nettime substituting Herzegovina for Bosnia, but still BBC reports on...

2005-11-28 Thread Zeljko Blace
 Bosnia unveils Bruce Lee bronze

A bronze of martial arts legend Bruce Lee has been erected in the Bosnian city 
Mostar - a day before a second statue of him is unveiled in Hong Kong.

The life-size 1.68 metre statue depicts the Chinese-American actor in a typical
defensive fighting position.

Hong Kong unveils its own statue of the kung-fu star on Sunday, at a ceremony to
be attended by Lee's widow Linda.

The Mostar unveiling was attended by the ambassadors of China and Germany, both 
whom assisted the project.

The city witnessed fierce fighting between rival ethnic factions in the 1992-95


It remains split with Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Serbs still deeply divided.

Lee was chosen by organisers as a symbol of the fight against ethnic divisions.

We will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats, said Veselin Gatalo of the youth
group Urban Movement Mostar.

But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee.

Lee, who died in 1973 at the age of 32, was born in the US but moved to Hong 
as a child.

The statue there will be unveiled on what would have been the Enter the Dragon
star's 65th birthday.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2005/11/26 17:43:16 GMT


I wonder how this highly cultural if not even political event was published in
entertainment, but at least something positive being reported from Mostar after 
long time.

All respect to my dear friend Nino and artist Ivan Fiolic. Feels great to be 
to report on local project to Spectre!


maybe Projekt Relations should promote their affiliation with this project 
BKS support is to finish and these possibilities vanish into thin air...

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Re: nettime Notes on the Politics of Software Culture

2003-09-05 Thread Zeljko Blace
This is great openning for discussion for both N5M and AE
participants who deal with this topic as thay share some
commonalities but tend to take further more political (N5M) or economical
(AE) argumentation.

Additionaly it would be interesting to reflect on the impact of new media
Art/Cultural practices on software industry, media and software
communities (like gloabal free software community or more introvert
ones like demo scene).
Personally I got interested in idea after seeing Linux Journal #107
cover (first art installation on the cover) and than reading inside a
review of FrequencyClock of r a d i o q u a l i a.

Frequency of media/tech art projects getting to the ICT news portals like
Slashdot is still very low (Free Radio Linux, Feral Robotic Dogs,
Blinkenlights, Illegal Art project... any others recently?).
In the same time while lists more than 150 projects
( Freshmeat lists 82 projects in Art
category (with 2/3 of it being CSound frontends, midi and fractall

Media art festivals/galleries tend to go easy way buy looking for (or
commisioning) work in known outposts like established media-labs (MIT and
V2_lab being the popular choices for AE), art mailing lists and
websites...avoiding to dig deeper into the messy and fuzzy work of geeks
and nerds who lack sence of selfpromotion.

Few projects like CCC´s Blinkenlights manage to get the idea of creative
use of IT across, but still somehow miss on being a subject of new media

How can this situation be changed or inverted? Can computer/media art
community stop being self-referential and emerge itself in the already
established IT community/media platforms, rather than being ecstatic
(with years of delay) with phenomenas like open source, p2p, wirelles?

CU @ { AE | N5M }

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

 [the essay below was written for the upcoming Next5Minutes4 reader;
 as it scans the field that will also be the topic of the ars
 electronica starting on saturday, i thought it might be timely to
 post it here; -ab]

 Notes on the Politics of Software Culture

 Andreas Broeckmann

 Software has, over the last few years, increasingly come into view as
 a cultural technique whose social and political impact ought to be
 studied carefully. To the extent that social processes rely on
 software for their execution - from systems of e-government and
 net-based education, online banking and shopping, to the organisation
 of social groups and movements -, it is necessary to understand the
 procedural specificities of the computer programmes employed, and the
 cultural and political 'rules' coded into them. The 'killer apps' of
 tomorrow may, as Howard Rheingold claims, not be 'hardware devices or
 software programs but social practices'. Yet, these social practices
 will increasingly be determined by software configurations of the
 available infrastructure and the degrees and types of latitude that
 they offer.

 Aspects of software culture - a terrain that encompasses software
 development as well as the wide and multi-facetted field of software
 application - are being articulated by speculative and artistic
 software projects which this text will try to cover in a necessarily
 cursory, introductory fashion.

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