RE: nettime cartoons? come on.

2006-02-23 Thread Ayhan Aytes
I don't know the Algiers but I know that Napoleon, during his Egypt
campaign, disseminated among Arabs a rumor about him being a secret
convert to Islam, just to make things a little easier for his army. But
meanwhile at home for French audience Josephine was commissioning
orientalist paintings that depicts Arabs in inhumane conditions
benefiting from Napoleon's divine benevolence. I think the colonizers
of today are pretty much stuck with one global audience that they can
not play the same propaganda tricks and the cartoon crisis is a good
example of that. But the most curious thing is the fact that besides all
these free flow of news, the audience at home is still ready to affirm
the paintings/cartoons of Josephine with the same kind of zeal:

Ayhan Aytes

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Heiko Recktenwald
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:37 AM
To: nettime
Subject: Re: nettime cartoons? come on.

What matters most is inhowfar there is one common will expressed in the
Muslim world. Massacres in Nigeria, Riots in Lybia, is this all the
same? Is this the other side of the war on terror?

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nettime cartoons? come on.

2006-02-19 Thread Sasha Costanza-Chock
Is this conversation _STILL_ revolving around the inane, ahistorical, simplified
meme that this protest wave is actually about free expression / religious 
OMFG. You'd think from the posts on this thread so far that there was no war and
occupation in the region. No permanent military bases. No torture, extrajudicial
killings, death squads. No settler state. No military targeting journalists. and
on and on and on. 

  Can we please shift the conversation from the back and forth of the rights
regime (free speech! freedom of religion! World Leaders Agreed it's Universal!) 
the reality of empire, war, and occupation that is the real fuel for the 
'cartoon protests.'


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Re: nettime cartoons? come on.

2006-02-19 Thread Florian Cramer
Am Samstag, 18. Februar 2006 um 21:50:45 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Sasha 
   Can we please shift the conversation from the back and forth of the rights
 regime (free speech! freedom of religion! World Leaders Agreed it's 
 Universal!) to
 the reality of empire, war, and occupation that is the real fuel for the 
 'cartoon protests.'

It is not the real fuel. The fuel are Middle Eastern regimes that choreographed
and coordinated those protests. They were perfect to get their people in line 
create an outlet for their political frustration that wouldn't endanger the
regimes and the violent suppression of free speech and political freedom in 
countries. Besides, Middle Eastern politics cannot be reduced to a simple
black-vs.-white, good-vs.-evil scheme with one evil empire pulling the 
(Isn't it remarkable how Negri/Hardt use a concept coined by Star Wars and
Ronald Reagan?) Conspiciously absent from this debate, for example, are the
Iranian threats to Israel and the Holocaust revisionist conference taking place
there - only because people in Israel or Western countries don't mass-protest
against that, and aren't burning down Iranian embassies?

Don't let yourself manipulate by propaganda and intelligence work. It is
impossible to burn down an embassy without the local government at (the very)
least tolerating it.



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