Alan Sondheim has a great google earth screenshot thing of the famous letters
somewhere on some hills in California. It is at , the beuys is
still missing, well what is a big vendors licence (BVL)?

And what is "SMS of Mobile Multimedia"? Do people really use their mobile phone
cameras for movies? says yes!

Anyway, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung had a New York Times supplement on "Hollywood 
the Online Pirates", selected articles, on 05. 09., and there is the central
misunderstanding again on page 1.

A "Mr Jackson" is quoted, and this remark reminded to a discussion I had with
Stephan Sp. of Berliner Zeitung fame on Sebastians struggle with Reemtsma on 
obscure Adorno Text: "No studio is going to finance a film if the point is 
where their possible profitsmargin goes straight into criminals' pockets"

There are no such pockets, well, not in, and the only new film
that was ever screened there was the premiere of some message movie, where is 
obviously ok, but in other cases it may be a problem. Maybe the "Weinerei
Economics" could help, first class restaurants in Berlin with cooks, that work
like DJs, where you pay what you think is appropriate.


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