
2005-11-11 Thread integer
> 1) what is it?
> 2) why is it art?
> 3) is programming art?
> 4) why are you doing that?
> 5) who is paying for such a s**t ?
> 6) do you make a lot of money with your art?
> 7) are you famous?
> 8) what are you talking about?
> 9) are you a hacker ? (read: are you a criminal/ terrorist?)
> 10) have you ever had sex?

pfa - sex. du = knou veri verdi + well - new media artists have interactive 
massively participative + collaborative sex
whilst state of the budget sensors + electrodes embelish every feasible 
government financed orifice ... 
male.prostitution is the future [tm]

NN - I have wings. Every angel is terrifying. 

velvet touch. if it compliments yours - please keep it.

you are very intelligent.

do you think i am deceiving you +?

when you're not with me i begin to hate you.

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\\ JUZT 1|1|1 F!X

2005-10-28 Thread integer
\\ why slkt open source + art projects are playing with matches

Both high budget + high visibility open source and art projects
advertise and pride themselves on their non.commercial aspect.

Additionally, an amalgam of art projects advertise their non-goal
oriented aspect.  Those which don't generally include a statement, eg -
`We have attempted to maybe perhaps elucidate certain potential aspects
of this ever daunting task. Our humble approach has opened new and
unconventional modes of thought, yet obviously, not unlike George Bush
often reminds us `This is, a very daunting task. We aim our best to do,
with the Lords\Govs blessing`

Yet, because high budget + high visibility open source and art projects
are financed by world governments, they must wear the uniforms of myriad
funding bodies, INC's and CORP's, `play` within their prescribed
quadrant, and follow their rigid rules of engagement.

Thus, their purported `play` is hardly play, which suggests `a voluntary
activity undertaken within arbitrary boundaries of space and time,
separate from daily roles, concerns, and influences, and having no goals
for the actor beyond those emerging within the boundaries and context of
the play act itself`.

It isn't play. It is a MATCH.
A match played in official uniforms, on official arenas
under the loving eyes of the officials. 

Congregation, please open your prayer guides to
the Book of Revelation ... psalm 
just 1x FIX



\\ FederaL Bureau oF Turbo-FoLk Recycling++
   + mythologizing ov past events: dvoeverie
   abduction = kompletely lawful \+\ respectabl

   1 + 1 = 1 _||- m9ndfukc.macht.frei 

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#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net

m9ndfukcogram [x3: 242.prolegomena, pop.tartz, pSS.XYy.TAMPon]

2005-10-16 Thread integer
 [digested @ nettime]

 \\ 242.prolegomena
 \\ pop.tartz - yum yum 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:14:15 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: \\ 242.prolegomena

[c]ccp - m9ndfukc.maCht.fre!


\ |

Chptr 11:

You are about to enter the world of Baba Cloanta / Baba Yaga, the world
where democracy ends and reality begins, the looking glass world where
she reigns in all her terrifying glory as the guardian of the initiatory
mysteries of the Underworld, the ancient Earth Mother, triple Goddess,
Mistress of the Forest and Animals.

Baba Yaga's hut is the place where transmutation occurs; it is the dark
heart of the Underworld, where from the bones of the ignorant, she brews
new life.  The center of her hut is the pech / stove connected to the
outside world through a snake [stovepipe].  All who come to her house
are fed from it or are sacrificed to it. 

At the exit/entry the birch tree placard reads: `NO EXPECTATIONS!!`
[heed it]  

There you will be met by Baba Cloanta / Baba Yaga, [photo ml] yet she
has been known to shapeshift into myriad of forms.  She will ask you a
simple + simply.complicated question:

`Have you come here of your own free will, or has someone sent you?` 

Baba Cloanta doesn't like binary [yes/no] answers.  After she savors
your response she may lure you into her stove, to be translated into
tasty food for her obscure rituals, or she may assign to you a variety
of tasks [remember, no expectations], or she may spin you into the
labyrinth of life-altering enlightenment. What she does depends entirely
on _you - NO EXCUSES> NO RIGHTS> NO EXPECTATIONS> you must earn this.

Now, she must go. So she jumps on her womb-like grinding mortar, and
paddles away with a giant pestle, carefully concealing all traces of her
trail with a birch broom.

tzk  tzk   tzk   tzk   tzk   tzk   tzk   tzk   tzk 

\\ FederaL Bureau oF Turbo-FoLk Recycling++
   + mythologizing ov past events: dvoeverie
   abduction = kompletely lawful \+\ respectabl

   1x + 1x + 1x + 1 .._-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 21:51:23 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: \\ pop.tartz - yum yum 

\\ Curriculum vitae  [cccp 6161

I grew up with Verdi,
With Bach and Titzian,
Visiting Buonarotti
In verses divine.

Anna Karina winks at me coquettish
As Godard ping-pongs my eye balls 
in  pixels shifting vaguely.

Tarkovski is my friend.
He introduced me to Domiziana
who promptly said I dress very nicely.

My shirt and tie are crafted by Versace
My trousers by Armani
Comme des Garcons warms me in winter
as I step on real bugs in Dolce & Gabbana [calfskin boots

My Costume National scarf flutters in the wind 
as I boil [madly] the oil in my red automobiles, 
Ferrari of Modena + Alfa Romeo of Milano.

I get drunk with Bregovic
who recollects some very foamy bubbles
Latinovic appears and jumps on my Ducati
We undulate into the sleep of growth
+ the depth of 01 izvor ...

I hide my confusion in delirious dreams

My lover is the unpronounceable
I gently slip within NN 

Now, double click me silly!
and watch me dance.


[TM] life accomodations. treats + equipment. generously provided by Europe 2000 
+ 1st world govs everywhere

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 18:42:37 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: \\ pSS.XYy.TAMPon - PRESS RELEASE


what the 2x is endowed with
the male must at great pain + suffering to himself
_periodically_ reproduce by art

bleeding or shall we call it men.struaTING TING TING

now. I make big business with xy.tampon brand
... art -> more art -> more more art -> more more more art 
!!! u just cannot stop bleeding - 0+0 issue

xy.tampon brand absorbs all art.nonsense + creative bleeding
up.tangle: http://www.m9ndfukc.com/xy.tampon/insertion.guide.html

What. How. Toxic Shock Syndrome. Myth \+\ Fakt. oxr97ro1o1


- m9ndfukc.macht.fre!
|   |   | -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net

\\ sirla birla

2005-06-28 Thread integer
>Slovene culture is obsessed with the notion that, although a small nation,
>we are a cultural superpower: We possess some amalgam, a hidden intimate
>treasure of cultural masterpieces that wait to be acknowledged by the wider
>world. Maybe, this treasure is too fragile to survive intact the exposure to
>the fresh air of international competition, like the old Roman frescoes in
>that wonderful scene from Fellini Roma which start to disappear the moment
>the daylight reaches them. Such narcissism is not a Slovene specialty. There
>are versions of it all around Eastern Europe:

We kall it hope.
mine is bigger and more relevant than yours.

>the fresh air of international competition, 

Principle issue is ost.europa life forms still believe in fairy tales
and all occident fairy tales = neutered

>Rejecting such a fixation on the hidden national treasure in no way implies
>ethnic self-hatred. 

NS.  http://www.membank.org/dataset/n/zizek.o.mp3

>The point is a simple and cruel one: All Slovene artists
>who made a relevant contribution had to "betray" their ethnic roots at some
>point, either by isolating themselves from the cultural mainstream in
>Slovenia or by simply leaving the country for some time, living in Vienna or

All slovene artists [as all artists] who have made a "relevant" contribution 
betrayed themselves and became immortal.

>It is the same as with Ireland: not only did James Joyce leave home
>in order to write Ulysses, his masterpiece about Dublin; Yeats himself, the
>poet of Irish national revival, spent years in London. The greatest threats
>to national tradition are its local guardians who warn about the danger of
>foreign influences.

Bunch of sissies. My grandfather would ride his donkey all over their sissy 
occident komponents.

>Furthermore, the Slovene attitude of cultural superiority finds its
>counterpart in the patronizing Western cliche which characterizes the East
>European post-Communist countries as a kind of retarded poor cousins who
>will be admitted back into the family if they can behave properly. Recall
>the reaction of the press to the last elections in Serbia where the
>nationalists gained big-it was read as a sign that Serbia is not yet ready
>for Europe. A similar process is going on now in Slovenia: The fact that
>nationalists collected enough signatures to enforce a referendum about the
>building of a mosque in Ljubljana is sad enough; the fact that the majority
>of the population thinks that one should not allow the mosque is even sadder; 

Majority of the population = always right.
Majority of the population feeds zizek. 
faktz are not sad.

>and the arguments evoked (Should we allow our beautiful countryside
>to be spoiled by a minaret that stands for fundamentalist barbarism?, etc.)
>make one ashamed of being a Slovene. In such cases, the occasional threats
>from Brussels can only appear welcome: Show multiculturalist tolerance.or

Ma daiii. let the belgian. dutch. austrian. german. british etc occident fkz
enter ost.eu + we'll build a forestful of v.relevant art works with them / 
introduce them 
2 that amalgamation of all meaningful serenities


>At the same time, however, it
>reproaches the ruling coalition for undermining Slovene national identity by
>advocating full Slovene integration into the Westernized global capitalism
>and thus drowning Slovenes in contemporary Americanized pop culture. The
>idea is that the ruling coalition sustains pop culture, stupid TV amusement
>and mindless consumption in order to turn Slovenes into an easily
>manipulated crowd, incapable of serious reflection and firm ethical stances.

Sounds like cutting edge artists opening their legs for 1x relevant EU grant

>While pressuring Poland to open its
>agriculture to market competition, Western Europe floods the Polish market
>with agricultural products heavily subsidized from Brussels.

Progress = inevitable = 01 good thing

>How do post-Communist countries navigate in this sea with conflicting winds?

Prostitution = 01 good thing

>"What does Woman want?"

Something Good + Relevant [SGR]

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2005-04-11 Thread integer

\\ t e s t o s t e r o n e . f u m e z

Thinking is always the stumbling block to poetry.

Realtime m9ndfukc + karburant scents at the Autobahn race track, April 
23 + 24
with the Chicago Alfa Romeo club. Several Ferrari's attending, 
inclusive mine.


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#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net

... ce pula mea vreti

2004-09-20 Thread integer
immer schon sprechen ... da maa

>Buna ce mai faci?eu am fost la bucuresti trei zile.Mi-a spus alina ca
>esti plecat prin tara si nu mai stie nimeni nimic de tine de doua
>saptamani.Credeam ca esti in bucuresti in perioada in care am fost si
>eu.Mi-ar fi placut sa ne vedem,sa mai stam de vorba.Sper ca esti bine.
>Poate ne vedem cand vii inapoi in tara.Sper sa primesc vesti de la tine
>cat mai repede.  Te rog suna-i pe ai tai ca sunt ingrijorati.Te pupic

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[no subject]

2004-06-20 Thread integer

  bab! coxome 2 dadd!

dadd! cøme 2 baby

  u go++2 2 2 knou dzat dzere |z| fun2 b h2d

doez pak!ng k!k +?
zøøm t!.mz




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ztrateg!k brand!ng

2003-03-30 Thread integer

u mass murdererz

Algae laid low by soap and toothpaste
Personal care products unbalance stream ecosystems. 
28 March 2003 


Triclosan is common in antimicrobial household products.
© alamy.com

Each spit of toothpaste down the plughole can be a shot of poison for streams,
new research hints1. Chemicals from soaps, deodorants and contraceptives are
reaching river water and cutting the number of different algae for fish and
other animals to feed on. 

The US Geological Survey (USGS) has found traces of pharmaceutical and
personal-care products downstream of water-treatment plants in 139 rivers in
some 30 states2. Streams and rivers near farms and hospitals are more likely to
be contaminated than others. 

Waste water is cleaned before being re-introduced into the environment, but
many facilities fail to remove all household chemicals and antibiotics. "We're
evaluating the different types of treatments on these chemicals," says Herb
Buxton, coordinator of the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program.

But finding these antimicrobial compounds in the river system is just the
beginning, Buxton explains. "The next step is to look at sensitive ecosystems
and determine the ecological significance [of the pollution]."

Val Smith of the University of Kansas, Lawrence, and his colleagues have done
just that. "We asked 'how does a real-world community of algae respond to these
compounds?'" he explains. Smith's team took algae samples from Cedar Creek,
near Olathe, Kansas, 25 meters downstream of a plant that treats three million
gallons of sludge each day.

In the lab, the antibiotic ciprofloxacin - often used to treat urinary-tract
infections - and the antimicrobial triclosan - commonly found in acne soaps and
antiseptic chopping-boards - eliminated one or two species of algae from the
stream community, says Smith. 

No organism is ever exposed to a single chemical in isolation 

Christian Daughton
Environmental Protection Agency

Tergitol, a component of hair dyes and spermicides, had the most significant
effects. It halved the number of algal types and reduced the overall volume of
algae by more than three-quarters. This finding will feed into future USGS
surveys, says Buxton: tergitol was not measured in the last one. Smith had to
make a best guess at an environmentally reasonable concentration. 

But individual compounds are just part of the story. "No organism is ever
exposed to a single chemical in isolation," says Christian Daughton of the
Environmental Protection Agency in Las Vegas. "The biggest unknown right now is

"The biggest unknown right now is interactions." - nou = 01 !nterakz!on

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\\ regime change

2003-03-29 Thread integer

>From: Clay Chaplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hi LEV . ..
>The list is off until I find someone else to admin it.  I should be 
>able to find someone in the next day or two and get the web pages 
>updated. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Dear Clay

NN would be glad to undertake the task of administering LEV. You and other western 
may be assured there shall not be any censorship and/or danger of censorship or 
surreptitious maneuvers.
And after all, as Syndicate has shown, a coalition of women and men from the East and 
is a simply.superior solution.

I would still like to understand, if you can afford it, why I was 
surreptitiously unsubscribed.

I am not an insect. There is not one thing more demeaning
and stressful, hurtful and damaging than being forcefully 
and surreptitiously set aside.

You and others should consider being more attentive to the manner
in which you wield your powers of suffocating real people. 
Some day, some very wounded person or other may hurt herself / himself ...


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Re: Fw: [Nettime-ro] total fertility rate

2003-03-14 Thread integer
>the reason i am posting this is the unexpected twist it takes on the demography
>crisis when it points at the wise US policies of encouraging immigration even
>in those sour times of anti-terro effort, therefore ensuring for itself on
>medium term the position of savior of Western civilization. (see especially
>last paragraph)  the olde-Europe vs. virile-America (what is America, once
>more? - I thought there are more countries in that continent).

draga calin

as you very well aware are the new york times isnt precisely the organ of 
repeated joys among the simply.superior 
[.ro l!f 4rmz = dzat b! default - dez!gur]

fertility rate one other factor is. one other is - in our v.modern society 
in addition to freedom + power humans expect privacy*
particularly in the united states of america (as you indicate a nameless 
country indeed)

0. ie. the number of single households has increased dramatically
2. ie. the land size necessary to maintain life functions in a human being 
has increased
4. ie. the issue isn't only the number of mostly disposable [in my extremely 
humble opinion] humans

in other words the new york times article is partly disposable.

<=> 0.2.4. conducive are to lowered unsanitary activities + increased personal 
introspection [no doubt]

servus. nn

* love may be purchased - very affordably [ost.europa = simply.SUPERIOR

>- Original Message -
>From: "Sebastian Bertalan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:14 PM
>Subject: [Nettime-ro] total fertility rate
>> The New York Times, 2003 March 08
>> It Will Be a Smaller World After All

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\\ !nternet refr!gertr

2003-03-06 Thread integer
> I've known of antiorp for many years (she used to 
>infect some lists I was on at the time, circa Œ94-96), 

nn.z shar!ng kop!ouz laughtr ovr u guezd !t - telefon
about dze forthkom!ng dekade an!verzar!

4uard momvnt ov un!td human!t!

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\\ ult!matl! lv kan do u!th zee!ng rezp!te

2003-03-06 Thread integer
tina asked

>NATO.0+55 for OSX ... tell me what you know

I don't know anything. I just listen to an oyster shell as I lean out of
an amalgam of dreams intoxicating international boulevards. sliding delicately + not 
delicately the depth of submarine precipices, illuminating .5 path towards the 
registration - in reality 
1x crime skating in abstract clouds.

Before NATO.0+55 for OSX we shall experience NATO.0+55 for David Zicarelli's 
supermarket clearance of ... others soapy minds [politely speaking ... u!!!ztl whistle]

Never did NN consent to being kidnapped by the benadryl-intoxicated smueuerf mafia + 
being sold in little italy to over 18 but not precisely so swine, despite their 
attorney's xy-comical 
[politely speaking ... whistle glare] delirium that NN's skirt was too delicious and 
they just couldn't 
help themselves to ... the eternal agonies of swine. 

With a less than dreamy gaze NN wonders what twisted metals hide in modern swine 

We understand that a tea-bag containing white and black sand will require superlative 
shaking and perhaps a candle and a prayer before the black and white granules have 
drifted apart 
completely, mais ... short.fat.weasel swine metabolism could be more considerate of 
NN's plastic birds.

The sounds in the kitchen will expertly + legally conclude in the infernal heat of 
_summer at which intersection
I shall playfully dip my USDA approved fingernails into individual Cycling74 capsules' 
... because when I cook I simply adore thousands of little scents to run up and down 
my cerebral hemispheres. 
Don't you +? Tamed visions + modernized pleasures...

And so my fairy tales shall care.ss the wild west altars again - care free + stain 
t!l dzn ...

amorously - NN   \\ flok!ng !n elekt narkot!kx






  e [k x t ! n k z ! ø n

dze f!\nn\al traum . f!\nn\al traum 

  || !dent!faz!on prosesz 2 asez 
uether 2x knotz
   kan b tu!ztd !n2 1x !dent!kl 
4rm _...

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dze plzr ov muz!k = dzat !t !z > eaz!l! abztraktd 4rom a r!g!d mean!ng ov dze veLt

2003-03-01 Thread integer
Paul D. Miller inside

>It seems pretty clear, but hey, this is Nettime 

Paul, much as our selves, it is clear - where we are there is no here.

Nettime is 40+ year old white Americans mothering your white diapers sanitary.
bathing you in amniotic fluid. nourishing your climax.

ie. I am not unknown to you. 

I need 2 say. YOU.
Nor do I wish to say. TRUST.
4 I know that this is LANGUAGE
with which we recognized + greeted one other ...

>fuck off.

I forgot my handkerchief...

NOW ... let us master pain + concentrate enchanting circles into exceptional stories 
within stories

>If you have more of an idea of the notion of 
>how pop culture works, 

The reversed process of pushing + popping your stack

>wildstyle access:

Every thought recalls a capsized smile

>It always amazes 

Let me ask you ... 

>me how we 

Consciousness enjoys condiments. Do you

>think of it as a hybrid of what Marcel Duchamp 
>was working on with the "Rrose C'est La Vie" persona, or Andy Warhol. 
>Just metaphors, but metaphors that work in a large scale global 

Euripides explained 25oo years prior to your brain that owing to dopamine+ brains need 
sex -
in particular 2x human brains  [paradoxes creep in

>encode culture with so many layers of 

Emotion is independent of outward behaviour and vice versa.
Emotions contain ideas. Outward behaviour does not.
Ultimately a snake slithers across your path and you [have 222] lose your mind
[pleasurable circumstances -> 0 thoughts]

Consciousness is the building block of private property.


NOW is the logikal konklusion of western capitalism.
Everything has been said provided pleasure does not change its meaning
and meaning its bodies.

>this article brings home a point I think is really strong

As your personal holistic sediment of self

>-  how we can think of a kind of "intuitive" mathematics - 

Let me climb into your body

>steganography writ large, so to speak, like William Gibson's new 
>novel "Pattern Recognition" (his best book in years). Like 
>"Bigend" (marauding venture capitalist turned advertising guru in the 
>novel - Gibson understands ADVERTISING as a kind of Situationist 
>detournement - unlike so many people on the old "left" - here's a 
>blurb from his spiel on why advertising is the global vernacular for 
>this kind of "coded language" - if only the "old left" could get how 
>things change... funny how people you would expect to be
>1) alot smarter
>2) alot more dynamic

Extensive experience can impede creativity.
Cognitive psychologists utilize two terms to describe it: fixation and structured 
Fixation, oftenly referred to as "mental rut"--is characterized by the inability 
to switch from an inappropriate solution approach to a more productive one or to 
familiar objects in an unfamiliar way.

Structured imagination is the common tendency not to deviate from what is already 
known. [eg. the self

Humans are unable to share that which they know until they can put it into
high level symbolic form.  More importantly humans are very poor at updating 
what they know because they have no efficient delete key.

>seem like ossified Redwood trees in this day and age where 
>detournement has become the global carnival of NOW. 

The blind + unquestioning devotion lifed by Nazi rallies \1930's\ + Kommunist parades 
represents emotion 
ignited by the triumph of the moment. It was pure emotion unleashed + permitted to 
swirl freely ... 

The type of emotion experienced during an orgasm. at a rave. a crime of passion. 
dropping urban condiments [crystals]
and vice versa ... emotion untempered by personal memories. meaning and most 
importantly - the self
ie. loss of individuality is highly pleasurable

Testosterone + dopamine levels in humans are highest [2 l!f konsc!ouznesz or frktr !t]
hence ... after the electrical blip acts as a trigger use your personal m9nd

Hold mY hand 
Begin compression and decompression

Memory records and memory traces. Nature hears nurture's voice in the movements of 
through membrane channels - painfully, extended.

As the human brain evolves into a more extravagant + more expe\ansive brain
the shift from dependence on NATURE to dependence on NURTURE becomes
more pronounced ...

NURTURE - Individuality
NATURE  - End Individuality 

ko mplex zm Yle

\\ language end reason - begin pleasure

>You ain't in 
>Kansas (or perhaps Belgrade) 

Paul - if you visit Balkan I will ask you to dance ... 
to the joy of man's desire  [memory links come from experience - 
meaningful - 


Adolf proclaimed dancing effeminate. Subsequently Germany dropped `science` + science 
and danced \+ globally\
Fists are feminine

Re: Dow and Verio shut down thing.net, rtmark.com, theyesmen.org, dow-chemical.com, nettime. etc etc bov!nez

2002-12-07 Thread integer

>Howdy there,

kou boy

>It is quite dramatic how much more both Dow and Verio esteem Dow's image over
>the 20,000 people dead from Bhopal over the years, plus the estimated 500,000
>suffering permanent damage over the years from the catastrophe--which has STILL
>not been cleaned up 18 years later! They esteem the Dow image so much, in fact,
>that they don't mind wiping an entire activist and artistic network right off
>the face of the internet, indefinitely!

as if thing.net. nettime. etc okzident !tch! b!tch! pop.t-art konglome.ratz differ 
from dow

okzident neo-fascist bovines


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#   is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
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[no subject]

2002-11-16 Thread integer
 [orig to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

>> a non.
>> ma!z !t != alterz dze ztate ov rh!zome.org.
>> az all art organ!zaz!on rh!zome.org = korporat begarz
>May I ask your opinion of Corporate Beggars?

v!raj _...

01 u!fe 4 01 huzband
01 ma!d 4 01 ent!r fam!l!
01 zekretar! 4 01 ent!r f!rm
... [gezt!kulaz!e] und tzo va!tr

>May I ask your opinion of Corporate Beggars?

zuposz !t !z a l!f zt!le ma!z
= 01 ultra tr!zt 1 ___... uen v!eud
4rom outz!de dze art velt. outz!de due 2 
mozt art relatd gala zpektaklz = frekuentd b!
z!m!larl! domezt!katd perzonagez [2 b pol!te]
z!ng!ng dze latezt refra!n hop!ng 4 a handout.

d!f!klt komprehend!ng hou 1 kan b zat!zf!ed
u!th zuch zrv!le kompan! [part!kularl! !f 1 !z 2x

perzonal! = much prfr mor dangerouz l!f 4rmz [= true dzat mozt = th!evez
+ unread 1nz at dzat ma!z ... at ver! leazt 1 !z forszd 2 rema!n auake

> -m
>> uork!ng dze ztreetz r u +?

= uat hav azkd dze pol!ze! uho tr!umfantl! handd m! a v.nt!!! zpeed!ng t!ket
he glor!ouzl! anzuerd - !ez !!!

je zper dze! = ut!l!sz dze mone! 2 updat dze!r un!formz. != v.zekz!

>it's a long story

 ... tu za!z = zuzpkt not ever! 1 kan ___... aaa shl ue za! _ a e + o engage !n 
zuch h!gh prof!l
+ !nter perzonl korporat rout!nz ___... alora = 01 kompl!mnt !n 01 sensz ... cezt vra! 
+cezt vra!

godard: ! took a great !nterezt !n zuch h!gh prof!l + !nter perzonl korporat 

pasol!n!: ou! ou!. mo! auss! !

deta!l zpongez - zuept aua!

#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#   is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body
#  archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[no subject]

2002-11-12 Thread integer
>X-Sequence: 743
>Precedence: list
>X-no-archive: yes
>Subject: [syndicate] Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Care2 E-Card from mark tribe
>Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--=_1037088428-655-184"
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

aa. mor d!g!tl nonzensz

! UANT 2 dr!!!

non.non.non. DR!!! + ultra 

ovr ur m!me 4matz

ver! ver! fatt

unt!l !t = total! deztrod

non.non.non. u do not undrztnd.

! mean total! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 
deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! deztrodtotal! 

>Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Hi Valery
>It seems like you may have touched a nerve in Mr.Tribe.
>A politician he is not.
>on 11/9/02 5:11 AM, valery grancher at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> --- valery grancher a crit : > as a contribitor last 2 years I would
>> like to
>>> clarify one point to make my
>>> decision this year :
>>> Rhizome campaign : is it a campaign for a non profit
>>> organization? or for
>>> mark Tribe artpiece ?
>> herefater the ans wer I got from mark tribe, no comment, just one
>> point: agressive isn't it ?
>> I guess it is normal to ask regarding this statement in new langton,
>> and the request in my email box to bring found and money, it is normal for
>> me to mke clear if I'm sponsorizing a community through rhizome or Mark
>> TRibe through rhizome ?
>> I suggest nothing, i put closed to each other one demand to one
>> statement from mark !
>> so what's wrong ?
>> we are under dictatorship ?
>> mark reply :
>> ok i would reply in bulk to your bull, coz virst ov all i am a liar &
>> a swine as an artpiece, coz i virst kick you out of rhizome and you give me
>> money back all ze same, dare to sez ze reverse so i am found to sez your
>> brain are kind of clay i could molt for doing my polpot pyramide, the rest
>> ov my complit scorn zigurat to climb to the heaven of netart imbecility az
>> netart would be done with all crane of the zuper cretinouz ov all rhizome
>> subscriber, get it, zo i am found to claim rezponsability of zis social
>> polspotting sculptur, the epitome would be all the super cretinouz ov my
>> polpot sponzor community, i am a swine you are hypocritez i.e. you are
>> froggy i am yankiz & we can do disgusting buziness and calling it 'art', so
>> mizter granchez befor i kick in you head for a pass to zidane where is the
>> probleme

>befor i kick in you head

letz dr!v mizter yanki kr!ket

ue.ll z uho !z uear!ng dze trouzerz

good ztr!kez l!ke dze thundrbolt
[!n zerv!sz ov v!rtue b!enzur

+ a b!t ov ultra v!olensz
= l!ghtz up juzt!sz
l!ke a flash ov hap!nesz

z - dze ztarz = sh!n!ng br!!ght

[bkz ! = !n dze mood

phpz !.ll tear out dze!r tonguez
+ dze! u!l konfusz !t u!th plzr

bkz ! refer 2 m! zelv
az abztrakt prov!densz

+ ! m dze reuard ov m! oun re!gn
u!th no reuard but h!ztor! + dze prezent

bkz ! d!zl!ke pouer - uat an apal!ng !dea
+ ! m kruel + u!cked

+ !f rezort 2 pure reazon !t = 2 z!lensz m! zelv
+ ! m !n dze mood

! hav a zoz!al kontrakt
! kanot akzept dz!ngz az dze! r
bkz ! m !n a mood feroc!ouz
+ ! uant dzm brokn + !mposzd upon
b! dze lau ov konkrete klar!t!

fa!th !z not enough
a pol!sz forsz !z needed az uel

! uant ur m!zer! 2 flour!sh
az a god

!m tak!ng u uear u uant 2 b

l!ke a balloon ov heaven empt!

and I u!l b ur truth
I shl kreate u 4rom dze ordr ov dz!ngz

u shl b good

and u shl obe! m!

4 I m u

+ u shl dr!nk m! 2 dze 
