.

Fellow Torontian Marshall McLuhan:

The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, 
we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of 
the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear-view 
mirror. We march backwards into the future. Suburbia lives 
imaginatively in Bonanza-land. (The Medium is the Massage, 1967)

Karl-Erik Tallmo evaluates the recent Swedish election with a 
verbo-voco-musical comment: (Thanks for the Wounds)

Glenn Gould again:

Automation: a crusade which musicians' union leaders currently share 
with typesetters and which they affirm with the fine disdain of 
featherbedding firemen for the diesel locomotive. In the midst of a 
proliferation of recorded sound which virtually erases earlier 
listening patterns, the American Federation of Musicians promotes 
that challenging motto LIVE MUSIC IS BEST -- A judgment with the 
validity of a Win with Wilkie sticker on the windshield of a 
well-preserved '39 LaSalle.

Karl-Erik Tallmo: (I am Machine Machine Perhaps)

Gould again on authenticity and identity:

The role of the forger, of the unknown maker of unauthenticated 
goods, is emblematic of electronic culture. And when the forger is 
done honor for his craft and no longer reviled for his 
acquisitiveness, the arts will have become a truly integral part of 
our civilization.

Karl-Erik Tallmo on identity:

According to B W Powe, Glenn Gould also said:

In the electronic age the art of music will become much more viably 
a part of our lives, much less an ornament to them, and that it will 
consequently change them much more profoundly.


And Powe also quotes McLuhan: In the electronic age we are living 
entirely by music. Powe, however, cannot state the source text for 

See Noise of Time at

On the other hand, communication is making, The person who sees or 
heeds or hears is engaged in making a response to a situation which 
is mostly of his own fictional invention. (McLuhan in a conversation 
with G. E. Stearn, McLuhan Hot  Cool, 1967.)

Also John Cage believed that a person who doesn't consider a 
particular piece of music to even be music, still has approached the 
piece in question in a musical way.

Karl-Erik Tallmo

(Overview of audio works:


KARL-ERIK TALLMO, poet, writer, artist, journalist

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Re: nettime a few thoughts and sounds

2006-09-25 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
Yeah. I think GG  MM  were colleagues at the university. Reportedly 
they did meet, but if they really communicated is uncertain:

But above all, I think 90% of Gould's importance in the world is as 
a great pianist, and we must try not to explain him too much. This 
tendency apparently reached its climax in the occasional encounters 
between Glenn and fellow communicator, Marshall McLuhan. They liked 
to get together and communicate at each other, and both subsequently 
made it clear that they couldn't understand one word of what the 
other was talking about, possibly with good reason.

(Margaret Pacsu in Gould, the Communicator: Panel discussion held at 
the National Library of Canada Wednesday, May 25, 1988)

A mention of Marshall McLuhan reminds me of something which Glenn 
once said to me. I knew him extremely well. I knew him for a very 
long time, and we were talking about Marshall, who was a mutual 
friend, and he said: 'You know, I somehow think Marshall is more 
connected with the medium -- somehow I feel I'm closer to the 

John Roberts in Gould, the Communicator: Panel discussion held at 
the National Library of Canada Wednesday, May 25, 1988


/Karl-Erik Tallmo

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Re: nettime Segmund

2006-04-25 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
At 15.46 -0400 06-04-24, Alan Sondheim wrote:

What is it that people speak about, in these days of dead-film, dead-
cinema? It is not what people spoke about. Cinema is what they spoke
about. Cinema is history, networking is speaking, video is what they speak
about. Listen to a conversation, well it is not the same conversation, it
is always already a future anterior, already a dead conversation, people
speaking from the dead. Among living networks, video, living performance,
organisms. The dead are a carapace on the living. Cinema is popular, is
always popular, if not film, the enormous screen, eye, darkened theater,
imagination, comfort of infinite speakers.

I somehow come to think of this McLuhan quotation:

The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend 
to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We 
at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.
Suburbia lives imaginatively in Bonanza-land.

(The Medium is the Massage, 1967)

/Karl-Erik Tallmo

   KARL-ERIK TALLMO, poet, writer, artist, journalist

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Re: nettime The Hitman's Dilemma

2004-11-27 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo

1. 'Don't take this personal, it's just business'

You're my friend. I'd kill you for nothing.

  Harpo Marx in Cocoanuts (1929)

/Karl-Erik Tallmo



KARL-ERIK TALLMO, writer, editor


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nettime Even more news about Swedish tobacco scientist

2004-11-14 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
Hello all!

Today the world news almost exploded with material about the Swedish
scientist Ragnar Rylander, and his secret work for the tobacco industry.

An article published Thursday in The Lancet, titled The whole truth 
and nothing but the truth? The research that Philip Morris did not 
want you to see, written by Pascal Diethelm, Jean-Charles Rielle and 
Martin McKee, reveals to some extent new information about Philip 
Morris secret lab (INBIFO) in Cologne in Germany, where Rylander was 
coordinator and supervisor. The researchers knew about the dangers of 
passive smoking and so-called sidestream smoke at least from 1982 and 
wrote about it in approx. 800 confidential reports, but did not 
publish anything about this until 1994.

After only a few hours there were 35 links about this at Google news, 
among them:,1,2838696.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed,3604,1348111,00.html,5478,11352112%255E1702,00.html

The Lancet editor Richard Horton publishes the article beforehand on 
the web because of its urgency:

Given the continuing debate about the way governments should respond 
to calls for a ban on smoking in public places, we have published 
this work early online to inform that discussion as a matter of 
urgency, Richard Horton says.

This happens only little more than a week after Geneva University 
distanced itself from professor Rylander and even wishes to warn the 
entire scientific community against Rylander's research results, not 
just a few studies but the totality of his works over 30 years.

The Lancet article itself is at:

Karl-Erik Tallmo


   KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, artist and journalist.
   Contributor to Nordic dailies and magazines for the last 25
   years. Tallmo has written three books. He has participated as
   an expert in governmental investigations on new media and been
   a member of advisory boards, e.g. at the Royal Library, the
   Swedish IT Commission, and the Swedish Research Council.

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nettime University warns against scientist

2004-11-08 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
Hello all!

I have earlier (in 2002) reported on this list about the Swedish 
scientist Ragnar Rylander, working with environmental medicine at 
both the university in Gothenburg, Sweden, and in Geneva, 
Switzerland, who has been one of the tobacco industry's (secret) top 
star consultants in the world.

Recently, the Geneva university published its report on the case 
after a lengthy investigation of the professor's ties with the 
industry as well as of his scientific studies.

The conclusion is something quite unique. Not only does the 
university distance itself from professor Rylander and his secret 
ties and secret tobacco industry funding, but they actually warn the 
global scientific community against the whole body of his work. And 
they will issue these warnings further through three leading 
scientific journals.

The report was published October 29th in French 
( and now it is 
available in English as well, see:

I will quote a couple of significant paragraphs:

The scientific community and the general public must be told that 
serious suspicion hangs over Ragnar Rylander's studies on the 
effects of environmental tobacco smoke on health because the author 
has not disclosed conflicts of interest that may influence the 
significance of his research and that, given his role as secret 
employee of the industry, he cannot be considered as an independent 
scientist. The Fact-Finding Commission proposes that notification to 
this effect be sent to the following journals:
- European Journal of Public Health
- Archives of Environmental Health
- International Journal of Epidemiology

[p. 4]

Considering his close association with the tobacco industry and the 
duplicity of his attitude throughout his professional career, it 
appears that Ragnar Rylander was not able to preserve his 
intellectual independence in the face of specific commercial 
interests. Documentary evidence leads one to believe that the 
attitude he adopted in his professional life consisted in 
unilaterally defending the interests of the tobacco industry in the 
conflict pitting the latter against scientists convinced of the 
harmful effects of passive smoking. He helped to elaborate the 
industry's strategy and in his agreements with the industry accepted 
a secrecy clause that led him to suppress information known to him 
regarding the toxic effects of smoking. The Commission considers it 
legitimate to doubt the validity of the body of Ragnar Rylander's 
work directly or indirectly concerned with tobacco smoke.

[p. 22]

(If you wish to read a little more background material on this - 
including links to significant tobacco documents - see my article

Karl-Erik Tallmo


   KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, artist and journalist.
   Contributor to Nordic dailies and magazines for the last 25
   years. Tallmo has written three books. He has participated as
   an expert in governmental investigations on new media and been
   a member of advisory boards, e.g. at the Royal Library, the
   Swedish IT Commission, and the Swedish Research Council.

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nettime Culturenet Sweden faces sudden shutdown

2004-10-21 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
The Swedish Culturenet is to be shut down by the government - on 
rather strange grounds. People are protesting. The petition mentioned 
in the below text ( was when I 
last checked signed by 921 people - in just a few days. Now, also 
international friends of the Culturenet may sign ...


/Karl-Erik Tallmo

Culturenet Sweden ( - a large web site giving 
the Swedish people access to all kinds of culture - is now being 
shut down by the government after nine years of existence.

Through the years Culturenet Sweden has built a large systematically 
organized catalogue of links to all sorts of Swedish culture; 
artists, musicians, writers, actors, theater groups, dancers, 
libraries, archives, museums, galleries, book stores, antiquarian 
book sellers, governmental agencies concerned with cultural matters, 
organizations, research, education etc. Right now, in the Fall of 
2004, the link catalogue contains approx. 8 000 links.

The information in the link catalogue is highly refined and 
systematized. This service is augmented by a mailinglist hosting 
service, a notice board where anybody may advertise their cultural 
events or achievements, a unique press release service, the services 
Ask a librarian, and What happens?, the latter an online 
calendar, listing current events, and finally an online cultural 

Culturenet Sweden is unique in its scope - since it includes 
official institutions as well as individual artists, commercial and 
non-commercial endeavors.

Culturenet Sweden is a cultural community, attracting several 
thousand unique visitors every day. This highly appreciated service 
is now to be shut down, according to the latest finance bill.

The reason for this is - according to the bill - that there is today 
a large amount of entrepreneurs who provide Internet based search 
engines for the public. This means that a government funded endeavor 
in this area no longer can be motivated.

This, however, is not true. There is no search engine for 
specifically Swedish cultural matters on the web. And Culturenet 
Sweden is much more than a search engine. Culturenet Sweden provides 
highly refined information ABOUT but foremost BY cultural Sweden 
itself, regardless of which ministry a certain item belongs to, 
regardless of if it is public or private, commercial or 

There is an online petition about this for English speaking 
international friends of the Culturenet:


More reading:
Culturenet Sweden faces sudden shutdown


   KARL-ERIK TALLMO, Swedish writer, artist and journalist.
   Contributor to Nordic dailies and magazines for the last 25
   years. Tallmo has written three books. He has participated as
   an expert in governmental investigations on new media and been
   a member of advisory boards, e.g. at the Royal Library, the
   Swedish IT Commission, and the Swedish Research Council.

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Re: nettime A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-09 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
Keith Hart wrote:

text warez wrote:

you completly misunderstood the role of an author. 

There is no identification of the person addressed as you, but I will
fill in.

Well, not only does that text lack recipient, if there is no such 
thing as author it even lacks a sender. Neither a you nor an I ...

And this is more than a pun. If text creators (or other creators of 
information) are not acknowledged in some way - maybe we could all 
have numbers - all discussion will become impossible. It will be like 
trying to debate anonymously in a darkened room where everybody 
listens and talks through microphones and headphones with som 
equalizing sound device that makes voices unrecognizable. Even all 
sense of direction would be lost.

I believe this is an aspect that is very important to realize, now 
that we live in what is sometimes called the knowledge society. 
Knowledge will deteriorate without a possibility to evaluate the 
sender of information. We do it all the time, in trivial situations. 
Say you read a film review - you will probably judge the reviewer's 
opinion from what you know earlier about him/her and his/her 
writings. Imposssible without authorship. And in science there is 
more at stake than a bad evening at the movie theater.

What interests me is that you think there is only one role of the
author and that whoever doesn't share your idea of it has misunderstood.
You didn't have to give clues to the genealogy of your line (Nietzsche,
Derrida, Foucault -- why not list all the usual suspects?).

I agree with Keith. And it wouldn't even be possible to mention Nietzsche,
Derrida, and Foucault if there are no authors. You would have to say 
something like the container of intertextual discourse presently 
labeled as Nietzsche,

/The Container of Intertextual Discourse Presently Labeled as Karl-Erik Tallmo



KARL-ERIK TALLMO, writer, editor


#  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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Re: nettime A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-06 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo

It was just an exercise in comparing now and then, here and now. I don't
have a particular axe to grind. Since I write quite a lot, I think about
what makes heroes of some writers and how their achievement might be
grounded in their social practice. Strauusian enough for you, Kermit?

Keith Hart

I think  anonymity versus attribution is not merely a question of 
fame and fortune or 'cred', but of a literate culture spinning webs 
of ideas with strands which are traceable regarding their sources - 
primary, secondary etc. Even the Wiki may obviously account for IP 
numbers. We need some instrument for overviewing the revision history 
of documents and thus be able to estimate their reliability, 
truthfulness or authenticity, which in turn is crucial for their 
usefulness. This, BTW, is part of the so often misunderstood moral 
aspect of copyright.

Karl-Erik Tallmo



KARL-ERIK TALLMO, writer, editor


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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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nettime source texts/copyright history

2003-06-27 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo

I have uploaded a few source texts from the history of copyright:

Donaldson v. Beckett, from 1774 and the Fichte text Beweis der 
Unrechtmäßigkeit des Büchernachdrucks from 1793.

Donaldson v. Beckett was the trial which finally ended the so called
Battle of Booksellers, that had been going on since the passing of the
statute of Anne in 1710. In several trials during more than 60 years both
the book industry and the judges had been fighting over the question
whether the Statute of Anne really abolished a common law perpetual
copyright or not. See

In the text Beweis der Unrechtmäßigkeit des Büchernachdrucks Fichte was
among the first - if not the very first - to clearly distinguish between
form and content, thus elevating form to a kind of personal property worth
protecting. See (in German
with English comments and excerpts.)

(The first copyright law in the world is also available at the site, the
Statute of Anne from 1710, se

Karl-Erik Tallmo



KARL-ERIK TALLMO, writer, editor


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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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nettime Radio Woodmen from Smallest Perpetual

2003-01-31 Thread Karl-Erik Tallmo
Gloomy Institution Awaits America's Two Health Calliaphone,
Health Calliaphone, Green Liberty Sky Bank Takes Ship

Takes Ship On Seaboard Northwest David Dollars Gypsy
Dollars Gypsy Work Oklahoma Dakota Own Perpetual Old

Perpetual Old Intermountain Headquarters Radio Crucified Live
Crucified Live Best Counts Arizona's Golden Sam Neighbor

Sam Neighbor School Trait Divinity, Banner Tourists Protestant
Tourists Protestant Friendly, Trust Smallest Fernando Signals

Fernando Signals West Roanoke, Northwestern Kummunity Olaf
Kummunity Olaf, Kall Cleveland, Onward National Quaker

National Quaker Storage Sacramento, Man Largest Ozarks
Largest Ozarks In Community of Covers Dynamo

Covers Dynamo Watching Knowledge Wilmington Southeast
Wilmington Southeast Forever Cedars Prosper

Cedars Prosper Hawks Boone Marshalltown Rice Divide
Rice Divide Newark Equipment St Smile Company Belt

Company Belt Again Young Uniting Dakotans
Uniting Dakotans Region Learning Poultry first Go

first Go King's Music Omro, Frown College Palace
College Palace Fall America Coeur Katalina Sooner Owl


Repeating My Arizona Alone Tappa Beauty Service Oakland,
Service Oakland, Savannah, Chief South Wonderful Cod Advised

Cod Advised Lawrence Kansas Preach Broadcast Great
Broadcast Great Western Spokane's Water Convention

Water Convention Shield Desert Meet Park Doubled Folks
Doubled Folks Are Rules Silk Keystone Kansas' Better

Kansas' Better Originate Ballroom Key Never Phoenix
Never Phoenix The Sunshine Magdolene Gladness Fifty

Gladness Fifty Homes Truth Come Portland Kotton Brooklyn
Kotton Brooklyn Keen Always Landscape Beach SuperStation

Beach SuperStation Iodine Progress For Galesburg Quickening
Galesburg Quickening Sorrow at Kindness, Evenings Plug Radius

Plug Radius Station Schuylkill Lions Popular Joy Tall
Joy Tall On Enemies Shattuck Blues Cape Bears

Cape Bears Faithful: Lead All Maritimes Cedar City Begin Necessity
Begin Necessity Sick River Place Martin Store Your

Store Your Not Opportunity Apple Mountain Heart Unsurpassed
Heart Unsurpassed Sleep Antonio Buffalo's Seneca Out You

Out You Comes Center Birthplace Sunday Printer's Daily
Printer's Daily Serving Back Friend Southerly Empire Education

Empire Education Very Quickly Gateway Star New Kills
New Kills Continent Francisco, Wabash Nighthawks, Summer Knowledge,

Summer Knowledge, Fellows Redeemed Privilege Hub Health
Hub Health Rock's Watch Appalachians Nutmeg Harrisburg

Nutmeg Harrisburg Omaha enlighten and Studio Distribution
Studio Distribution Joaquin Advantages Orange Furniture Sell

Furniture Sell Hood Makers Serve Texas Way Extend
Way Extend Shines one Great University Now

University Now Hot Wisconsin, Commonwealth Athens Black Quality
Black Quality State Springtime Keeping Time We're Home

We're Home Dixie Edgewater, Wiser Blue Head Fox
Head Fox Air Republics Bible Granite Made Lancaster

Made Lancaster Valley, Gardens Denver Message
Denver Message Crossroads Distribute American Exclusive

American Exclusive Mexico Insurance Annual Strangers
Annual Strangers Manitoba's Orient Beautiful God Voice

God Voice Our Wayne Wilderness  Church Southern Voice,
Southern Voice Breckenbridge, Spangled Begins Echo

Begins Echo Joyful Original Only Corn Hamilton
Corn Hamilton Idaho Port Queen Winter

Queen Winter Central Crosby Kumm Cleveland
Kumm Cleveland, Kentucky upward, Instantly Known

/Karl-Erik Tallmo

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