Re: report_on_NNA

2006-06-07 Thread Murphy

On Jun 7, 2006, at 5:13 AM, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
> (for me the question is, whether it is possible to get out of
> the stale-mate that the list seems to be in; is it possible to make
> communication more fluid again, or is the list just too old after 11
> years? vuk - whatever happened to the spirit of 1996?)

If I remember correctly, many of the same questions were being asked
in 1996 when a lot of the artists on the list felt constrained by the
moderation and left or stopped posting. Since The Upgrade started
out as an artists' group in NYC there's probably some concern about
nettime being presented as an art project in that context -- a subject
that is still relevant and should be discussed on  nettime!

not vuk

Robbin Murphy

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Re: publication of "Jyllands-Posten" cartoons is not...

2006-02-18 Thread Murphy

On Feb 15, 2006, at 6:29 PM, Jody Berland wrote:

>  Let's have some global self-awareness here.

These are political thugs who wrap themselves in the cloak of religion.

First they come for the cartoons, then they come for you.

Robbin Murphy

Russian Chief Rabbi Echoes Muslim Leader in Protesting Gay Pride in

Created: 16.02.2006 20:01 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 20:01 MSK, 4 hours 19 minutes 


Three days after Russia's top Islamic leader called for violent protests
against this spring's planned gay pride march in Moscow the country's Chief
Rabbi has joined him in denouncing gays.

Rabbi Berl Lazar on Thursday told Interfax that if the gay pride parade were
allowed to go ahead it "would be a blow for morality". Lazar, who also
holds U.S. citizenship, did not go as far as calling for violence, but warned
the Jewish community would not stand by silently, website said.

On Tuesday Chief Russian Mufti Talgat Tajuddin said gays could be beaten if
they go ahead with pride celebrations in the capital.

"Muslims' protests can be even worse than these notorious rallies abroad over
the scandalous cartoons," Tajuddin, of Russia's Central Spiritual Governance
for Muslims, told Interfax.

Rabbi Lazar on Thursday said that anything promoting what he called "sexual
perversions" does not have the right to exist.

"I would like to assure you, that the parade of homosexuals it is not less
offensive to the feelings of believers than any caricatures in newspapers,"
Lazar said, linking the pride parade with the current furor over the cartoons
of the Islamic Profit Mohammed published in Denmark.

Nikolai Alekseyev, one of the organizers of the pride festival called the
comparison "outrageous".

"Any comparison between the march for human rights and against discrimination
with the publication of cartoons is nothing more than an attempt to incite
hatred toward sexual minorities," Alekseev said.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the city of Moscow said a parade permit would not
be granted to the LGBT rights groups.

"Moscow authorities will not allow the conduct of gay pride in any form,"
Sergei Tsoi said on Thursday.

"The Mayor of Moscow said firmly that Moscow government will not allow the
conduct of gay parade in any form=A0=97 neither open, nor indirect, = and all
attempts to organize non sanctioned action will be severely suppressed."

Alekseyev said any attempt to prevent the march would be countered with court

"In case of denial to conduct the match of sexual minorities we will
immediately sue in court. The right to meetings, marches and demonstrations is
guaranteed by the Russian Constitution to every citizen of Russia including
gays and lesbians, he said.

If necessary the organizers will go all the way to the European Court
of human rights in Strasbourg, said Alekseyev.

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THE THING Enters The Death Star

2005-10-25 Thread Murphy
THE THING is making a pilgrimage to its ancestral home in Tribeca for 
the next three months, housed in the old AT&T building (aka the Death 
Star) at 32 Ave. of the Americas. This is thanks to the Lower Manhattan 
Cultural Council who obtained the space for our residency program. Jan 
Gerber is already here mopping the floor and Daniel Pflumm is expected 
next week to set up the bar. Later we'll have Luka Frelih and as 
well as a swarm of locals. Stay tuned for more information.

For now:

Robbin Murphy
The Thing, Inc.
459 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011

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#   is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
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Re: Landscape Painting of the Information Age

2005-05-21 Thread Murphy
>> The only artist, as far as I know, who
>> literally creates landscape painting of the
>> information age is Wolfgang Staehle.

Herr Ding grumbled something in German when he read this then went out 
to stand on a rocky shore contemplating the sublime. Or maybe he just 
went to get coffee.

He creates, to use Flusser's term, "technical images" -- surfaces that 
are dependent on linear text. While they are technically sophisticated 
that isn't the first thing you notice about them and I'm sure many 
people think the real-time projections are videos. In this sense he is 
very much in the tradition of Church and other Hudson River landscape 
painters and like Church he controls where, when and how his work is 
seen. Because of this the work doesn't have the overbearing aura of 
"digital art" that other similar work does. Then again, he's just as 
much in the tradition of the text and language arm of Conceptual art 
as, say ,Lawrence Weiner. That's a sweet spot to be in.

Oh, BTW: Free Asher B. Durand's "Kindred Spirits" from Wal-Mart's evil 

Robbin Murphy
The Thing, Inc.
459 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#   is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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Imaginary Futures -- A presentation by Richard Barbrook

2005-04-20 Thread Murphy
Saturday April 23
The Thing at Postmasters
459 West 19th Street

'Imaginary Futures.'
A presentation by Richard Barbrook

Respondent: Trebor Scholz

In the modern world, our understanding of the present is often shaped by
sci-fi fantasies about what is to come.
Ironically, the most influential of these visions of the future are
already decades old. We are already living in the times when they were
supposed to have come true. In his presentations, Richard Barbrook will
analyze the origins and evolution of three imaginary futures: artificial
intelligence; the information society; and the gift culture. By showing
that the future is what it used to be, he will argue that it is time for
us to invent new futures.

Dr. Richard Barbrook was educated at Cambridge, Essex and Kent
universities. During the early-1980s, he was involved in pirate and
community radio broadcasting. He helped to set up Spectrum Radio, a
multi-lingual station operating in London, and published extensively on
radio issues. In the late-1980s and early-1990s, Richard worked for a
research institute at the University of Westminster on media regulation
within the EU. Some of this research was later published in 'Media
Freedom: the contradictions of communications in the age of
modernity' (Pluto Press, London 1995). Richard is currently
researcher-in-residence at the Institute for Distributed Creativity

Since the mid-1990s, Richard has been coordinator of the Hypermedia
Research Centre at the University of Westminster and is course leader of
its MA in Hypermedia Studies. In collaboration with Andy Cameron, he
wrote 'The Californian Ideology' which was a pioneering critique of the
neo-liberal politics of 'Wired' magazine. In the last few years, Richard
has written a series of articles exploring the impact of the sharing of
information over the Net, including 'The Hi-Tech Gift Economy' and
'Cyber-communism'. He is presently working on a book - 'Imaginary
Futures' =AD which is about how ideas from the 1960s and 1970s shape our
contemporary conception of the information society. A selection of
Richard's writings are available on the Hypermedia Research Center's
website. (

Trebor Scholz is a New York-based media artist, writer and organizer.
He is professor at the Department of Media Study, SUNY at Buffalo and
founder of the Institute for Distributed Creativity.

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